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How can you sleep when you have stress and your mind is rushing with thoughts?

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I am Bi-Polar, it takes me two hours to go to sleep and anything can disturb me within that time, I am taking anti-psycotics drug, but it sometime does not always work, I wake up for the past couple of months at about 2 - 4 am with vivid dreams about God, and I remeber the whole dream.

I feel happy and curious about what they mean and I am seeing things when I am partially awake, almost as if I see parallel worlds.

Can you help me find a way to sleep properly?

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I am Bi-Polar, it takes me two hours to go to sleep and anything can disturb me within that time, I am taking anti-psycotics drug, but it sometime does not always work, I wake up for the past couple of months at about 2 - 4 am with vivid dreams about God, and I remeber the whole dream.

I feel happy and curious about what they mean and I am seeing things when I am partially awake, almost as if I see parallel worlds.

Can you help me find a way to sleep properly?


You need more such vivid deams to be awaken always. That is good sign. You are progressing.

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I am Bi-Polar, it takes me two hours to go to sleep and anything can disturb me within that time, I am taking anti-psycotics drug, but it sometime does not always work, I wake up for the past couple of months at about 2 - 4 am with vivid dreams about God, and I remeber the whole dream.

I feel happy and curious about what they mean and I am seeing things when I am partially awake, almost as if I see parallel worlds.

Can you help me find a way to sleep properly?


Trying reading books and play games before going to bed. Tired out yer mind and sleep will come naturally.

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  • 4 weeks later...

haribol I got enough money so i do not need to advertise just to let you know.


In my experience working at a local center for natural healing, clients with sleep problems cause by stress eg, always benefit greatly from the listening to the Yogic Sleep CD wich is on sale on the site




It is spoken word inducing a relaxed body and mind which will calm you down at bedtime and make you forget worries, anxieties and fears. Your mind will be going into a comfortable trance and you wake up in the morning thinking "Oh, how did I fall asleep?"


Listening regularly will also help you to stay peaceful and calm during the day and you can begin to handle situations rather the being handled by them


Ys Devarsirat Das

ACBSP 1976

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Here is some simple advice that worked for me.


Buy yourself a really nice new comfortable pillow. Go to bed about half an hour before you plan to sleep. Lying down in bed, imagine that this is a really peaceful and comfortable place to be. Warm/cool cosy.


Feel your head melting into that pillow. Really feel it. It is comfortable and nice.


Enjoy this experience of lying there. Feeling your head melt into that pillow. Feel how good this really feels. Resting, Lying....Melting....


When you feel nicely relaxed, slowly get up and turn the light off...then go back and enjoy that beautiful new soft pillow.


Give this a go...I hope it helps.:)

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Look under "ISKCON Internal" category of this website, there's a thread called "Helena Dreams of Prabhupada". Dreaming of God seems to be a good thing and might be due to certain configurations in the astrological chart.


How about working at the gym, hiking, exercising to exhaustion, any manual labor to help yourself fall asleep very easily?


Natural remedies would include valerian and camomile herbs. There's an herb tea formulation called "Sleepytime" by Celestial Seasonings. Natural supplements would include melatonin for difficulty in getting to sleep.


For bipolar, hempseed protein powder has the proper 4:1 ratio of omega 3 and 6 essential fatty acids that most vegetarians are missing in their diet.


In the Temple the old standby was to drink warm milk with tumeric added to it right before bedtime: to fall asleep at the proper hour in order to wake up refreshed for mangala arotik the next day!

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Look under "ISKCON Internal" category of this website, there's a thread called "Helena Dreams of Prabhupada". Dreaming of God seems to be a good thing and might be due to certain configurations in the astrological chart.


How about working at the gym, hiking, exercising to exhaustion, any manual labor to help yourself fall asleep very easily?


Natural remedies would include valerian and camomile herbs. There's an herb tea formulation called "Sleepytime" by Celestial Seasonings. Natural supplements would include melatonin for difficulty in getting to sleep.


For bipolar, hempseed protein powder has the proper 4:1 ratio of omega 3 and 6 essential fatty acids that most vegetarians are missing in their diet.


In the Temple the old standby was to drink warm milk with tumeric added to it right before bedtime: to fall asleep at the proper hour in order to wake up refreshed for mangala arotik the next day!


good advice especially exercising to exhaustion and milk with tumeric at night

but then relaxing and becomming free from anxiety and nervousness is a bit of a science and there are certain techniques which work very well, I swear by the Yoga Nidra system and hypnotherapy for total relaxation, especially when I see the difference it makes to my clients.


Progressive muscle relaxation is also very good to try. I do these three with many clients some of them who are in great pain, or suffer from acute anxiety,psychosomatic syndroms and depression and they all work very well for a great variety of problems.


About your dreams, you only have a problem if they put you into anxiety and increase your depression, otherwise to dream of God should be a good sign, I agree with the previous guest.


If they do disturb you, you could look into lucid dreaming and learn how to do it, techniques to relax your mind and body before going to bed will certainly be helpful in any case


Maybe you could also get yourself an exercise bike, or a chinwag pool, do some jogging or swimming and get rid of some surplus energy that is if you feel nervous energy inside when you cant sleep.Exercise will also go a great deal to make you feel better alround.


Your diet is also extremly important, as there are many food additives which negatively stimulate the nervous system, learn which ones they are and begin cutting them out.


If you eat meat, I would stop it, because you are taking in lots of negative karmam, that goes as well for drinking and smoking.


Devarsirat Das ACBSP 1976



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I would recommend 2-3 mg of melatonin 1/2 hour before wanting to sleep. I would not suggest you try any heavy sleeping pills from the allopath for a lot of reasons but also because you want to retain the memories of those dreams.


Excercise is also good but not right before sleep time. Within 2 hrs. a good workout may stimulate you more.


I am also trained in hyponosis and can attest to it's effectiveness. In fact I believe hypnosis to be the most valuable tool in physical/mental health care. Definetly get the cd Devasirat suggested. The problem you may find is that it will be hard to remain focused on the cd at first as you said your mind races with thoughts but in time it will take effect from a place in your mind that is deeper then that level of thought production and results will just start showing up.So keep trying even if you don't get success at first. It is often necessary to reinforce some things more than others. IT WILL WORK for you in time, no doubt.


I would have suggested some amino acids for steadying thoughts but since you have bi-polar you should research and clear everything with your physican before hand. I am thinking of dopamine precursers. But check with your doctor!!!!


I can suggest tryptophan. That is the amino acid in milk that is thought to aid sleep. It is a precursor to seretonin.


The lucid dreaming idea could be most valuable especially during a God filled dream. If ever there was a time to wake up that would be it. =:-) Lucid dream means YOU wake up and not your body. After all you as soul require no sleep but it is vital for the body and brain.


There is a lot to lucid dreaming. Including using it as a launching platform for subtle body excursions. But if you are with God in a dream you certainly don't want to go anyway else. =:-). But you do want to become as fully awake to your real self as possible.


A suggestion. Next time you have one of those special dreams you will remember to ask the Lord to make you more lucid of your true self and thus be able to appreciate His presence that much more. Just like we never walk alone we also never dream alone. The Lord is ALWAYS present.


You must tell your own mind that you will remember this and not try to remeber. You will remember...that is if you want to.


Happy dreams!

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