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Surrendering to Devi - Satyameva Jayate!

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Re: Surrendering to Devi -Satyameva Jayate !

Greetings jabali :


The namavali prayer to Devi is available ayt the following website !




Jabali, it is also available at Professorji's website - you can

access the link from pRofeesorji's profile !


Yesterday was Mahatma Gandhiji's Birthday! It was also a day of

celebration for yet another reason! The concluding day of Navaratri -

Vijayadashami! THe day of victory - victory of Good over Evil!


In the nine Nights of Navaratri festival , many of us read the 700

verses of DEVI Bhagavatam where there is a beautiful description of

how Devi vanquished all the Demons - MADHU, KAITABHA, SHUMBHA,



Here is how we pray !


O Durge! With your sharp *sword* cut my 'EGO" ( the evil

Mahisasur ) into pieces!


O Indrani! ! Take away with your *Axe* my Aroogance and Jealousy e

(AHAMKAR and Matsarya) the wicked demons Shumbha and Nishumba)


o Ambike! Grant me freedom from 'Desires' and 'Greed ' ( kama and

lobha) , the demons Madhu and Kaitabha !


O Kali! With your tongue drink up the blood of 'Lust' ( moha)

overflowing in my muladhara chakra ( the mighty Asura Raktabija)



O VishnumayI! ! Avidya is clouding my VISION! The culprit is none

other than the demon Dhumralochan! With your Third eye, remove my

Ajnana! ( ignorance)


O LalithamBike ! My body is trembling with fear ! The evil

Bhandasura has taken hold of all my sense organs ! Please save me ,

Maa from these internal demon!


Grant me victory over these asuric tendencies, O Ma shakti!


Shastriji had the right idea when he pointed out in his post that in

order for us to have Chitta shuddhi we need to eliminate all these

negative tendencies - kama , krodha , lobha , moha , matsarya,

ahamkar etc etc ....


In North India . the effigy of ten headed demon Ravona is burnt on

Vijayadashami to symbolize the Victory of Good over evil ! Again,

the ten hedded demon is not external - all the ten demons are within

us .... kama , krodha , lobha , moha , ahamkar, matsarya , etc etc



During the nine nights of Navaratri , due to 'antarmukhi' Sadhnaa ,

we try to conquer these negative tendencies or vritts ! That is the

chitta shuddhi ! By reading books like Devi bhagvatam and listening

to discourses on Sri Ramayana , the mind gets purified . This is the

teal victory !


Gandhiji was always fond of saying 'Satyameva jayate ' -that was his

creed and message ! TRUTH ALWATS WINS!


How did Gandhiji asked his fellowmen to fight against the oppressive

British RAJ ?



you need not fight with sticks and stones...

you need not fight with swords and knIves

you need not fight with weapons, nuclear or otherwise

you need not fight with bombs, atomic or otherwise...


but fight you must if you want to uphold 'dharma'( kRISHNA'S ADVICE



so what did our great mahatma doto fight the mighty british empire?

plain and simple-


non-violent non co-operation...

civil dis- obedience

dandi march (salt satyagraha)

fasting unto death ( a gandhiji dead is a greater threat than a

gandhiji alive as it would lead to mass rebellion)

swadeshi movement (boycott foeign goods-imports from Britain- strike

at the very root of their economy - manufacture your own cloth- he

used the charkha as a weapon)

lastly, he used the 'pen' as a sword- he wrIte regularly in young

india to educate the masses aginst colonial rule ... it is said 'pen

is mightier than the sword"


so, our mahatma did use weapons but these were not destructive

weapons of mass destruction-


non-violence does not merely mean passive resitance - it means non-



I would like to share this poem from Gandhiji with you on this

auspicious day of the Mahatma's birth anniversary!


The Meaning of God Poem


There is an indefinable mysterious Power that pervades everything.

I feel It, though I do not see It.

It is this unseen Power which makes Itself felt and yet defies all


because It is so unlike all that I perceive through my senses.

It transcends the senses....

That informing Power or Spirit is God....

For I can see that in the midst of death life persists,

in the midst of untruth, truth persists,

in the midst of darkness light persists.

Hence I gather that God is Life, Truth, Light. He is love.

He is supreme good.

But he is no God who merely satisfies the intellect if He ever does.

God to be God must rule the heart and transform it.


M. K. Gandhi

(Young India, October 11, 1928)



(Thank you dear moderators ! this will be my last post for the

calendar year 2006)


i will continue to enjoy all the wonderful gems here !



love and regards

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