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nAnmugan thiruvandhAdhi-93

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Sri Parthasarathi thunai


Srimathe ramanujaya Namaha


Srimad Vara Vara munayE Namaha


Sri vAnAchala mahA munayE Namaha







*"pidirum manamilEn pinjnagan thaNNOdum*


* Edirvanava enakku nErAn-adhirum*


* kazharkAla mannanaiyE kaNNanaiyE nAlum*


* tozhumkAdal poondEn thozil"*


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Emperuman is exceptional in charity and I am peculiar for my devotion

declares thirumazhisaipiran.




(pidirum manamilEn) I do not have a wavering mind. My mind is stranded in

bhagavat vishayam.




Is there anyone like you?




(pinjnagan thaNNodum edirvan) "eeshvarAt jnanamanvichchEth" [mAtsya 67-41]

[Aspire knowledge from siva] I am on par with siva (filled with knowledge

and capable to grant the same to others) in this aspect.




Then are you equal to siva?




(avan enakku nErAn) No in many other aspects he cannot match me. While

filled with sattva guna rudra prostrates emperuman realizing him to be the

supreme. But at other times while filled with rajo tamo gunas he even goes

to the extent of fighting a war against the lord considering himself to be

the all supreme. How can he then be called equal to azhvar?








(adhirum kazharkAla mannanaiyE) The lord who wears the ornament of valour in

his anklets that constantly makes noise since he is tenaciously fighting all

the enemies of his devotees. This shows his greatness (paratvam)




(kaNNanaiyE) Krishna, born as a cow boy showing his simplicity (sowlabhyam)




(nAlum thozhum thozhil) my only job is to worship that lord filled with both

greatness and simplicity daily.




(kAdhal pooNdEn) I am not doing it for some results but it is due to my

devotion I always engage myself in bhagavat bhakthi.




Can rudra who even went to the extent of fighting against Krishna in the

bhAnAsura yuddha ever equate me who is always meditating on the divine acts

and qualities of Krishna with utmost love and devotion?




At this point our poorvacharyas rightly quote the episode of dialogue

between rudra and thirumazhisaipiran. Rudra himself crowned

thirumazhisaipiran with the name "bhakthisarar" [essence of bhakthi] that

has to be recollected here.




* (To Be Continued)***




Azhvar emperumAnAr Jeeyer thiruvadigalE sharaNam




Adiyen ramanuja dAsee


Sumithra Varadarajan




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