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Srimath Azhagiya Singar SathAbhishEkam series : 13.2, Rahasya Padhavee: 3rd ChillaRai Rahasyam of Amrutha Ranjani Rahasyams

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Dear AasthikAs :


Let us study now the structure and Meaning of the constituent Vaakyams of

Dhvayam and Charama SlOkam .


Structure of Dhvyam:


Thirumanthiram summarized the meaning of Tatthvam , Hitham and

PurushArTam . Dhvayam elaborates in greater detail the above three



Dhvayam is made up of two parts. The First part is a seperate Vaakyam

and focuses on the upAyam of Prapatthi . The second part is made up of

two Vaakyams and elaborates on the Moksha Phalan .Each of the two parts

have 3 padhams .


Meaning of the First Part


The First Padham of the first part is " Sreemath(Sreemann) -NaarAyaNa- charaNou ".

The word "SrI" refers to Periya PirAtti , who is sought as refuge by all

chEtanams and who has taken residence at the broad chest of Her Lord .

The " Math" portion riding on the Sri sabdham stands to remind us of

the state of Sri Devi united with Her Lord without even a second's

seperation from Him .


The next Padham , "NaarAyaNa" refers to His Vaathsalyam that overlooks

the trespasses of the chEtanams and His soulabhyam , which permits Him

to move with even the lowliest ones .In all these matters , the NaarAyaNa

Padham reminds us of His Swamythvam ( Lordship over all) as SarvEswaran .


The third paadham , " CharaNou " refers to the sacred feet of the Lord

that is the recourse for ujjeevanam of the ChEtanams." SaraNam Prapadhye "

stands for the UpAyam (SaraNam) of attaining the security of the Lord's feet

( PrapadhyE) .


It adds up to the recourseless chEtanan , who is incapable of practising Bhakthi

yOgam seeking the sacred feet of the Lord , who is never ever seperated from

His divine consort and performing Prapatthi with Mahaa ViswAsam and other

angams .This is the integrated meaning of the First Part of Dhvayam.


The second Part of Dhvayam


"SrimathE NaarAyaNAya nama:" is the second part .Thr first word , "SrImathE "

denotes the Lord , who is never seperated from Periya PirAtti .In the first part of

dhvayam (Sriman NaaraayaNa section) , NaarAyaNan stays with Periya PirAtti

as UpAyam ; in the second part , NaarAyaNan is accepting the Kaimkaryams of

the chEtanan and stays as the Phalan , while being in a state of non-seperation

from His PirAtti .


The NaarAyaNa sabdham in the second part refers to the most enjoyable Lord

of all with the amsams of auspicious guNams and soundharyam .The "aaya" rider

over the NaarAyaNa sabdham implies Kaimkaryam .The meaning of "aaya" is similar

as in the first part and it is a prayer for Kaimkaryam.


The final padham , "nama: " splits into na and ma and stands for the destruction of all

karmaas that stood in the way of chEtanan's pursuit of such Kaimkaryams.


The integrated Meaning of Dhvayam


adiyEn performs SaraNAgathy at the pair of feet of Sriman NaarAyaNan for

gaining nithya Kaimkarya Sri through the performance of blemishless ,

uninterrupted kaimkaryam to the Lord , who is never seperated from His PirAtti .


The structure of Charama slOkam


It has been stated earlier that Thirumanthiram and Dhvayam

elaborate on the UpAyam of SaraNAgathy . In Charama slOkam ,

there is a command to the jeevan by the Lord to perform that Prapatthi.


The Charama slOkam implies that Prapatthi is the appropriate means to gain

Moksham by those who do not have the capabiliites to practise the ardous

Bhakthi yOgam . Charama slOkam does indicate two more things: (1) It explains

well the anushtAnam of SaraNAgathy , which has Vedic PramANam (2) It affirms

that Prapatthi grants the Phalan without being dependent on any other power or

agent .


Thiru Manthiram has 3 Padhams ; dhvayam has the double of Thirumanthira

Padhams (viz)., six padhams ; charama slOkam has the double of dhvayam

(Viz) 12 padhams.


The Meaning of the first Part of Charama slOkamm


The first part is made up of one complete sentence: " Sarva dharmAn

partithyajya MaamEkam SaraNam vraja". It commandes the chEtanan

to perform Prapatthi .The second cluster is : "aham thvaa sarva paapRpyO

MokshayishyAmi " and it explains the fruits of Prapatthi ; The last cluster is

" Maa Sucha: ", affirming that the chEtanan has performed the act of Prapatthi

and that he feels free from the burden of his own protection after Prapatthi .


Sarva dharmAn Parithyajya :


This cluster has two meanings: (1) The command is to abandon all other

dharmams and perform Prapatthi instead . This means that Prapatthi

does not need any help outside its five angams (2) It refers to ananya gathithvam

of the Chetanan for realizing Moksha phalan except thru Prapatthi at the Lord's

sacred feet .




It refers to the SiddhOpAyan , Sriman NaarAyaNan , who alone has to be sought

as upAyam because He is the anantha kalyANa guNa poorNan & Dayaa sAgaran.

He is the mukhya upAyam for gaining the Moksha phalan and does not expect

anything beyond the act of Prapatthi .


SaraNam Vraja


These two words command the chEtanan to perform SaraNAgathy with its five

limbs ( angams) as the UpAyam for Moksha Phalan .


The meaning of the Padhams of the second Half


" Aham thvaa sarva paapEpyO mOkshayishyAmi maa Sucha:" is the second half

of Charama slOkam .


Aham : Myself. This word stands for the Lord as the omnipotent One

who has accepted the burden of protecting the chEtanan after his prapatthi.

His power is uninterruptable and can not be obstructed by anyone.


thvaa: This word refers to the Chetanan ,who has laid the bharam of rakshaNam

at the sacred feet of the Lord and is awaiting Moksha Phalan like the ChAthaka

bird waiting for its sole food , the rain water .


Sarva PaapEpyO mokshayishyAmi : I will release you ( chetanan) of ALL sins

that stood in your way until now to perform nithya kaimkaryams to Me at My

Supreme abode .


Maa Sucha: Do not grieve . These two words refer to the agitated and sorrowful

state of the chEtanan before Performing Prapatthi and the joyous state that

the Prapannan should be in after Prapatthi ( free from fear-doubt and worries

with the conviction that it is our Lord's duty from here on to take full responsibility

for his protection ).


The Match between the Meanings of Dhvayam and Charama slOkam


When we examine the meanings of the above two rahsyams , we recognize that

the meanings of the first part of the two rahasyams fit very well with each other

and the second part of each rahasyam also echo each other in the meanings .

All the three rahasyams , which are our means for ujjevanam thus reinforce each other .


SrImathE NigamAntha MahA DesikAya Nama:

Srimath Azhagiya Singar Thiruvadi ,

Oppiliappan Koil V.Sadagopan





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