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[sri ramanuja] Caste Creed and Varna in Srivaishnavam

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Dear All,

A subtle thought process in the lineage of a question being raised by

one of my kin. Question pertains to varnasrama in Srivaishnavam.

I had few thoughts with respect to the question. I request our people

to clarify, correct any mistakes with pramanam for the answers I had



Question by my Kin:


"The below thing I wrote when I was a part ramanuja.org discussion

list. I didn't get any answer for this. Still I am searching the

answer for this. Do anyone of you have?


Respected Sir,

kulanthaangu saathikaL naalilum keezizinthu,

etthanai nalanthaa nilaathasaN daaLasaN daaLarka Laakilum,

valanthaangu sakkarath thaNNal maNivaNNaR kaaLenRuL kalanthaar,

adiyaar thammadi yaarem madikaLE.

If an individual is a devotee of Lord Vishnu, then, even if he belongs

to a lowly caste, you must consider his devotee's devotee as your

lord. I'm quoting this paasuram from tiruvaymoli. I have quoted the

explaination from our own web site www.ramanuja.org.


Whatever i understood from the above paasuram according to my

intellect is that if a person is a devotee of shriman naarayan to

whatever castes he/she belongs should be given enough respect. Then

why in our sampradaayam it is so that in the name of achaaram we

discriminate among our own people. Even if they are great devotees of

lord naarayan they are not given enough respect just because they

belong to low caste. I have seen many people who are brahmins and shri

vaishnava but they do not follow any rules and regulations of what

shri vaishnava should follow.But even then they get respect in the

society as well as by high intellectuals since they belong to high

caste. Should it be not like this that the discrimination should be

made only on this basis whether a particular person is a devotee of

shriman naarayan or not rather than caste.Is our sampradaayam

emphasize on casteism. I also felt that casteism is one of the main

reason that our sampradaayam's message is not widely spread. If by

mistake i have written something wrong due to ignorance then i am

extremely sorry for that.


with regards




Dear Charchita

The message is apt but the concept of varnasrama should or could not

be confused here.

Varnasrama Dictates Rules For

1) Individual's Work in society

a) Bhramins - Bhramanosya Mookam aaseeth. Bhramins come from face

of vishnu. Let them be responsible for learning Vedas, chanting it,

and spreading it. By no means they can enter

i) Trade

ii) Warfare

iii) Cultivation or any means of procurement

b) Kshatriya - Baaho rajanya krutaha: By the muscle power let the

rajans rule the world. They should

i) Conquer and control teritories

ii) Learn Vedas and not teach / preach them

iii) Be the sole properitor of wealthiest items in his teritory

c) Vaysya - Vaysyo Dhana samridhasyad - Let the merchants trade and

earn money. Let them use thier strength in thighs to travel far off

and bring money.

i) They cannot learn/preach vedas

d) Shudra - Shudra sukam avapnuyaad - Let the fourth caste people do

the job of line men, agriculture, hunting and all work of building

assisting kings in army. Thereby they are not directly responsible for

any decisions but enable decision makers to fulfill the objective of

society. They can

a) Have multiple marriages, have food without bath, can kill animals

and move from places to places.

Now the key point is Narayana bhakta

He who is intrested in bhramagnana is above these 4 castes which come

by birth and has to be respected alteast equivalent to vishnu,

If currently bhramins/ sri vaishanavas are not doing it its solely the

fault of the individuals and not that of the sampradaya


Ramanuja before bath used to hold hands of mudaliyandan (Bhramana

sreshta)and later after bath hold the hand of pillai uranga vali dasar

(4th caste person)

Nampillai called one dasar to submit the food he prepared for perumal

fearing the atma guna poorthi of his second wife.

Lot of instances where disciples were of 4th caste but they were

deciding people of sampradaya,

Our great Acharyan Manavala maamunigal got the greatest of rahasya Sri

vachana bushana from the mouth of an acharya called koora kulothama

dasar who by his birth is the care taker of burial ground (Sandala

vargam). Note: Please correct the name of our poorvacharya who did the

kalakshepam of Srivachana bhushanam to maamunigal.


We have to take sree pada theertham from the lotus feet of any sri

vaishnava of any caste if he shows atma guna poorthi. abiding the

faith on manavala maamunigal and ramanuja if we fail to do so we dont

call ourself sri vaishnava and because of hypocrats pure sampradayam

is getting dis illusioned as the caste oriented system.

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Please do some more deeper study. Vaysyas are Upaveetas and can learn and recite Vedas.







> ramanuja

> epd40 (AT) (DOT) co.in

> Tue, 10 Oct 2006 05:54:06 +0000

> [sri ramanuja] Caste Creed and Varna in Srivaishnavam


> Dear All,

> A subtle thought process in the lineage of a question being raised by

> one of my kin. Question pertains to varnasrama in Srivaishnavam.

> I had few thoughts with respect to the question. I request our people

> to clarify, correct any mistakes with pramanam for the answers I had

> given.


> Question by my Kin:


> "The below thing I wrote when I was a part ramanuja.org discussion

> list. I didn't get any answer for this. Still I am searching the

> answer for this. Do anyone of you have?


> Respected Sir,

> kulanthaangu saathikaL naalilum keezizinthu,

> etthanai nalanthaa nilaathasaN daaLasaN daaLarka Laakilum,

> valanthaangu sakkarath thaNNal maNivaNNaR kaaLenRuL kalanthaar,

> adiyaar thammadi yaarem madikaLE.

> If an individual is a devotee of Lord Vishnu, then, even if he belongs

> to a lowly caste, you must consider his devotee's devotee as your

> lord. I'm quoting this paasuram from tiruvaymoli. I have quoted the

> explaination from our own web site www.ramanuja.org.


> Whatever i understood from the above paasuram according to my

> intellect is that if a person is a devotee of shriman naarayan to

> whatever castes he/she belongs should be given enough respect. Then

> why in our sampradaayam it is so that in the name of achaaram we

> discriminate among our own people. Even if they are great devotees of

> lord naarayan they are not given enough respect just because they

> belong to low caste. I have seen many people who are brahmins and shri

> vaishnava but they do not follow any rules and regulations of what

> shri vaishnava should follow.But even then they get respect in the

> society as well as by high intellectuals since they belong to high

> caste. Should it be not like this that the discrimination should be

> made only on this basis whether a particular person is a devotee of

> shriman naarayan or not rather than caste.Is our sampradaayam

> emphasize on casteism. I also felt that casteism is one of the main

> reason that our sampradaayam's message is not widely spread. If by

> mistake i have written something wrong due to ignorance then i am

> extremely sorry for that.


> with regards

> charchita


> Answer:

> Dear Charchita

> The message is apt but the concept of varnasrama should or could not

> be confused here.

> Varnasrama Dictates Rules For

> 1) Individual's Work in society

> a) Bhramins - Bhramanosya Mookam aaseeth. Bhramins come from face

> of vishnu. Let them be responsible for learning Vedas, chanting it,

> and spreading it. By no means they can enter

> i) Trade

> ii) Warfare

> iii) Cultivation or any means of procurement

> b) Kshatriya - Baaho rajanya krutaha: By the muscle power let the

> rajans rule the world. They should

> i) Conquer and control teritories

> ii) Learn Vedas and not teach / preach them

> iii) Be the sole properitor of wealthiest items in his teritory

> c) Vaysya - Vaysyo Dhana samridhasyad - Let the merchants trade and

> earn money. Let them use thier strength in thighs to travel far off

> and bring money.

> i) They cannot learn/preach vedas

> d) Shudra - Shudra sukam avapnuyaad - Let the fourth caste people do

> the job of line men, agriculture, hunting and all work of building

> assisting kings in army. Thereby they are not directly responsible for

> any decisions but enable decision makers to fulfill the objective of

> society. They can

> a) Have multiple marriages, have food without bath, can kill animals

> and move from places to places.

> Now the key point is Narayana bhakta

> He who is intrested in bhramagnana is above these 4 castes which come

> by birth and has to be respected alteast equivalent to vishnu,

> If currently bhramins/ sri vaishanavas are not doing it its solely the

> fault of the individuals and not that of the sampradaya

> Instances:

> Ramanuja before bath used to hold hands of mudaliyandan (Bhramana

> sreshta)and later after bath hold the hand of pillai uranga vali dasar

> (4th caste person)

> Nampillai called one dasar to submit the food he prepared for perumal

> fearing the atma guna poorthi of his second wife.

> Lot of instances where disciples were of 4th caste but they were

> deciding people of sampradaya,

> Our great Acharyan Manavala maamunigal got the greatest of rahasya Sri

> vachana bushana from the mouth of an acharya called koora kulothama

> dasar who by his birth is the care taker of burial ground (Sandala

> vargam). Note: Please correct the name of our poorvacharya who did the

> kalakshepam of Srivachana bhushanam to maamunigal.

> Points:

> We have to take sree pada theertham from the lotus feet of any sri

> vaishnava of any caste if he shows atma guna poorthi. abiding the

> faith on manavala maamunigal and ramanuja if we fail to do so we dont

> call ourself sri vaishnava and because of hypocrats pure sampradayam

> is getting dis illusioned as the caste oriented system.









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Dear Ramanujam

I correct my stance wrt vaishyas as pointed by you. Apart from that, could some thing more be dwelled upon srivaishanava kula poorthi.

I want to highlight this at this juncture particulary for atma gnana and not sarira sampanda we intend to have with fellow srivaishnavas.

What I mean by this is, restrictions on varnasrama dharma are not to be refuted rather, when it comes to exchange of atma guna poorthi,

what should be the stance of a srivaishnava. A practical question. Today a handful of few might have knowledge on srivachanabushanam either because of its greatness or because of a reader's biasedness on it, since it was being commentaried by our acharyan (Maamunigal).

But the overall is,

Do our vaishnava kulam shows the same strength in atma guna poorthi towards a bhagavatha when he is having sampradaya gnana in thoughts and deeds

Question might be, today's srivaishnavas are not like emperumanar or pillai uranga villi dasar or maraner nambi so we cant find whether a bhagavata is having atma guna poorthi. Hence lets all stick on to, varnasrama even in sampradaya pravachanam and samvadams (discourses and discussions).

But the catch to this point is,

we accord the same respect of emperumanar/ 72 simasanadhipadis, to the current emperumanar sthanams, as well as acharya purushas just because of thier lineage whereas,

a srivaishnava nigraham occurs (no exchange of atma guna / bhrama gnana) if he fails to fall within the bhramana kulam

To worsen this, in the name of aacharam various standards have evolved within groups of srivaishnavam. Here the objective is,

1) Not to mocker at our existing reality since I also belong to the part of reality (Srivaishnava kulam)

but, try making the objective of sri vaishnava guna poorthi expected by Manavala maamunigal and Pillai lokacharyar a reality and truly not at the cost of ignoring manusmrithi or varnasrama and

2) To evolve a common acharam for both atma gunam and varnasramam

So question boils down to

Correct questions:

1) How to treat a srivaishnava sreshta who is full with atma guna poorthi irrespective of thier belongings

2) How to exchange atma gnana with them

3) What would be the standard for aacharam for a srivaishnava abiding with Varnasramam.

And the question never intends to (Wrong Question)

1) How to do inter caste marriages

2) How to dine equally with all everywhere.

because, marriage involves anushtana poorthi for a srivaishnava (Gruhastashramam) and just not emotional or physical attachment

Please let us have the right questions (Correct Questions 1 2 and 3) and not the (Wrong Question) as objectives.


Ramanuja dasan Dasarathy Elayavilli Ponnappan






Ramanujam Varada Srinivasa Thatta <acharyatvsr (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>

Dasarathy <ramanuja>

Wednesday, 11 October, 2006 11:02:26 AM

RE: [sri ramanuja] Caste Creed and Varna in Srivaishnavam












Please do some more deeper study. Vaysyas are Upaveetas and can learn and recite Vedas.






------------ --------- --------- --------- -


> ramanuja@ s.com


> epd40 (AT) (DOT) co.in


> Tue, 10 Oct 2006 05:54:06 +0000


> [sri ramanuja] Caste Creed and Varna in Srivaishnavam




> Dear All,


> A subtle thought process in the lineage of a question being raised by


> one of my kin. Question pertains to varnasrama in Srivaishnavam.


> I had few thoughts with respect to the question. I request our people


> to clarify, correct any mistakes with pramanam for the answers I had


> given.




> Question by my Kin:




> "The below thing I wrote when I was a part ramanuja.org discussion


> list. I didn't get any answer for this. Still I am searching the


> answer for this. Do anyone of you have?




> Respected Sir,


> kulanthaangu saathikaL naalilum keezizinthu,


> etthanai nalanthaa nilaathasaN daaLasaN daaLarka Laakilum,


> valanthaangu sakkarath thaNNal maNivaNNaR kaaLenRuL kalanthaar,


> adiyaar thammadi yaarem madikaLE.


> If an individual is a devotee of Lord Vishnu, then, even if he belongs


> to a lowly caste, you must consider his devotee's devotee as your


> lord. I'm quoting this paasuram from tiruvaymoli. I have quoted the


> explaination from our own web site www.ramanuja. org.




> Whatever i understood from the above paasuram according to my


> intellect is that if a person is a devotee of shriman naarayan to


> whatever castes he/she belongs should be given enough respect. Then


> why in our sampradaayam it is so that in the name of achaaram we


> discriminate among our own people. Even if they are great devotees of


> lord naarayan they are not given enough respect just because they


> belong to low caste. I have seen many people who are brahmins and shri


> vaishnava but they do not follow any rules and regulations of what


> shri vaishnava should follow.But even then they get respect in the


> society as well as by high intellectuals since they belong to high


> caste. Should it be not like this that the discrimination should be


> made only on this basis whether a particular person is a devotee of


> shriman naarayan or not rather than caste.Is our sampradaayam


> emphasize on casteism. I also felt that casteism is one of the main


> reason that our sampradaayam' s message is not widely spread. If by


> mistake i have written something wrong due to ignorance then i am


> extremely sorry for that.




> with regards


> charchita




> Answer:


> Dear Charchita


> The message is apt but the concept of varnasrama should or could not


> be confused here.


> Varnasrama Dictates Rules For


> 1) Individual's Work in society


> a) Bhramins - Bhramanosya Mookam aaseeth. Bhramins come from face


> of vishnu. Let them be responsible for learning Vedas, chanting it,


> and spreading it. By no means they can enter


> i) Trade


> ii) Warfare


> iii) Cultivation or any means of procurement


> b) Kshatriya - Baaho rajanya krutaha: By the muscle power let the


> rajans rule the world. They should


> i) Conquer and control teritories


> ii) Learn Vedas and not teach / preach them


> iii) Be the sole properitor of wealthiest items in his teritory


> c) Vaysya - Vaysyo Dhana samridhasyad - Let the merchants trade and


> earn money. Let them use thier strength in thighs to travel far off


> and bring money.


> i) They cannot learn/preach vedas


> d) Shudra - Shudra sukam avapnuyaad - Let the fourth caste people do


> the job of line men, agriculture, hunting and all work of building


> assisting kings in army. Thereby they are not directly responsible for


> any decisions but enable decision makers to fulfill the objective of


> society. They can


> a) Have multiple marriages, have food without bath, can kill animals


> and move from places to places.


> Now the key point is Narayana bhakta


> He who is intrested in bhramagnana is above these 4 castes which come


> by birth and has to be respected alteast equivalent to vishnu,


> If currently bhramins/ sri vaishanavas are not doing it its solely the


> fault of the individuals and not that of the sampradaya


> Instances:


> Ramanuja before bath used to hold hands of mudaliyandan (Bhramana


> sreshta)and later after bath hold the hand of pillai uranga vali dasar


> (4th caste person)


> Nampillai called one dasar to submit the food he prepared for perumal


> fearing the atma guna poorthi of his second wife.


> Lot of instances where disciples were of 4th caste but they were


> deciding people of sampradaya,


> Our great Acharyan Manavala maamunigal got the greatest of rahasya Sri


> vachana bushana from the mouth of an acharya called koora kulothama


> dasar who by his birth is the care taker of burial ground (Sandala


> vargam). Note: Please correct the name of our poorvacharya who did the


> kalakshepam of Srivachana bhushanam to maamunigal.


> Points:


> We have to take sree pada theertham from the lotus feet of any sri


> vaishnava of any caste if he shows atma guna poorthi. abiding the


> faith on manavala maamunigal and ramanuja if we fail to do so we dont


> call ourself sri vaishnava and because of hypocrats pure sampradayam


> is getting dis illusioned as the caste oriented system.

















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srImathE rAmAnujAya namaha

srImadh varavara munayE namaha


Dear All,


For some time now, I have been a passive follower of this list after

my initial contributions. But this mail from Smt Charchita, made me

think that I have to reply.


The question posed by Smt Charchita is very correct and straight

forward. Instead of giving tangential replies, let us admit that we

are discriminating. This is a fact. No amount of examples on the

origins of Varnasrama dharma will justify this.


Just think about this. How many of us bow our heads and fold our

hands, in front of a Non-Brahmin Srivaishnavite (They are called

Bhagavathas in ThiruvallikkEni and Kanchipuram) even before they do

it to us. I see a very handful of us doing this.


Smt Charchita, your question is very correct. I support your views.

How many discriminations, in our own Srivaishnava society? Within the

Brahmin Srivaishnavas, they say that a particular family is of lower

status than another. How absurd?


Well just to summarize an answer, we brahmins dont want to let go of

their ego. We all talk a lot about Ramanujar holding Pillai

Urangaavilli Daasar's hands after bath, Bhattar taking the Sripaadha

theertham of a person belonging to a fourth varna, Periya Nambigal

doing the anthima samskAram for Vilaanchola Pillai et al. But in

reality we don't want to do it. It is nothing but ego.


Truly, there are a whole lot of Non-Brahmin Srivaishnavites, who

knows the Prabhandams totally compared to a Brahmin Srivaishnavite.

But still they will be treated as a low caste fellow. Shame on our



Instead of taking the meaning of this pAsuram directly, we try to

twist it to suit our whims and fancies. It is not only this pAsuram,

there are pAsurams from ThirumAlai by Thondaradippodi AzhwAr. They

also talk about this in the same vein. 1) "amaravOr angam ARum...."

2) "pazhudilA vozhugalAtRu.." are nothing but a few of such pAsurams.


I believe, it is high time we let go of our "yAdhAnum paTRi neengum

viradham" attitude in this matter and give them the due respect.


Finally, I can say only one thing. Anybody who discrimates, based on

caste, amongst the Srivaishnavas, doesn't have any right to talk

about AzhwArs and AcharyAs and hence their work. This is my humble,

if not arrogant, opinion.


AzhwAr emperumAnAr jeeyar thiruvadigaLE saraNam

adiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan

Thirumalai Vinjamoor Venkatesh



ramanuja, "Ramanujam Varada Srinivasa Thatta"

<acharyatvsr wrote:


> Please do some more deeper study. Vaysyas are Upaveetas and can

learn and recite Vedas.

> Ramanujam.





> -------

> > ramanuja

> > epd40

> > Tue, 10 Oct 2006 05:54:06 +0000

> > [sri ramanuja] Caste Creed and Varna in Srivaishnavam

> >

> > Dear All,

> > A subtle thought process in the lineage of a question being

raised by

> > one of my kin. Question pertains to varnasrama in Srivaishnavam.

> > I had few thoughts with respect to the question. I request our


> > to clarify, correct any mistakes with pramanam for the answers I


> > given.

> >

> > Question by my Kin:

> >

> > "The below thing I wrote when I was a part ramanuja.org discussion

> > list. I didn't get any answer for this. Still I am searching the

> > answer for this. Do anyone of you have?

> >

> > Respected Sir,

> > kulanthaangu saathikaL naalilum keezizinthu,

> > etthanai nalanthaa nilaathasaN daaLasaN daaLarka Laakilum,

> > valanthaangu sakkarath thaNNal maNivaNNaR kaaLenRuL kalanthaar,

> > adiyaar thammadi yaarem madikaLE.

> > If an individual is a devotee of Lord Vishnu, then, even if he


> > to a lowly caste, you must consider his devotee's devotee as your

> > lord. I'm quoting this paasuram from tiruvaymoli. I have quoted


> > explaination from our own web site www.ramanuja.org.

> >

> > Whatever i understood from the above paasuram according to my

> > intellect is that if a person is a devotee of shriman naarayan to

> > whatever castes he/she belongs should be given enough respect.


> > why in our sampradaayam it is so that in the name of achaaram we

> > discriminate among our own people. Even if they are great

devotees of

> > lord naarayan they are not given enough respect just because they

> > belong to low caste. I have seen many people who are brahmins and


> > vaishnava but they do not follow any rules and regulations of what

> > shri vaishnava should follow.But even then they get respect in the

> > society as well as by high intellectuals since they belong to high

> > caste. Should it be not like this that the discrimination should


> > made only on this basis whether a particular person is a devotee


> > shriman naarayan or not rather than caste.Is our sampradaayam

> > emphasize on casteism. I also felt that casteism is one of the


> > reason that our sampradaayam's message is not widely spread. If by

> > mistake i have written something wrong due to ignorance then i am

> > extremely sorry for that.

> >

> > with regards

> > charchita

> >

> > Answer:

> > Dear Charchita

> > The message is apt but the concept of varnasrama should or could


> > be confused here.

> > Varnasrama Dictates Rules For

> > 1) Individual's Work in society

> > a) Bhramins - Bhramanosya Mookam aaseeth. Bhramins come from


> > of vishnu. Let them be responsible for learning Vedas, chanting


> > and spreading it. By no means they can enter

> > i) Trade

> > ii) Warfare

> > iii) Cultivation or any means of procurement

> > b) Kshatriya - Baaho rajanya krutaha: By the muscle power let


> > rajans rule the world. They should

> > i) Conquer and control teritories

> > ii) Learn Vedas and not teach / preach them

> > iii) Be the sole properitor of wealthiest items in his


> > c) Vaysya - Vaysyo Dhana samridhasyad - Let the merchants trade


> > earn money. Let them use thier strength in thighs to travel far


> > and bring money.

> > i) They cannot learn/preach vedas

> > d) Shudra - Shudra sukam avapnuyaad - Let the fourth caste people


> > the job of line men, agriculture, hunting and all work of building

> > assisting kings in army. Thereby they are not directly

responsible for

> > any decisions but enable decision makers to fulfill the objective


> > society. They can

> > a) Have multiple marriages, have food without bath, can kill


> > and move from places to places.

> > Now the key point is Narayana bhakta

> > He who is intrested in bhramagnana is above these 4 castes which


> > by birth and has to be respected alteast equivalent to vishnu,

> > If currently bhramins/ sri vaishanavas are not doing it its

solely the

> > fault of the individuals and not that of the sampradaya

> > Instances:

> > Ramanuja before bath used to hold hands of mudaliyandan (Bhramana

> > sreshta)and later after bath hold the hand of pillai uranga vali


> > (4th caste person)

> > Nampillai called one dasar to submit the food he prepared for


> > fearing the atma guna poorthi of his second wife.

> > Lot of instances where disciples were of 4th caste but they were

> > deciding people of sampradaya,

> > Our great Acharyan Manavala maamunigal got the greatest of

rahasya Sri

> > vachana bushana from the mouth of an acharya called koora


> > dasar who by his birth is the care taker of burial ground (Sandala

> > vargam). Note: Please correct the name of our poorvacharya who

did the

> > kalakshepam of Srivachana bhushanam to maamunigal.

> > Points:

> > We have to take sree pada theertham from the lotus feet of any sri

> > vaishnava of any caste if he shows atma guna poorthi. abiding the

> > faith on manavala maamunigal and ramanuja if we fail to do so we


> > call ourself sri vaishnava and because of hypocrats pure


> > is getting dis illusioned as the caste oriented system.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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srImathE rAmAnujAya namaha

srImadh varavara munayE namaha


Dear Sri Dasarathi,


First of all what is the use of this Varnasrama Dharma? If we dwell a

little, we will find that the Varnashrama was created, based entirely

on the profession. Later it emanated to be hereditary. That's all the

truth. You can see this even today. Almost, in the last 50 years

atleast, there is trend that the doctor's son is a doctor, engineer's

son is an engineer etc. Also there are certain unwritten rule

(dharma) how a doctor should behave and so do the engineers. If a

society can have a pattern in 50 years, we are talking about a

practice that is much more than 5000 yrs old. So, the dharma of

Varnashrama is only a set of rules on the behavioural aspects.


Sticking to Varnashrama is fine but I believe, the whole point of

discussion is to respect fellow Srivaishnavas irrespective of their

Caste or Creed.


Also I am unable to agree with the "atma guna poorthi" aspect. Why

should we try to respect only those Bhagavathas who have "atma guna

poorthi"? First, are all the Brahmin Srivaishnavas having - "atma

guna poorthi"? Very difficult to answer. Barring a few, how many of

us worship nobody other than Sriman Narayanan. The basic "atma guna"

or characteristics of a SriVaishnavaite (sEshathvam and

pArathanthriyam). I know of many Brahmin Srivaishnavites, who to this

date, claim that they belong to a very high caste and all, but side

by side go to some Amman temple or Siva temple for a "nErthi" on the

pretext that they were their "kuladeivam". How many such fallacies do

we have? I am not saying all here, but definitely a whole lot.


1. I would say, please respect any one and any thing that

has "thirumAn" on them or it.


2. Don't humiliate them. Fold your hands with heads down, on seeing a

Srivaishnava, even if he is an arrogant one. We are no less either.


3. When great Acharyas like Sri Alavandar can say "aparAdha sahasra

bhAjanam, pathitham ...."(I have committed thousands of sins and am a

pathithan" and "amaryAdha: shudra: chalamathi: asooya: ......" (I am

arrogant showing a lot of disrespect to others and so on), can we

ever say that we even qualify to talk about the "atma guna". Sorry

this is not meant as an offence at you, but a generic note.


I get tears in my eyes when we say "kArEi karuNai irAmAnusA...". Why

do we equate his kindness to the clouds? AmudhanAr had the same tears

in his eyes, after hearing the news of Emperumanar's kindness by

letting out the rahasya of Thirumanthiram so that every other being

can go to Paramapadham. Here again, his target was everyone and just

about everyone irrespective of caste, creed etc. While we can't

actually, shouldn't we atleast try to emulate our great Acharya.


This is the best respect that we can show to a fellow bhAgavatha.


AzhwAr emperumAnAr jeeyar thiruvadigaLE saraNam

adiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan


Correction: In my earlier mail I wrote that Periya Nambi did anthima

samskAram for viLAnchOla piLLai. It is not viLAnchOla piLLai but

mAranEr nambi. Sorry for this confusion.



ramanuja, Ellayavilli Dasarathy <epd40



> Dear Ramanujam

> I correct my stance wrt vaishyas as pointed by you. Apart from

that, could some thing more be dwelled upon srivaishanava kula


> I want to highlight this at this juncture particulary for atma

gnana and not sarira sampanda we intend to have with fellow


> What I mean by this is, restrictions on varnasrama dharma are not

to be refuted rather, when it comes to exchange of atma guna poorthi,

> what should be the stance of a srivaishnava. A practical question.

Today a handful of few might have knowledge on srivachanabushanam

either because of its greatness or because of a reader's biasedness

on it, since it was being commentaried by our acharyan (Maamunigal).

> But the overall is,

> Do our vaishnava kulam shows the same strength in atma guna poorthi

towards a bhagavatha when he is having sampradaya gnana in thoughts

and deeds

> Question might be, today's srivaishnavas are not like emperumanar

or pillai uranga villi dasar or maraner nambi so we cant find whether

a bhagavata is having atma guna poorthi. Hence lets all stick on to,

varnasrama even in sampradaya pravachanam and samvadams (discourses

and discussions).

> But the catch to this point is,

> we accord the same respect of emperumanar/ 72 simasanadhipadis, to

the current emperumanar sthanams, as well as acharya purushas just

because of thier lineage whereas,

> a srivaishnava nigraham occurs (no exchange of atma guna / bhrama

gnana) if he fails to fall within the bhramana kulam

> To worsen this, in the name of aacharam various standards have

evolved within groups of srivaishnavam. Here the objective is,

> 1) Not to mocker at our existing reality since I also belong to the

part of reality (Srivaishnava kulam)

> but, try making the objective of sri vaishnava guna poorthi

expected by Manavala maamunigal and Pillai lokacharyar a reality and

truly not at the cost of ignoring manusmrithi or varnasrama and

> 2) To evolve a common acharam for both atma gunam and varnasramam

> So question boils down to

> Correct questions:

> 1) How to treat a srivaishnava sreshta who is full with atma guna

poorthi irrespective of thier belongings

> 2) How to exchange atma gnana with them

> 3) What would be the standard for aacharam for a srivaishnava

abiding with Varnasramam.

> And the question never intends to (Wrong Question)

> 1) How to do inter caste marriages

> 2) How to dine equally with all everywhere.

> because, marriage involves anushtana poorthi for a srivaishnava

(Gruhastashramam) and just not emotional or physical attachment

> Please let us have the right questions (Correct Questions 1 2 and

3) and not the (Wrong Question) as objectives.

> adiyen

> Ramanuja dasan Dasarathy Elayavilli Ponnappan






> Ramanujam Varada Srinivasa Thatta <acharyatvsr

> Dasarathy <ramanuja>

> Wednesday, 11 October, 2006 11:02:26 AM

> RE: [sri ramanuja] Caste Creed and Varna in Srivaishnavam














> Please do some more deeper study. Vaysyas are Upaveetas

and can learn and recite Vedas.


> Ramanujam.




> ------------ --------- --------- --------- -


> > ramanuja@ s.com


> > epd40 (AT) (DOT) co.in


> > Tue, 10 Oct 2006 05:54:06 +0000


> > [sri ramanuja] Caste Creed and Varna in Srivaishnavam


> >


> > Dear All,


> > A subtle thought process in the lineage of a question being

raised by


> > one of my kin. Question pertains to varnasrama in Srivaishnavam.


> > I had few thoughts with respect to the question. I request our



> > to clarify, correct any mistakes with pramanam for the answers I



> > given.


> >


> > Question by my Kin:


> >


> > "The below thing I wrote when I was a part ramanuja.org discussion


> > list. I didn't get any answer for this. Still I am searching the


> > answer for this. Do anyone of you have?


> >


> > Respected Sir,


> > kulanthaangu saathikaL naalilum keezizinthu,


> > etthanai nalanthaa nilaathasaN daaLasaN daaLarka Laakilum,


> > valanthaangu sakkarath thaNNal maNivaNNaR kaaLenRuL kalanthaar,


> > adiyaar thammadi yaarem madikaLE.


> > If an individual is a devotee of Lord Vishnu, then, even if he



> > to a lowly caste, you must consider his devotee's devotee as your


> > lord. I'm quoting this paasuram from tiruvaymoli. I have quoted



> > explaination from our own web site www.ramanuja. org.


> >


> > Whatever i understood from the above paasuram according to my


> > intellect is that if a person is a devotee of shriman naarayan to


> > whatever castes he/she belongs should be given enough respect.



> > why in our sampradaayam it is so that in the name of achaaram we


> > discriminate among our own people. Even if they are great

devotees of


> > lord naarayan they are not given enough respect just because they


> > belong to low caste. I have seen many people who are brahmins and



> > vaishnava but they do not follow any rules and regulations of what


> > shri vaishnava should follow.But even then they get respect in the


> > society as well as by high intellectuals since they belong to high


> > caste. Should it be not like this that the discrimination should



> > made only on this basis whether a particular person is a devotee



> > shriman naarayan or not rather than caste.Is our sampradaayam


> > emphasize on casteism. I also felt that casteism is one of the



> > reason that our sampradaayam' s message is not widely spread. If



> > mistake i have written something wrong due to ignorance then i am


> > extremely sorry for that.


> >


> > with regards


> > charchita


> >


> > Answer:


> > Dear Charchita


> > The message is apt but the concept of varnasrama should or could



> > be confused here.


> > Varnasrama Dictates Rules For


> > 1) Individual's Work in society


> > a) Bhramins - Bhramanosya Mookam aaseeth. Bhramins come from



> > of vishnu. Let them be responsible for learning Vedas, chanting



> > and spreading it. By no means they can enter


> > i) Trade


> > ii) Warfare


> > iii) Cultivation or any means of procurement


> > b) Kshatriya - Baaho rajanya krutaha: By the muscle power let



> > rajans rule the world. They should


> > i) Conquer and control teritories


> > ii) Learn Vedas and not teach / preach them


> > iii) Be the sole properitor of wealthiest items in his



> > c) Vaysya - Vaysyo Dhana samridhasyad - Let the merchants trade



> > earn money. Let them use thier strength in thighs to travel far



> > and bring money.


> > i) They cannot learn/preach vedas


> > d) Shudra - Shudra sukam avapnuyaad - Let the fourth caste people



> > the job of line men, agriculture, hunting and all work of building


> > assisting kings in army. Thereby they are not directly

responsible for


> > any decisions but enable decision makers to fulfill the objective



> > society. They can


> > a) Have multiple marriages, have food without bath, can kill



> > and move from places to places.


> > Now the key point is Narayana bhakta


> > He who is intrested in bhramagnana is above these 4 castes which



> > by birth and has to be respected alteast equivalent to vishnu,


> > If currently bhramins/ sri vaishanavas are not doing it its

solely the


> > fault of the individuals and not that of the sampradaya


> > Instances:


> > Ramanuja before bath used to hold hands of mudaliyandan (Bhramana


> > sreshta)and later after bath hold the hand of pillai uranga vali



> > (4th caste person)


> > Nampillai called one dasar to submit the food he prepared for



> > fearing the atma guna poorthi of his second wife.


> > Lot of instances where disciples were of 4th caste but they were


> > deciding people of sampradaya,


> > Our great Acharyan Manavala maamunigal got the greatest of

rahasya Sri


> > vachana bushana from the mouth of an acharya called koora



> > dasar who by his birth is the care taker of burial ground (Sandala


> > vargam). Note: Please correct the name of our poorvacharya who

did the


> > kalakshepam of Srivachana bhushanam to maamunigal.


> > Points:


> > We have to take sree pada theertham from the lotus feet of any sri


> > vaishnava of any caste if he shows atma guna poorthi. abiding the


> > faith on manavala maamunigal and ramanuja if we fail to do so we



> > call ourself sri vaishnava and because of hypocrats pure



> > is getting dis illusioned as the caste oriented system.


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >

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Dear Sriman Venkatesh,

Well said. I concur with you totally.









> ramanuja

> vinjamoor_venkatesh

> Thu, 12 Oct 2006 10:58:22 +0000

> Re: [sri ramanuja] Caste Creed and Varna in Srivaishnavam


> srImathE rAmAnujAya namaha

> srImadh varavara munayE namaha


> Dear All,


> For some time now, I have been a passive follower of this list after

> my initial contributions. But this mail from Smt Charchita, made me

> think that I have to reply.


> The question posed by Smt Charchita is very correct and straight

> forward. Instead of giving tangential replies, let us admit that we

> are discriminating. This is a fact. No amount of examples on the

> origins of Varnasrama dharma will justify this.


> Just think about this. How many of us bow our heads and fold our

> hands, in front of a Non-Brahmin Srivaishnavite (They are called

> Bhagavathas in ThiruvallikkEni and Kanchipuram) even before they do

> it to us. I see a very handful of us doing this.


> Smt Charchita, your question is very correct. I support your views.

> How many discriminations, in our own Srivaishnava society? Within the

> Brahmin Srivaishnavas, they say that a particular family is of lower

> status than another. How absurd?


> Well just to summarize an answer, we brahmins dont want to let go of

> their ego. We all talk a lot about Ramanujar holding Pillai

> Urangaavilli Daasar's hands after bath, Bhattar taking the Sripaadha

> theertham of a person belonging to a fourth varna, Periya Nambigal

> doing the anthima samskAram for Vilaanchola Pillai et al. But in

> reality we don't want to do it. It is nothing but ego.


> Truly, there are a whole lot of Non-Brahmin Srivaishnavites, who

> knows the Prabhandams totally compared to a Brahmin Srivaishnavite.

> But still they will be treated as a low caste fellow. Shame on our

> ego.


> Instead of taking the meaning of this pAsuram directly, we try to

> twist it to suit our whims and fancies. It is not only this pAsuram,

> there are pAsurams from ThirumAlai by Thondaradippodi AzhwAr. They

> also talk about this in the same vein. 1) "amaravOr angam ARum...."

> 2) "pazhudilA vozhugalAtRu.." are nothing but a few of such pAsurams.


> I believe, it is high time we let go of our "yAdhAnum paTRi neengum

> viradham" attitude in this matter and give them the due respect.


> Finally, I can say only one thing. Anybody who discrimates, based on

> caste, amongst the Srivaishnavas, doesn't have any right to talk

> about AzhwArs and AcharyAs and hence their work. This is my humble,

> if not arrogant, opinion.


> AzhwAr emperumAnAr jeeyar thiruvadigaLE saraNam

> adiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan

> Thirumalai Vinjamoor Venkatesh



> ramanuja, "Ramanujam Varada Srinivasa Thatta"

> <acharyatvsr wrote:

> >

> > Please do some more deeper study. Vaysyas are Upaveetas and can

> learn and recite Vedas.

> > Ramanujam.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > -------

> > > ramanuja

> > > epd40

> > > Tue, 10 Oct 2006 05:54:06 +0000

> > > [sri ramanuja] Caste Creed and Varna in Srivaishnavam

> > >

> > > Dear All,

> > > A subtle thought process in the lineage of a question being

> raised by

> > > one of my kin. Question pertains to varnasrama in Srivaishnavam.

> > > I had few thoughts with respect to the question. I request our

> people

> > > to clarify, correct any mistakes with pramanam for the answers I

> had

> > > given.

> > >

> > > Question by my Kin:

> > >

> > > "The below thing I wrote when I was a part ramanuja.org discussion

> > > list. I didn't get any answer for this. Still I am searching the

> > > answer for this. Do anyone of you have?

> > >

> > > Respected Sir,

> > > kulanthaangu saathikaL naalilum keezizinthu,

> > > etthanai nalanthaa nilaathasaN daaLasaN daaLarka Laakilum,

> > > valanthaangu sakkarath thaNNal maNivaNNaR kaaLenRuL kalanthaar,

> > > adiyaar thammadi yaarem madikaLE.

> > > If an individual is a devotee of Lord Vishnu, then, even if he

> belongs

> > > to a lowly caste, you must consider his devotee's devotee as your

> > > lord. I'm quoting this paasuram from tiruvaymoli. I have quoted

> the

> > > explaination from our own web site www.ramanuja.org.

> > >

> > > Whatever i understood from the above paasuram according to my

> > > intellect is that if a person is a devotee of shriman naarayan to

> > > whatever castes he/she belongs should be given enough respect.

> Then

> > > why in our sampradaayam it is so that in the name of achaaram we

> > > discriminate among our own people. Even if they are great

> devotees of

> > > lord naarayan they are not given enough respect just because they

> > > belong to low caste. I have seen many people who are brahmins and

> shri

> > > vaishnava but they do not follow any rules and regulations of what

> > > shri vaishnava should follow.But even then they get respect in the

> > > society as well as by high intellectuals since they belong to high

> > > caste. Should it be not like this that the discrimination should

> be

> > > made only on this basis whether a particular person is a devotee

> of

> > > shriman naarayan or not rather than caste.Is our sampradaayam

> > > emphasize on casteism. I also felt that casteism is one of the

> main

> > > reason that our sampradaayam's message is not widely spread. If by

> > > mistake i have written something wrong due to ignorance then i am

> > > extremely sorry for that.

> > >

> > > with regards

> > > charchita

> > >

> > > Answer:

> > > Dear Charchita

> > > The message is apt but the concept of varnasrama should or could

> not

> > > be confused here.

> > > Varnasrama Dictates Rules For

> > > 1) Individual's Work in society

> > > a) Bhramins - Bhramanosya Mookam aaseeth. Bhramins come from

> face

> > > of vishnu. Let them be responsible for learning Vedas, chanting

> it,

> > > and spreading it. By no means they can enter

> > > i) Trade

> > > ii) Warfare

> > > iii) Cultivation or any means of procurement

> > > b) Kshatriya - Baaho rajanya krutaha: By the muscle power let

> the

> > > rajans rule the world. They should

> > > i) Conquer and control teritories

> > > ii) Learn Vedas and not teach / preach them

> > > iii) Be the sole properitor of wealthiest items in his

> teritory

> > > c) Vaysya - Vaysyo Dhana samridhasyad - Let the merchants trade

> and

> > > earn money. Let them use thier strength in thighs to travel far

> off

> > > and bring money.

> > > i) They cannot learn/preach vedas

> > > d) Shudra - Shudra sukam avapnuyaad - Let the fourth caste people

> do

> > > the job of line men, agriculture, hunting and all work of building

> > > assisting kings in army. Thereby they are not directly

> responsible for

> > > any decisions but enable decision makers to fulfill the objective

> of

> > > society. They can

> > > a) Have multiple marriages, have food without bath, can kill

> animals

> > > and move from places to places.

> > > Now the key point is Narayana bhakta

> > > He who is intrested in bhramagnana is above these 4 castes which

> come

> > > by birth and has to be respected alteast equivalent to vishnu,

> > > If currently bhramins/ sri vaishanavas are not doing it its

> solely the

> > > fault of the individuals and not that of the sampradaya

> > > Instances:

> > > Ramanuja before bath used to hold hands of mudaliyandan (Bhramana

> > > sreshta)and later after bath hold the hand of pillai uranga vali

> dasar

> > > (4th caste person)

> > > Nampillai called one dasar to submit the food he prepared for

> perumal

> > > fearing the atma guna poorthi of his second wife.

> > > Lot of instances where disciples were of 4th caste but they were

> > > deciding people of sampradaya,

> > > Our great Acharyan Manavala maamunigal got the greatest of

> rahasya Sri

> > > vachana bushana from the mouth of an acharya called koora

> kulothama

> > > dasar who by his birth is the care taker of burial ground (Sandala

> > > vargam). Note: Please correct the name of our poorvacharya who

> did the

> > > kalakshepam of Srivachana bhushanam to maamunigal.

> > > Points:

> > > We have to take sree pada theertham from the lotus feet of any sri

> > > vaishnava of any caste if he shows atma guna poorthi. abiding the

> > > faith on manavala maamunigal and ramanuja if we fail to do so we

> dont

> > > call ourself sri vaishnava and because of hypocrats pure

> sampradayam

> > > is getting dis illusioned as the caste oriented system.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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Dear Sriman Dasarathy,

I entirely agree with you. We have to show proper respect to all Vaishnavas no matter what caste they belong to. I am a Srivaishnava from Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh.

There are many Srivaishnavas in the region which is called Andhra pradesh now. Many have surnames which are common in what is called Tamil Nadu now like

Nallanchakravarthi, Madabhooshi, Prativadibhayamkaram, Kandadai, Kidambi, Mudumbai etc and there are those with proper Telugu surnames which are nothing

but the village names. Many do not know Tamil now but somehow try to study at least the Tiruppallandu, Tirupalliyezhuchi and Tiruppavai. It is only after the avataram of

HH Sriman Tridandi Chinna Jeeyar Swamy that the Srivaishnavas are trying to find their identity. Of course they wear the Tirunamam and undergo Samasrayanam and

thus become Vaishnavas.

Some of us are fortunate to know Tamil from our parents and so can follow the divya Prabandham well. Now there are 4 Jeeyar Swamijis in Andhra Pradesh who are

doing yeomen service in spreading the Ramanuja Darsanam in AP.

Sometimes the Srivaishnavas (read brahmin Vaishnavas) in Andhra region feel we do not get proper respect among Srivaishnavas from Tamilnadu. So the non brahmin

Vaishnavas definitely are not given proper attention even if they know the Divya Prabandham better than us.

We should consciously alter this situation if we want to spread Ramanuja Darsanam among all sections of the society.

I also concur with you that ahara nishta and marriages are aspects which are personal and are not to be dictated by social norms. We have to do many other

common things in a way that we make all sections of the people at home in the larger Vaishnava Kulam.









> ramanuja

> epd40 (AT) (DOT) co.in

> Thu, 12 Oct 2006 11:38:16 +0530

> Re: [sri ramanuja] Caste Creed and Varna in Srivaishnavam


> Dear Ramanujam

> I correct my stance wrt vaishyas as pointed by you. Apart from that, could some thing more be dwelled upon srivaishanava kula poorthi.

> I want to highlight this at this juncture particulary for atma gnana and not sarira sampanda we intend to have with fellow srivaishnavas.

> What I mean by this is, restrictions on varnasrama dharma are not to be refuted rather, when it comes to exchange of atma guna poorthi,

> what should be the stance of a srivaishnava. A practical question. Today a handful of few might have knowledge on srivachanabushanam either because of its greatness or because of a reader's biasedness on it, since it was being commentaried by our acharyan (Maamunigal).

> But the overall is,

> Do our vaishnava kulam shows the same strength in atma guna poorthi towards a bhagavatha when he is having sampradaya gnana in thoughts and deeds

> Question might be, today's srivaishnavas are not like emperumanar or pillai uranga villi dasar or maraner nambi so we cant find whether a bhagavata is having atma guna poorthi. Hence lets all stick on to, varnasrama even in sampradaya pravachanam and samvadams (discourses and discussions).

> But the catch to this point is,

> we accord the same respect of emperumanar/ 72 simasanadhipadis, to the current emperumanar sthanams, as well as acharya purushas just because of thier lineage whereas,

> a srivaishnava nigraham occurs (no exchange of atma guna / bhrama gnana) if he fails to fall within the bhramana kulam

> To worsen this, in the name of aacharam various standards have evolved within groups of srivaishnavam. Here the objective is,

> 1) Not to mocker at our existing reality since I also belong to the part of reality (Srivaishnava kulam)

> but, try making the objective of sri vaishnava guna poorthi expected by Manavala maamunigal and Pillai lokacharyar a reality and truly not at the cost of ignoring manusmrithi or varnasrama and

> 2) To evolve a common acharam for both atma gunam and varnasramam

> So question boils down to

> Correct questions:

> 1) How to treat a srivaishnava sreshta who is full with atma guna poorthi irrespective of thier belongings

> 2) How to exchange atma gnana with them

> 3) What would be the standard for aacharam for a srivaishnava abiding with Varnasramam.

> And the question never intends to (Wrong Question)

> 1) How to do inter caste marriages

> 2) How to dine equally with all everywhere.

> because, marriage involves anushtana poorthi for a srivaishnava (Gruhastashramam) and just not emotional or physical attachment

> Please let us have the right questions (Correct Questions 1 2 and 3) and not the (Wrong Question) as objectives.

> adiyen

> Ramanuja dasan Dasarathy Elayavilli Ponnappan


> Ramanujam Varada Srinivasa Thatta <acharyatvsr (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>

> Dasarathy <ramanuja>

> Wednesday, 11 October, 2006 11:02:26 AM

> RE: [sri ramanuja] Caste Creed and Varna in Srivaishnavam

> Please do some more deeper study. Vaysyas are Upaveetas and can learn and recite Vedas.

> Ramanujam.

> ------------ --------- --------- --------- -

> > ramanuja@ s.com<ramanuja>

> > epd40 (AT) (DOT) co.in<epd40 (AT) (DOT) co.in>

> > Tue, 10 Oct 2006 05:54:06 +0000

> > [sri ramanuja] Caste Creed and Varna in Srivaishnavam

> >

> > Dear All,

> > A subtle thought process in the lineage of a question being raised by

> > one of my kin. Question pertains to varnasrama in Srivaishnavam.

> > I had few thoughts with respect to the question. I request our people

> > to clarify, correct any mistakes with pramanam for the answers I had

> > given.

> >

> > Question by my Kin:

> >

> > "The below thing I wrote when I was a part ramanuja.org discussion

> > list. I didn't get any answer for this. Still I am searching the

> > answer for this. Do anyone of you have?

> >

> > Respected Sir,

> > kulanthaangu saathikaL naalilum keezizinthu,

> > etthanai nalanthaa nilaathasaN daaLasaN daaLarka Laakilum,

> > valanthaangu sakkarath thaNNal maNivaNNaR kaaLenRuL kalanthaar,

> > adiyaar thammadi yaarem madikaLE.

> > If an individual is a devotee of Lord Vishnu, then, even if he belongs

> > to a lowly caste, you must consider his devotee's devotee as your

> > lord. I'm quoting this paasuram from tiruvaymoli. I have quoted the

> > explaination from our own web site www.ramanuja. org.

> >

> > Whatever i understood from the above paasuram according to my

> > intellect is that if a person is a devotee of shriman naarayan to

> > whatever castes he/she belongs should be given enough respect. Then

> > why in our sampradaayam it is so that in the name of achaaram we

> > discriminate among our own people. Even if they are great devotees of

> > lord naarayan they are not given enough respect just because they

> > belong to low caste. I have seen many people who are brahmins and shri

> > vaishnava but they do not follow any rules and regulations of what

> > shri vaishnava should follow.But even then they get respect in the

> > society as well as by high intellectuals since they belong to high

> > caste. Should it be not like this that the discrimination should be

> > made only on this basis whether a particular person is a devotee of

> > shriman naarayan or not rather than caste.Is our sampradaayam

> > emphasize on casteism. I also felt that casteism is one of the main

> > reason that our sampradaayam' s message is not widely spread. If by

> > mistake i have written something wrong due to ignorance then i am

> > extremely sorry for that.

> >

> > with regards

> > charchita

> >

> > Answer:

> > Dear Charchita

> > The message is apt but the concept of varnasrama should or could not

> > be confused here.

> > Varnasrama Dictates Rules For

> > 1) Individual's Work in society

> > a) Bhramins - Bhramanosya Mookam aaseeth. Bhramins come from face

> > of vishnu. Let them be responsible for learning Vedas, chanting it,

> > and spreading it. By no means they can enter

> > i) Trade

> > ii) Warfare

> > iii) Cultivation or any means of procurement

> > b) Kshatriya - Baaho rajanya krutaha: By the muscle power let the

> > rajans rule the world. They should

> > i) Conquer and control teritories

> > ii) Learn Vedas and not teach / preach them

> > iii) Be the sole properitor of wealthiest items in his teritory

> > c) Vaysya - Vaysyo Dhana samridhasyad - Let the merchants trade and

> > earn money. Let them use thier strength in thighs to travel far off

> > and bring money.

> > i) They cannot learn/preach vedas

> > d) Shudra - Shudra sukam avapnuyaad - Let the fourth caste people do

> > the job of line men, agriculture, hunting and all work of building

> > assisting kings in army. Thereby they are not directly responsible for

> > any decisions but enable decision makers to fulfill the objective of

> > society. They can

> > a) Have multiple marriages, have food without bath, can kill animals

> > and move from places to places.

> > Now the key point is Narayana bhakta

> > He who is intrested in bhramagnana is above these 4 castes which come

> > by birth and has to be respected alteast equivalent to vishnu,

> > If currently bhramins/ sri vaishanavas are not doing it its solely the

> > fault of the individuals and not that of the sampradaya

> > Instances:

> > Ramanuja before bath used to hold hands of mudaliyandan (Bhramana

> > sreshta)and later after bath hold the hand of pillai uranga vali dasar

> > (4th caste person)

> > Nampillai called one dasar to submit the food he prepared for perumal

> > fearing the atma guna poorthi of his second wife.

> > Lot of instances where disciples were of 4th caste but they were

> > deciding people of sampradaya,

> > Our great Acharyan Manavala maamunigal got the greatest of rahasya Sri

> > vachana bushana from the mouth of an acharya called koora kulothama

> > dasar who by his birth is the care taker of burial ground (Sandala

> > vargam). Note: Please correct the name of our poorvacharya who did the

> > kalakshepam of Srivachana bhushanam to maamunigal.

> > Points:

> > We have to take sree pada theertham from the lotus feet of any sri

> > vaishnava of any caste if he shows atma guna poorthi. abiding the

> > faith on manavala maamunigal and ramanuja if we fail to do so we dont

> > call ourself sri vaishnava and because of hypocrats pure sampradayam

> > is getting dis illusioned as the caste oriented system.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Dear all, praNAmams


I 100% agree with Sri Tirumalai Vinjamoor Venkatesh swAmin's

statements about respecting bhaagavataas or, as he put it, "anything

or anyone wearing the thirumaN". (Of course I am sure no-one has

forgotten that as human beings, even those *without* thirumaNs deserve

our respect as amshas of Him!)


There seems to be a suggestion that although we can respect the

aatma of a bhaagavata, interdining and intermarriage somehow does not

enter into that (i.e. it is OK to discriminate on those grounds).

Might I suggest that this viewpoint only considers the situation in

India and perhaps does not look at the bigger picture.


Suggesting that eating with someone of a different caste is

polluting is, in my view nothing but discriminatory. Of course eating

off the plate of a dog is most probably not a good idea because a dog

has no concept of hygiene etc. but to suggest that dining alongside a

fellow human being who happens to be born in a different jaati is in

any way defiling is, to me, suggesting somehow that they are

sub-human. Didn't Ramanujacharya's desire to eat the remains of one of

his "lower" caste acharyas prove this point, or the episode where one

of the (brahmin) acharyas (I forget which) did not want any vedic

rites to sanctify his new home, since an esteemed bhagavata of

fourth-varNa had simply walked in the place and thus already

sanctified it?


I know that in India people will make all sorts of assumptions

that "people of other castes have different eating habits, might eat

non-veg, etc., so we shouldn't eat with them" or arguments about

"previous births etc" but what if this bhaagavata is a strict

vegetarian, follows his anushtaanam etc. - on what grounds can we

still support such interdining restrictions then? And how can those

of us in the west simultaneously say this while going to our office

jobs and sitting alongside our white colleages, chatting away happily,

while not giving the same respect to someone of a so-called "shuudra"

jaati back in India? The same goes for marriage. I am not saying

"it's OK", I am just asking, why this arbitrary distinction between

"paying respects to a bhaagavata" and "eating with/marrying them"? Is

it not simplistic to distinguish between the two issues?


I would suggest that to understand why this is a narrow

perspective, one only needs to look at ISKCON (regardless of other

disputes of doctrine etc), where their priests (white

europeans/americans, or "mlecchas" according to some) have been given

upaveetam etc. and live according to more strict standards of

anushtaanam, aachaaram etc. than probably many of us. On what grounds

could we even justify not eating with/marrying with them? Saying that

"it is in the shaastras and therefore bhagavAn's command" seems to me

a convenient way of avoiding discussing the issue. Let's not forget,

some of those so-called "shaastras" contain statements like "the

shuudra is verily like a cemetery, unfit for any holy sacrament" and

"he should be given a name expressing something contemptible", let

alone passages saying that "molten lead should be poured in their ears

if they hear the Veda". If the Varnaashrama dharma that we are

talking about from these texts (Manusmriti, Gautama dharmashaastra et

al), how can we even *dream* of simultaneously calling ourselves

Vaishnavas, while defending rules coming from such texts? Are the

above statements not intrinsically disrespectful to *fellow human

beings*, let alone bhAgavatALs? How can such a fundamental conflict

ever be resolved?


Any clarifications or corrections to statements much appreciated,

and sorry if anything has caused offence in the above.


sarvAparAdhAn kShamasva

namO nArAyaNAya




ramanuja, "vinjamoor_venkatesh"

<vinjamoor_venkatesh wrote:


> srImathE rAmAnujAya namaha

> srImadh varavara munayE namaha


> Dear Sri Dasarathi,


> First of all what is the use of this Varnasrama Dharma? If we dwell a

> little, we will find that the Varnashrama was created, based entirely

> on the profession. Later it emanated to be hereditary. That's all the

> truth. You can see this even today. Almost, in the last 50 years

> atleast, there is trend that the doctor's son is a doctor, engineer's

> son is an engineer etc. Also there are certain unwritten rule

> (dharma) how a doctor should behave and so do the engineers. If a

> society can have a pattern in 50 years, we are talking about a

> practice that is much more than 5000 yrs old. So, the dharma of

> Varnashrama is only a set of rules on the behavioural aspects.


> Sticking to Varnashrama is fine but I believe, the whole point of

> discussion is to respect fellow Srivaishnavas irrespective of their

> Caste or Creed.


> Also I am unable to agree with the "atma guna poorthi" aspect. Why

> should we try to respect only those Bhagavathas who have "atma guna

> poorthi"? First, are all the Brahmin Srivaishnavas having - "atma

> guna poorthi"? Very difficult to answer. Barring a few, how many of

> us worship nobody other than Sriman Narayanan. The basic "atma guna"

> or characteristics of a SriVaishnavaite (sEshathvam and

> pArathanthriyam). I know of many Brahmin Srivaishnavites, who to this

> date, claim that they belong to a very high caste and all, but side

> by side go to some Amman temple or Siva temple for a "nErthi" on the

> pretext that they were their "kuladeivam". How many such fallacies do

> we have? I am not saying all here, but definitely a whole lot.


> 1. I would say, please respect any one and any thing that

> has "thirumAn" on them or it.


> 2. Don't humiliate them. Fold your hands with heads down, on seeing a

> Srivaishnava, even if he is an arrogant one. We are no less either.


> 3. When great Acharyas like Sri Alavandar can say "aparAdha sahasra

> bhAjanam, pathitham ...."(I have committed thousands of sins and am a

> pathithan" and "amaryAdha: shudra: chalamathi: asooya: ......" (I am

> arrogant showing a lot of disrespect to others and so on), can we

> ever say that we even qualify to talk about the "atma guna". Sorry

> this is not meant as an offence at you, but a generic note.


> I get tears in my eyes when we say "kArEi karuNai irAmAnusA...". Why

> do we equate his kindness to the clouds? AmudhanAr had the same tears

> in his eyes, after hearing the news of Emperumanar's kindness by

> letting out the rahasya of Thirumanthiram so that every other being

> can go to Paramapadham. Here again, his target was everyone and just

> about everyone irrespective of caste, creed etc. While we can't

> actually, shouldn't we atleast try to emulate our great Acharya.


> This is the best respect that we can show to a fellow bhAgavatha.


> AzhwAr emperumAnAr jeeyar thiruvadigaLE saraNam

> adiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan


> Correction: In my earlier mail I wrote that Periya Nambi did anthima

> samskAram for viLAnchOla piLLai. It is not viLAnchOla piLLai but

> mAranEr nambi. Sorry for this confusion.



> ramanuja, Ellayavilli Dasarathy <epd40@>

> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Ramanujam

> > I correct my stance wrt vaishyas as pointed by you. Apart from

> that, could some thing more be dwelled upon srivaishanava kula

> poorthi.

> > I want to highlight this at this juncture particulary for atma

> gnana and not sarira sampanda we intend to have with fellow

> srivaishnavas.

> > What I mean by this is, restrictions on varnasrama dharma are not

> to be refuted rather, when it comes to exchange of atma guna poorthi,

> > what should be the stance of a srivaishnava. A practical question.

> Today a handful of few might have knowledge on srivachanabushanam

> either because of its greatness or because of a reader's biasedness

> on it, since it was being commentaried by our acharyan (Maamunigal).

> > But the overall is,

> > Do our vaishnava kulam shows the same strength in atma guna poorthi

> towards a bhagavatha when he is having sampradaya gnana in thoughts

> and deeds

> > Question might be, today's srivaishnavas are not like emperumanar

> or pillai uranga villi dasar or maraner nambi so we cant find whether

> a bhagavata is having atma guna poorthi. Hence lets all stick on to,

> varnasrama even in sampradaya pravachanam and samvadams (discourses

> and discussions).

> > But the catch to this point is,

> > we accord the same respect of emperumanar/ 72 simasanadhipadis, to

> the current emperumanar sthanams, as well as acharya purushas just

> because of thier lineage whereas,

> > a srivaishnava nigraham occurs (no exchange of atma guna / bhrama

> gnana) if he fails to fall within the bhramana kulam

> > To worsen this, in the name of aacharam various standards have

> evolved within groups of srivaishnavam. Here the objective is,

> > 1) Not to mocker at our existing reality since I also belong to the

> part of reality (Srivaishnava kulam)

> > but, try making the objective of sri vaishnava guna poorthi

> expected by Manavala maamunigal and Pillai lokacharyar a reality and

> truly not at the cost of ignoring manusmrithi or varnasrama and

> > 2) To evolve a common acharam for both atma gunam and varnasramam

> > So question boils down to

> > Correct questions:

> > 1) How to treat a srivaishnava sreshta who is full with atma guna

> poorthi irrespective of thier belongings

> > 2) How to exchange atma gnana with them

> > 3) What would be the standard for aacharam for a srivaishnava

> abiding with Varnasramam.

> > And the question never intends to (Wrong Question)

> > 1) How to do inter caste marriages

> > 2) How to dine equally with all everywhere.

> > because, marriage involves anushtana poorthi for a srivaishnava

> (Gruhastashramam) and just not emotional or physical attachment

> > Please let us have the right questions (Correct Questions 1 2 and

> 3) and not the (Wrong Question) as objectives.

> > adiyen

> > Ramanuja dasan Dasarathy Elayavilli Ponnappan

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Ramanujam Varada Srinivasa Thatta <acharyatvsr@>

> > Dasarathy <ramanuja>

> > Wednesday, 11 October, 2006 11:02:26 AM

> > RE: [sri ramanuja] Caste Creed and Varna in Srivaishnavam

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Please do some more deeper study. Vaysyas are Upaveetas

> and can learn and recite Vedas.

> >

> > Ramanujam.

> >

> >

> >

> > ------------ --------- --------- --------- -

> >

> > > ramanuja@ s.com

> >

> > > epd40 (AT) (DOT) co.in

> >

> > > Tue, 10 Oct 2006 05:54:06 +0000

> >

> > > [sri ramanuja] Caste Creed and Varna in Srivaishnavam

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Dear All,

> >

> > > A subtle thought process in the lineage of a question being

> raised by

> >

> > > one of my kin. Question pertains to varnasrama in Srivaishnavam.

> >

> > > I had few thoughts with respect to the question. I request our

> people

> >

> > > to clarify, correct any mistakes with pramanam for the answers I

> had

> >

> > > given.

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Question by my Kin:

> >

> > >

> >

> > > "The below thing I wrote when I was a part ramanuja.org discussion

> >

> > > list. I didn't get any answer for this. Still I am searching the

> >

> > > answer for this. Do anyone of you have?

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Respected Sir,

> >

> > > kulanthaangu saathikaL naalilum keezizinthu,

> >

> > > etthanai nalanthaa nilaathasaN daaLasaN daaLarka Laakilum,

> >

> > > valanthaangu sakkarath thaNNal maNivaNNaR kaaLenRuL kalanthaar,

> >

> > > adiyaar thammadi yaarem madikaLE.

> >

> > > If an individual is a devotee of Lord Vishnu, then, even if he

> belongs

> >

> > > to a lowly caste, you must consider his devotee's devotee as your

> >

> > > lord. I'm quoting this paasuram from tiruvaymoli. I have quoted

> the

> >

> > > explaination from our own web site www.ramanuja. org.

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Whatever i understood from the above paasuram according to my

> >

> > > intellect is that if a person is a devotee of shriman naarayan to

> >

> > > whatever castes he/she belongs should be given enough respect.

> Then

> >

> > > why in our sampradaayam it is so that in the name of achaaram we

> >

> > > discriminate among our own people. Even if they are great

> devotees of

> >

> > > lord naarayan they are not given enough respect just because they

> >

> > > belong to low caste. I have seen many people who are brahmins and

> shri

> >

> > > vaishnava but they do not follow any rules and regulations of what

> >

> > > shri vaishnava should follow.But even then they get respect in the

> >

> > > society as well as by high intellectuals since they belong to high

> >

> > > caste. Should it be not like this that the discrimination should

> be

> >

> > > made only on this basis whether a particular person is a devotee

> of

> >

> > > shriman naarayan or not rather than caste.Is our sampradaayam

> >

> > > emphasize on casteism. I also felt that casteism is one of the

> main

> >

> > > reason that our sampradaayam' s message is not widely spread. If

> by

> >

> > > mistake i have written something wrong due to ignorance then i am

> >

> > > extremely sorry for that.

> >

> > >

> >

> > > with regards

> >

> > > charchita

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Answer:

> >

> > > Dear Charchita

> >

> > > The message is apt but the concept of varnasrama should or could

> not

> >

> > > be confused here.

> >

> > > Varnasrama Dictates Rules For

> >

> > > 1) Individual's Work in society

> >

> > > a) Bhramins - Bhramanosya Mookam aaseeth. Bhramins come from

> face

> >

> > > of vishnu. Let them be responsible for learning Vedas, chanting

> it,

> >

> > > and spreading it. By no means they can enter

> >

> > > i) Trade

> >

> > > ii) Warfare

> >

> > > iii) Cultivation or any means of procurement

> >

> > > b) Kshatriya - Baaho rajanya krutaha: By the muscle power let

> the

> >

> > > rajans rule the world. They should

> >

> > > i) Conquer and control teritories

> >

> > > ii) Learn Vedas and not teach / preach them

> >

> > > iii) Be the sole properitor of wealthiest items in his

> teritory

> >

> > > c) Vaysya - Vaysyo Dhana samridhasyad - Let the merchants trade

> and

> >

> > > earn money. Let them use thier strength in thighs to travel far

> off

> >

> > > and bring money.

> >

> > > i) They cannot learn/preach vedas

> >

> > > d) Shudra - Shudra sukam avapnuyaad - Let the fourth caste people

> do

> >

> > > the job of line men, agriculture, hunting and all work of building

> >

> > > assisting kings in army. Thereby they are not directly

> responsible for

> >

> > > any decisions but enable decision makers to fulfill the objective

> of

> >

> > > society. They can

> >

> > > a) Have multiple marriages, have food without bath, can kill

> animals

> >

> > > and move from places to places.

> >

> > > Now the key point is Narayana bhakta

> >

> > > He who is intrested in bhramagnana is above these 4 castes which

> come

> >

> > > by birth and has to be respected alteast equivalent to vishnu,

> >

> > > If currently bhramins/ sri vaishanavas are not doing it its

> solely the

> >

> > > fault of the individuals and not that of the sampradaya

> >

> > > Instances:

> >

> > > Ramanuja before bath used to hold hands of mudaliyandan (Bhramana

> >

> > > sreshta)and later after bath hold the hand of pillai uranga vali

> dasar

> >

> > > (4th caste person)

> >

> > > Nampillai called one dasar to submit the food he prepared for

> perumal

> >

> > > fearing the atma guna poorthi of his second wife.

> >

> > > Lot of instances where disciples were of 4th caste but they were

> >

> > > deciding people of sampradaya,

> >

> > > Our great Acharyan Manavala maamunigal got the greatest of

> rahasya Sri

> >

> > > vachana bushana from the mouth of an acharya called koora

> kulothama

> >

> > > dasar who by his birth is the care taker of burial ground (Sandala

> >

> > > vargam). Note: Please correct the name of our poorvacharya who

> did the

> >

> > > kalakshepam of Srivachana bhushanam to maamunigal.

> >

> > > Points:

> >

> > > We have to take sree pada theertham from the lotus feet of any sri

> >

> > > vaishnava of any caste if he shows atma guna poorthi. abiding the

> >

> > > faith on manavala maamunigal and ramanuja if we fail to do so we

> dont

> >

> > > call ourself sri vaishnava and because of hypocrats pure

> sampradayam

> >

> > > is getting dis illusioned as the caste oriented system.

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

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Srimathe Ramaujaya Namaha

Jai Sri krishna.

I have been following this thread for a while...Some good points coming up. Vaishnvaism is a sect of respect, and honour for Hari and Hari bhakthas regardless of who they are. This sentiment echoes throught the Bhagavatam, Ramayana etc where His Lordship goes and accepts the devotion of even low casts such as Shabri, Guha etc.. And again our acharayas, Shatakopan muni, Muni Vahana Alwar, Ramanuja etc ahve shown us this to..

I was on the BBC news website today and came across this article


Ok it is slightly of the point of this topic... But what does it tell us??? Despite All the anti conversion laws so many Dalits are leaving Hinduism....And can we blame them??? No...if i was a dalit and was so oppressed and not given proper knowledge on Acharyas and gita I would also leave Hinduism in hope of some dignity.

We all know that this Dalit oppression in India is an un-vedic practice, these mass conversions should not happen...but they do due to ignorance of proper Vedic Dharma...despite all the issues discussed in this threat relating to Varna and SriVaishnavam, we can all conclude that Srivaishnavam is open to all people!!! I thus I firmly beleive that instead of anti-conversion laws, it is the all inclusive and welcoming Vaisnvism which will save our religion from conversions.

SO we should ignore this castism in the Beautiful Ramanuja Sampradaya and instead concentrate on what is important...spreading Bhakthi which is waht Sri Chinna jeeyar Swamiji is doing irespective of caste or creed...This swamiji is so mercifull that he is crossing the seas to foreign lands to spread HariBhakthi, something which previous Acharyasa did not attempt.


Ramanujam Varada Srinivasa Thatta <acharyatvsr (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:

Dear Sriman Venkatesh,

Well said. I concur with you totally.






> ramanuja

> vinjamoor_venkatesh

> Thu, 12 Oct 2006 10:58:22 +0000

> Re: [sri ramanuja] Caste Creed and Varna in Srivaishnavam


> srImathE rAmAnujAya namaha

> srImadh varavara munayE namaha


> Dear All,


> For some time now, I have been a passive follower of this list after

> my initial contributions. But this mail from Smt Charchita, made me

> think that I have to reply.


> The question posed by Smt Charchita is very correct and straight

> forward. Instead of giving tangential replies, let us admit that we

> are discriminating. This is a fact. No amount of examples on the

> origins of Varnasrama dharma will justify this.


> Just think about this. How many of us bow our heads and fold our

> hands, in front of a Non-Brahmin Srivaishnavite (They are called

> Bhagavathas in ThiruvallikkEni and Kanchipuram) even before they do

> it to us. I see a very handful of us doing this.


> Smt Charchita, your question is very correct. I support your views.

> How many discriminations, in our own Srivaishnava society? Within the

> Brahmin Srivaishnavas, they say that a particular family is of lower

> status than another. How absurd?


> Well just to summarize an answer, we brahmins dont want to let go of

> their ego. We all talk a lot about Ramanujar holding Pillai

> Urangaavilli Daasar's hands after bath, Bhattar taking the Sripaadha

> theertham of a person belonging to a fourth varna, Periya Nambigal

> doing the anthima samskAram for Vilaanchola Pillai et al. But in

> reality we don't want to do it. It is nothing but ego.


> Truly, there are a whole lot of Non-Brahmin Srivaishnavites, who

> knows the Prabhandams totally compared to a Brahmin Srivaishnavite.

> But still they will be treated as a low caste fellow. Shame on our

> ego.


> Instead of taking the meaning of this pAsuram directly, we try to

> twist it to suit our whims and fancies. It is not only this pAsuram,

> there are pAsurams from ThirumAlai by Thondaradippodi AzhwAr. They

> also talk about this in the same vein. 1) "amaravOr angam ARum...."

> 2) "pazhudilA vozhugalAtRu.." are nothing but a few of such pAsurams.


> I believe, it is high time we let go of our "yAdhAnum paTRi neengum

> viradham" attitude in this matter and give them the due respect.


> Finally, I can say only one thing. Anybody who discrimates, based on

> caste, amongst the Srivaishnavas, doesn't have any right to talk

> about AzhwArs and AcharyAs and hence their work. This is my humble,

> if not arrogant, opinion.


> AzhwAr emperumAnAr jeeyar thiruvadigaLE saraNam

> adiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan

> Thirumalai Vinjamoor Venkatesh



> ramanuja, "Ramanujam Varada Srinivasa Thatta"

> <acharyatvsr wrote:

> >

> > Please do some more deeper study. Vaysyas are Upaveetas and can

> learn and recite Vedas.

> > Ramanujam.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > -------

> > > ramanuja

> > > epd40

> > > Tue, 10 Oct 2006 05:54:06 +0000

> > > [sri ramanuja] Caste Creed and Varna in Srivaishnavam

> > >

> > > Dear All,

> > > A subtle thought process in the lineage of a question being

> raised by

> > > one of my kin. Question pertains to varnasrama in Srivaishnavam.

> > > I had few thoughts with respect to the question. I request our

> people

> > > to clarify, correct any mistakes with pramanam for the answers I

> had

> > > given.

> > >

> > > Question by my Kin:

> > >

> > > "The below thing I wrote when I was a part ramanuja.org discussion

> > > list. I didn't get any answer for this. Still I am searching the

> > > answer for this. Do anyone of you have?

> > >

> > > Respected Sir,

> > > kulanthaangu saathikaL naalilum keezizinthu,

> > > etthanai nalanthaa nilaathasaN daaLasaN daaLarka Laakilum,

> > > valanthaangu sakkarath thaNNal maNivaNNaR kaaLenRuL kalanthaar,

> > > adiyaar thammadi yaarem madikaLE.

> > > If an individual is a devotee of Lord Vishnu, then, even if he

> belongs

> > > to a lowly caste, you must consider his devotee's devotee as your

> > > lord. I'm quoting this paasuram from tiruvaymoli. I have quoted

> the

> > > explaination from our own web site www.ramanuja.org.

> > >

> > > Whatever i understood from the above paasuram according to my

> > > intellect is that if a person is a devotee of shriman naarayan to

> > > whatever castes he/she belongs should be given enough respect.

> Then

> > > why in our sampradaayam it is so that in the name of achaaram we

> > > discriminate among our own people. Even if they are great

> devotees of

> > > lord naarayan they are not given enough respect just because they

> > > belong to low caste. I have seen many people who are brahmins and

> shri

> > > vaishnava but they do not follow any rules and regulations of what

> > > shri vaishnava should follow.But even then they get respect in the

> > > society as well as by high intellectuals since they belong to high

> > > caste. Should it be not like this that the discrimination should

> be

> > > made only on this basis whether a particular person is a devotee

> of

> > > shriman naarayan or not rather than caste.Is our sampradaayam

> > > emphasize on casteism. I also felt that casteism is one of the

> main

> > > reason that our sampradaayam's message is not widely spread. If by

> > > mistake i have written something wrong due to ignorance then i am

> > > extremely sorry for that.

> > >

> > > with regards

> > > charchita

> > >

> > > Answer:

> > > Dear Charchita

> > > The message is apt but the concept of varnasrama should or could

> not

> > > be confused here.

> > > Varnasrama Dictates Rules For

> > > 1) Individual's Work in society

> > > a) Bhramins - Bhramanosya Mookam aaseeth. Bhramins come from

> face

> > > of vishnu. Let them be responsible for learning Vedas, chanting

> it,

> > > and spreading it. By no means they can enter

> > > i) Trade

> > > ii) Warfare

> > > iii) Cultivation or any means of procurement

> > > b) Kshatriya - Baaho rajanya krutaha: By the muscle power let

> the

> > > rajans rule the world. They should

> > > i) Conquer and control teritories

> > > ii) Learn Vedas and not teach / preach them

> > > iii) Be the sole properitor of wealthiest items in his

> teritory

> > > c) Vaysya - Vaysyo Dhana samridhasyad - Let the merchants trade

> and

> > > earn money. Let them use thier strength in thighs to travel far

> off

> > > and bring money.

> > > i) They cannot learn/preach vedas

> > > d) Shudra - Shudra sukam avapnuyaad - Let the fourth caste people

> do

> > > the job of line men, agriculture, hunting and all work of building

> > > assisting kings in army. Thereby they are not directly

> responsible for

> > > any decisions but enable decision makers to fulfill the objective

> of

> > > society. They can

> > > a) Have multiple marriages, have food without bath, can kill

> animals

> > > and move from places to places.

> > > Now the key point is Narayana bhakta

> > > He who is intrested in bhramagnana is above these 4 castes which

> come

> > > by birth and has to be respected alteast equivalent to vishnu,

> > > If currently bhramins/ sri vaishanavas are not doing it its

> solely the

> > > fault of the individuals and not that of the sampradaya

> > > Instances:

> > > Ramanuja before bath used to hold hands of mudaliyandan (Bhramana

> > > sreshta)and later after bath hold the hand of pillai uranga vali

> dasar

> > > (4th caste person)

> > > Nampillai called one dasar to submit the food he prepared for

> perumal

> > > fearing the atma guna poorthi of his second wife.

> > > Lot of instances where disciples were of 4th caste but they were

> > > deciding people of sampradaya,

> > > Our great Acharyan Manavala maamunigal got the greatest of

> rahasya Sri

> > > vachana bushana from the mouth of an acharya called koora

> kulothama

> > > dasar who by his birth is the care taker of burial ground (Sandala

> > > vargam). Note: Please correct the name of our poorvacharya who

> did the

> > > kalakshepam of Srivachana bhushanam to maamunigal.

> > > Points:

> > > We have to take sree pada theertham from the lotus feet of any sri

> > > vaishnava of any caste if he shows atma guna poorthi. abiding the

> > > faith on manavala maamunigal and ramanuja if we fail to do so we

> dont

> > > call ourself sri vaishnava and because of hypocrats pure

> sampradayam

> > > is getting dis illusioned as the caste oriented system.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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Dear Swami's, pranams.

Bhagavata is one who has utmost faith in BHAGAWAN. Emprumanar had this feeling all are Srivaishnavas irrespective of one's caste, colour, creed or ashrama. The aruguments based on varna ahrama do not hold ground today be cause no body sticks to his/her varna ashrama in its entireity.

We find many people who say we are born in this parampara/vamsa but do not have gnana, sampradaya knowledge as like their predecessors. Still we respect them as great people. Why because we give respect to their paramparai. If we just think and realise then we will understand that we have to respect them not because they belong to this or that parampara but SIMPLY HUMAN COURTESY DEMANDS RESPECT AND REVERANCE.

It is this human courtesy and respect we have to give to all irrespective of caste and creed. EMPERUMANAR SAID LOVE ALL AS SRIVAISHAVAITES not because they have THIRUMAN KAPPU not because they belong to this sect not because they belong to this vamsa but more because in him also YOU FIND LORD VISHNU. IN THIS LIES THE SOCIO RELIGIOUS VISION OF SWAMY RAMANUJA. In the name of religion, HE blended all the people under one umbrella that is SRIVAISHNAVISM.

So it is not important whether one is a brahmin Srivaishnava or non brahmin srivaishnava . Even within brahmin srivaishnavas, difference lies between disciples of various different MUTTS. Disciples of one Acharya does not accept another and disciple of one MUTT does not see eye to eye with another. We feel we are more knowledgeable . Do we perform our varnashrama dharma as laid out by our Seers? No. . Do we agree with our own Srivaishnavites who belong to different Acharyas/MUTTS. Even within one MUTT, so many groups function. No body is 100% strict as per his/her varnasrama. Are we Swamy Pillai Lokacharya and Parasara Battar? Definitely not. So we why to quarrel ? What is important is you should not discriminate any body in the name of sampradaya. YOU NEED NOT MAKE ALLIANCES WITH THEM YOU NEED NOT GO AND EAT WITH THEM BUT RESPECT THEM AS EMPERUMANARS SHISHYAS. Do not ask them to stand separately. LOVE THEM. THEY ARE SRIVAISHNAVAS.

We should know that there was a Acharya by name SIRIATHAN. He has been mentioned in the Tirupavai Commentary for NANDA GOPAN KUMARAN. "NAM SIRIATHANAI POLE PASUMPUL SAVA MITHIATHAVAR NANDAGOPAR"

If we are able to understand this, then this trouble should not boot us.

Adiyen request all Swamins to accept my apologies if adiyen has hurt anybody's sentimens. These are adiyen's views.

rvv21 <ranjan (AT) cantab (DOT) net> wrote:

Dear all, praNAmams


I 100% agree with Sri Tirumalai Vinjamoor Venkatesh swAmin's

statements about respecting bhaagavataas or, as he put it, "anything

or anyone wearing the thirumaN". (Of course I am sure no-one has

forgotten that as human beings, even those *without* thirumaNs deserve

our respect as amshas of Him!)


There seems to be a suggestion that although we can respect the

aatma of a bhaagavata, interdining and intermarriage somehow does not

enter into that (i.e. it is OK to discriminate on those grounds).

Might I suggest that this viewpoint only considers the situation in

India and perhaps does not look at the bigger picture.


Suggesting that eating with someone of a different caste is

polluting is, in my view nothing but discriminatory. Of course eating

off the plate of a dog is most probably not a good idea because a dog

has no concept of hygiene etc. but to suggest that dining alongside a

fellow human being who happens to be born in a different jaati is in

any way defiling is, to me, suggesting somehow that they are

sub-human. Didn't Ramanujacharya's desire to eat the remains of one of

his "lower" caste acharyas prove this point, or the episode where one

of the (brahmin) acharyas (I forget which) did not want any vedic

rites to sanctify his new home, since an esteemed bhagavata of

fourth-varNa had simply walked in the place and thus already

sanctified it?


I know that in India people will make all sorts of assumptions

that "people of other castes have different eating habits, might eat

non-veg, etc., so we shouldn't eat with them" or arguments about

"previous births etc" but what if this bhaagavata is a strict

vegetarian, follows his anushtaanam etc. - on what grounds can we

still support such interdining restrictions then? And how can those

of us in the west simultaneously say this while going to our office

jobs and sitting alongside our white colleages, chatting away happily,

while not giving the same respect to someone of a so-called "shuudra"

jaati back in India? The same goes for marriage. I am not saying

"it's OK", I am just asking, why this arbitrary distinction between

"paying respects to a bhaagavata" and "eating with/marrying them"? Is

it not simplistic to distinguish between the two issues?


I would suggest that to understand why this is a narrow

perspective, one only needs to look at ISKCON (regardless of other

disputes of doctrine etc), where their priests (white

europeans/americans, or "mlecchas" according to some) have been given

upaveetam etc. and live according to more strict standards of

anushtaanam, aachaaram etc. than probably many of us. On what grounds

could we even justify not eating with/marrying with them? Saying that

"it is in the shaastras and therefore bhagavAn's command" seems to me

a convenient way of avoiding discussing the issue. Let's not forget,

some of those so-called "shaastras" contain statements like "the

shuudra is verily like a cemetery, unfit for any holy sacrament" and

"he should be given a name expressing something contemptible", let

alone passages saying that "molten lead should be poured in their ears

if they hear the Veda". If the Varnaashrama dharma that we are

talking about from these texts (Manusmriti, Gautama dharmashaastra et

al), how can we even *dream* of simultaneously calling ourselves

Vaishnavas, while defending rules coming from such texts? Are the

above statements not intrinsically disrespectful to *fellow human

beings*, let alone bhAgavatALs? How can such a fundamental conflict

ever be resolved?


Any clarifications or corrections to statements much appreciated,

and sorry if anything has caused offence in the above.


sarvAparAdhAn kShamasva

namO nArAyaNAya




ramanuja, "vinjamoor_venkatesh"

<vinjamoor_venkatesh wrote:


> srImathE rAmAnujAya namaha

> srImadh varavara munayE namaha


> Dear Sri Dasarathi,


> First of all what is the use of this Varnasrama Dharma? If we dwell a

> little, we will find that the Varnashrama was created, based entirely

> on the profession. Later it emanated to be hereditary. That's all the

> truth. You can see this even today. Almost, in the last 50 years

> atleast, there is trend that the doctor's son is a doctor, engineer's

> son is an engineer etc. Also there are certain unwritten rule

> (dharma) how a doctor should behave and so do the engineers. If a

> society can have a pattern in 50 years, we are talking about a

> practice that is much more than 5000 yrs old. So, the dharma of

> Varnashrama is only a set of rules on the behavioural aspects.


> Sticking to Varnashrama is fine but I believe, the whole point of

> discussion is to respect fellow Srivaishnavas irrespective of their

> Caste or Creed.


> Also I am unable to agree with the "atma guna poorthi" aspect. Why

> should we try to respect only those Bhagavathas who have "atma guna

> poorthi"? First, are all the Brahmin Srivaishnavas having - "atma

> guna poorthi"? Very difficult to answer. Barring a few, how many of

> us worship nobody other than Sriman Narayanan. The basic "atma guna"

> or characteristics of a SriVaishnavaite (sEshathvam and

> pArathanthriyam). I know of many Brahmin Srivaishnavites, who to this

> date, claim that they belong to a very high caste and all, but side

> by side go to some Amman temple or Siva temple for a "nErthi" on the

> pretext that they were their "kuladeivam". How many such fallacies do

> we have? I am not saying all here, but definitely a whole lot.


> 1. I would say, please respect any one and any thing that

> has "thirumAn" on them or it.


> 2. Don't humiliate them. Fold your hands with heads down, on seeing a

> Srivaishnava, even if he is an arrogant one. We are no less either.


> 3. When great Acharyas like Sri Alavandar can say "aparAdha sahasra

> bhAjanam, pathitham ...."(I have committed thousands of sins and am a

> pathithan" and "amaryAdha: shudra: chalamathi: asooya: ......" (I am

> arrogant showing a lot of disrespect to others and so on), can we

> ever say that we even qualify to talk about the "atma guna". Sorry

> this is not meant as an offence at you, but a generic note.


> I get tears in my eyes when we say "kArEi karuNai irAmAnusA...". Why

> do we equate his kindness to the clouds? AmudhanAr had the same tears

> in his eyes, after hearing the news of Emperumanar's kindness by

> letting out the rahasya of Thirumanthiram so that every other being

> can go to Paramapadham. Here again, his target was everyone and just

> about everyone irrespective of caste, creed etc. While we can't

> actually, shouldn't we atleast try to emulate our great Acharya.


> This is the best respect that we can show to a fellow bhAgavatha.


> AzhwAr emperumAnAr jeeyar thiruvadigaLE saraNam

> adiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan


> Correction: In my earlier mail I wrote that Periya Nambi did anthima

> samskAram for viLAnchOla piLLai. It is not viLAnchOla piLLai but

> mAranEr nambi. Sorry for this confusion.



> ramanuja, Ellayavilli Dasarathy <epd40@>

> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Ramanujam

> > I correct my stance wrt vaishyas as pointed by you. Apart from

> that, could some thing more be dwelled upon srivaishanava kula

> poorthi.

> > I want to highlight this at this juncture particulary for atma

> gnana and not sarira sampanda we intend to have with fellow

> srivaishnavas.

> > What I mean by this is, restrictions on varnasrama dharma are not

> to be refuted rather, when it comes to exchange of atma guna poorthi,

> > what should be the stance of a srivaishnava. A practical question.

> Today a handful of few might have knowledge on srivachanabushanam

> either because of its greatness or because of a reader's biasedness

> on it, since it was being commentaried by our acharyan (Maamunigal).

> > But the overall is,

> > Do our vaishnava kulam shows the same strength in atma guna poorthi

> towards a bhagavatha when he is having sampradaya gnana in thoughts

> and deeds

> > Question might be, today's srivaishnavas are not like emperumanar

> or pillai uranga villi dasar or maraner nambi so we cant find whether

> a bhagavata is having atma guna poorthi. Hence lets all stick on to,

> varnasrama even in sampradaya pravachanam and samvadams (discourses

> and discussions).

> > But the catch to this point is,

> > we accord the same respect of emperumanar/ 72 simasanadhipadis, to

> the current emperumanar sthanams, as well as acharya purushas just

> because of thier lineage whereas,

> > a srivaishnava nigraham occurs (no exchange of atma guna / bhrama

> gnana) if he fails to fall within the bhramana kulam

> > To worsen this, in the name of aacharam various standards have

> evolved within groups of srivaishnavam. Here the objective is,

> > 1) Not to mocker at our existing reality since I also belong to the

> part of reality (Srivaishnava kulam)

> > but, try making the objective of sri vaishnava guna poorthi

> expected by Manavala maamunigal and Pillai lokacharyar a reality and

> truly not at the cost of ignoring manusmrithi or varnasrama and

> > 2) To evolve a common acharam for both atma gunam and varnasramam

> > So question boils down to

> > Correct questions:

> > 1) How to treat a srivaishnava sreshta who is full with atma guna

> poorthi irrespective of thier belongings

> > 2) How to exchange atma gnana with them

> > 3) What would be the standard for aacharam for a srivaishnava

> abiding with Varnasramam.

> > And the question never intends to (Wrong Question)

> > 1) How to do inter caste marriages

> > 2) How to dine equally with all everywhere.

> > because, marriage involves anushtana poorthi for a srivaishnava

> (Gruhastashramam) and just not emotional or physical attachment

> > Please let us have the right questions (Correct Questions 1 2 and

> 3) and not the (Wrong Question) as objectives.

> > adiyen

> > Ramanuja dasan Dasarathy Elayavilli Ponnappan

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Ramanujam Varada Srinivasa Thatta <acharyatvsr@>

> > Dasarathy <ramanuja>

> > Wednesday, 11 October, 2006 11:02:26 AM

> > RE: [sri ramanuja] Caste Creed and Varna in Srivaishnavam

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Please do some more deeper study. Vaysyas are Upaveetas

> and can learn and recite Vedas.

> >

> > Ramanujam.

> >

> >

> >

> > ------------ --------- --------- --------- -

> >

> > > ramanuja@ s.com

> >

> > > epd40 (AT) (DOT) co.in

> >

> > > Tue, 10 Oct 2006 05:54:06 +0000

> >

> > > [sri ramanuja] Caste Creed and Varna in Srivaishnavam

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Dear All,

> >

> > > A subtle thought process in the lineage of a question being

> raised by

> >

> > > one of my kin. Question pertains to varnasrama in Srivaishnavam.

> >

> > > I had few thoughts with respect to the question. I request our

> people

> >

> > > to clarify, correct any mistakes with pramanam for the answers I

> had

> >

> > > given.

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Question by my Kin:

> >

> > >

> >

> > > "The below thing I wrote when I was a part ramanuja.org discussion

> >

> > > list. I didn't get any answer for this. Still I am searching the

> >

> > > answer for this. Do anyone of you have?

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Respected Sir,

> >

> > > kulanthaangu saathikaL naalilum keezizinthu,

> >

> > > etthanai nalanthaa nilaathasaN daaLasaN daaLarka Laakilum,

> >

> > > valanthaangu sakkarath thaNNal maNivaNNaR kaaLenRuL kalanthaar,

> >

> > > adiyaar thammadi yaarem madikaLE.

> >

> > > If an individual is a devotee of Lord Vishnu, then, even if he

> belongs

> >

> > > to a lowly caste, you must consider his devotee's devotee as your

> >

> > > lord. I'm quoting this paasuram from tiruvaymoli. I have quoted

> the

> >

> > > explaination from our own web site www.ramanuja. org.

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Whatever i understood from the above paasuram according to my

> >

> > > intellect is that if a person is a devotee of shriman naarayan to

> >

> > > whatever castes he/she belongs should be given enough respect.

> Then

> >

> > > why in our sampradaayam it is so that in the name of achaaram we

> >

> > > discriminate among our own people. Even if they are great

> devotees of

> >

> > > lord naarayan they are not given enough respect just because they

> >

> > > belong to low caste. I have seen many people who are brahmins and

> shri

> >

> > > vaishnava but they do not follow any rules and regulations of what

> >

> > > shri vaishnava should follow.But even then they get respect in the

> >

> > > society as well as by high intellectuals since they belong to high

> >

> > > caste. Should it be not like this that the discrimination should

> be

> >

> > > made only on this basis whether a particular person is a devotee

> of

> >

> > > shriman naarayan or not rather than caste.Is our sampradaayam

> >

> > > emphasize on casteism. I also felt that casteism is one of the

> main

> >

> > > reason that our sampradaayam' s message is not widely spread. If

> by

> >

> > > mistake i have written something wrong due to ignorance then i am

> >

> > > extremely sorry for that.

> >

> > >

> >

> > > with regards

> >

> > > charchita

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Answer:

> >

> > > Dear Charchita

> >

> > > The message is apt but the concept of varnasrama should or could

> not

> >

> > > be confused here.

> >

> > > Varnasrama Dictates Rules For

> >

> > > 1) Individual's Work in society

> >

> > > a) Bhramins - Bhramanosya Mookam aaseeth. Bhramins come from

> face

> >

> > > of vishnu. Let them be responsible for learning Vedas, chanting

> it,

> >

> > > and spreading it. By no means they can enter

> >

> > > i) Trade

> >

> > > ii) Warfare

> >

> > > iii) Cultivation or any means of procurement

> >

> > > b) Kshatriya - Baaho rajanya krutaha: By the muscle power let

> the

> >

> > > rajans rule the world. They should

> >

> > > i) Conquer and control teritories

> >

> > > ii) Learn Vedas and not teach / preach them

> >

> > > iii) Be the sole properitor of wealthiest items in his

> teritory

> >

> > > c) Vaysya - Vaysyo Dhana samridhasyad - Let the merchants trade

> and

> >

> > > earn money. Let them use thier strength in thighs to travel far

> off

> >

> > > and bring money.

> >

> > > i) They cannot learn/preach vedas

> >

> > > d) Shudra - Shudra sukam avapnuyaad - Let the fourth caste people

> do

> >

> > > the job of line men, agriculture, hunting and all work of building

> >

> > > assisting kings in army. Thereby they are not directly

> responsible for

> >

> > > any decisions but enable decision makers to fulfill the objective

> of

> >

> > > society. They can

> >

> > > a) Have multiple marriages, have food without bath, can kill

> animals

> >

> > > and move from places to places.

> >

> > > Now the key point is Narayana bhakta

> >

> > > He who is intrested in bhramagnana is above these 4 castes which

> come

> >

> > > by birth and has to be respected alteast equivalent to vishnu,

> >

> > > If currently bhramins/ sri vaishanavas are not doing it its

> solely the

> >

> > > fault of the individuals and not that of the sampradaya

> >

> > > Instances:

> >

> > > Ramanuja before bath used to hold hands of mudaliyandan (Bhramana

> >

> > > sreshta)and later after bath hold the hand of pillai uranga vali

> dasar

> >

> > > (4th caste person)

> >

> > > Nampillai called one dasar to submit the food he prepared for

> perumal

> >

> > > fearing the atma guna poorthi of his second wife.

> >

> > > Lot of instances where disciples were of 4th caste but they were

> >

> > > deciding people of sampradaya,

> >

> > > Our great Acharyan Manavala maamunigal got the greatest of

> rahasya Sri

> >

> > > vachana bushana from the mouth of an acharya called koora

> kulothama

> >

> > > dasar who by his birth is the care taker of burial ground (Sandala

> >

> > > vargam). Note: Please correct the name of our poorvacharya who

> did the

> >

> > > kalakshepam of Srivachana bhushanam to maamunigal.

> >

> > > Points:

> >

> > > We have to take sree pada theertham from the lotus feet of any sri

> >

> > > vaishnava of any caste if he shows atma guna poorthi. abiding the

> >

> > > faith on manavala maamunigal and ramanuja if we fail to do so we

> dont

> >

> > > call ourself sri vaishnava and because of hypocrats pure

> sampradayam

> >

> > > is getting dis illusioned as the caste oriented system.

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

> >

> > >

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ramanuja, kidambi naranan kidambi naranan

<kidambi_5 wrote:



Dear Sriman Naranan,


Pillai Lokacharya's sree sookti "grAma kulAdhigaLAlE varum pEr

anartha hEtum" explains everything. Belonging to so and so vamSam

and a kshEtram as great as Srirangam/Thirumalai should not be the

basis to be paid obeisance. All Srivaishnavas are to be Srivaishnava

dAsas:) There were even instances of learned jeeyars prostrating

before grhasthas.





> We find many people who say we are born in this parampara/vamsa

but do not have gnana, sampradaya knowledge as like their

predecessors. Still we respect them as great people. Why because

we give respect to their paramparai. If we just think and realise

then we will understand that we have to respect them not because

they belong to this or that parampara but SIMPLY HUMAN COURTESY



> It is this human courtesy and respect we have to give to all

irrespective of caste and creed. EMPERUMANAR SAID LOVE ALL AS

SRIVAISHAVAITES not because they have THIRUMAN KAPPU not because

they belong to this sect not because they belong to this vamsa but

more because in him also YOU FIND LORD VISHNU. IN THIS LIES THE


HE blended all the people under one umbrella that is SRIVAISHNAVISM.


> So it is not important whether one is a brahmin Srivaishnava or

non brahmin srivaishnava . Even within brahmin srivaishnavas,

difference lies between disciples of various different MUTTS.

Disciples of one Acharya does not accept another and disciple of one

MUTT does not see eye to eye with another. We feel we are more

knowledgeable . Do we perform our varnashrama dharma as laid out by

our Seers? No. . Do we agree with our own Srivaishnavites who

belong to different Acharyas/MUTTS. Even within one MUTT, so many

groups function. No body is 100% strict as per his/her varnasrama.

Are we Swamy Pillai Lokacharya and Parasara Battar? Definitely

not. So we why to quarrel ? What is important is you should not

discriminate any body in the name of sampradaya. YOU NEED NOT MAKE


THEM AS EMPERUMANARS SHISHYAS. Do not ask them to stand



> We should know that there was a Acharya by name SIRIATHAN. He

has been mentioned in the Tirupavai Commentary for NANDA GOPAN




> If we are able to understand this, then this trouble should not

boot us.


> Adiyen request all Swamins to accept my apologies if adiyen has

hurt anybody's sentimens. These are adiyen's views.


> rvv21 <ranjan wrote:

> Dear all, praNAmams


> I 100% agree with Sri Tirumalai Vinjamoor Venkatesh swAmin's

> statements about respecting bhaagavataas or, as he put

it, "anything

> or anyone wearing the thirumaN". (Of course I am sure no-one has

> forgotten that as human beings, even those *without* thirumaNs


> our respect as amshas of Him!)


> There seems to be a suggestion that although we can respect the

> aatma of a bhaagavata, interdining and intermarriage somehow does


> enter into that (i.e. it is OK to discriminate on those grounds).

> Might I suggest that this viewpoint only considers the situation in

> India and perhaps does not look at the bigger picture.


> Suggesting that eating with someone of a different caste is

> polluting is, in my view nothing but discriminatory. Of course


> off the plate of a dog is most probably not a good idea because a


> has no concept of hygiene etc. but to suggest that dining

alongside a

> fellow human being who happens to be born in a different jaati is


> any way defiling is, to me, suggesting somehow that they are

> sub-human. Didn't Ramanujacharya's desire to eat the remains of

one of

> his "lower" caste acharyas prove this point, or the episode where


> of the (brahmin) acharyas (I forget which) did not want any vedic

> rites to sanctify his new home, since an esteemed bhagavata of

> fourth-varNa had simply walked in the place and thus already

> sanctified it?


> I know that in India people will make all sorts of assumptions

> that "people of other castes have different eating habits, might


> non-veg, etc., so we shouldn't eat with them" or arguments about

> "previous births etc" but what if this bhaagavata is a strict

> vegetarian, follows his anushtaanam etc. - on what grounds can we

> still support such interdining restrictions then? And how can those

> of us in the west simultaneously say this while going to our office

> jobs and sitting alongside our white colleages, chatting away


> while not giving the same respect to someone of a so-

called "shuudra"

> jaati back in India? The same goes for marriage. I am not saying

> "it's OK", I am just asking, why this arbitrary distinction between

> "paying respects to a bhaagavata" and "eating with/marrying them"?


> it not simplistic to distinguish between the two issues?


> I would suggest that to understand why this is a narrow

> perspective, one only needs to look at ISKCON (regardless of other

> disputes of doctrine etc), where their priests (white

> europeans/americans, or "mlecchas" according to some) have been


> upaveetam etc. and live according to more strict standards of

> anushtaanam, aachaaram etc. than probably many of us. On what


> could we even justify not eating with/marrying with them? Saying


> "it is in the shaastras and therefore bhagavAn's command" seems to


> a convenient way of avoiding discussing the issue. Let's not


> some of those so-called "shaastras" contain statements like "the

> shuudra is verily like a cemetery, unfit for any holy sacrament"


> "he should be given a name expressing something contemptible", let

> alone passages saying that "molten lead should be poured in their


> if they hear the Veda". If the Varnaashrama dharma that we are

> talking about from these texts (Manusmriti, Gautama dharmashaastra


> al), how can we even *dream* of simultaneously calling ourselves

> Vaishnavas, while defending rules coming from such texts? Are the

> above statements not intrinsically disrespectful to *fellow human

> beings*, let alone bhAgavatALs? How can such a fundamental conflict

> ever be resolved?


> Any clarifications or corrections to statements much appreciated,

> and sorry if anything has caused offence in the above.


> sarvAparAdhAn kShamasva

> namO nArAyaNAya

> praNAmams,

> Ranjan


> ramanuja, "vinjamoor_venkatesh"

> <vinjamoor_venkatesh@> wrote:

> >

> > srImathE rAmAnujAya namaha

> > srImadh varavara munayE namaha

> >

> > Dear Sri Dasarathi,

> >

> > First of all what is the use of this Varnasrama Dharma? If we

dwell a

> > little, we will find that the Varnashrama was created, based


> > on the profession. Later it emanated to be hereditary. That's

all the

> > truth. You can see this even today. Almost, in the last 50 years

> > atleast, there is trend that the doctor's son is a doctor,


> > son is an engineer etc. Also there are certain unwritten rule

> > (dharma) how a doctor should behave and so do the engineers. If


> > society can have a pattern in 50 years, we are talking about a

> > practice that is much more than 5000 yrs old. So, the dharma of

> > Varnashrama is only a set of rules on the behavioural aspects.

> >

> > Sticking to Varnashrama is fine but I believe, the whole point


> > discussion is to respect fellow Srivaishnavas irrespective of


> > Caste or Creed.

> >

> > Also I am unable to agree with the "atma guna poorthi" aspect.


> > should we try to respect only those Bhagavathas who have "atma


> > poorthi"? First, are all the Brahmin Srivaishnavas having -


> > guna poorthi"? Very difficult to answer. Barring a few, how many


> > us worship nobody other than Sriman Narayanan. The basic "atma


> > or characteristics of a SriVaishnavaite (sEshathvam and

> > pArathanthriyam). I know of many Brahmin Srivaishnavites, who to


> > date, claim that they belong to a very high caste and all, but


> > by side go to some Amman temple or Siva temple for a "nErthi" on


> > pretext that they were their "kuladeivam". How many such

fallacies do

> > we have? I am not saying all here, but definitely a whole lot.

> >

> > 1. I would say, please respect any one and any thing that

> > has "thirumAn" on them or it.

> >

> > 2. Don't humiliate them. Fold your hands with heads down, on

seeing a

> > Srivaishnava, even if he is an arrogant one. We are no less


> >

> > 3. When great Acharyas like Sri Alavandar can say "aparAdha


> > bhAjanam, pathitham ...."(I have committed thousands of sins and

am a

> > pathithan" and "amaryAdha: shudra: chalamathi: asooya: ......"

(I am

> > arrogant showing a lot of disrespect to others and so on), can


> > ever say that we even qualify to talk about the "atma guna".


> > this is not meant as an offence at you, but a generic note.

> >

> > I get tears in my eyes when we say "kArEi karuNai irAmAnusA...".


> > do we equate his kindness to the clouds? AmudhanAr had the same


> > in his eyes, after hearing the news of Emperumanar's kindness by

> > letting out the rahasya of Thirumanthiram so that every other


> > can go to Paramapadham. Here again, his target was everyone and


> > about everyone irrespective of caste, creed etc. While we can't

> > actually, shouldn't we atleast try to emulate our great Acharya.

> >

> > This is the best respect that we can show to a fellow


> >

> > AzhwAr emperumAnAr jeeyar thiruvadigaLE saraNam

> > adiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan

> >

> > Correction: In my earlier mail I wrote that Periya Nambi did


> > samskAram for viLAnchOla piLLai. It is not viLAnchOla piLLai but

> > mAranEr nambi. Sorry for this confusion.

> >

> >

> > ramanuja, Ellayavilli Dasarathy <epd40@>

> > wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Ramanujam

> > > I correct my stance wrt vaishyas as pointed by you. Apart from

> > that, could some thing more be dwelled upon srivaishanava kula

> > poorthi.

> > > I want to highlight this at this juncture particulary for atma

> > gnana and not sarira sampanda we intend to have with fellow

> > srivaishnavas.

> > > What I mean by this is, restrictions on varnasrama dharma are


> > to be refuted rather, when it comes to exchange of atma guna


> > > what should be the stance of a srivaishnava. A practical


> > Today a handful of few might have knowledge on


> > either because of its greatness or because of a reader's


> > on it, since it was being commentaried by our acharyan


> > > But the overall is,

> > > Do our vaishnava kulam shows the same strength in atma guna


> > towards a bhagavatha when he is having sampradaya gnana in


> > and deeds

> > > Question might be, today's srivaishnavas are not like


> > or pillai uranga villi dasar or maraner nambi so we cant find


> > a bhagavata is having atma guna poorthi. Hence lets all stick on


> > varnasrama even in sampradaya pravachanam and samvadams


> > and discussions).

> > > But the catch to this point is,

> > > we accord the same respect of emperumanar/ 72

simasanadhipadis, to

> > the current emperumanar sthanams, as well as acharya purushas


> > because of thier lineage whereas,

> > > a srivaishnava nigraham occurs (no exchange of atma guna /


> > gnana) if he fails to fall within the bhramana kulam

> > > To worsen this, in the name of aacharam various standards have

> > evolved within groups of srivaishnavam. Here the objective is,

> > > 1) Not to mocker at our existing reality since I also belong

to the

> > part of reality (Srivaishnava kulam)

> > > but, try making the objective of sri vaishnava guna poorthi

> > expected by Manavala maamunigal and Pillai lokacharyar a reality


> > truly not at the cost of ignoring manusmrithi or varnasrama and

> > > 2) To evolve a common acharam for both atma gunam and


> > > So question boils down to

> > > Correct questions:

> > > 1) How to treat a srivaishnava sreshta who is full with atma


> > poorthi irrespective of thier belongings

> > > 2) How to exchange atma gnana with them

> > > 3) What would be the standard for aacharam for a srivaishnava

> > abiding with Varnasramam.

> > > And the question never intends to (Wrong Question)

> > > 1) How to do inter caste marriages

> > > 2) How to dine equally with all everywhere.

> > > because, marriage involves anushtana poorthi for a


> > (Gruhastashramam) and just not emotional or physical attachment

> > > Please let us have the right questions (Correct Questions 1 2


> > 3) and not the (Wrong Question) as objectives.

> > > adiyen

> > > Ramanuja dasan Dasarathy Elayavilli Ponnappan

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Ramanujam Varada Srinivasa Thatta <acharyatvsr@>

> > > Dasarathy <ramanuja>

> > > Wednesday, 11 October, 2006 11:02:26 AM

> > > RE: [sri ramanuja] Caste Creed and Varna in


> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Please do some more deeper study. Vaysyas are Upaveetas

> > and can learn and recite Vedas.

> > >

> > > Ramanujam.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ------------ --------- --------- --------- -

> > >

> > > > ramanuja@ s.com

> > >

> > > > epd40 (AT) (DOT) co.in

> > >

> > > > Tue, 10 Oct 2006 05:54:06 +0000

> > >

> > > > [sri ramanuja] Caste Creed and Varna in


> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > Dear All,

> > >

> > > > A subtle thought process in the lineage of a question being

> > raised by

> > >

> > > > one of my kin. Question pertains to varnasrama in


> > >

> > > > I had few thoughts with respect to the question. I request


> > people

> > >

> > > > to clarify, correct any mistakes with pramanam for the

answers I

> > had

> > >

> > > > given.

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > Question by my Kin:

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > "The below thing I wrote when I was a part ramanuja.org


> > >

> > > > list. I didn't get any answer for this. Still I am searching


> > >

> > > > answer for this. Do anyone of you have?

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > Respected Sir,

> > >

> > > > kulanthaangu saathikaL naalilum keezizinthu,

> > >

> > > > etthanai nalanthaa nilaathasaN daaLasaN daaLarka Laakilum,

> > >

> > > > valanthaangu sakkarath thaNNal maNivaNNaR kaaLenRuL


> > >

> > > > adiyaar thammadi yaarem madikaLE.

> > >

> > > > If an individual is a devotee of Lord Vishnu, then, even if


> > belongs

> > >

> > > > to a lowly caste, you must consider his devotee's devotee as


> > >

> > > > lord. I'm quoting this paasuram from tiruvaymoli. I have


> > the

> > >

> > > > explaination from our own web site www.ramanuja. org.

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > Whatever i understood from the above paasuram according to my

> > >

> > > > intellect is that if a person is a devotee of shriman

naarayan to

> > >

> > > > whatever castes he/she belongs should be given enough


> > Then

> > >

> > > > why in our sampradaayam it is so that in the name of

achaaram we

> > >

> > > > discriminate among our own people. Even if they are great

> > devotees of

> > >

> > > > lord naarayan they are not given enough respect just because


> > >

> > > > belong to low caste. I have seen many people who are

brahmins and

> > shri

> > >

> > > > vaishnava but they do not follow any rules and regulations

of what

> > >

> > > > shri vaishnava should follow.But even then they get respect

in the

> > >

> > > > society as well as by high intellectuals since they belong

to high

> > >

> > > > caste. Should it be not like this that the discrimination


> > be

> > >

> > > > made only on this basis whether a particular person is a


> > of

> > >

> > > > shriman naarayan or not rather than caste.Is our sampradaayam

> > >

> > > > emphasize on casteism. I also felt that casteism is one of


> > main

> > >

> > > > reason that our sampradaayam' s message is not widely

spread. If

> > by

> > >

> > > > mistake i have written something wrong due to ignorance then

i am

> > >

> > > > extremely sorry for that.

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > with regards

> > >

> > > > charchita

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > Answer:

> > >

> > > > Dear Charchita

> > >

> > > > The message is apt but the concept of varnasrama should or


> > not

> > >

> > > > be confused here.

> > >

> > > > Varnasrama Dictates Rules For

> > >

> > > > 1) Individual's Work in society

> > >

> > > > a) Bhramins - Bhramanosya Mookam aaseeth. Bhramins come from

> > face

> > >

> > > > of vishnu. Let them be responsible for learning Vedas,


> > it,

> > >

> > > > and spreading it. By no means they can enter

> > >

> > > > i) Trade

> > >

> > > > ii) Warfare

> > >

> > > > iii) Cultivation or any means of procurement

> > >

> > > > b) Kshatriya - Baaho rajanya krutaha: By the muscle power


> > the

> > >

> > > > rajans rule the world. They should

> > >

> > > > i) Conquer and control teritories

> > >

> > > > ii) Learn Vedas and not teach / preach them

> > >

> > > > iii) Be the sole properitor of wealthiest items in his

> > teritory

> > >

> > > > c) Vaysya - Vaysyo Dhana samridhasyad - Let the merchants


> > and

> > >

> > > > earn money. Let them use thier strength in thighs to travel


> > off

> > >

> > > > and bring money.

> > >

> > > > i) They cannot learn/preach vedas

> > >

> > > > d) Shudra - Shudra sukam avapnuyaad - Let the fourth caste


> > do

> > >

> > > > the job of line men, agriculture, hunting and all work of


> > >

> > > > assisting kings in army. Thereby they are not directly

> > responsible for

> > >

> > > > any decisions but enable decision makers to fulfill the


> > of

> > >

> > > > society. They can

> > >

> > > > a) Have multiple marriages, have food without bath, can kill

> > animals

> > >

> > > > and move from places to places.

> > >

> > > > Now the key point is Narayana bhakta

> > >

> > > > He who is intrested in bhramagnana is above these 4 castes


> > come

> > >

> > > > by birth and has to be respected alteast equivalent to


> > >

> > > > If currently bhramins/ sri vaishanavas are not doing it its

> > solely the

> > >

> > > > fault of the individuals and not that of the sampradaya

> > >

> > > > Instances:

> > >

> > > > Ramanuja before bath used to hold hands of mudaliyandan


> > >

> > > > sreshta)and later after bath hold the hand of pillai uranga


> > dasar

> > >

> > > > (4th caste person)

> > >

> > > > Nampillai called one dasar to submit the food he prepared


> > perumal

> > >

> > > > fearing the atma guna poorthi of his second wife.

> > >

> > > > Lot of instances where disciples were of 4th caste but they


> > >

> > > > deciding people of sampradaya,

> > >

> > > > Our great Acharyan Manavala maamunigal got the greatest of

> > rahasya Sri

> > >

> > > > vachana bushana from the mouth of an acharya called koora

> > kulothama

> > >

> > > > dasar who by his birth is the care taker of burial ground


> > >

> > > > vargam). Note: Please correct the name of our poorvacharya


> > did the

> > >

> > > > kalakshepam of Srivachana bhushanam to maamunigal.

> > >

> > > > Points:

> > >

> > > > We have to take sree pada theertham from the lotus feet of

any sri

> > >

> > > > vaishnava of any caste if he shows atma guna poorthi.

abiding the

> > >

> > > > faith on manavala maamunigal and ramanuja if we fail to do

so we

> > dont

> > >

> > > > call ourself sri vaishnava and because of hypocrats pure

> > sampradayam

> > >

> > > > is getting dis illusioned as the caste oriented system.

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > >

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srImathE rAmAnujAya namaha

srImadh varvara munayE namaha


Dear Swamis,


The responses from all the members are encouraging. Yes, it is

encouraging to see that atleast no one comes out in protest of giving

respect to all. This is a good first step. Now in order to take it

forward, I am sorry to say this, but we have to leave our older

generation behind as they will definitely not come in terms with

accepting this. I know that I am being controversial here. But sorry,

I have seen this for myself in many places. They just don't want to

come into terms and the reasons are "AchAram" and "anushtAnam".


But atleast from our generation, we can get rid of this disrespect.

As Sri Ranjan put it lucidly, even if a person does not have a

Thiruman, we can still respect him with ourselves wearing a Thiruman.

Then he will appreciate the nobledom of the Srivaishnava religion and

atleast will not get away from it.


There is no point in giving any excuses that, he worships anya-

devatha, he eats non-veg, he is not taking bath regularly. Remember,

if we do still respect them, probably they will listen to what we say

and we can then teach them about being hygenic etc. Always when we

take the initiative, the results will be forthcoming. On the other

hand, if we say that you are not pure, you eat everything etc, he

will only find another place where he can stick on with all the

habits he has currently.


So let us start respecting everyone, but the first step towards it

is, atleast let us stop disrespecting others.


AzhwAr emperumAnAr jeeyar thiruvadigaLE saraNam

adiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan,

Thirumalai Vinjamoor Venkatesh



ramanuja, kidambi naranan kidambi naranan

<kidambi_5 wrote:


> Dear Swami's, pranams.


> Bhagavata is one who has utmost faith in BHAGAWAN. Emprumanar

had this feeling all are Srivaishnavas irrespective of one's caste,

colour, creed or ashrama. The aruguments based on varna ahrama do

not hold ground today be cause no body sticks to his/her varna

ashrama in its entireity.


> We find many people who say we are born in this parampara/vamsa

but do not have gnana, sampradaya knowledge as like their

predecessors. Still we respect them as great people. Why because we

give respect to their paramparai. If we just think and realise then

we will understand that we have to respect them not because they

belong to this or that parampara but SIMPLY HUMAN COURTESY DEMANDS



> It is this human courtesy and respect we have to give to all

irrespective of caste and creed. EMPERUMANAR SAID LOVE ALL AS

SRIVAISHAVAITES not because they have THIRUMAN KAPPU not because

they belong to this sect not because they belong to this vamsa but



blended all the people under one umbrella that is SRIVAISHNAVISM.


> So it is not important whether one is a brahmin Srivaishnava or

non brahmin srivaishnava . Even within brahmin srivaishnavas,

difference lies between disciples of various different MUTTS.

Disciples of one Acharya does not accept another and disciple of one

MUTT does not see eye to eye with another. We feel we are more

knowledgeable . Do we perform our varnashrama dharma as laid out by

our Seers? No. . Do we agree with our own Srivaishnavites who

belong to different Acharyas/MUTTS. Even within one MUTT, so many

groups function. No body is 100% strict as per his/her varnasrama.

Are we Swamy Pillai Lokacharya and Parasara Battar? Definitely not.

So we why to quarrel ? What is important is you should not

discriminate any body in the name of sampradaya. YOU NEED NOT MAKE


THEM AS EMPERUMANARS SHISHYAS. Do not ask them to stand separately.



> We should know that there was a Acharya by name SIRIATHAN. He

has been mentioned in the Tirupavai Commentary for NANDA GOPAN



> If we are able to understand this, then this trouble should not

boot us.


> Adiyen request all Swamins to accept my apologies if adiyen has

hurt anybody's sentimens. These are adiyen's views.


> rvv21 <ranjan wrote:

> Dear all, praNAmams


> I 100% agree with Sri Tirumalai Vinjamoor Venkatesh swAmin's

> statements about respecting bhaagavataas or, as he put it, "anything

> or anyone wearing the thirumaN". (Of course I am sure no-one has

> forgotten that as human beings, even those *without* thirumaNs


> our respect as amshas of Him!)


> There seems to be a suggestion that although we can respect the

> aatma of a bhaagavata, interdining and intermarriage somehow does


> enter into that (i.e. it is OK to discriminate on those grounds).

> Might I suggest that this viewpoint only considers the situation in

> India and perhaps does not look at the bigger picture.


> Suggesting that eating with someone of a different caste is

> polluting is, in my view nothing but discriminatory. Of course


> off the plate of a dog is most probably not a good idea because a


> has no concept of hygiene etc. but to suggest that dining alongside


> fellow human being who happens to be born in a different jaati is in

> any way defiling is, to me, suggesting somehow that they are

> sub-human. Didn't Ramanujacharya's desire to eat the remains of one


> his "lower" caste acharyas prove this point, or the episode where


> of the (brahmin) acharyas (I forget which) did not want any vedic

> rites to sanctify his new home, since an esteemed bhagavata of

> fourth-varNa had simply walked in the place and thus already

> sanctified it?


> I know that in India people will make all sorts of assumptions

> that "people of other castes have different eating habits, might eat

> non-veg, etc., so we shouldn't eat with them" or arguments about

> "previous births etc" but what if this bhaagavata is a strict

> vegetarian, follows his anushtaanam etc. - on what grounds can we

> still support such interdining restrictions then? And how can those

> of us in the west simultaneously say this while going to our office

> jobs and sitting alongside our white colleages, chatting away


> while not giving the same respect to someone of a so-

called "shuudra"

> jaati back in India? The same goes for marriage. I am not saying

> "it's OK", I am just asking, why this arbitrary distinction between

> "paying respects to a bhaagavata" and "eating with/marrying them"?


> it not simplistic to distinguish between the two issues?


> I would suggest that to understand why this is a narrow

> perspective, one only needs to look at ISKCON (regardless of other

> disputes of doctrine etc), where their priests (white

> europeans/americans, or "mlecchas" according to some) have been


> upaveetam etc. and live according to more strict standards of

> anushtaanam, aachaaram etc. than probably many of us. On what


> could we even justify not eating with/marrying with them? Saying


> "it is in the shaastras and therefore bhagavAn's command" seems to


> a convenient way of avoiding discussing the issue. Let's not forget,

> some of those so-called "shaastras" contain statements like "the

> shuudra is verily like a cemetery, unfit for any holy sacrament" and

> "he should be given a name expressing something contemptible", let

> alone passages saying that "molten lead should be poured in their


> if they hear the Veda". If the Varnaashrama dharma that we are

> talking about from these texts (Manusmriti, Gautama dharmashaastra


> al), how can we even *dream* of simultaneously calling ourselves

> Vaishnavas, while defending rules coming from such texts? Are the

> above statements not intrinsically disrespectful to *fellow human

> beings*, let alone bhAgavatALs? How can such a fundamental conflict

> ever be resolved?


> Any clarifications or corrections to statements much appreciated,

> and sorry if anything has caused offence in the above.


> sarvAparAdhAn kShamasva

> namO nArAyaNAya

> praNAmams,

> Ranjan


> ramanuja, "vinjamoor_venkatesh"

> <vinjamoor_venkatesh@> wrote:

> >

> > srImathE rAmAnujAya namaha

> > srImadh varavara munayE namaha

> >

> > Dear Sri Dasarathi,

> >

> > First of all what is the use of this Varnasrama Dharma? If we

dwell a

> > little, we will find that the Varnashrama was created, based


> > on the profession. Later it emanated to be hereditary. That's all


> > truth. You can see this even today. Almost, in the last 50 years

> > atleast, there is trend that the doctor's son is a doctor,


> > son is an engineer etc. Also there are certain unwritten rule

> > (dharma) how a doctor should behave and so do the engineers. If a

> > society can have a pattern in 50 years, we are talking about a

> > practice that is much more than 5000 yrs old. So, the dharma of

> > Varnashrama is only a set of rules on the behavioural aspects.

> >

> > Sticking to Varnashrama is fine but I believe, the whole point of

> > discussion is to respect fellow Srivaishnavas irrespective of


> > Caste or Creed.

> >

> > Also I am unable to agree with the "atma guna poorthi" aspect.


> > should we try to respect only those Bhagavathas who have "atma


> > poorthi"? First, are all the Brahmin Srivaishnavas having - "atma

> > guna poorthi"? Very difficult to answer. Barring a few, how many


> > us worship nobody other than Sriman Narayanan. The basic "atma


> > or characteristics of a SriVaishnavaite (sEshathvam and

> > pArathanthriyam). I know of many Brahmin Srivaishnavites, who to


> > date, claim that they belong to a very high caste and all, but


> > by side go to some Amman temple or Siva temple for a "nErthi" on


> > pretext that they were their "kuladeivam". How many such

fallacies do

> > we have? I am not saying all here, but definitely a whole lot.

> >

> > 1. I would say, please respect any one and any thing that

> > has "thirumAn" on them or it.

> >

> > 2. Don't humiliate them. Fold your hands with heads down, on

seeing a

> > Srivaishnava, even if he is an arrogant one. We are no less


> >

> > 3. When great Acharyas like Sri Alavandar can say "aparAdha


> > bhAjanam, pathitham ...."(I have committed thousands of sins and

am a

> > pathithan" and "amaryAdha: shudra: chalamathi: asooya: ......" (I


> > arrogant showing a lot of disrespect to others and so on), can we

> > ever say that we even qualify to talk about the "atma guna".


> > this is not meant as an offence at you, but a generic note.

> >

> > I get tears in my eyes when we say "kArEi karuNai irAmAnusA...".


> > do we equate his kindness to the clouds? AmudhanAr had the same


> > in his eyes, after hearing the news of Emperumanar's kindness by

> > letting out the rahasya of Thirumanthiram so that every other


> > can go to Paramapadham. Here again, his target was everyone and


> > about everyone irrespective of caste, creed etc. While we can't

> > actually, shouldn't we atleast try to emulate our great Acharya.

> >

> > This is the best respect that we can show to a fellow bhAgavatha.

> >

> > AzhwAr emperumAnAr jeeyar thiruvadigaLE saraNam

> > adiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan

> >

> > Correction: In my earlier mail I wrote that Periya Nambi did


> > samskAram for viLAnchOla piLLai. It is not viLAnchOla piLLai but

> > mAranEr nambi. Sorry for this confusion.

> >

> >

> > ramanuja, Ellayavilli Dasarathy <epd40@>

> > wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Ramanujam

> > > I correct my stance wrt vaishyas as pointed by you. Apart from

> > that, could some thing more be dwelled upon srivaishanava kula

> > poorthi.

> > > I want to highlight this at this juncture particulary for atma

> > gnana and not sarira sampanda we intend to have with fellow

> > srivaishnavas.

> > > What I mean by this is, restrictions on varnasrama dharma are


> > to be refuted rather, when it comes to exchange of atma guna


> > > what should be the stance of a srivaishnava. A practical


> > Today a handful of few might have knowledge on srivachanabushanam

> > either because of its greatness or because of a reader's


> > on it, since it was being commentaried by our acharyan


> > > But the overall is,

> > > Do our vaishnava kulam shows the same strength in atma guna


> > towards a bhagavatha when he is having sampradaya gnana in


> > and deeds

> > > Question might be, today's srivaishnavas are not like


> > or pillai uranga villi dasar or maraner nambi so we cant find


> > a bhagavata is having atma guna poorthi. Hence lets all stick on


> > varnasrama even in sampradaya pravachanam and samvadams


> > and discussions).

> > > But the catch to this point is,

> > > we accord the same respect of emperumanar/ 72 simasanadhipadis,


> > the current emperumanar sthanams, as well as acharya purushas


> > because of thier lineage whereas,

> > > a srivaishnava nigraham occurs (no exchange of atma guna /


> > gnana) if he fails to fall within the bhramana kulam

> > > To worsen this, in the name of aacharam various standards have

> > evolved within groups of srivaishnavam. Here the objective is,

> > > 1) Not to mocker at our existing reality since I also belong to


> > part of reality (Srivaishnava kulam)

> > > but, try making the objective of sri vaishnava guna poorthi

> > expected by Manavala maamunigal and Pillai lokacharyar a reality


> > truly not at the cost of ignoring manusmrithi or varnasrama and

> > > 2) To evolve a common acharam for both atma gunam and


> > > So question boils down to

> > > Correct questions:

> > > 1) How to treat a srivaishnava sreshta who is full with atma


> > poorthi irrespective of thier belongings

> > > 2) How to exchange atma gnana with them

> > > 3) What would be the standard for aacharam for a srivaishnava

> > abiding with Varnasramam.

> > > And the question never intends to (Wrong Question)

> > > 1) How to do inter caste marriages

> > > 2) How to dine equally with all everywhere.

> > > because, marriage involves anushtana poorthi for a srivaishnava

> > (Gruhastashramam) and just not emotional or physical attachment

> > > Please let us have the right questions (Correct Questions 1 2


> > 3) and not the (Wrong Question) as objectives.

> > > adiyen

> > > Ramanuja dasan Dasarathy Elayavilli Ponnappan

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Ramanujam Varada Srinivasa Thatta <acharyatvsr@>

> > > Dasarathy <ramanuja>

> > > Wednesday, 11 October, 2006 11:02:26 AM

> > > RE: [sri ramanuja] Caste Creed and Varna in


> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Please do some more deeper study. Vaysyas are Upaveetas

> > and can learn and recite Vedas.

> > >

> > > Ramanujam.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ------------ --------- --------- --------- -

> > >

> > > > ramanuja@ s.com

> > >

> > > > epd40 (AT) (DOT) co.in

> > >

> > > > Tue, 10 Oct 2006 05:54:06 +0000

> > >

> > > > [sri ramanuja] Caste Creed and Varna in Srivaishnavam

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > Dear All,

> > >

> > > > A subtle thought process in the lineage of a question being

> > raised by

> > >

> > > > one of my kin. Question pertains to varnasrama in


> > >

> > > > I had few thoughts with respect to the question. I request


> > people

> > >

> > > > to clarify, correct any mistakes with pramanam for the

answers I

> > had

> > >

> > > > given.

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > Question by my Kin:

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > "The below thing I wrote when I was a part ramanuja.org


> > >

> > > > list. I didn't get any answer for this. Still I am searching


> > >

> > > > answer for this. Do anyone of you have?

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > Respected Sir,

> > >

> > > > kulanthaangu saathikaL naalilum keezizinthu,

> > >

> > > > etthanai nalanthaa nilaathasaN daaLasaN daaLarka Laakilum,

> > >

> > > > valanthaangu sakkarath thaNNal maNivaNNaR kaaLenRuL


> > >

> > > > adiyaar thammadi yaarem madikaLE.

> > >

> > > > If an individual is a devotee of Lord Vishnu, then, even if


> > belongs

> > >

> > > > to a lowly caste, you must consider his devotee's devotee as


> > >

> > > > lord. I'm quoting this paasuram from tiruvaymoli. I have


> > the

> > >

> > > > explaination from our own web site www.ramanuja. org.

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > Whatever i understood from the above paasuram according to my

> > >

> > > > intellect is that if a person is a devotee of shriman

naarayan to

> > >

> > > > whatever castes he/she belongs should be given enough


> > Then

> > >

> > > > why in our sampradaayam it is so that in the name of achaaram


> > >

> > > > discriminate among our own people. Even if they are great

> > devotees of

> > >

> > > > lord naarayan they are not given enough respect just because


> > >

> > > > belong to low caste. I have seen many people who are brahmins


> > shri

> > >

> > > > vaishnava but they do not follow any rules and regulations of


> > >

> > > > shri vaishnava should follow.But even then they get respect

in the

> > >

> > > > society as well as by high intellectuals since they belong to


> > >

> > > > caste. Should it be not like this that the discrimination


> > be

> > >

> > > > made only on this basis whether a particular person is a


> > of

> > >

> > > > shriman naarayan or not rather than caste.Is our sampradaayam

> > >

> > > > emphasize on casteism. I also felt that casteism is one of


> > main

> > >

> > > > reason that our sampradaayam' s message is not widely spread.


> > by

> > >

> > > > mistake i have written something wrong due to ignorance then

i am

> > >

> > > > extremely sorry for that.

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > with regards

> > >

> > > > charchita

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > Answer:

> > >

> > > > Dear Charchita

> > >

> > > > The message is apt but the concept of varnasrama should or


> > not

> > >

> > > > be confused here.

> > >

> > > > Varnasrama Dictates Rules For

> > >

> > > > 1) Individual's Work in society

> > >

> > > > a) Bhramins - Bhramanosya Mookam aaseeth. Bhramins come from

> > face

> > >

> > > > of vishnu. Let them be responsible for learning Vedas,


> > it,

> > >

> > > > and spreading it. By no means they can enter

> > >

> > > > i) Trade

> > >

> > > > ii) Warfare

> > >

> > > > iii) Cultivation or any means of procurement

> > >

> > > > b) Kshatriya - Baaho rajanya krutaha: By the muscle power let

> > the

> > >

> > > > rajans rule the world. They should

> > >

> > > > i) Conquer and control teritories

> > >

> > > > ii) Learn Vedas and not teach / preach them

> > >

> > > > iii) Be the sole properitor of wealthiest items in his

> > teritory

> > >

> > > > c) Vaysya - Vaysyo Dhana samridhasyad - Let the merchants


> > and

> > >

> > > > earn money. Let them use thier strength in thighs to travel


> > off

> > >

> > > > and bring money.

> > >

> > > > i) They cannot learn/preach vedas

> > >

> > > > d) Shudra - Shudra sukam avapnuyaad - Let the fourth caste


> > do

> > >

> > > > the job of line men, agriculture, hunting and all work of


> > >

> > > > assisting kings in army. Thereby they are not directly

> > responsible for

> > >

> > > > any decisions but enable decision makers to fulfill the


> > of

> > >

> > > > society. They can

> > >

> > > > a) Have multiple marriages, have food without bath, can kill

> > animals

> > >

> > > > and move from places to places.

> > >

> > > > Now the key point is Narayana bhakta

> > >

> > > > He who is intrested in bhramagnana is above these 4 castes


> > come

> > >

> > > > by birth and has to be respected alteast equivalent to vishnu,

> > >

> > > > If currently bhramins/ sri vaishanavas are not doing it its

> > solely the

> > >

> > > > fault of the individuals and not that of the sampradaya

> > >

> > > > Instances:

> > >

> > > > Ramanuja before bath used to hold hands of mudaliyandan


> > >

> > > > sreshta)and later after bath hold the hand of pillai uranga


> > dasar

> > >

> > > > (4th caste person)

> > >

> > > > Nampillai called one dasar to submit the food he prepared for

> > perumal

> > >

> > > > fearing the atma guna poorthi of his second wife.

> > >

> > > > Lot of instances where disciples were of 4th caste but they


> > >

> > > > deciding people of sampradaya,

> > >

> > > > Our great Acharyan Manavala maamunigal got the greatest of

> > rahasya Sri

> > >

> > > > vachana bushana from the mouth of an acharya called koora

> > kulothama

> > >

> > > > dasar who by his birth is the care taker of burial ground


> > >

> > > > vargam). Note: Please correct the name of our poorvacharya


> > did the

> > >

> > > > kalakshepam of Srivachana bhushanam to maamunigal.

> > >

> > > > Points:

> > >

> > > > We have to take sree pada theertham from the lotus feet of

any sri

> > >

> > > > vaishnava of any caste if he shows atma guna poorthi. abiding


> > >

> > > > faith on manavala maamunigal and ramanuja if we fail to do so


> > dont

> > >

> > > > call ourself sri vaishnava and because of hypocrats pure

> > sampradayam

> > >

> > > > is getting dis illusioned as the caste oriented system.

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > >

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