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The Mountain Tribe

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I shall tell you of the Helvetians. The story I tell you is true.


The Helvetians were ³The Mountain Tribe² to those who lived below them.


It was a time, when Christ hat not yet lived. But Rome was alive and well.


Rome was South of the Mountains, and between, were the Etruscans, the tribe

of the sloping lands.


The Helvetians were not often seen. They were oddly white colored, lacking

pigment, like cold creatures from the cold slopes where they lived. Nobody

in the normal countries had skin that white, so the ³civilized² thought to



Their hair too seemed to lack color, and was thus faded, to a brown instead

of the normal dark, so thought the Southerners.


These mountain people were tall, strong and rugged, which of course they

would need to be, to live where they do, as they do.


For they braved the mountains, the snow, the harsh conditions, as if that

were normal. Thus the Southerners thought they were indeed robust, that

mountain tribe.


When they came down to pillage, which they did, they appeared like animals,

with long hair, strange and horrifying painted bodies, fighting naked,

taking back heads from slain oppenents. All their belongings, weapons,

spears, clothing, priests chanting hymns, were all foreign, in a tounge not

known, and they came and went so fast, from the forest and back again, up

the mountain sleeps into nowhere but snow and wind.


And one or two brave travelling writers and historians who did venture up to

the real homelands of the mountain peoples, brought back tales galore of

their strange ways. Chants, fires, sacrifices, costumes, horrible sights,

ghastly events, shows of prowess and bravery, a unique and unseen art style,

a strange language, and an obvious tie to antiquity.


This tribe, not a part of the German-Russian-Scandinavian group, had a

different language and culture altogether, and were known by many tribal

names all across Europe until their fading into Roman then Roman Christian

culture gradually.


But their first emergence was to the Greco ­ Roman peoples as the Barbarians

of the North, the chief power of Europe, the people of many tribal names who

are spread from Ireland to Hungary.


But the Helvetians were the mountain tribe because they lived high in the

Swiss Alps.


One day within the last century, a Swiss man found traces of ancient peoples

on a lake in Switzerland. Eventually it turned into a massive

archaeological dig that went up and over the nearby mountain side.


They mined salt. That might have been chief export. They had a large city

on the banks of a mountain lake, they had priests, buildings, classes or

castes, language, art, extensive metalworks, chariots, festivals and

sacrifices, cloth, leather, culture. Yet they were very cut off for the

most part, something like climbing to Tibet would be required to get to

them, back then.


Yet they came down a few times, to sack Rome for example, around 360 BC.


They came, dressed like perfect forest ghost mountain tribals, and scared

the living heebee geebees out of Rome¹s peoples. They didn¹t know what to

do with Rome, so they just took a bunch of gold, and left. Things like

taking over and running things, were totally foreign to these mountain

tribals, who would become ³the white people² sometime later.


That was only 20 one-hundred year long time chunks ago.


Savages, naked, smeared with paint and blood, fierce tribal warriors, with

long hair or strange haircuts, spiked up, goat or deer horns,

whatever...crazy wild hair do¹s...and crazy big ornaments to look fiercer or



Oddly, they were the first to invent steal, and used it to their advantage

over neighbors who still had only bronze.


They were more advanced than the ³savage² idea...as always, they were abused

by the historians of the their enemies.


But see them, in the snow, white people, sovereign, with their own culture

and language, see the gold ornaments on the head of the priest, see the

large gold necklaces on the big armed warriors standing on the sides of the

altar platform, the people gathered round, in all their bulky old leather

and woven wool and hemp clothing, spears, shields, swirling artwork, lots

and lots of circles and swirls, triskalions, embossed metalwork, etchings

and tribal paintings. See their buildings of timber and thatch, multi

storied, stonework, heavy timbers.


See their forest grove temples, for spirit was free in the forest, see the

gold items piled up in the sacred grove, stolen by no-one. See the deities

carved from tree trunks, large human like figures, or stone deities. See

the heads and skulls, saved from key figures from key battles, saved to

honor, to gain their strength, for this was the belief.


This was one Kingdom, the Helvetii....Switzerland is still named after them,

as Switzerland¹s real name is Confederation Helvetica.


Other European areas or cities are similar named after their ancient tribes

including Paris and Belgium for example.


So there were once shining kingdoms of toil and humanity, separate but

talking, all across Europe, with Golden Headresses for the Kings and High

Priests, Spears and Shields, arrows and swords...horses and chariots, bronze

helmets and armlets...


They were all conquered one by one by Rome or each other on behalf of

Rome...eventually, homogenization took place. People speak now of

³Globalization² as a bad thing...but when you know history, you realize it¹s

been going on for a long time, and the biggest wins for globalization were

thousands of years ago.


One of the chief archaeological remains of those times, from that area, is a

piece of sheet metal, which is embossed with a calendar which is most like a

Panchang, and it has the good and bad days marked out, and the astrological

changes, lunar days, etc., all marked.


This piece of sophisticated calendar work dates to a period of Roman

awareness but not full integration. It shows the Druidic element, the

astrological, and the belief in the effects of same on mundane day to day

affairs. Thus, we can easily see, the Celts were a lot like then how Hindus

are today still, as many cultures were or are.


>From the experience of the homogenization of Europe, the aftermath, the

plagues, the wars, the mixing of so many cultures, the ultimate ³winning² of

the Angles and Saxxons over the chief areas on and off, ultimately

idustrialization and science, and white man has really lost that old

culture, conquered the world, tried on various religions, and is in a state

of starting to be concerned over the massive pollution industrialization is

placing upon mother Earth, who used by their sworn Holy chief deity.


In many ways, it was a very bad idea that Rome conquered the Mountain

people, and introduced them to technology, and so on.






















Richard Edward Wurst

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