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[sri ramanuja] Iraamaanusa nooRRanthAthi- 56th verse- His avathAram as ParasurAmA

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SrImathE Ramanujaya namah:


Dearest all,


In as much as PoorNaavathAram of the Lord is revered,

the Amsa or AvEsha avathAram is also to be equally

considered. 21 generations, He as Lord ParasurAma

destroyed the kshathriyas due to their ahankaara, mama

kaaram [i and mine]. He has an axe in His Hand the axe

signifies that He is the Parathvam and He owns the

worlds and rules the world. None shall have ahankara,

mamakara that it belongs to them. He destroyed their

ahankaram and mamakarams;


Being involved in such glorious avathAram and its

inner message, similarly Ramanuja taking the cue from

Lord Parasurama, preached to destroy our ahanakara

mama kara and conquer Samsaaric afflictions.


kOkkula mannarai moovezu kaal,oru koormazuvaal

pOkkiya thEvanaip pORRum punithan puvanamengum

aakkiya keertthi iraamaa Nnuchanai atainthapin_en

vaakkurai yaathu, en manamnNinai yaathini maRRonRaiyE.



Emperumaanaar - Sri Ramanujacharya praises devotedly

Sri ParasurAmamuni, who had appeared to destroy the 21

generations of Kshathriya enemies with His sharp

plough. He (Sri Ramanuja) has got the best quality to

even correct the persons of lowly nature (like me) the

dirty minds to become one pure hearts. Parama pAvanar;

Having been blessed so and joined Sri Ramanuja Group,

I shall never ever talk anything else except about Sri

Ramanuja. My mind shall never ever think of anything



oru koor mazhuvaal- with the help of only peerless

sharp axe;

moo yezhukaal- 21 times

kOkulam mannarai- the kshatriya kula kings


dEvanai- SarvEshwaran Sarva Swami

pORRum punidhan- always worshipped, meditated, praised

by the pristinely Pure

bhuvanam engum aakkiya keertthi Iraamanusanai-

Iraamaanusan- who shined with fame and popularity

across the world everywhere

adaindha pin- after taking refuge at the feet of


maRRonRai – there is nothing else

en vaakku uraiyaadhu – My mouth will not utter

en manam ini ninaiyaadhu- my mind will not think..


What is it that we learn from this verse? Our mouth

should not utter anything or anyone else but Sriman

Narayanan and His glories. Our minds should not think

of anything or anyone else. If that happens it is not

correct. Amudhannar says: I am clear. My mind and vaak

will not go after anything else except Ramanuja and

His Lord Sriman Narayanan. He takes Parasurama

avathAram here for reference because even if it is His

aavEsha avathAram and he destroys the khsathriya kulam

21 times, there is a message and we should look into

that and NOT simply consider some lame excuse to seek

idhara devathas and devathantharams. At all times,

never ever consider others as Paradevatha.. All His

avathArams have a purpose and mission which is unique.



Extract from Sri Dileppan Swami’s posting: [as read

from Sri Ramadesikachariar’s commentary from

Dasavathara sothra]


Parasuraama avadhaaram maRRa avadhaarangaLaip

pOnRadhanRu. siRandha Or andhaNaridam

emperumaan than sakthi mudhaliyavaRRaip

pugach seydhu pala athisayach seyalgaLaich



Parasuramar's avadhaaram is different from the other

avathaarams. Our Lord empowered an outstanding

brahmin and performed many spectacular deeds.

Therefore, unlike other avathaarams, Parasurama

avathaaram is not a direct avathaaram of our Lord.


[extracted from Sri N Krishnamachariar swami’s

translations] Reference in VishNu sahasranamam khaNDa

paraSuh- the nAma in terms of the paraSurAma

incarnation - where, as Jamadagni's son, He punished

His foes. Alternatively, it is suggested that the

nAma can be taken as a-khaNDa paraSuh, He who wields

an invincible axe - the nAma being given as

a-kahaNDA-paraSuh in this case.


Another reference is to tiruvAimozhi 6.2.10:

ninRila'ngu muDiyinAi irupattOr kAl araSu kaLai kaTTa

venRi nIr mazhuvA.


Oh Valorous One, The One who has the kireetam (crown)

on Your Head most victoriously! You took ParasurAma

avataar and angrily destroyed the KshatriyAs! The

Creator of the BhUlOkA! Even during this day, You

wished to save the cowherd group and appeared as

KrishNA! Oh Black Emerald stone! We are now suffering

due to Your deceitful talks and foul plays. (Even when

You come, we suffer because of Your mischief; When You

don't come also, we suffer]


EmperumAnAr ThiruvaDigaLE SaraNam


Namo Narayana











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