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Help on the Quest for Self-realization-Reminders-77

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Help on the Quest for Self-realization-Reminders-77


Fasting should be chiefly mental (abstention from thoughts). Mere

abstinence from food will do no good, it will even upset the mind.

Spiritual unfoldment (development) will come rather by regulating



Food affects the mind. The quality of one's food influences the

mind. The mind feeds on the foods consumed. For the practice of

any kind of yoga, vegetarianism is absolutely necessary since it

makes the mind more sattvic (pure and harmonious).


Custom is only an adjustment to environment. It is the mind that

matters. The fact is that the mind has been trained to find certain

foods good and palatable. The necessary food value is obtainable in

vegetarian as well as non-vegetarian food; only the mind desires the

sort of food that it is used to and considers palatable.


Moderation in food, moderation in sleep and moderation in speech

are, generally speaking, the rules of conduct which an aspirant

should follow. Eat in moderation and continue the Quest.


The rule of food-regulation is that one should allow time for the

stomach's rest, and when hungry, eat a limited amount of Satvika

food. Sattvic foods include bread, fruit, vegetables, milk and such



Regulation of diet, restricting it to sattvic (i.e simple and

nutritious food which sustains but does not stimulate the body)

food, taken in moderate quantities, is of all the rules of conduct

the best; and it is most conducive (contributing or helping (towards

something) ) to the development of the satvic qualities (purity of

heart, self-restraint, evenness (equable (not easily disturbed or

angered), calm) of temper, tenderness towards all beings, fortitude

(courage in pain and adversity) and freedom from desire, hatred and

arrogance are the outstanding virtues of the satvic mind). These,

in their turn, assist one in the practice of Self-enquiry in the

Quest of the Self.


Regulation of one's diet by taking only moderate quantities of food

and by strictly avoiding non-sattvic foods, that is, all non-

vegetarian foods such as eggs, fish and meat, all intoxicants such

alcohol and tobacco, excessively pungent (having a sharp or strong

taste or smell, esp., so as to produce a prickling sensation

(trouble mentally); mentally stimulating), sour and salty tastes,

excess onions and garlic, and so on [is a great help].


Sattva (purity and harmony): Dairy produce, vegetables and cereals

are deemed to be sattvic foods. A diet which consists largely of

these products helps spiritual aspirants to maintain a still, quiet



Rajas (activity): Rajasic foods include meat, fish and hot spicy

foods such as chilies, onions and garlic. Ingestion of these foods

results in an overactive mind.


Tamas (sluggishness (inactive, slow-moving)): Foods which are

decayed, stale or the product of a fermentation process (e.g

alcohol) are classified as tamasic. Consumption of these foods

leads to apathetic (having or showing no emotion or interest),

torpid (sluggish, inactive, dull, apathetic) states of mind which

hamper (impede, hinder) clear decisive thinking.


Q: Are there aids to (1) concentration, and (2) casting off



A: Physically, the digestive and other organs are to be kept free

from irritation. Therefore food is regulated both in quantity and

quality. Non-irritants are eaten, avoiding chilies, excess salt,

onions, wine, opium, etc. Avoid constipation, drowsiness and

excitement and all foods which induce them. Mentally, take interest

in one thing and fix the mind on it. Let that interest be self-

absorbing to the exclusion of everything else. This is dispassion

(vairagya) and concentration.


Source: Various reliable publications of / on Sri Ramana Maharshi's


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