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RShakti Sadhana Programme for Navarathri [ Day Eight ]

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CHAPTER 8: The Slaying of Raktabija


The Rishi said:

1-3. After the daitya Chanda was slain and Munda was laid low, and

many of the battalions were destroyed, the lord of the

asuras, powerful Sumbha, with mid overcome by anger, commanded then

the mobilization of all the daitya hosts:


4. 'Now let the eighty-six asuras - upraising their weapons - with

all their forces, and the eighty-four Kambus, surrounded by their

own forces, go out.


5. 'Let the fifty asura families of Kotiviryas and the hundred

families of Dhaumras go forth at my command.


6. 'Let the asurasa Kalakas, Daurhrdas, the Mauryas and the

Kalakeyas hasten at my command and march forth ready for battle.'


7. After issuing these orders, Sumbha, the lord of the asuras and a

ferocious ruler, went forth, attended by many thousands of big



8. Seeing that most terrible army coming, Chandika filled into space

between the earth and the sky with the twang of her bow-string.


9. Thereon her lion made an exceedingly loud roar, O King, and

Ambika magnified those roars with the clanging of the bell.


10. Kali, expanding her mouth wide and filling the quarters with the

sound (hum ) overwhelmed the noises of her bow-string, lion and bell

by her terrific roars.


11. On hearing that roar the enraged asura battalions surrounded the

lion, the Devi (Chandika) and Kali on all the four sides.


12-13. At this moment, O King, in order to annihilate the enemies of

devas and for the well-being of the supreme devas, there issued

forth, endowed with exceeding vigour and strength, Shaktis from the

bodies of Brahma, Shiva, Guha, Vishnu and Indra, and with the form

of those devas went to Chandika.


14. Whatever was the form of each deva, whatever his ornaments and

vehicle, in that very form his Shakti advanced to fight with the



15. In a heavenly chariot drawn by swans advanced Brahma's Shakti

carrying a rosary and Kamandalu. She is called Brahmani.


16. Maheshvari arrived, seated on a bull, holding a fine trident,

wearing bracelets of great snakes and adorned with a digit of the



17. Ambika Kaumari, in the form of Guha, holding a spear in hand

riding on a fine peacock, advanced to attack the asuras.


18. Likewise the Shakti of Vishnu came, seated upon Garuda, holding

conch, club, bow and sword in hand.


19. The Shakti of Hari, who assumed the incomparable form of a

sacrificial boar, she also advanced there in a boar-like form.


20. Narasmihi arrived there, assuming a body like that of a

Narasmiha, bringing down the constellations by the toss of her mane.


21. Likewise the thousand-eyed Aindri, holding a thunderbolt in hand

and riding on the lord of elephants arrive just like Sakra (Indra).


22. Then Shiva, surrounded by those shaktis of the devas, said to

Chandika, 'Let the asuras be killed forthwith by you for my



23. Thereupon from the body of Devi issued forth the Shakti of

Chandika, most terrific, exceedingly fierce and yelling like a

hundred jackals.


24. And that invincible (Shakti) told Shiva, of dark coloured matted

locks, 'Go, my lord, as ambassador to the presence of Sumbha and



25. 'Tell the two haughty asuras, Sumbha and Nisumbha, and the other

asuras assembled there for battle.


26. "Let Indra obtain the three worlds and let the devas enjoy the

sacrificial oblations. You go to the nether world, if you wish to



27. "But if through pride of strength you are anxious for battle,

come on then. Let my jackals be satiated with your flesh."'


28. Because that Devi appointed "Shiva" himself as ambassador

thenceforth she became renowned in this world as Shiva-duti.


29. Those great asuras, on their part, hearing the words of the Devi

communicated by Shiva, were filled with indignation and went where

Katyayani stood.


30. Then in the very beginning, the enraged foes of the devas poured

in front on the Devi showers of arrows, javelins and spears.


31. And lightly, with the huge arrows shot from her full-drawn bow,

she clove those arrows, spears, darts and axes hurled by them.


32. Then, in front of him (Sumbha), stalked Kali, piercing the

enemies to pieces with her spear and crushing them with her skull-

topped staff.


33. And Brahmani, wherever she moved, made the enemies bereft of

valour and prowess by sprinkling on them the water from her



34. The very wrathful Maheshvari slew the daityas with her trident,

and Vaisnavi, with her discus and Kaumari, with her javelin.


35. Torn to pieces by the thunderbolt which come down upon them,

hurled by Aindri, daityas and danavas fell on the earth in hundreds,

streams of blood flowing out of them.


36. Shattered by the boar-formed goddess (Varahi)with blows of her

snout, wounded in their chests by the point of her tusk and torn by

her discus, (the asuras) fell down.


37. Narasmihi, filling all the quarters and the sky with her roars,

roamed about in the battle, devouring other great asuras torn by her



38. Demoralised by the violent laughter of Shivaduti, the asuras

fell down on the earth; she then devoured them who had fallen down.


39. Seeing the enraged band of Matrs crushing the great asuras thus

by various means, the troops of the enemies of devas took to their



40. Seeing the asuras harassed by the band of Matrs and fleeing, the

great asura Raktabija strode forward to fight in wrath.


41. Whenever from his body there fell to the ground a drop of blood,

at that moment rose up from the earth asura of his stature.


42. The great asura fought with Indra's shakti with club in his

hand; then Aindri also struck Ranktabija with her thunderbolt.


43. Blood flowed quickly and profusely from him who was wounded by

the thunderbolt. From the blood rose up (fresh)combatants of his

form and valour.


44. As many drops of blood fell from his body, so may persons came

into being, with his courage, strength and valour.


45. And those persons also sprung up from his blood fought there

with the Matrs in a more dreadful manner hurling the very formidable



46. And again when his head was wounded by the fall of her thunder-

bolt, his blood flowed and therefrom were born persons in thousands.


47. Vaisnavi struck him with her discus in the battle, Aindri beat

that lord of asuras with her club.


48. The world was pervaded by thousands of great asuras who were of

his stature and who rose up from the blood that flowed from him when

cloven by the discus of Vaisnavi.


49. Kaumari struck the great asura Raktabija with her spear, Varahi

with her sword, and Mahesvari with her trident.


50. And Raktabija, that great asura also, filled with wrath, struck

everyone of the Matrs severally with his club.


51. From the stream of blood which fell on the earth from him when

he received multiple wounds by the spears, darts and other weapons,

hundreds of asuras came into being.


52. And those asuras that were born from the blood of Raktabija

pervaded the whole world; the devas got intensely alarmed at this.


53-54. Seeing the devas dejected, Chandika laughed and said to

Kali, 'O Chamunda, open out your mouth wide; with this mouth quickly

take in the drops of blood generated by the blow of my weapon and

(also) the great asuras born of the drops of blood of Raktabija.


55. 'Roam about in the battle-field, devouring the great asuras that

spring from him. So shall this daitya, with his blood emptied,



56. 'As you go on devouring these, other fierce (asuras) will not be

born.' Having enjoined her thus, the Devi next smote him(Raktabija)

with her dart.


57. Then Kali drank Raktabija's blood with her mouth. Then and there

he struck Chandika with his club.


58-60. The blow of his club caused her not even the slightest pain.

And from his stricken body wherever blood flowed copiously, there

Chamunda swallowed it with her mouth. The Chamunda devoured those

great asuras who sprang up from the flow of blood in her mouth, and

drank his (Raktabija's ) blood.


61. The Devi (Kausiki) smote Raktabija with her dart, thunderbolt,

arrows, swords, and spears, when Chamunda went on drinking his book.


62. Stricken with a multitude of weapons and bloodless, the great

asura (Raktabija) fell on the ground, O King.


63. Thereupon the devas attained great joy, O King. The band of

Matrs who sprang from them dance, being intoxicated with blood.


Here ends the eighth chapter called 'The Slaying of Raktabija' of

Devi-mahatmya in Markandeya-purana, during the period of Savarni,

the Manu.



Glory of the Divine Mother.

700 Mantras on Sri Durga.

English Translation by Swami Jagadiswarananda.

Sri Ramakrishna Math, 11th Impression.


I pray to the Divine Mother to shower HER blessings on those who

read this MAhAtmaya.

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