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dear Mr. RR,

this only takes us back to Sir Rishi's email wherein

he had mentioned 12 lagnas for 7 billion population in

this planet earth. when these classics were written we

have to presume that the population wasnt so explosive

as today and hence many traits would have fitted into

the descriptive details of the planets and its

placemnents etc. but in todays context it is very

difficult to answer. Methodical research and analysis

with various charts with its divisional charts will

give us the answer some day. this is my observation.


with good wishes,











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Gopu ji,


Does this mean that with the (presumably vastly?) expanding

population the classical astrological framework of indicators and

rules is not sufficient anymore and we should perhaps expand our

toolkit, rather than tweaking and sharpening the ones we already have?


If so, then what would be these additional indicators and rules and

factors that can be added and which would help and serve the modern

nativity and modern astrologer better?


I am asking this aloud almost as a rhetorical question but perhaps

someone has the answer to that if they would like to share.






, K Gopu <kgopu_24 wrote:


> dear Mr. RR,

> this only takes us back to Sir Rishi's email wherein

> he had mentioned 12 lagnas for 7 billion population in

> this planet earth. when these classics were written we

> have to presume that the population wasnt so explosive

> as today and hence many traits would have fitted into

> the descriptive details of the planets and its

> placemnents etc. but in todays context it is very

> difficult to answer. Methodical research and analysis

> with various charts with its divisional charts will

> give us the answer some day. this is my observation.


> with good wishes,


> k.gopu










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Dear RR et al..


I am extremely new to this topic of jyotish and astrology, so please

understand my nascent viewpoint is based upon my limited level of

experience. But it is not the fact that the current population is

larger or the tool set is limited, rather it may be that our

expectations are fundamentally flawed. We crave certainty in an

uncertain world.


Maybe a natal chart is simply a representation of "potential" energy

based upon past karma. If time was allowed to pass in a vacuum,

this "potential" would reach fruition based 100% on the natal

scheme. However, we do not live in a vacuum, so "kinetic" energy or

free will can alter the output of this "potential".


I read either in a book or on one of the forums, someone mentioned

that jyotish was an exploration or investigation of the field of

probabilities or something along these lines, but as someone who

loves science and physics, this way of looking at it rang true for



What fun would it be otherwise?!


Om Shanti,





, "Rohiniranjan"

<jyotish_vani wrote:


> Gopu ji,


> Does this mean that with the (presumably vastly?) expanding

> population the classical astrological framework of indicators and

> rules is not sufficient anymore and we should perhaps expand our

> toolkit, rather than tweaking and sharpening the ones we already



> If so, then what would be these additional indicators and rules


> factors that can be added and which would help and serve the


> nativity and modern astrologer better?


> I am asking this aloud almost as a rhetorical question but perhaps

> someone has the answer to that if they would like to share.


> thanks


> RR


> , K Gopu <kgopu_24@> wrote:

> >

> > dear Mr. RR,

> > this only takes us back to Sir Rishi's email wherein

> > he had mentioned 12 lagnas for 7 billion population in

> > this planet earth. when these classics were written we

> > have to presume that the population wasnt so explosive

> > as today and hence many traits would have fitted into

> > the descriptive details of the planets and its

> > placemnents etc. but in todays context it is very

> > difficult to answer. Methodical research and analysis

> > with various charts with its divisional charts will

> > give us the answer some day. this is my observation.

> >

> > with good wishes,

> >

> > k.gopu

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >


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In my opinion, a natal chart will:

a) Bring forward the ledger of the Karmik balance

B) It will define the mission/objective for this lifetime

C) It will explain the resources/assets available to accomplish the


D) It will also delineate the challenges/constraints and bottlenecks.

E) It will then define the "potential" of what will be carried

forward at the end of the life.

Everything related to each other as a function oftime. Now when we

have to do all this obviously it cannot be simplistic and needs tobe

complex as RRji states.

As complexas life itself

If you find life simple then Jyotish is simple too...





, "charles_corbit"

<charles_corbit wrote:


> Dear RR et al..


> I am extremely new to this topic of jyotish and astrology, so


> understand my nascent viewpoint is based upon my limited level of

> experience. But it is not the fact that the current population is

> larger or the tool set is limited, rather it may be that our

> expectations are fundamentally flawed. We crave certainty in an

> uncertain world.


> Maybe a natal chart is simply a representation of "potential"


> based upon past karma. If time was allowed to pass in a vacuum,

> this "potential" would reach fruition based 100% on the natal

> scheme. However, we do not live in a vacuum, so "kinetic" energy or

> free will can alter the output of this "potential".


> I read either in a book or on one of the forums, someone mentioned

> that jyotish was an exploration or investigation of the field of

> probabilities or something along these lines, but as someone who

> loves science and physics, this way of looking at it rang true for

> me.


> What fun would it be otherwise?!


> Om Shanti,


> Charles



> , "Rohiniranjan"

> <jyotish_vani@> wrote:

> >

> > Gopu ji,

> >

> > Does this mean that with the (presumably vastly?) expanding

> > population the classical astrological framework of indicators and

> > rules is not sufficient anymore and we should perhaps expand our

> > toolkit, rather than tweaking and sharpening the ones we already

> have?

> >

> > If so, then what would be these additional indicators and rules

> and

> > factors that can be added and which would help and serve the

> modern

> > nativity and modern astrologer better?

> >

> > I am asking this aloud almost as a rhetorical question but


> > someone has the answer to that if they would like to share.

> >

> > thanks

> >

> > RR

> >

> > , K Gopu <kgopu_24@>


> > >

> > > dear Mr. RR,

> > > this only takes us back to Sir Rishi's email wherein

> > > he had mentioned 12 lagnas for 7 billion population in

> > > this planet earth. when these classics were written we

> > > have to presume that the population wasnt so explosive

> > > as today and hence many traits would have fitted into

> > > the descriptive details of the planets and its

> > > placemnents etc. but in todays context it is very

> > > difficult to answer. Methodical research and analysis

> > > with various charts with its divisional charts will

> > > give us the answer some day. this is my observation.

> > >

> > > with good wishes,

> > >

> > > k.gopu

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >


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Since my last recent attempt to respond rather forcefully to a recent

message about signs vs houses was aborted, I gingerly approach this

named invitation!


Signs are like houses created by builders of real estate. They are

generic and available for those who can move in! Houses are homes

that have already been occupied or at least spoken for!!


In my ant's perspective, that is -- your's forum members may be

different! Perspective, that is, if not houses and homes!!


When my wife and I brought forth our children into this reality, we

decided almost without consultation that we will reveal to them the

gist of our worldly experiences in a concrete form. Financial

independence for instance and personal responsibility as far as their

assets are concerned and their contributables!


One of them is less careful but is incredibly lucky so far, future

trends and outcomes awaited!

The other is more careful and perhaps missing out on some of life's

goodies -- future trends and outcomes awaited!!


Not trying to start some astro-bon fire but just pointing out my

personal two cents!


In jyotish, rules are not absolute or not absolutely known.


Hence no reason to get overly concerned about the outcome -- just

observe the trends and be GRATEFUL that this added dimension was

provided to us jyotishis to gauge and study REAL LIFE with and by!




, "rishi_2000in"

<rishi_2000in wrote:


> In my opinion, a natal chart will:

> a) Bring forward the ledger of the Karmik balance

> B) It will define the mission/objective for this lifetime

> C) It will explain the resources/assets available to accomplish the

> mission

> D) It will also delineate the challenges/constraints and


> E) It will then define the "potential" of what will be carried

> forward at the end of the life.

> Everything related to each other as a function oftime. Now when we

> have to do all this obviously it cannot be simplistic and needs


> complex as RRji states.

> As complexas life itself

> If you find life simple then Jyotish is simple too...

> regards


> rishi


> , "charles_corbit"

> <charles_corbit@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear RR et al..

> >

> > I am extremely new to this topic of jyotish and astrology, so

> please

> > understand my nascent viewpoint is based upon my limited level of

> > experience. But it is not the fact that the current population is

> > larger or the tool set is limited, rather it may be that our

> > expectations are fundamentally flawed. We crave certainty in an

> > uncertain world.

> >

> > Maybe a natal chart is simply a representation of "potential"

> energy

> > based upon past karma. If time was allowed to pass in a vacuum,

> > this "potential" would reach fruition based 100% on the natal

> > scheme. However, we do not live in a vacuum, so "kinetic" energy


> > free will can alter the output of this "potential".

> >

> > I read either in a book or on one of the forums, someone


> > that jyotish was an exploration or investigation of the field of

> > probabilities or something along these lines, but as someone who

> > loves science and physics, this way of looking at it rang true


> > me.

> >

> > What fun would it be otherwise?!

> >

> > Om Shanti,

> >

> > Charles

> >

> >

> > , "Rohiniranjan"

> > <jyotish_vani@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Gopu ji,

> > >

> > > Does this mean that with the (presumably vastly?) expanding

> > > population the classical astrological framework of indicators


> > > rules is not sufficient anymore and we should perhaps expand


> > > toolkit, rather than tweaking and sharpening the ones we


> > have?

> > >

> > > If so, then what would be these additional indicators and rules

> > and

> > > factors that can be added and which would help and serve the

> > modern

> > > nativity and modern astrologer better?

> > >

> > > I am asking this aloud almost as a rhetorical question but

> perhaps

> > > someone has the answer to that if they would like to share.

> > >

> > > thanks

> > >

> > > RR

> > >

> > > , K Gopu <kgopu_24@>

> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > dear Mr. RR,

> > > > this only takes us back to Sir Rishi's email wherein

> > > > he had mentioned 12 lagnas for 7 billion population in

> > > > this planet earth. when these classics were written we

> > > > have to presume that the population wasnt so explosive

> > > > as today and hence many traits would have fitted into

> > > > the descriptive details of the planets and its

> > > > placemnents etc. but in todays context it is very

> > > > difficult to answer. Methodical research and analysis

> > > > with various charts with its divisional charts will

> > > > give us the answer some day. this is my observation.

> > > >

> > > > with good wishes,

> > > >

> > > > k.gopu

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Tired of spam? Mail has the best spam protection


> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Response to message #xyz somewhere on Internet!



Kola baang!

If my Guru were like that...

would I even be motivated?

To promote him or even follow him let alone announce him??


My own personal teacher between 76-78 was like that, I suppose --

incredibly brilliant and creative

but lazy like molasses -- with a bad work ethic!

Benaras does not attract everything that is the best always!

I did not choose him, nor did he really want me, but therein was my



Brilliance alone is not enough --

Luck alone --

Hard work too, for that matter --

Love and compassion for others --

Willingness to serve and opening to those who seek service --

Unconditionally or even with conditions!


If only we could all open up, unconditionally

like buds while they are turning into flowers

A natural unfolding of destiny that has been captured on film and

video repeatdly

And the milkdrop landing as a 1/8000 second flash was triggered to

capture its crowning moment!

And yet many others still want to capture it, yet again and again --

Because when MA reveals her beauty we are not satisfied and wish to

capture it again!

Capturing MA? How audacious of the child that is not even fully born

yet to his own potentials and being!


RR <now>

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The perception of each thought relates to the individual conscious

only. The same thought in the same words translates differently to

another individual. This uniqueness of perceptions is fantastic and

no attempt to uniformalise has ever worked.

Yet every human effort has been to create order from chaos.

The trend as you put rightly is the key, the trend progressing,

regressing over time..............

That understanding alone is the gift of Jyotish.




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