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Survey for those who want words in Hindi/Sanskrit

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Almost everyday I see lots of posts with requests to write some names in Hindi/Sanskrit. Of course, there are some posts for some other languages as well, but most are for Hindi/Sanskrit. The people these posts are from various countries. When I first saw such posts, I thought that those making these posts must be of Indian origin. But now it seems many are not of Indian origin. From the posts, it is obvious that they are not having only a momentary interest in seeing names in Hindi/Sanskrit. Rather, they are desperately interested. From one person I came to know that he had been trying to get two names translated for more than five months!

When I found so much of interest, then lots of questions came to my mind (assuming I have one).

I have a request to all those who have made posts asking translations of names in Hindi/Sanskrit and also to those who have not yet made such a post, but are thinking of making. Please answer the following to satisfy my curiosity.

1. Which country do you live in?

2. Are you of Indian origin?

3. How did you come to know about this web site?

4. Before posting your requests in this web site, what other options (if any) did you try?

5. Which of these options did you try first?

6. From the time you tried the first option (answer to previous question) till the time you got the translation, how much time has elapsed? If you have still not got the translation, then specify the time from your first try to date.

7. Have you got the desired translation? Or, are you still looking for it?

8. Why exactly do you need these translations? For tattoos? For displaying in invitation cards? Some other reason? Please specify.

9. Other than Hindi/Sanskrit, are there any other languages in which you want to see some names?

9. Any other information that you would like to provide related to this survey?

Thank you for satisfying my curiosity.

(Curiosity killed the cat.)

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I was born in and live in England.

I discovered this site from alot of searching (with no joy) for a translation of my childrens names "Callum" and "Phoebeforever loved" or "forever with me" for a tattoo I have wanted since they were born as a dedication of my love to them. my son is 3 now and although I have not been searching that long I have wanted this tattoo since he was born and his little sister has joined us since then! I have no other tattoos and no desire to get any others, just this special one.


I have seen alot of people have had names translated but I fear maybe I have discovered this site too late and my request is under a very large pile of requests. I understand this and my search continues.


It would be an idea to maybe save some of the things that have been translated all in one place for others to view to save making the same request.

I would like to see them in any script.


Any help greatly appreciated.



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  • 4 weeks later...

I would love to have these words translated into Sanskrit.




Love ? haryata


Peace ? bhayam


Beauty ? Rupa


Prosperity ? Radha


Courage ? Dhairya







1. Which country do you live in? USA in Phoenix Arizona

2. Are you of Indian origin? No

3. How did you come to know about this web site? Lots of Googling

4. Before posting your requests in this web site, what other options (if any) did you try? Monier-Williams Sanskrit dictionary (for some reason I can't make it work) I did do a manual search through the dictionary source file and came up with potential sanskrit matches for my words but could you verify and correct please.

5. Which of these options did you try first? I thought I might find an english word to sanskrit translation website but no luck

6. From the time you tried the first option (answer to previous question) till the time you got the translation, how much time has elapsed? If you have still not got the translation, then specify the time from your first try to date. I have spent about 3 months on this now.

7. Have you got the desired translation? Or, are you still looking for it? Still looking

8. Why exactly do you need these translations? For tattoos? For displaying in invitation cards? Some other reason? Please specify. I am making stone decorations for my house with these words to create an intentional space.

9. Other than Hindi/Sanskrit, are there any other languages in which you want to see some names? no

9. Any other information that you would like to provide related to this survey? Just that I want to thank you in advance for your assistance. I did manage to get the sanskrit font installed on my system so once I know I have the correct translations I can create the final word/font that I want. I found the font on this forum.

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