Guest guest Posted October 2, 2006 Report Share Posted October 2, 2006 Books On Religion & Philosophy (New Releases) Mail us to recieve update <publicity (AT) indianbookscentre (DOT) com?subject=Subscribe> on your other interested subjects. Indian Books Centre In the Service of the Scholarly World since 1976 Dear Sir/ Madam, Our company is one of the leading publishers and suppliers of books related to following subjects: Indian Art/ Archaeology; Ayurveda, Tibetan, Unani & Alternative Medicine; Dictionary & Grammar; Religion & Philosophy (Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Christianity); Indian Music, Dance & Performing Arts; Sri Lankan Studies; Women & Gender Studies; Yoga & Meditation; Tantra Mantra Yantra & Astrology; Sanskrit & Related Studies. <publicity (AT) indianbookscentre (DOT) com?subject=Subscribe> We have over 1000 titles of our own and we stock Rare & more than 50,000 titles. Request a Complete Catalogue <publicity (AT) indianbookscentre (DOT) com?subject=Subscribe!> * Books On Religion & Philosophy- Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism & Christanity ( New Releases) Published under our Imprint Sri Satguru Publications in Bibliotheca Indo Buddhica & Sri Garib Das Oriental Series. 1. Indian Philosophy- A Counter Perspective ( Revised & Enlarged Edition)/ Daya Krishna/ Rs. 750 ISBN: 81-7030-845-3, Series – Sri Garib Das Oriental Series No. 310 About the Book An earlier collection of some of these articles under the title Indian Philosophy: A Counter Perspective was published in 1991. This new collection includes many articles written after that period, Some published and others unpublished. The articles include in this book are: Is Indian Philosophy " Theological" in Character ? ; Three myths about Indian Philosophy ; Three conceptions of Indian Philosophy ; Indian Philosophy and Moksha: Revisiting an old controversy ; The Vedic Corpus: some questions ; The Vedic Corpus and the two Sutras- text, concerned with it ; the Mimamsa Sutra and the Brahma Sutra ; The Upanisads- What are they? ; The Yoga Sutras: The undeciphered text anomalies, problems and paradoxes ; Yajna and the doctrine of Karma- A contradiction in Indian Thought about action ; Apoha & Samavaya in Kantian Perspective ; The text of the Nyaya Sutras: Some Poblems ; Prasastapada's mapping of the Realm of qualities: a neglected chapter in Indian Philosophy ; Is Isvarakrsna's Samkhya Karika really Samkhayan ; Vedanta- Does it really mean anything? ; Adhyasa- a non- advaitic beginning in Samkara Vedanta ; The myth of the Purusarthas ; Rasa- The bane of Indian Aesthetics ; Consciousness , materiality and spirituality: issues , dilemmas and the future of mankind ; Bondage of Birth and death. The book contains Annexures and Index. Other Books by the Author 1. The Nyaya Sutras - A New Commentary on an Old Text/ Prof. Daya Krishna/ Rs. 500 2. Indian Philosophy- A New Approach/ Daya Krishna/ Rs. 500 2. Defining The Image: Measurements in Image Making/ Charles Willemen , Rs. 200 Table of Contents: Introduction; The Sanskrit Pratimalaksana: Translation, Sanskrit; The Chinese Pratimalaksana: Translation, Chinese; Glossary: Chinese- Sanskrit- English, Sanskrit- Chinese- English; Bibliography: Abbreviations. ISBN: 81-7030-842-9 About the Book In the applied arts of India iconometery, talamana, the knowledge of the measurements and the proportions of images, has an old tradition, not entirely different from the Greek and the Renaissance tradition.Ever since B.Laufer's study about the Citralaksana in 1913 the subject has raised new interest among artists and scholars alike. The Indian Buddhist Pratimalaksana, which is edited in transcription and translated into English here, may date from the 10th century, anyway before Atisa (died 1054) . The Tibetan translation was made by the Tibetan Grags-pargyal-mtshan (ca. 1285-1378) and the Indian Dharmadhara, in souther Tibet before 1322, date of Bu-ston's catalogue. The text most probably belongs to the Mulasarvastivada tradition. The Chinese translation is the work of the Mongolian aristocrat mGon-po skyabs, Gongbu Chabu in Chinese ( ca. 1690-1750) , The text was brought out in 1742 at Qianlong's court in Beijing. mGon-po skyabs translated the Tibetan text in Chinese , and he added a commentary using Tibetan Literature, Thge Chinese text in this volume is based on the Japanese edition T. 1419, but the stanzas are numbered, and the commentary in prose is separated from the main text. Illustrations have been added. The glossaries at the end will help further more research, it is hoped. The Chinese Translation of Sanskrit words is often very useful to know the exact meaning of a term, in both languages Charles Willemen obtained his Ph.D in 1971 with a study of the Chinese Udanavarga. Studied in Japan under H. Nakamura in the University of Tokyo in 1972. Fullbright- Hays Visiting Scholar at Harvard University, Dept. of East Asian Languages and Civiliazation in 1974. Has taught at many Universities in Europe and in Asia. E.g. Guest Professor : Beijing Language and Culture University , Xi'an Jiaotong University , Banaras Hindu University , Nava Nalanda Mahavihara, Vishvabharati University in Shantineketan. Has published extensively about Buddhism in South and East Asia and about Chinese Art. Member of the Belgian Royal Academy of Sciences since 1997. ..3. Concept of Vac in the Vedic Literature/ Pratibha M.Pingle, Rs. 500 ISBN: 81-7030-841-0, Series: Sri Garib Das Oriental Series No. 309 About the Book The word VAC is derived from VAC, to speak. But VAC for Vedic Indians was not merely speech. The word carries with it a deeper significance. The material for the book is collected from the principal Samhitas-the Regveda, the Atharvaveda, the five Samhitas of Yajurveda (the Taittiriya, the Maitryani, the Vajsaneyi, the Kathaka and the Kapisthalakatha). The Brahamanas (the Aitreya, the Sankhyana, the Satapatha, the Taittiriya, the Pancavimsa, the Sadvimsa and the Gopatha), and the eighteen principal Upanisads. Dr. Pratibha M. Pingle is editor Sanskrit Dictionary, Deccan college, Pune. 4. Introduction to Indian Astrology/ Rama R Rao, Rs. 200 ISBN: 81-7030-835-6 About the Book Curiosity to know one's future is both natural and universal; and therefore any method which attempts to unravel the mystery of the future has an attraction for the future has an Astrology, palmistry, numerology and various extrasensory processes which claim to predict the future have a popular appareal. An elementary knowledge of astronomy and a historical perspective are indispensable for a beginner. After going through the authoritative texts like Brihat Jataka, Brihat Parasara, Horasastra, Phaladipika etc., one arrives at the conclusion that the variables one has to tackle are far too many and the interpretations far too numerous and the task of integrating the diverse material is too complex. The subject requires deep study and one has to develop an insight and intuition to become a successful astrologer. The author has tried to present the essentials of Hindu Astrology with as objective an approach possible. 5. Navagraha Kosa/ S.K Ramachandra Rao 2 Vols, Rs. 400 per vol. Rs. 800 (set) ISBN: 81-7030-839-9 About the Book The ideology of the Nine Planetary deities (The Nava-Grahas) is an important one in our country. All the rituals, dairy and occansional, involve the propitiation of these Grahas. The volumes includes all the available texts relating to the worship of the planetary deities. Mainly it includes texts of Navagraha Puja Vidhi and Graha Yoga Paddhati, excepts from popular texts like Mantra Mahodadhi and from rare texts like Vaikhanasa-agama Khiladhikara and Bhrigu Samhita relating to the worship of the Nava-Graha especially of Surya. 6. Srividya Kosa/ Prof. S.K Ramachandra Rao, Rs. 600 ISBN: 81-7030-832-1, Series: Sri Garib Dass Oriental Series No. 304 About the Book Srividya is discipline where abounds considerable mystery, esotericism and occultism. There is among common people quite some ignorance concerning its philosophy and practice. There is also a host of doubts and uncertainties among practitioners themselves. The presence of different tradition in Srividya is a further source of confusion. The textual background to Srividya has almost become obscure and obsolete; it has become more a matter of individual lineages of practices. In the circumstances there is a need for an authentic and comprehensive account of all three aspects of Srividya, viz. The Yantra, The Mantra and The Tantra. This Book is an attempt to provide one. Along with all textual details concerning the philosophy and practice of Srividya, relevant iconographic details with illustrations have also been given. 7. The Tantric Practices in Sri Vidya/ S.K Ramachandra Rao, Rs. 300 ISBN: 81-7030-836-4 , Series: Sri Garib Das Oriental Series No. 306 About the Book Sri Cakra has rightly been regarded as the `prince among cakras' (cakra-raja). It is best known and most worshipped among hundres of sacred designs that are prescribed in the traditional lore. Despite this celebrity, an air of mystery surrounds this cakra. The present book gives details of the design, the significance of those details, the philosophical framework that renders the details relevant, the prevailing symbolism, and the nature of source – materials have been explained based on authoritative texts and traditional understanding. The book also contains text and English translation of the text Sarada-Catusatika 8. Agama Encyclopaedia / S.K. Ramachandra Rao 12 Vols. Rs. 250 - per vol. Rs. 3000 (Set) I- Introduction, II- Saiva & Sakta Agamas, III- Vaikhanasa Agamas, IV- Pancaratragama, V- Devyagama, VI- Alaya & Aradhana, VII- Preparation for Puja, VIII- Mudras in Puja, IX- Consecration, X- Nityarcana, XI- Utsavas, XII- Source Book ISBN: 81-7030-823-2 , Series: Sri Garib Das Oriental Series No. 292 About the Book The Agama literature includes the Silpa-Sastra, which is basic to iconography. Worship dealt with I the Agama necessarily involves images which are worship-worthy. The rituals and sequences that are elaborated in the Agama books find relevance only in the context of an icon which is contained in a shrine. And icons are meaningful only in the context of shrines and worship. Agama texts are not easily accessible to the people. A large number of them are still available only in manuscripts, some of them which have been printed are only in their Sanskrit originals. There is need, therefore, to present relevant excerpts from them at least, to make the volumes on iconography more meaningful. Further, Indian temples are to be considered only in the general framework of temple culture, which include not only religious and philosophical aspects also. The volumes named Agama Encyclopaedia named Agama Encyclopaaedia deals with the temple-culture and Agama framework, the sectarian division of the Agama into Saiva, Vaisnava and Sakta, and the topics selected from the Agama texts follow. Thus, the entirety of the Agama, literature in so far as it is relevant to the temple-culture is brought within the scope of the Agama Encyclopaedia. 9. The Compendium on Ganesa/ S.K Ramachandra Rao/ Rs. 500 ISBN: 81-7030-828-3, Series: Sri Garib Dass Oriental Series No. 301 About the Book Ganesa's popularity is manifold. He is the favourite god of the masses. He is also the favourite subject for curio-hunters and collectors of icons. Painters and sculptors have revelled in depicting this god in a variety of forms and postures. The Tantrik practitioners have found in him a benevolent power, quick to acquire and enduring in nature. Literature about Ganesh is remarkable, varied and large. Works in Sanskrit, which appear to have provides the main source material for all of them, are themselves large in number and varied in nature. An attempt has been made here to present a comprehensive picture of Ganesa that is of interest to an Indian mind. The picture assumes the Vedic origin of Ganesa and the Smrti and the Tantrick involvements of the deity. It recognizes the primal importance given to this god in the daily life of millions of Indians. And it seeks to provide authentic information about Ganesh from texts. The books contains drawings of numerous Ganesa Icons, worshipped in our temples or preserved in museums. 10. Metaphysics and Mysticism in Mahayana Buddhism- An Analytical Study of the Ratnagotravibhago-Mahayanottaratantra-sastram / C.D. Sebastian/ Rs. 500 ISBN: 81-7030-826-7, Series: Bibliotheca Indo-Buddhica Series No. 238 About the Book Canonical and classical Mahayana literatue falls into two classes viz., Prajanaparamita and the Tathagatagarbha classes. The Ratnagotravibhago Mahayanottaratantra Sastra, popularly known as the Uttaratantra, is the foremost example of the Tathagata-garbha literature. In this volume the author makes an exegetical and analytic study of the same text, and brings out the metaphysical and mystical bearings of Mahayana Buddhism. The teaching of the Uttaratantra is a perfect blend of philosophy, religion, spiritual discipline, mysticism and metaphysics – a blend which is characteristic of Buddhism. Tathagata-garbha is an important Mahayana principle, which explains that all living beings possess the essence of Buddha-hood (Sarvasattvas-tathatagata-garbhah). Tathagata-garbha toeory is a teaching that gives great optimism for all living beings in the pursuit of Bodhi (Enlightenment) of Buddhatva (Buddha-hood). This theory enshrines in it a sublime concept that all the sentient beings are potential Buddhas or all will attain Buddha-hood. Owing to the presence of Tathagata-garbha in all, one perceives the equality of oneself with others, and works for the wellbeing of all living beings, as one's entire life motif. According to A.K. Chatterjee, an outstanding authority on Yogacara Idealism, the author "brings out beautifully the implication of the notion of the Tathagatagarbha" in this volume. 11. Lhasa - The Holy City / F. Spencer Chapman with an Introduction by Sir Charles Bell K.C.M.G. K.C.I.E/ Rs. 200 About the Book This book gives first hand beautiful account of Lhasa by a leading traveller. The book gives details of Monasteries, Feativals and Processions, Lhasa City, The Potala Palace, Norbhu Lingka, Gyantse, Phari, Recreations, Tibetan New Year. The book if profusely illustrated with Maps and Plates 12. Buddhist- Art, History and Culture- Essays by Prof. L.M Joshi/ Ed. D.C Ahir. Rs. 300 ISBN: 81-7030-799-6, Series: Bibliotheca Indo- Buddhica Series N. 233 Contents: 1. Life and times of the madhyamika philosopher Nagarjuna. 2. Modernity of Buddha's Gospel. 3. True Buddhism. 4. Buddhist principle of non-Egoity. 5. Aspects of Buddhism in ancient Indian culture. 6. The concept of Dharma in Buddhism. 7. The mind and the mere mind in Buddhism. 8. Faith and devotion in Buddhism. 9. Buddhist tradition and Guru Nanak: aspects of absolute reality. 10. Modernity of ancient Buddhism. 11. The way to Nirvana according to the Dhammapada. 12. Buddhist contribution to art and architecture. 13. Aspects of Buddhism in Indian history. 14. Santideva's Siksamuccaya - karikas About the Author D.C. Ahir (born 1928, Punjab) is a reputed scholar of Buddhist studies, and has made notable contribution to the history of Buddhism during the last 42 years. He retired as Director to Goverment of India in February 1986, and since then fully engaged in enriching literature. He already has more than 40 published works to his credit, besides numerous articles on Buddhism. In appreciation of his noble and notable contribution to the Buddhist Literature as a Distinguished Scholar and Author, the Maha Bodhi Society of India, Sarnath conferred on him on 30th November 2001 the Honorary Title of Bauddha Sahitya Shiromani. Other Books by the Author 1. Buddhism in South East Asia- A Cultural Survey/ D.C Ahir/ Rs. 450 2. Buddhism in North India & Pakistan/ D.C Ahir/ Rs. 300 3. Buddhism in South India/ D.C Ahir/ Rs. 200 4. Buddha Gaya Through the Ages/ D.C Ahir/ Rs. 225 5. The Pioneers of Buddhist Revival in India/ D.C Ahir/ Rs. 120 6. Buddhism in Modern India/ D.C Ahir/ Rs. 200 7. A Panorama of Indian Buddhism- Selections From the Maha Bodhi Journal (1892- 1992)/ D.C Ahir/ Rs. 500 8. The Status of the Laity in Buddhism/ D.C Ahir/ Rs. 150 9. Himalayan Buddhism Past & Present- Mahapandit Rahul Sankrityayan Centenary Volume/ D.C Ahir/ Rs. 225 10. Glimpses of Sri Lankan Buddhism/ D.C Ahir/ Rs. 450 11. Buddhist Sites & Shrines in India- History, Architecture/ D.C Ahir/ Rs. 1200 12. Vipassana- A Universal Buddhist Technique of Meditation/ Ed. D.C Ahir/ Rs. 200 13. Sagathavagga Samyutta- Division of Discourses with Verses/ Tran. U Tin U/ Rs. 500 ISBN: 81-7030-798-8, Series: Bibliotheca Indo-Buddhica Series No. 232 About the Book The present book contains the English translation of verses from Sagatha Vagga of Division of Discourses from the Samyutta Nikaya. The five groups contained in this volume are Devata Samyutta (Group of related discourses to various un-named devas), Devaputta Samyutta (Group of related discourses to various named devas), Kosala Samyutta (Group of related discourse to King Pasenadi of Kosala), Mara Samyutta (Group of related discourses involving Mara), and Bhikkhuni Samyutta (Group of related discourses concerning bhikkunis). 14. Sri Sudodhini - Commentary on Srimad Bhagvata Purana by Mahaprabhu Shri Vallabhacharya -Text and English Translation / T.Ramanan About the Book This Volume presents, for the first time in English language, the translation, based on devotion to our Lord Shri Krishna (bhakti), bringing out, from the original Sanskrit text, the "bhavartha" (meaning of the innerspirit and underlying loving sentiments, with which, this treatise has been written), of the monumental commentary Sri Subodhini, on the Maha Bhagavata Purana, by Mahaprabhu Sri Vallabhacharya (c 1479-c 1531). The tenth canto of Sri Bhagavatam is considered by all Vaishnavas as the most valuable and sacred canto, among the 12 cantos of this Purana- as this canto deals with the divine leelas of our lord Shri Krishna, who is the Shri Purushothama-the supreme lord of the universe. Shri Vallabhacharya's Sri Subodhini, is available only for the 1st , 2nd, 3rd, 10th and few chapters of the 11th canto of Sri Bhagavatam. Sri Subodhini is considered as the most detailed commentary, among all the available commentaries, of Sri Bhagavatam. Volumes No. 1. Sri Subodhini-Commentary on Srimad Bhagvata Purana by Mahaprabhu Shri Vallabhacharya -Text and English Translation Canto Ten Chapters 1 to 4/ T.Ramanan, (Vol. 1), Rs. 650 2. Sri Subodhini-Commentary on Srimad Bhagvata Purana by Mahaprabhu Shri Vallabhacharya -Text and English Translation Canto Ten Chapters 5 to 8/ T.Ramanan, (Vol. 2), Rs. 600 3. Sri Subodhini-Commentary on Srimad Bhagvata Purana by Mahaprabhu Shri Vallabhacharya -Text and English Translation Canto Ten Chapters 9 to 11/ T.Ramanan, (Vol. 3), Rs. 500 4. Sri Subodhini-Commentary on Srimad Bhagvata Purana by Mahaprabhu Shri Vallabhacharya -Text and English Translation Canto Ten Chapters 12 to 17/ T.Ramanan, (Vol. 4), Rs. 650 5. Sri Subodhini- Commentary on Srimad Bhagvata Purana by Mahaprabhu Shri Vallabhacharya -Text and English Translation Canto Ten Chapters 18 to 22/ T.Ramanan, (Vol. 5), Rs. 650 6. Sri Subodhini-Commentary on Srimad Bhagvata Purana by Mahaprabhu Shri Vallabhacharya -Text and English Translation Canto Ten Chapters 23 to 28/ T.Ramanan, (Vol. 6), Rs. 650 7. Sri Subodhini-Commentary on Srimad Bhagvata Purana by Mahaprabhu Shri Vallabhacharya -Text and English Translation Canto Ten Chapters 29 to 35/ T.Ramanan, (Vol. 7), Rs. 950 8. Sri Subodhini-Commentary on Srimad Bhagvata Purana by Mahaprabhu Shri Vallabhacharya -Text and English Translation Canto Ten Chapters 36 to 42/ T.Ramanan, (Vol. 8), Rs. 750 9. Sri Subodhini-Commentary on Srimad Bhagvata Purana by Mahaprabhu Shri Vallabhacharya -Text and English Translation Canto Ten Chapters 43 to 49/ T.Ramanan, (Vol. 9), Rs. 950 10. Sri Subodhini-Commentary on Srimad Bbagvata Purana by Mahaprabhu Shri Vallabhacharya -Text and English Translation Canto Ten Chapters 50 to 56/ T.Ramanan, (Vol. 10), Rs. 750 11. Sri Subodhini-Commentary on Srimad Bhagavata Purana by Mahaprabhu Shri Vallabhacharya- Text and English Translation Canto Ten Chapters 57 to 63/ T.Ramanan, [824-0] (Vol. 11), Rs. 750 12. Sri Subodhini-Commentary on Srimad Bhagavata Purana by Mahaprabhu Shri Vallabhacharya- Text and English Translation Canto Ten Chapters 64 to 70/ T.Ramanan, [829-1] (Vol. 12), Rs. 750 13. Sri Subodhini-Commentary on Srimad Bhagavata Purana by Mahaprabhu Shri Vallabhacharya- Text and English Translation Canto Ten Chapters 71 to 77/ T.Ramanan, [830-5] (Vol. 13), Rs. 750 14. Sri Subodhini-Commentary on Srimad Bhagavata Purana by Mahaprabhu Shri Vallabhacharya- Text and English Translation Canto Ten Chapters 78 to 84/ T.Ramanan, [833-X] (Vol. 14), Rs. 750 15. Sri Subodhini-Commentary on Srimad Bhagavata Purana by Mahaprabhu Shri Vallabhacharya- Text and English Translation Canto Ten Chapters 85 to 90/ T.Ramanan, [834-8] (Vol. 15), Rs. 950 16. Sri Subodhini-Commentary on Srimad Bhagavata Purana by Mahaprabhu Shri Vallabhacharya- Text and English Translation Canto Eleven Chapters 1 to 5 (includes Vritrasura Chatusloki) / T.Ramanan, [843-7] (Vol. 16), Rs. 750 Request a Complete Catalogue <publicity (AT) indianbookscentre (DOT) com?subject=Subscribe!> * Postage charges extra. * These Prices are for INDIA only. * This cancels all our previous lists. * Prices are subject to change without any prior notice. We also invite Manuscripts for Publishing on the above Subjects. <ibc (AT) indianbookscentre (DOT) com?subject=Manuscript> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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