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MYSTIC INDIA: A Child’s Incredible Journey of Inspiration

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[This 2006 film is currently making the rounds of IMAX theaters and

so on; it's not an action thriller or anything like that, but a

peaceful and meditative film that is beautiful to look at. I found

out about it through a teacher at a local elementary school, who was

taking her class of 4th graders to see it. It's really an unusual

and beautiful film; keep an eye out for it and try to catch it if it

comes to your area. http://www.mysticindia.com/ - DB]




Mystic India rediscovers India, a land of many mysteries and

fascinations, the one land that all desire to see. Home of the

Himalayas, the tallest mountains, India is our world's largest and

oldest democracy, and contains an amazing wealth of wisdom, culture

and spirituality. And within this earliest civilization known to

mankind, lie hidden mystical secrets. It lies hidden in India's

silent spirituality, making her a mystic land of meditation,

contemplation and enlightenment.


For thousands of years, many have willingly left the comforts of

their home and family and set off across this spiritual land in

search of these secrets. Their aim has been to reach a deeper

understanding of existence and share the meaning of life that would

elevate the rest of humanity. Of all such journeys, perhaps none is

greater than the true story of an 11-year old child yogi, Neelkanth,

who took an extraordinary journey through the wonders of mystic

India. An adventure of hardships and survival, faith and

fearlessness undertaken by a child. The only one of its kind in the

history of mankind.


>From 1792 to 1799, Neelkanth walked alone, barefoot and barebody,

8000 miles for 7 years through the length and breadth of India.

Carrying no maps, no food and no clothing, how he crossed the

roaring rivers, faced ferocious animals and survived the freezing

winter of the Himalayas, is still a mystery. It is a story of

struggle, of kindness and of courage even when face to face with a

man-eating lion.


Mystic India takes you through icy peaks to the cool blue Lake

Mansarovar, into the wild jungles of Sunderbans and the rainforests

of Assam, through barren deserts and to the silent shores of South

India. Explore and learn from the majesty and mysticism of India's

art and architecture, music and dance, faces and festivals, customs

and costumes which are brought to life on the giant screen.


This entertaining, educating and enlightening giant screen film

(15perf/70mm) rediscovers India, a land of many mysteries and

fascinations. It is the world's first large format epic on India. A

period film set 200 years back in time, it retraces the incredible

journey of an 11-year old child yogi, Neelkanth. In 1792 AD, he

walked for 12,000 km continuously for 7 years, barefoot and

barebody, through the length and breadth of India, from the

Himalayas to the southern sea-shores. Based on this inspiring true-

life story and journey all over India, the film explores unique

elements of India, like:


* Amazing and intricate art and architecture, symbolizing creativity

of centuries ...


* Fascinating festivals, among the largest and most spectacular in

the world.


* Colorful customs and intriguing rites and rituals with deeper

meanings for peaceful living ...


* India as an epitome of the world with its natural and geographical

diversity containing nearly every kind of habitat on earth.


* World's oldest and largest democracy with one of the world's most

diverse peoples living together, with every shade of skin and a vast

variety of cultures.


* India's contribution to the world including concepts like Non-

Violence and practices like Yoga and Ayurveda for natural health ...


*A nation of silent spirituality, making her a mystic land of

meditation and contemplation, where quest continues to understand

secrets of life beyond our material world


* The real light and wisdom of India, seeking to know not how to

conquer the world but how to live in peace, how to live together in



* The essence and message of "Mystic India" that there can be Unity

in Diversity, that we are a single human family, capable of living

together, loving one another.


Thus, more than just a breathtaking journey, and the heroic tales of

the child's tolerance and survival, his values of faith, friendship

and fearlessness, the film presents a unique journey into the mind

and soul of India through the eyes of an innocent child.


Over two shooting schedules in March - May 2003 and Jan-Feb 2004,

the Mystic India production team traveled to more than 100 different

film locations in India, at times shooting in hostile conditions at

a height of 13,000 feet, re-creating the adventures of Neelkanth in

the astonishing detail of large format. Capturing dazzling images

and scenes on a scale never seen before in large format, this film

transports the audience to some of India's most sacred and treasured



The epic proportions of the film climax in the Rath Yatra (The

Festival of Chariots). Colossal, 5-storey high chariots on mammoth

wheels roll past 8,000 people in period dress of the 18th century

from all corners of India. The experience is immense and intense.

And what makes the film unique and educative are the questions it

answers about India, her culture and way of life. Even the silent,

meditative moods transmit the simple messages of love, service and

harmony; unraveling India's greatest gift to the world, its unity in



Mystic India is an epic journey into the land and soul of India.


FOR MORE INFORMATION: http://www.mysticindia.com/

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This is so beautiful Devi Bhakta....WOW ! By the way I am bccing to some friends, hence I changed the caption... apologies.


The link to the movie is http://www.mysticindia.com/ ...there is a gap between alphabets in the link given earlier



Devi Bhakta wrote: This 2006 film is currently making the rounds of IMAX theaters and so on; it's not an action thriller or anything like that, but a peaceful and meditative film that is beautiful to look at. I found out about it through a teacher at a local elementary school, who was taking her class of 4th graders to see it. It's really an unusual and beautiful film; keep an eye out for it and try to catch it if it comes to your area. http://www.mysticindia.com/ - DB]

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