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Malefic Moon

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Pranam Vistiji;


My Moon (AK) is weak (Conj with Mars in Rashi chart 11th House) and

debilitated in the 12th (In scorpio with Rahu) in Navamsa. Do I need to

wear Pearl or recite some mantras. Pl guide me as to how do i

strenghten it.

Libra Asc; Mer and Ketu in 1st house.

Hope this info would suffice.


Pranam again.





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My suggestion

Your are libra lagna,Moon in the 11th house in Simha with Mars(2nd & 7th lord) 10th lord in conjunction with 2nd & 7th lord can't be consired as weak.In Navamsa it is with Rahu will reduce his positive attributed only make your mentaly over exited.It is not worth to put on pearl.You rather consider yoga karagas for libra lagna for the above purpose.please display full horoscope.



Atul Sharma <atul_yh > wrote:

Pranam Vistiji;


My Moon (AK) is weak (Conj with Mars in Rashi chart 11th House) and

debilitated in the 12th (In scorpio with Rahu) in Navamsa. Do I need to

wear Pearl or recite some mantras. Pl guide me as to how do i

strenghten it.

Libra Asc; Mer and Ketu in 1st house.

Hope this info would suffice.


Pranam again.










Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less.

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Resp Malika;


My Chart



Natal Chart


October 12, 1966

Time: 7:33:13 am

Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)

Place: 73 E 20' 00", 18 N 47' 00"

KHOPOLI, Unknown

Altitude: 137.00 meters


Lunar Yr-Mo: Parabhava - Bhadrapada

Tithi: Krishna Trayodasi (Ju) (43.92% left)

Vedic Weekday: Wednesday (Me)

Nakshatra: Poorva Phalguni (Ve) (7.65% left)

Yoga: Brahma (Ma) (95.78% left)

Karana: Vanija (Ve) (87.84% left)

Hora Lord: Moon (5 min sign: Le)

Mahakala Hora: Mercury (5 min sign: Le)

Kaala Lord: Mercury (Mahakala: Venus)


Sunrise: 6:33:12 am

Sunset: 6:13:13 pm

Janma Ghatis: 2.5008


Ayanamsa: 23-23-22.24

Sidereal Time: 8:17:22







| \ / \ Ve / |

| \ Gk / \ Su / |

| \ / \ / |

| \ / Me \ / |

| \ / \ / AL |

|GL Md x HL As x Ma Mo |

| / \ / \ |

| / \ Ke / \ |

| / \ / \ |

| / \ 7 / \ |

| / \ / \ |

| x Ju |

| \ / \ / |

| \ / \ / |

| \ / \ / |

| \ / \ / |

| \ / \ / |

| x Ra x |

| / \ / \ |

| / \ / \ |

| / \ / \ |

| / SaR \ / \ |

| / \ / \ |



Navamsa D-9


| \ / \ Ra / |

| \ / \ Mo / |

| \ / \ / |

| \ / \ / |

| \ / \ / |

|Me Gk x As x |

| / \ / \ |

| / \ / \ |

| / \ / \ |

| / \ 9 / \ |

| / \ / \ |

| AL x Ju |

| \ / \ / |

| \ / \ / |

| \ / \ / |

| \ / GL \ / |

| \ / \ / |

| x Ve x Su |

| / \ / \ |

| / \ / \ |

| / Md \ / \ |

| / Ma \ / SaR \ |

| / Ke HL \ / \ |




Body Longitude Nakshatra Pada Rasi Navamsa


Lagna 8 Li 53' 46.19" Swat 1 Li Sg

Sun - AmK 24 Vi 54' 58.83" Chit 1 Vi Le

Moon - AK 25 Le 38' 46.27" PPha 4 Le Sc

Mars - PK 6 Le 12' 03.37" Magh 2 Le Ta

Mercury - MK 15 Li 27' 38.14" Swat 3 Li Aq

Jupiter - PiK 8 Cn 34' 26.45" Push 2 Cn Vi

Venus - BK 17 Vi 46' 16.45" Hast 3 Vi Ge

Saturn ® - DK 1 Pi 12' 37.40" PBha 4 Pi Cn

Rahu - GK 24 Ar 12' 52.18" Bhar 4 Ar Sc

Ketu 24 Li 12' 52.18" Visa 2 Li Ta

Maandi 4 Sg 24' 17.08" Mool 2 Sg Ta

Gulika 24 Sc 30' 28.71" Jye 3 Sc Aq

Uranus 28 Le 24' 36.86" UPha 1 Le Sg

Neptune 27 Li 18' 51.08" Visa 3 Li Ge

Pluto 25 Le 56' 22.57" PPha 4 Le Sc

Bhava Lagna 9 Li 52' 47.47" Swat 1 Li Sg

Hora Lagna 24 Li 53' 04.61" Visa 2 Li Ta

Ghati Lagna 9 Sg 53' 56.05" Mool 3 Sg Ge

Vighati Lagna 24 Cn 58' 13.23" Asre 3 Cn Aq

Varnada Lagna 8 Ta 53' 46.19" Aswi 1 Ta Ta

Sree Lagna 11 Vi 20' 35.49" Hast 1 Vi Ar




, Malika maruthi <mesham54




> My suggestion

> Your are libra lagna,Moon in the 11th house in Simha with Mars

(2nd & 7th lord) 10th lord in conjunction with 2nd & 7th lord can't

be consired as weak.In Navamsa it is with Rahu will reduce his

positive attributed only make your mentaly over exited.It is not

worth to put on pearl.You rather consider yoga karagas for libra

lagna for the above purpose.please display full horoscope.


> Thanks

> mesham54


> Atul Sharma <atul_yh wrote:

> Pranam Vistiji;


> My Moon (AK) is weak (Conj with Mars in Rashi chart 11th House) and

> debilitated in the 12th (In scorpio with Rahu) in Navamsa. Do I

need to

> wear Pearl or recite some mantras. Pl guide me as to how do i

> strenghten it.

> Libra Asc; Mer and Ketu in 1st house.

> Hope this info would suffice.


> Pranam again.


> Rgds


> Atul








> Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and

30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less.


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|Hare Rama Krsna|

Dear Atul, Namaskar.

Normally we advise mantras for the atmakaraka. Please give your

horoscope. You should definitely not wear pearl.

Yours sincerely,


Visti Larsen

Email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com

For Consultations and Articles visit: http://srigaruda.com




Atul Sharma wrote:


> Pranam Vistiji;


> My Moon (AK) is weak (Conj with Mars in Rashi chart 11th House) and

> debilitated in the 12th (In scorpio with Rahu) in Navamsa. Do I need to

> wear Pearl or recite some mantras. Pl guide me as to how do i

> strenghten it.

> Libra Asc; Mer and Ketu in 1st house.

> Hope this info would suffice.


> Pranam again.


> Rgds


> Atul



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