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Reply To John R., JonBenet Vedic Comments


12:12 PM 09/27/2006 Wed


TO: valist


Hi John R.,


Thanks so much for the comments on my recent piece on JonBenet. The

time I have is the one that is "standard", that is to say, that

which is reported by Rodden's Astrodatabank and widely circulated on

the Internet. I am not aware of the birthtime you've cited, and you

state below that you may have come by this time as a result of a

rectification attempt on your part to fit the events of JonBenet's

life. In any event, your additional comments, particularly with

regard to Jaimini Jyotish, are most interesting. Jaimini, as you

know, is a form of Jyotish that is in my view, way more underrated

than it should be. More jyotishis should be using it.


Thanks again!






Re: JonBenet Ramsey: A Case Study (for Mu'Min and all)



Namaste Mu'Min,


Your chart analysis is excellent. However, the source that I have

for JonBenet's chart shows a different birth time (11:56:00am...I may

have rectified this time based on the known facts a few months after

her death!). The lagna for the chart is Virgo, which would put Mars

in the 8th house. Mars is also located in the 64th navamsha which

makes it even more deadly.


She was killed on the dasha of Mars/Ketu/Mars based on the Moon

nakshatra calculation.


Further, Jaimini's principles appear to describe her death more

clearly. The Moon/Rahu conjunction is located in the 8th house from

the Atmakaraka, Venus. In addition, the conjunction is getting a

malefic argala from Mars. The sage noted that this combination is an

indicator for a grisly death.


Based on this chart, we can speculate that the killer was one of the

neighbors, since Mars is the lord of the third house. Or, the killer

could be her older brother or older friend, since Mars is in the 11th

from the Atmakaraka, Venus.




John R.

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