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Rudraksha for forgiveness and doubt of others

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Russell, maybe subconsciously you were being too hard or harsh on

yourself. If this is the case, then this forms a barrier or

barricade in the mind that prevent healthy perceptions and insight

into things and the actions of others.


It also can blind us to seeing good instead of bad. Its positive to

look for the good in others and try to see the good even in bad

situations. Then solutions are easily found and emotional

disharmony will diminish and disappear.


However, if you had been let down all the time and received hard

knock after hard knock relentlessly, then it becomes harder of

course, to see the good in things and people. But this can be fixed

with "Personal Cognition Therapy" by first being gentle and kind to



Then analyze why things happened the way they did or why people did

lousy things to you the way they acted. Going within and meditating

on these things often brings answers. The best and kindest thing you

can do for yourself is to find Detachment and see it all as being

Leela and Maya. As Shakespeare put it "All the world's a stage."

(Sometimes I wondered if he was Hindu in a past life :))


The "suspecting others" sometimes can also result from childhood

role models and peers. The mind has the power to "unlearn" this

trait and completely let go. It is a positive sign that you realise

that this is not in the core of your being (insight). This is a good

start !


Great that you're on the path of learning never to blame yourself or

others and satisfied with your personal progress -- this is

another "Positive", a positive achievement, good on you Russell.


Since you feel more comfortable with a bracelet, a Saraswati

bracelet will certainly assist. If you happen to be prone to being

easily emotionally upset, then adding a pair of 2 mukh to the

bracelet will assist even further. This bracelet will serve as the

firm reminder that you require and its electromagnetic properties

will subtly and gradually remove doubts and enhance the ability to



Rudra Centre in Mumbai has small, medium, large and giant sized

Nepali beads. For a bracelet, you might require small beads if you

don't want chunky beads.


Please write directly to Ms. Neetaji at rudracentre (AT) hotmail (DOT) com and

she will tell you about the sizes of small Nepali or Indian beads,

or maybe even suggest using Java beads if you like real tiny sizes.

As mentioned before, she is a kind, gracious lady who will assist

you in selecting the best combination and custom-making

specifications suitable for any individual.






, "Russell

Christopher" <russch wrote:


> Thank you.


> I think the way I phrased my question made it sound like I was

being too

> hard on myself (and perhaps I am!).


> The "suspecting others" trait is a quality of myself I would like

to change,

> but I know that it is not who I am in my core - just a trait that

I notice

> from time to time and don't like. I am on the path of learning to

not blame

> myself and not blame others (forgiveness) and more or less

satisfied with my

> progress.


> I was wondering that perhaps a simple physical reminder (perhaps

an article

> of jewelry, like a bracelet) would help keep these thoughts more

firmly in

> my mind throughout the day, however. And if I wear a bracelet, I

would like

> it to be a rudraksh because of all the other benefits. I hope I am


> sense J


> I currently wear a mala of mukhs 1/9/11/Gauri Shankar & smaller 5


> beads. If there is anything else you can suggest I would be

grateful ..and

> maybe nothing else is even necessary.


> Jai Gurudev,

> Russell

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