Guest guest Posted October 7, 2006 Report Share Posted October 7, 2006 Sri Krsna-Namastakam Çré Kåñëa-Nämäñöakam Çréla Rüpa Gosvämé nikhila-çruti-mauli-ratna-mälä-dyuti-néräjita-päda-paìkajänta ayi mukta-kulair upäsyamänaà paritas tväà harinäma! saàçrayämi (1) O Harinäma, I take complete shelter of You. The nails of Your lotus feet are worshiped by the glowing radiance emanating from the necklace of jewels known as the Upaniñads, which themselves are the crown-jewel of all the çrutis. You are also worshiped by the liberated sages. jaya nämadheya! muni-vånda-geya! jana-raïjanäya param akñaräkåte! tvam anädaräd api manäg udéritaà nikhilogra-täpa-paöaléà vilumpasi (2) O Harinäma, who are sung by the sages! O You who have assumed the form of supreme syllables to give great happiness to the devotees! All glories to You. May Your supremacy always be manifest. If You are spoken only once, even disrespectfully or in jest, You absolve all of one’s frightful sins at the root. yad-äbhäso ’py udyan kavalita-bhava-dhvänta-vibhavo dåçaà tattvändhänäm api diçati bhakti-praëayiném janas tasyodättaà jagati bhagavan-näma-taraëe! kåté te nirvaktuà ka iha mahimänaà prabhavati? (3) O sun of Bhagavän-näma, what learned scholar in this world is competent to describe Your unsurpassed glories? Even äbhäsa, the dim light of Your early dawn, swallows up the darkness of ignorance which blinds the conditioned souls and enables them to envision hari-bhakti. yad-brahma-säkñät-kåti-niñöhayäpi vinäçam äyäti vinä na bhogaiù apaiti näma! sphuraëena tat te prärabdha-karmeti virauti vedaù (4) O Näma, the Vedas loudly declare that even without a devotee undergoing any suffering, his prärabdha-karma, which cannot be eliminated even by resolute meditation on impersonal Brahman, is at once mitigated by Your appearance on the tongue. agha-damana-yaçodä-nandanau! nanda-süno! kamala-nayana-gopé-candra-våndävanendräù! praëata-karuëa-kåñëäv ity aneka-svarüpe tvayi mama ratir uccair vardhatäà nämadheya (5) O Näma, may my love for You in Your many forms such as Agha-damana, Yaçodänandana, Nanda-süno, Kamala-nayana, Gopécandra, Våndävanendra and Praëatakaruëa, always increase. väcyaà väcakam ity udeti bhavato näma! svarüpa-dvayaà pürvasmät param eva hanta karuëaà taträpi jänémahe yas tasmin vihitäparädha-nivahaù präëé samantäd bhaved äsyenedam upäsya so ’pi hi sadänandämbudhau majjati (6) O Näma, in the material world You manifest in two forms: as väcya, the Paramätmä inside the heart of each soul, and as väcaka, or the sound vibration of names such as Kåñëa and Govinda. We know Your second form to be more merciful to us than the first because by chanting, the second form is worshiped, and even those who have committed offences to Your first form are plunged into an ocean of bliss. süditäçrita-janärti-räçaye ramya-cid-ghana-sukha-svarüpiëe näma! gokula-mahotsaväya te kåñëa! pürëa-vapuñe namo namaù (7) O Kåñëa-näma, You destroy the sufferings of those who take shelter of You. You are the playful embodiment of saccidänanda, the great festival of Gokula, and are allpervading. I offer praëäma unto You time and again. närada-véëojjévana! sudhormi-niryäsa-mädhuré-püra! tvaà kåñëa-näma! kämaà, sphura me rasane rasena sadä (8) O life of Närada’s véëä, O You who are like waves of essential nectar in the ocean of sweetnesses! O Kåñëa-näma! By Your own volition, please always sweetly appear on my tongue. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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