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Fw: Saranagathi Saama Veda Upaakarmaa : DEva --Rishi-- Pithru TarpaNams : PART II

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Dear Vaidhikaas & AnushtAthaas :


Now , we will cover the TarpaNams for six more DEvAs

following the first one for Agni .



Saama Veda TARPAnAMS: Deva TarpaNams



TarpaNam for Indra (7th of the 264 TarpaNams)


We will continue with the tarpaNam for Indra ,

another celebrated deva in Saama Vedam .

It is the 7th in order of TarpaNams after

the TarpaNams for (2) Brahma ( the Creator

ordained by Bhagavaan) ,(3) Soma: ( Chandran

and Soma Rasam) , (4) Siva: , (5)PrajApathi: ,

and (6) Savithaa .


TarpaNam for Brahma


Brahma is listed as one of the trinity : Brahma-VishNu-Siva .

PurANAs refer to them having the duties of Creation , Sustenance

and dissolution . Theological questions have been raised

about the place of VishNu among this trinity . Upanishads

and AzhwAr Paasurams have clearly indicated that

Brahman recognized as Sriman Narayanan in VisshtAdhvaitham

is the cause of Creation ( Janma) , sustenance( Sthithi) and

dissolution ( PraLayaa) of the world . Brahman is the Supreme

Para Tatthvam , which is responsible for all the three functions.

VishNu NaarAyaNan has been established as the creator of

Brahma and Siva , while assigning Himself the role of Protector .

Mundaka Upanishad speaks of ( Chathur mukha ) Brahma as

the first Deity ( dEvaa) to be created by Brahman .From Brahma

arose Rudran .


To this first deva is offered the TarpaNam .Two stages of Creation are

visualized in the PaancharAthra Aagamam : Samashti ( aggregate one )

and Vyashti ( diversified one).VyUha VasudEvan ( different from Para

VasudEvan) is the originator of the Samashti Srushti . For the Vyashti Srushti

Brahma is created after the BrahmANDa (Cosmic Egg) is formed .The same

VyUha VaasudEva enters next in the body of Brahma thru anupravEsam

and starts the Vyashti Srushti .


The same VyUha VaasudEvan enters the body of Rudran

so that he can execute his duties during the Vyashti PraLayam .

VyUha VaasudEvan in the form of Aniruddhan engages in

Vyashti-Sthithi .


Chathurmukha Brahma is thus the First dEva and as such

is the object of TarpaNam after Agni because of his role

in Vyashti Srushti .


We will take up the next six tarpaNams ,

while we arrive at the TarpaNam for Indhra

at the end of the coverage of Seven .

The 7th TarpaNam following that of Savithaa

is for Indhran among the Devaas:


" Indhra: thrupyathu" .


The Saamans 115 to 585 are dedicated to Indra

as the Supreme Reality and this section is known

therfore as " Aindra Parvaa". The antharyAmi Brahman

inside Indra , the Satha Krathu ( the performer of hundred

Yaj~nAs ) is addressed here.


Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil V.Sadagopan

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