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Let Krsna eat the way mother Yasoda will feed Him

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There are some instructions that are more important than others, ultimately

we have to judge what is favorable for Krishna, what does Krishna desire.

If some persons are so neophyte in old days about a watch, then by all means

I can understand the idea of giving the Lord Rolex watch to attract persons

to a temple. However the question is, how will Sri Krishna be satisfied with a

watch this is my point?

Srila Prabhupada introduced a standard of deity worship not based on western

vegetarian dishes, but on what will Krsna like to accept. What is mother

Yaosda offering Sri Krsna?

Like the Bhoga artik song. Yes of course the main things is everything is

offered to Krishna,

but for installed Deities, Sri Sri Radha -Krsna, Gaura Nitai they have

accepted to come.

Now will we give them pancakes and pizza, or what our acaryas taught us to

offer Krsna.?

Just like in worship of Giriraja we know what is favorable to offer Him,

because Lord Caitanya instructed Raghunath das Goswami.Sandesh and/Gaja sweets

and 8 tulsi manjaris . I was told in Chicago for example Srila Prabhupada told

devotees not to offer Radha -Krsna their "hippy sweets", some sweets with

carob. In some Gaudiya maths they are not very strict about chocolate though


never offer it to the deities.Srila Prabhupada saw how western devotees where

addicted to chocolate and forbad it.

But some believe that if you take the caffeine out you can drink

decaffeinated coffee and "chocolate" and offer it. Now seasonal fruits and

vegetables and

flowers is more what I believe is talked about in Bhakti Rasamrita Sindhu ,

Nectar of Devotion.

Padmanaba Goswami who I also met showed me how they are offering seasonal

oils to Radha Ramanji, for the spring pure Roseoil is offered, summer is


and Juti and Heena, Autumn Kadambha and winter is saffron. He suggested I

offer the same to Giriraja that I started to worship by his kind blessings in

1986. I have seen Radha Ramanji dressed recently as a bumble bee, otherwise I


never seen any fancy full outfits or even heard about them, it is a very

strict temple trying to follow strictly the guidelines for Deity worship in the


line of Gopal Bhatta Goswami. That dress of Radha Ramanji being a bumble bee is


from the Brahmara Gita in the 10th Canto I have been told, maybe Deenabandhu

Prabhu knows something about this?

Why not give Krsna and Radha what they like? Or if someone thinks I am

worshipping them according to rules and regulations, do the same. Why not just


Krsna offerings, dresses and everything the way Krsna will be pleased?

Kirtanandas way of woship was offensive and against sastra.Put Jesus and

Srila Prabhupada on the same level, and have himself next to both. Dress in


ropes forget about sikha,and tilak and grow a beard. When I was there no

flowers was offered to Radha Vrindavan Chandra, and it would have been easy for


him to get as devotees in DC ,NY and Boston where selling flowers.(that was in

january of 91 I went there).Singing the song in english ,he took it all the way


to the extreme even ignoring all chastisements he had gotten from Srila

Prabhupada in letters of 1968. And then yes chant in your mind 16 rounds.

Prabhupada clearly states to chant minimum 16 loud enough so one can hear the

Maha mantra .

There is a tendency in the west to be 'creative" , best is to simply do it

the way we all know Srila Prabhupada wanted it, and get into all that fancy

stuff, well if some pizza and cheesecakes are offered on Sundays to sell to the


devotees and congregation I see no harm, the christmas candy sticks , I never

really cared for much, and to offer them to Krsna, yack they are made by

Karmis.We have heard about a "devotee" that thought he could offer the entire

store and bowing down in front of it and chanting the prayers.

Better is to be very conservative and strict in Archana, seva aparadhas are

not wanted.

If we keep in mind what mother Yasoda will offer Krsna, and what will attract

Srila Prabhupada and the the previous acaryas, then we will be happy.We want

such a nice worship even the demigods will come to earth to take darshan, what

to speak of Narada Muni, Srila Vyasadeva, Madhavendra Puri, Madhvacarya, the

Goswamis of Vrindavan, etc.

Please forgive me of any offence

Your servant

Payonidhi das


This is now mother Yasoda prepares her cooking in the morning:


When Gokulananda (Krsna) went to the meadows, Queen Yasoda became eager to

prepare His meal, so she engaged everyone in the house. Although all the people


in her house were busily engaged in their duties and were all excited with

love for Krsna, still Yasoda, bathed by the nectar of affection for her son,

directed them all. She told her maidservants: "0 Girls! My boy will now return

from the barn with Balarama, skinny and hungry, so quickly start cooking! Bring


spinach, radish, golden flowers, mung dal, fruits, leaves, ginger, ground nuts,


sour spices, turmeric, pepper, camphor, sugar, cumin seeds, cream, tamarind,

hing, honey, Jati fruits, cassia leaves, liquorice, cane sugar, ingredients

for puddings, sea salt, coconut pulp, whole wheat, ghee, yoghurt, Tulasi-rice

and whole rice, and bring milk from a cow that was sent here this morning by

Nanda Maharaja. Bring all these items to the kitchen for preparation!" (1-5)


Being more affectionate than billions of mothers, Yasoda happily smelled

Radhika's head and kissed Her, while tears flowed from her eyes. She also


each of Radhika's girlfriends and freely inquired from Radhika about Her

welfare. Overwhelmed by affection for her son and eager to quickly arrange for


meal, she said: "O Girls! You are famous in Vraja for your expertise in

making many sweet preparations! Cook nice food that will give appetite even to


small eater like my boy! 0 Girls! One of you must prepare salty dishes, someone


must make a yoghurt-dressed dish, someone should cook in ghee and someone

should cook in sugar!" (36-40)


"Radhe! Mother! You are expert in cooking tasty dishes, so please go to my

kitchen with Rohini and carefully prepare the best sweets and vegetables with

her! O my daughter! Carefully prepare soft Amrta keli and Karpura keli pies


are millions of times sweeter and tastier than nectar! Who else in the three

worlds but You knows how to prepare such things that makes Krsna eager to

eat?" (41-42)


"0 Girl! Prepare that Piyusa granthi pie that Krsna likes so much and

carefully put this in five kinds of nectar with a drink of cardamom and

camphor!" (43)


"0 Mother Lalite! Make condensed milk with sugar and camphor! 0 Visakhe!

Quickly make lemonade! Sasilekhe! Make Sikharini (a yoghurt drink)! Daughter

Campakalate! Make buttermilk! 0 Tungavidye! Daughter! Make Amliksa (milk drink)


mixed with all suitable ingredients of different varieties! 0 Mother Citre!


Matsyandira (a sugar candy drink)! 0 Vasanti! Make white sugar cake! 0

Mangale! Make Jilepis (sweets)! 0 Kadambari! Make camphor pie! 0 Sudevi! Make


rice! 0 Rangadevi! Make cane sugar-pie! 0 Lasike! Make laddus of sugar; ground

rice and grapes! 0 Kaumudi! Make many kinds of puns! 0 Mother Madalase! Make

moon white cakes! 0 Sasimukhi! Carefully make sweet rice with curd! 0 Sumukhi!

You make tasty sweet pie! 0 Manimati! Make different cakes of ground rice! 0

Daughter Kancana valli! Make laddus of whole wheat in ghee! 0 Manorame! Make

Manohara-laddus! 0 Ratnamale! Make Moticura laddus! 0 Madhavi! Make sesame

sweets by frying huskless sesame-seeds! Then you can cut a square sesame-pie! 0


Vindhye! Make a basket shaped sweet pie by frying whole wheat and barley first


ghee and then in sugarwater! Then you can make a split pea pie! 0 Rambhe! You

make Karambha (cornmeal mixed with yoghurt) with banana’s cooked in sugar, on

a golden plate! 0 Manojne! Squeeze out ripe mangoes and keep them in

condensed milk with sugar! 0 Kilimbe! Make ghee from the milk which was taken

from the

cow named Sugandha this morning and from which I churned yoghurt! 0 Ambike!

Slowly stir the milk that King Nanda personally milked from the cow named

Dhavala and which he sent here for Krsna and Balarama's consumption!" 0 Girls!

Swiftly go to my milk-storehouse, which is filled with big sifting spoons, clay


pots and wooden bowls!" (44-55)


"0 Dhanisthe! Take all these items from the storerooms and put them in

suitable vessels for preparation! 0 Rangana Malike! Go to the storehouse with


and quickly get all the required ingredients and place them before your

maidservants where they are going to be prepared!" (56-57)


"0 lndumukhi! Take the plums, mangoes, pomegranates, Karira, Amalaki, Limpaka

lemons, Badari and Rucaka fruits, and roots like ginger, that have been kept

in salt and oil for many days and make them into very tasty pickles, as well

as the Tamarind, mangoes, Amalaki, Badari and berries that have been kept in

candy water for many days, out of the storeroom and put them on golden plates!"




0 Sande, Subhe, Bharani, Pibari and Mistahaste! 0 Girls! Quickly take the

best milk, which was taken from the meadows by the servants, on the stoves and

start stirring it!" (60)


Sri Gandharvika (Radhika) took off Her veil, rings and ornaments and handed

them to Tulasi. She washed Her hands and feet with water handed by Dhanistha.

Then she bowed down to Rohini, who lovingly fondled Her as if she was her own

daughter-in-law, and entered the kitchen. (61-62)


When all the gopis thus bloomed with joy and went to work, Mother Yasoda

anxiously told her servants: "0 Payoda! Place the water, which was brought from


the Yamuna yesterday evening and which has been kept in new pots covered with

sheets and that is scented with kunkuma, aguru, camphor and sandal, kept cool

with soft breezes and moonbeams, and kept in special potholders, around the

moonstone bathing dais which is sprinkled with water! 0 Varida! Scent Krsna and


Balarama's drinking water pots with aguru-smoke, jasmine, camphor, cloves and

roses!" (63-66)


"0 Barber boy Sugandha! Bring the Narayana oil which cures innumerable

diseases and nourishes the body, and which has been used by the physician


from my room, for massaging Krsna with." (67)


"0 barbers Subandha and Karpuraka! Quickly get the cool and fragrant

Udvartana unguent and the Kalka unguent made of ground Amalaki for the hair!"



"0 Saranga! Quickly press the thin, white overclothes for bathing and the

fresh, silken golden clothes scented with fragrant powder for wearing after

bathing!" (69)


"0 Bakula! Bring the red turban, the golden shirt, the red underwear and the

multicoloured sash, the four kinds of traditional dress in Vraja, here, and

press the Raucika-dresses, that are fit for dancing and were expertly sewn in

different colours with broken and unbroken threads!" (70-71)


"0 Sugandha Vilasa Gandhini! Carefully fill up the pearl gem-studded boxes

with unguents such as catuh sama, that consists of vermilion, aloe, sandal and

camphor!" (72)


"0 Talika! Grind Gorocana (a yellow pigment) for applying Krsna's tilaka! 0

Sucitra! Grind minerals from Govardhana Hill for drawing pictures on Krsna's

face! 0 Puspahasa, Sumanah and Makaranda! Quickly make a garland of Naga


Vasanti, golden Yuthi and other flowers and scent it with black aloe and

camphor!" (73-74)


"0 Sairindhra, MaIm, Makaranda and Bhrngin! Take all the golden jewel studded

ornaments that the goldsmiths Rangana and Tankana have lovingly made after

many days of hard work, following my great zeal, and have handed me last

evening, out of the storeroom! Today Sunday is in the Pusya-constellation, so


will bring amrta (nectar or immortality), so ornament my boys with them!"



"0 Boy Salika! Make a crest of fresh peacock feathers! 0 Mallika! Make

different nice strings of red and white gunja-berries! 0 Jambula! Quickly cut


bad piece from this golden betel leaf with scissors and clean the good piece

with a fine cloth! 0 Suvilasini! Quickly scent fresh betel nuts with camphor

after crushing them with a nutcracker and moistening them with milk, flaking


like Dhatri-leaves! 0 Rasala and Visalakhya! Make pan with ground cardamom,

catechu and cloves that are cleansed with a cloth!" (77-80)


Hearing mother Yasoda's order, the servants went to their work and mother,

casting her eyes down the road to see if her sons were coming back, asked a

carrier coming back from the meadows: "Is Krsna coming? Why is He so late?"



the goal of Archana is to oneday be allowed to assist Mother Yasoda in Her

service to Krsna

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Hare Krishna:

Please accept my humble obeisance's. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.




Narasimha44 (AT) aol (DOT) com

gregjay (AT) bluebottle (DOT) com

Cc: Ramabhadra (AT) aol (DOT) com; Ramadevi.ACBSP (AT) pamho (DOT) net;

Bhakti.Vikasa.Swami (AT) pamho (DOT) net; Bhima.ACBSP (AT) pamho (DOT) net;

Deena.Bandhu.ACBSP (AT) pamho (DOT) net; Tattvavit.ACBSP (AT) pamho (DOT) net;

Madhavananda.GGS (AT) pamho (DOT) net; krishnakirti ; radhagopi (AT) juno (DOT) com;

yadu (AT) krishna (DOT) dk; India.Open (AT) pamho (DOT) net

Wed, 27 Sep 2006 7:09 AM

Let Krsna eat the way mother Yasoda will feed Him



<<<<There are some instructions that are more important than others, ultimately

we have to judge what is favorable for Krishna, what does Krishna desire.>>>>


"We have to judge" what Krishna desires? Isn't it better we follow the Acarya's

to understand what Krishna desires?



<<<<If some persons are so neophyte in old days about a watch, then by all

means I can understand the idea of giving the Lord Rolex watch to attract

persons to a temple. However the question is, how will Sri Krishna be satisfied

with a watch this is my point?>>>>


How is Krishna satisfied by any plastic necklace, which many temples offer? How

is Krishna satisfied by offering Him Ostrich feathers, which Srila Prabhupada

authorized and liked very much? The bottom line is many of us are concerned

with what Srila Prabhupada accepted and directed for Deity worship. If any

person we know has a deep understanding of what Krishna desires and what is

favorable to offer Krishna it is Srila Prabhupada.


"As a child when I was going to the neighboring Mallik temple, I was thinking

then when will I have such a nice Deity to worship and now Krsna is so kind

that I am establishing so many nice temples all over the world. Now I want that

there should be established 108 temples before my death, so you think how to do

it. Make some program, train up devotees. All temples in Melbourne, London,

Paris, Bombay, all are very nice. Everything is very bright and brilliant. The

Deity is proof of the sincere service. It is the duty of the GBC now to

maintain this. Their duty is how to enthuse them and maintain.

You mention about the wrist-watch given to the Deity. Was it made in Melbourne?

Or somewhere else. Was it made in Japan"?


>>> Ref. VedaBase => Letter to: Madhudvisa -- Bombay 10 November, 1975




<<<<<Srila Prabhupada introduced a standard of deity worship not based on

western vegetarian dishes, but on what will Krsna like to accept.>>>>>>


Srila Prabhupada authorized food preps of local cuisine also as well as all

traditional standard preps that we know of. I say as we know of because from

the small amount I understand, Srimati Radharani has an infinite list of bhoga

preps to prepare for Krishna. Variety is the Spice of life and considering the

Sat, eternal nature of Goloka Dhama I would venture to say Krishna enjoys

unlimited varieities of offerings throughout eternity, prepared and offered

with pure love and devotion.


"A devotee may offer bona fide foods considered delicacies by the local people

or preferred by him or his family.* In commenting on a sloka stating that one

may offer his own or local favorites, Sanatana Gosvami writes that this means

that even though people in general may not like a certain food, if a person

prefers it he may offer it. But this refers to foods the scriptures approves,

not those they forbid. Thus if one is fond of a forbidden food, one cannot

offer it to the Lord. And thus one cannot eat it. Also, one should not offer

even permissible foods that are tasteless, unpalatable, inedible, impure for

any reason, or eaten by insects, animals, or people.

If nothing else offerable is available, one may offer fruit alone. If even

fruit is unavailable, one may offer edible herbs. And if herbs are not

available, one may offer pure water while meditating on offering elaborate

preparations. If even water is unavailable, one should at least mentally make

an offering of bhoga."




<<<<<Srila Prabhupada saw how western devotees where addicted to chocolate and

forbad it.>>>>


Srila Prabhupada said chocolate was unofferable if an intoxicant and contrary

to the above excessive generalization Srila Prabhupada did allow a few

disciples to eat chocolate. While chocolate in large quantity may effect a

persons mood it is by no means accepted anywhere outside ISKCON as an

intoxicant, it is the food of choice for tens of millions of children. You

would have to eat close to one KG to get the buzz a cup of tea or coffee could

produce and that is in large part do to an overdose of sugars. Dark chocolate

in small amounts on ocassion is an excepted blood thinner and recent research

studies claim it is a good resource to keep the heart arteries clear and the

blood flowing normaly.


<<<<Padmanaba Goswami who I also met showed me how they are offering seasonal

oils to Radha Ramanji, for the spring pure Roseoil is offered, summer is

Jasmine and Juti and Heena, Autumn Kadambha and winter is saffron. He suggested

I offer the same to Giriraja that I started to worship by his kind blessings in

1986. I have seen Radha Ramanji dressed recently as a bumble bee, otherwise I

have never seen any fancy full outfits or even heard about them, it is a very

strict temple trying to follow strictly the guidelines for Deity worship in the

line of Gopal Bhatta Goswami. That dress of Radha Ramanji being a bumble bee is

from the Brahmara Gita in the 10th Canto I have been told, maybe Deenabandhu

Prabhu knows something about this?>>>>


The Bumblebee dress sounds ecstatic, could you aquire a photo of it for us? I

would like to make a dress for Govindaji to wear some Radhastami having Him

looking like a Bumblebee. Next time you see Padmanabha Goswami ask him to show

you the photos of Radha Ramanji standing on the Queen Mary "Long Live the

King", and ask him about the Raj Dhani replica and Radha Ramanji's traditional

standards throughout the centuries.He has a lot of important realizations. But

don't try to get him to give you the answers you want to hear, inquire




<<<<<Why not give Krsna and Radha what they like? Or if someone thinks I am

worshipping them according to rules and regulations, do the same. Why not just

give Krsna offerings, dresses and everything the way Krsna will be pleased?>>>>


The ISKCON temples I visit all seem to be doing what you are suggesting to a

very good standard. The recent Radhastami dress offered at Mayapur Dham to Sri

Sri Radha Madhava is one of the most beautiful dresses I have ever seen, please

see mayapur.com. Throughout ISKCON the deities are being offered a very good

standard of worship.Please check radhagovinda.net and click on the Homepage

photo of Sri Sri Radha Govinda and view this past Radhastami flower dress. Even

in the West where we have little manpower resources in many temples, the

deities are still getting a very good standard of worship in many locations.

This past Radhastami our devotee cooks offered Radharani close to 250

traditional preps, including Bengali style Pizza made with love and devotion,

250 preps is not bad for an understaffed Western temple. That last ingredient I

mentioned is most important, it is the thing that pleases Radha Krishna the

most, that is "love and devotion." ISKCON devotees have love and devotion so I

am sure Srila Prabhupada, Gaura Nitai, and Radha Krishna are having Their

desires fullfilled in the vast majority of ISKCON temples.



<<<<There is a tendency in the west to be 'creative">>>> ,


Last time I checked Bankebehari Mandir is not in the West and that is where the

recent controversial creativity is starting.


<<<<best is to simply do it the way we all know Srila Prabhupada wanted it,>>>


I agree and I suggest for anyone not already conversant with Srila Prabhupada's

instructions, reagrding deity worship, to please scrutinizingly study his

directions before critcising things that Srila Prabhupada himself allowed and



<<<<well if some pizza and cheesecakes are offered on Sundays to sell to the

devotees and congregation I see no harm,>>>>


I see a lot of good and that good is the devotees become more and more addicted

to Krishna prasadam. Srila Prabhupada once stated "if you eat from the plate of

a diseased person, you will get his disease. And if you eat from Krishna's

plate, you will get Krishna's disease, Sat Cit Ananda." So let everyone get

Krishna's Sat Cit Ananda through prasadam association and end the miserable

material existence, by the effect of the materially terminal Krishna Prema.


<<<<the christmas candy sticks , I never really cared for much, and to offer

them to Krsna, yack they are made by Karmis.>>>>


You may not care for Candy canes and that is fine, but Srila Prabhupada cared

for the deliverance of the conditioned souls and he directed us to offer the

Candy canes to Radha Govinda and transform them, Krishnaize those Candy Canes,

and help deliver the conditioned souls, I guess Radha Govinda care about

delivering the fallen conditioned souls also. Srila Prabhupada's standard of

Broad Vision is not easy to equal.



<<<<<<<<<Please forgive me of any offence

Your servant

Payonidhi das>>>>>>>>>


Don't worry I will send you some Candy canes at Christmas time, that will

purify you from any reactions.


Your insignificant servant,

Ramabhadra das



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> Don't worry I will send you some Candy canes at Christmas time, that will

> purify you from any reactions.


Yes I think Rambhadra Prabhu should offer candy canes to Radha Govinda at

Christmas and pass out the prasdam all over the world.



Bhima das

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In a message dated 9/28/2006 4:53:27 AM Pacific Standard Time,

Bhima.ACBSP (AT) pamho (DOT) net writes:

Yes I think Rambhadra Prabhu should offer candy canes to Radha Govinda at

Christmas and pass out the prasdam all over the world.



Bhima das

the idea of Candy canes is not so bad as it is hard to make karmis take

prasadam.But things made by devotees are better.

I remember in Sweden they used to have nice pieces of laddhus, make from

chikpea flowers

in small plastic bags with a mantra card and invitation to the temple.Many

pious people would accept that.In Denmark when I was in charge of 8 hours

Harinama a day, I would make nice Halavah in small cake cups as people there


pastries a lot, that would work nicely too.The holy name, some prasadam and one


of Srila Prabhupadas books and /or

a KC magazine and that person is on his way to Krsna.It is so ideal ,when you

sit down and chant bhajans and the holy name, peopel get purified, give them

some prasadam ,ideal a drink too, talk to them friendly with the holy name in

the back ground, offer them a book

, at least give them a invitation card that has the local temple address ,put

Vedabase.net on the card and tell them all the books are on line there.Such

sweet preaching can be done, there need be no more Colombine(Bailey) shootings

like what happened yesterday.


Payonidhi das

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