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RE: [Jaya Jagannatha] Vastu Q - Plot Orientation

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Dear Bipin,




I want to add a few points on my favorite topic, Vastu.




- Plot is orientated at 45deg - this is not desirable


[My comments] Yes the strength of the property automatically reduces by 50

percent if the orientation is not to the cardinal directions. However, there

are certain ways of rectifying this - one way is to use certain prescribed



- East is higher than West - property is sloped this way and there

is a Mountain in the East


[My comments] I would give weightage to North East being higher than South

West. In regard to the mountain, the vegetation and water bodies if any need

to be considered before we say it is bad or good. India has Himalayas in the

North East and father, Niranjan Babu Bangalore, recommends it for certain

aspects. Just because there is a mountain, we should not un-necessarily



- Building is odd shaped


[My comments] Irregular buildings, if not built according to modular

extension is not recommended in Vastu




- Pool in South - not the best place for water


[My comments] Look at the resident's financial status and trends. the above

statement can be understood well.




- Kitchen is in Brahmastan


[My comments] What about the cooking place (stove) and the exhaust location?




The 9 squares grid also known as peetha mandala is to identify the

balances/imbalances of the bhootas. To understand and measure the energy

strength, we need to split the plot using different divisions based on

manushyalaya or devalaya.




- Installing a spot light in SW corner of property which should shine

upwards - this will rectify slope imbalance.


[My comments] How will this rectify the slope imbalance? I don't see any

relation with spot-light and flow of energies?


- Create a Rock Garden in SW corner of property


[My comments] Good idea. Based on the person's janma rasi and Atma Karaka,

it can be South of South West or West of South West.


- Keep the curtains and blinds open in North - this is normally kept closed

at all times


[My comments] Movement of energy is always desirable.


- Install mirror on NE wall of living Room to 'open' up this area


[My comments] Mirrors always have to be handled with care. They can bring in

unknown/unwanted troubles resulting in more grief if the measurements and

location of the mirror is not proper.


- Not sure what remedy for pool in South


[My comments] Look at the position of Jupiter and Mars in the persons

horoscope. If they are favorable, the primary elements denoted by them have

to be activated. Else, other remedies have to be resorted to


- Change the Dining Room so as to keep the brahmastan open


[My comments] Dining Room in Brahmasthana is Ok




Vastu Shastra is the only remedial science which takes care of all

imbalances - be it horoscopic or non-horscopic. You can refer to Father's

HandBook on Vastu and Vastu - Relevance to modern times. The above topics

are discussed in detail there.




Om Tat Sat,




Raman Suprajarama








Raman Suprajarama [cru115 ]


Sunday, October 08, 2006 12:57 PM


cru115 (AT) niranjanbabu (DOT) com


Fwd: [Jaya Jagannatha] Vastu Q - Plot Orientation








"Bipin Prag (Gmail)" <bipinprag > wrote:




"Bipin Prag \(Gmail\)" <bipinprag >


Thu, 5 Oct 2006 10:40:58 +0200


[Jaya Jagannatha] Vastu Q - Plot Orientation








Jaya Jaganantha


Dear Swee,


Hare Krishna


I have a few questions regarding plots orientated 45 deg. Ideally, one

would want to orientate the house according to the primary Vastu directions,

but unfortunately 'modern' architects are so ill-informed.


Anyway, looking at this property (pic attached)




The plot is almost square, and on a slope with the mountain along the East

side of the property. The ground is relatively flat except for a slope from

NE to SW. The road is also running from NE to SW entrance of the house is

from NW. The house is very odd shaped and there is a pool in the South.


The Owner has been traveling and is more away than living there - probably

NW entrance showing this. The owner would like to sell the house but is

struggling and has opted to keep the property but make some improvements

based on Vastu principles


My initial view on this property is that he should sell the property because

of the following reasons


- Plot is orientated at 45deg - this is not desirable


- East is higher than West - property is sloped this way and there

is a Mountain in the East


- Building is odd shaped


- Pool in South - not the best place for water


- Kitchen is in Brahmastan




Ive superimposed the 9 squares on the property. Now looking at the house,

the NE is open or not existent depends on how one positions the grid. The

out building in the SE l-section is an entertainment area with guest

quarters. The Kitchen and dining room is in the Brahmastan. The Bedrooms

are in the SW - this is ok. The two lounge areas are in the NW section -

this also seems ok.


I have suggested the following remedies


- Installing a spot light in SW corner of property which should shine

upwards - this will rectify slope imbalance.


- Create a Rock Garden in SW corner of property


- Keep the curtains and blinds open in North - this is normally kept closed

at all times


- Install mirror on NE wall of living Room to 'open' up this area


- Not sure what remedy for pool in South


- Change the Dining Room so as to keep the brahmastan open


Could you please also give the technique how to approach house that are

orientated 45deg. Do we use the Vastu grid like I did, or should one keep

the grid in the direction of the house, but of course with the directions

changed accordingly


Please guide me if im on the right track and offer some other practical



Love Bipin









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