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Tamil Holy Text for GuNg

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Vanakkam and special thanks to Brothers John Tan and George Pillai

from Singapore for enlightening us. George, your excellent input

(Verse from Siddha Nandidevar) is greatly appreciated :))






, george pillai

<george.pillai wrote:


> Greetings to all Bro's and Sisters.


> Below is a Verse from Siddha Nandidevar:


> To begin a yogic discipline, the votive offering must be be made

to Vignesvara. Taking in the breath uttering the mantric syllable Om-

Sri- Gang one must offer plenty of fruits, cocnuts, puffed rice,

blackgram cakes and pancakes to the Lord. Flowers and scented

unguents also must be offered to propitiate Him. The day one

performs worship to Vignesvara, one's mind will get controlled

automatically. One would be blessed by the Lord who is verily the

image of the primal syllable, Aum. Hence begin with Vignesvara puja,

says the siddha Nandidevar.


> The language of the siddhas is suggestive and paradoxical. It is

called sandhya-bhasa or Twilight language, Which means that the

ideas may be explained either by the light of the day or by the

dakness of the night.


> Mantric Syllable Gung or Gang its difficult to spell out from

tamil or give a direct translation. It's advisable to get or listen

this mantras from ones Guru.


> Most of the Mantric Syllable of Siddhas are silent. They are not

said aloud and they are kept as a secret. Most of it are used while

doing Meditation and to achieve certain powers.


> Mantric Syllable Gang / Gung is not only used for Vignesvara.

Its also used for other deities.


> Below are few Mantric Syllable from Siddha Agastya. Siddha also

suggest the fruits the mantra bears.


> Mantric Syllable (Om- Gang- Shivayah) ==Sakti's Grace Achieved.



> Mantric Syllable (Ung- Rim- Sivaya- Nama) ==Bestows Moksa.



> Mantric Syllable (Kiliyum- Nama- Sivaya)==Bestows Immortality.



> Mantric Syllable (Gang- Ung- King- Naci- Aum)==Kamadenu ( the

celestial cow that fulfills all the needs) will come and serve.



> Mantric Syllable (Aum- Gang- Civ- Vung- Sivaya)==One can run on

the seas.

> (Tatpurusa)


> Mantric Syllable(Cang- Sivaya- Nama)==The celestial court will

be displayed.

> (Vamedeva)


> At some places the same mantric syllabe will be used for other

corresponding benefits.


> The above mantric syllable's are based on five faces of lord


> They are Vamedeva, (northward)

> Tatpurasa (southward)

> Satyojata (westward)

> Agora (southward)

> Isana (Upward)

> ( There is also a sixth face called Adho-mugam, face looking



> There are more but i think the above should help. As Bro John

have said: Ones Guru knows what is the best for us at that

particular time.


> Yours

> George Pillai

> Om Namah Shivaya






> John Tan <bejohn46 wrote:

> Greetings and respects to everyone,


> We, Bro George and myself, were just discussing about the use of

Gam and Gung in Lord Ganesh mantras. Bro George, did confirm about

the use of both versions in the Tamil Siddha book that he has. He

will elaborate further when he is with his computer.

> I do look forward to learning what the Siddha Book has to say on

this subject.


> I believe the mantra we receive from a Guru, would depend on his

lineage and am sure the Guru knows what is the best mantra for us at

that particular time.


> Those that we use from a book depends on one's faith, as the

saying goes, faith can move mountains.


> Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai.

> John




> aumganesh <no_reply> wrote:

> Dear Friends,

> Sorry I forgot to type this in the previous message:

> There is a Tamil holy text which mentions that the sound of GuNg

is correct. One friend who is offline for long time (Sis Simone

who is unwell and memory not good sometimes) told me that dear

spiritual brother, George Pillai in Singapore will know the name of

this holy book.

> George is Singapore distributor for Rudra Centre. Mr. John Tan

is also Singapore distributor for Rudra Centre. They both know the

correct sound for GuNg. If you live in Singapore, they can be found


> John Tan Boon Eng

> Blk 25, #15-485 Chai Chee Road,

> Singapore 460025

> Tel: 65- 93869431

> Email: 2010.john

> George Pillai

> Blk 311 Jurong East St32, #02-333

> Singapore 600311

> Handphone: 65-9390-2770, 65-9123-4304

> Email: GeorgePillai


> Friends who live in Malaysia can contact:

> Baladevan Balakrishnan

> No. 36,Jalan Pulau Angsa U10/18A

> Taman Puncak Perdana, 40150 SHAH ALAM

> Selangor, W. Malaysia

> Tel: 603-78455310, 6012-6231309

> Email: navedb, naved

> Url: www.rudracentre-malaysia.com










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