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Beejaakshara Japa Pramudita Hrudaye -- word to word textual meaning

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Jai Guru Datta.

With utmost devotion and surrender at the Lotus feet of HH Sri Swamiji, her ei sa humble attempt to give literal meaning of the first Bhajan of the Navaratri compositions by Sri Swamiji this year 2006.

Sri Guru Datta.


Beejaakshara Japa Pramudita Hrudaye




Srushti = creation

Sthiti = sustenance

laya = annihilation

kaarana = the cause

kaarini = the one doing it

kala = of highest quality

vaani = power of speech (Goddess Saraswati)

Oh! Goddess Sarasawati! You are the (divine) cause for the cause of creation, sustenance and annihilation.

Saankari = Consort of Lord Sankara = Goddess Paarvati

Saambhavi = consort of lord Sambhu = Goddess Paarvati

Vaagbhavi = ?? (I think Vaak + Bhavi = the one who generates the power of speech)

Vaishnavi = Goddess Vaishnavi

Vara = best quality

veni = matted hair lock (combed and matted hair)

Oh! Sankari! Oh! Saambhavi! Oh! Vaagbhavi! Oh! Vaishnavi! ( Oh! Mother) - you have adorned a beautifully matted hair.

Sreechakra + antara = inside Sreechakra

Sura = angels

gana = group

vinute = the one being praised/prayed

suka pani = the one who has a parrot sitting on her hand

{suka = parrot; pani = hand}

Oh! the one who is (always) praised and prayed by the angels residing in the Sreechakra yantra ! Oh! the one who has a parrot standing on one of your hands!

{Guru = Guru

Vara = best

roope = the embodiment of }

Guru Vara Roope = the one who is an embodiment of Sadguru!

Sachchidaanande = Oh! Sat+Chit+Aananda Swaroopini! = Oh! the form of eternal and true bliss!

Gunadhani = the abode of all good traits, natures, behaviors and qualities (Sadgunas)

Oh! the one who is an embodiment of Sadguru! Oh! the one who is an abode of all good

qualities! you are the true eternal divine bliss.




(Oh! the one who has)

pramudita = pra + mudita = extremely happy = extremely pleased

Hrudaye! = heart

(with a devotee's/saadhaka's)

Japa = continuous chanting of

Beejaakshara = Beeja + akshara = the divine seed syllable or letter (of a mantra)

Your heart is extremely pleased with the continuous chanting of the divine seed

syllables(mantras) by the saadhaka/devotee.

Siva patni = (Oh!) Siva's consort!

nivaasini = (you) reside

Bindu = in the bindu (of Sreechakra)

Oh! the consort of lord Siva! You reside in the bindu(tip) of the sreechakra yantra.





Mukha + vasini = the one residing in the mouth of

Vidhi = Lord Brahma (the creator)


Bhasini = the one shining like

sata = hundred

vidhu = moon(s)

Vidyollasini = vidya + ullasini = Oh! the one who is inundated in the bliss of sheer


Sree vani = Oh! goddess Saraswati/ Vani!

Oh! Goddess Saraswati! you are the one residing in the mouth of Lord Brahma! You are shining like hundred moons shining at the same time.

Sree Lakshmi! = Oh! Goddess Lakshmi! (you are)

Srita = you took refuge in (you reside in)

Hari Hrudaye = lord Hari's heart. (Hari = Vishnu)

(You )

Jita = won

valaye = circle of

ripu = enemies


dhruta = are holding (are the abode of/ you are the giver of)

nichaye = the group of

sura = angels and angel like qualities

Oh! Goddess Lakshmi! you made Sri Hari's heart as your abode! You won over circles of

enemies (i.e. you are attainable by a devotee only after he/she conquers all evil qualities). You are the pivot of all good, angel-like qualities.(i..e. you bestow all sadgunas: angel-like qualities on the devotee).

Sri Durge! = Oh! Godess Durga!

(you are)

Siva Vaamaange = the left (half) side of the body of Lord Siva [ vaama = left; anga = body


vihita sange = {I am not sure which way we should take it. I give 2 ways}

1) you are unified in a goodway on (the left side of Siva's body)


2) vihita + asange = you are the good quality of total detachment(embodiment

of vairagya) --- {I think the second one suits well to the context!!}

karuna + abhange = (you are the) inundating wave of mercy!

Oh! Godess Durga! You are unified in a good way on the left side of the body of lord Siva!


you are totally detached even when you are the left half part of Siva's body!!

You are the inundating wave of mercy!

Sarwascharite = sarwaha +charite = you are roaming every where (through out the universe)

Kila = it is so surprising that

te = you

prabhavati = are taking birth (every moment! incessantly in the flow of time)

saktya mahite = due to such greatest energy you have, you are know as


saktya = due to the power/energy (that is)

mahite = greatest


Para + sakte! = the energy that is beyond every thing! (para = beyond; sakti = energy)

Your energy is all pervading and is roaming all over the universe. Your energy is borne every moment incessantly surprisingly—meaning it is ever present!

Being an embodiment of such greatest form of energy, you are knows as Paraasakti.


Sarvaani = Oh! the consort of lord Sarva /Siva

(you are)

Dhruta = the one holding

sule = the weapon Sule (trident)

Kara = in the hand

paale = ruling (all)

vara = greatest

sura = angels

(you are)

chira tara = from times immemorial, the longest (existing entity that is like a )

leele = divine act that is very subtle (and very difficult to understand)--meaning your ways

are mysterious!

Oh! Sarvaani! you are holding the weapon trident in your hand. You rule the greatest angels

and gods. Your ways are mysterious from times immemorial.

Geerwaani = Oh! goddess geerwaani

Mruga pati = the one who is the king/lord of all animals (mruga = animal; pati = king/lord)

vaahe = (the one who has it) as her vehicle (or chariot)

samita = restrained or stopped or controlled or subdued

vimohe! = spell bounded ness

(You have)

Hima + giri = The Himalayan mountains

gehe = as your abode

Oh! Geerwaani! you have the king/lord of animals as your vehicle. You restrain spell

bounded ness .i.e. You save devotees from getting lost in a fit of confusion, surprise and

ignorance. Your abode is the Himalayas.

Brahmaani = Oh! the consort of lord Brahma

(you have)

seershe = a head

hima kara = that is emanating coolness like the snow

samudita = you are pleased to be always in a state of

harshe = happiness/bliss


varshe = shower

subha + chaya = groups of good/positive things

(on the devotee)

Kalyani = Oh! the bestower of all good things!

Sachchidaanande = Oh! the embodiment of true eternal bliss!

tri = three

nayana = eyes

sobhe = glowing

vipula taraabhe = the one glowing vastly, vividly (Bha = glitter)

Oh! the consort of lord Brahma! your head that is emanating coolness like the snow. You are pleased to be always in a state of bliss.

Oh! the bestower of all good things! Oh! the embodiment of true eternal bliss! Oh! the one who has glowing three eyes! You have vivid radiance (of knowledge).



Meaning of the word "Brahmaani" can also be probably said as a general context word

representing Jnaana - knowledge itself, rather than as goddess Saraswati. The knowledge is seen as the taattvika form of unison of Vani, Lakshmi and Durga.



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