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kidnaped boy urgent reply 10/10 KARTHA VEERJUNA stotram

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I want to know how is the child related to u

is this of any clinet of urs as it appears from my gathering the groups do smell astrologers seeking cases for their own benifit and keep the client in dark that they sought help and got it from the group, I will pref a reference to this in due course of time


BUT PROFESSIONALLY WHEN I CAN BELP SOMEONE I DO EARNESTLY and it is up to theperson using it to use it for the glory of astrology and no gains if he doenst chare any credit for anyone here I am included if I fail anytime


KartHavErArjuna Stothrah

KarthvErakhiladWeshi kruthvEryA suthObaLhi

SahAsrabaHU shatrugnO rakthavasO dhanurdharaHa

Rakthagandho raktha mAlo ragNYamisrU phalapradhaHa

DWadasAithani nAmanI karthavErasya YehpatEth

SampadhaTHasya jAyanthaE janaHa sarVasamgathaH

RAjAnam dAsayOYathi sthrEEyam api vasaGasthadhA

The above stotra when recited 12 times -> gives you a clue if not the lost article, valuable itself, which can be a recollection of the object [if misplaced] or the clue to who would have stolen the article [object].

The above stotra when recited 21 times -> Gives one the strength to overcome adversities, espionage, sabotage, ill-will of rivals, enemies, competitors. Karthaveerjuna was a Kshatriya [a warrior] who had the strength of a thousand elephants so had no rivals in his lifetime but for his ego, was a ardent devotee of Vishnu, only his ego that he had a right over all his kingdom had, he was fascinated over a cow that could deliver anything one wanted, be it food army, wealth, the rishis used it for their own nominal needs and treating the occosinal Royal guests, but Karthaveerjuna wanted it for himself as it was also part of his kingdom, his persuation and threats failed so he used force, killed the inmates etc.

This led to his downfall when he tried to use force on Parashurama’s father Jamadagni and subjected the Rishis to humiliation, atrocities, so finally he is killed by Parashurama himself an avatar of Vishnu. He also destroyed over 21 generations of the ruler, warrior class to rid the world of the atrocities of such rulers.









prakashjahuja <prakashjahuja (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: prashant ji i face difficulty to find this stotram please paste it .


prakash ahuja


-- In , Prashant Kumar G B

<gbp_kumar wrote:


> Prakash

> tere is a prayer called Kartha veera arjuna stotram

> its recital gives u the needed clues at times the object itself

here the child.


> pl go to the link as said ifu have any difficulty let me know will

paste it here


> read all CAPS or upper case with a Maatra or accent.

> like say kArtha must sound like kaartha vEra must sound as Veera

and so on.

> very handy mantra.


> good luck


> prakashjahuja <prakashjahuja


> Prashant ji

> your confidence is great . i send this message to main

> vedic astrology groups but no so called astrologer responded .


> i salute your confidence .

> can you tell me where is kidnap boy mean directions ?

> you say female is most likely behind this , our observation are


> same bad charactor female is behind this .

> can you see any political involvement ?


> also i cant understand this please explain

> Pray to Kartha veerajuna some clue or result will come asap 12


> for lost articles, people works wonderfully.

> boy kidnap date 5-oct-2006 ,time 19.00 kanpur

> regards

> prakash ahuja


> -- In , Prashant Kumar G B

> <gbp_kumar@> wrote:

> >

> > Prakashn

> >

> > the boy will come back between 20-10 to 31-10-06, a employee

> female is mostt likely behind it, may e close to a temple say


> sai or some new age deities near a water front, iSOME RANSOM


> will come soon. and the issue settled too.

> >

> > Pray to Kartha veerajuna some clue or result will come asap 12

> times for lost articles, people works wonderfully. and pl give ur

> feed back by Oct 31st by when he is back home.the culprit behind

> bars too.

> >

> > here look at the end for it

> > go to resources then stotras and select nitya

> >

> > if page doesnt open.

> >

> >

> > prakashjahuja <prakashjahuja@>

> wrote: Respected Astrologers

> > Previoius day my astrologer friend give me


> > detail of boy who is kidnaped from last two weaks . and no

> information

> > of this boy where he is ? we cant reach on final prediction


> why

> > i send you detail of kidnaped boy , kindly throw some light on

> this

> > horoscope and give predcition about this boy he is all right


> not ?

> > and which time and date he come back to home .

> > Boy birth detail is

> > 6-November-1997 , Birth time 5.15 AM , Birth Place Kanpur

> >

> > This time my friend give me detail of this boy and ask

question .


> > 8-OCT-2006

> > 21.30


> > waiting for reply

> > regards

> > prakash ahuja








Prashantkumar G B

-*- The services of this astrologer are free on group but

off the group consultations are chargeable by chat, mail or phone.

Please fix times for this in advance -*- and Pay Pal ID also

Personal ID astro.prashantkumar






Get your email and more, right on the new .com

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Prashant ji

thanks, first check my first mail .i am learner of

astrology & my friend is a astrologer and he give free services to

clients he give me this boy birth detail and say do work on this

horoscope because he was unable to give final predictions . again

thanks for your great reply . i give you feedback end of this

month .


prakash ahuja




, Prashant Kumar G B

<gbp_kumar wrote:


> Prakash


> I want to know how is the child related to u

> is this of any clinet of urs as it appears from my gathering the

groups do smell astrologers seeking cases for their own benifit and

keep the client in dark that they sought help and got it from the

group, I will pref a reference to this in due course of time



is up to theperson using it to use it for the glory of astrology and

no gains if he doenst chare any credit for anyone here I am included

if I fail anytime



> KartHavErArjuna Stothrah


> KarthvErakhiladWeshi

kruthvEryA suthObaLhi

> SahAsrabaHU shatrugnO

rakthavasO dhanurdharaHa

> Rakthagandho raktha mAlo

ragNYamisrU phalapradhaHa

> DWadasAithani nAmanI

karthavErasya YehpatEth

> SampadhaTHasya jAyanthaE

janaHa sarVasamgathaH

> RAjAnam dAsayOYathi

sthrEEyam api vasaGasthadhA


> The above stotra when recited 12 times -

> gives you a clue if not the lost article, valuable

itself, which can be a recollection of the object [if

misplaced] or the clue to who would have stolen the

article [object].


> The above stotra when

recited 21 times -> Gives one the strength to overcome

adversities, espionage, sabotage, ill-will of rivals,

enemies, competitors. Karthaveerjuna was a Kshatriya [a warrior]

who had the strength of a thousand elephants so had no

rivals in his lifetime but for his ego, was a ardent

devotee of Vishnu, only his ego that he had a right

over all his kingdom had, he was fascinated over a cow

that could deliver anything one wanted, be it food

army, wealth, the rishis used it for their own nominal

needs and treating the occosinal Royal guests, but

Karthaveerjuna wanted it for himself as it was also

part of his kingdom, his persuation and threats failed

so he used force, killed the inmates etc.


> This led to his downfall

when he tried to use force on Parashurama's father

Jamadagni and subjected the Rishis to humiliation,

atrocities, so finally he is killed by Parashurama

himself an avatar of Vishnu. He also destroyed over 21

generations of the ruler, warrior class to rid the

world of the atrocities of such rulers.










> prakashjahuja <prakashjahuja

wrote: prashant ji i face

difficulty to find this stotram please paste it .

> regards

> prakash ahuja


> -- In , Prashant Kumar G B

> <gbp_kumar@> wrote:

> >

> > Prakash

> > tere is a prayer called Kartha veera arjuna stotram

> > its recital gives u the needed clues at times the object itself

> here the child.

> >

> > pl go to the link as said ifu have any difficulty let me know


> paste it here

> >

> > read all CAPS or upper case with a Maatra or accent.

> > like say kArtha must sound like kaartha vEra must sound as


> and so on.

> > very handy mantra.

> >

> > good luck

> >

> > prakashjahuja <prakashjahuja@>

> wrote:

> > Prashant ji

> > your confidence is great . i send this message to


> > vedic astrology groups but no so called astrologer responded .

> Again

> > i salute your confidence .

> > can you tell me where is kidnap boy mean directions ?

> > you say female is most likely behind this , our observation


> also

> > same bad charactor female is behind this .

> > can you see any political involvement ?

> >

> > also i cant understand this please explain

> > Pray to Kartha veerajuna some clue or result will come asap 12

> times

> > for lost articles, people works wonderfully.

> > boy kidnap date 5-oct-2006 ,time 19.00 kanpur

> > regards

> > prakash ahuja

> >

> > -- In , Prashant Kumar G B

> > <gbp_kumar@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Prakashn

> > >

> > > the boy will come back between 20-10 to 31-10-06, a employee

> > female is mostt likely behind it, may e close to a temple say

> shridi

> > sai or some new age deities near a water front, iSOME RANSOM

> demand

> > will come soon. and the issue settled too.

> > >

> > > Pray to Kartha veerajuna some clue or result will come asap


> > times for lost articles, people works wonderfully. and pl give


> > feed back by Oct 31st by when he is back home.the culprit


> > bars too.

> > >

> > > here look at the end for it

> > > go to resources then stotras and select nitya

> > >

> > > if page doesnt open.

> > >

> > >

> > > prakashjahuja <prakashjahuja@>

> > wrote: Respected Astrologers

> > > Previoius day my astrologer friend give me

> birth

> > > detail of boy who is kidnaped from last two weaks . and no

> > information

> > > of this boy where he is ? we cant reach on final prediction

> thats

> > why

> > > i send you detail of kidnaped boy , kindly throw some light


> > this

> > > horoscope and give predcition about this boy he is all


> or

> > not ?

> > > and which time and date he come back to home .

> > > Boy birth detail is

> > > 6-November-1997 , Birth time 5.15 AM , Birth Place Kanpur

> > >

> > > This time my friend give me detail of this boy and ask

> question .


> > > 8-OCT-2006

> > > 21.30

> > > DELHI

> > > waiting for reply

> > > regards

> > > prakash ahuja








> Prashantkumar G B


> -*- The services of this astrologer are free on

group but

> off the group consultations are chargeable by chat, mail or phone.

> Please fix times for this in advance -*- and Pay Pal ID also


> Personal ID astro.prashantkumar

> 09840051861






> Get your email and more, right on the new .com



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i repllied in good earnest but know many astros feel that it is being used by some make believe astros and they r here for a few yrs me a few months here, i try to help any1 with hope they will respect the science and subject equally.

If i had this dobt and tried to hold back u can feel otherwise I did what i ahve to and also wanted to know if this is a true student and how abt ur friend hope he is really doig it free as well.


thanks for the reply and remember NO OFFENSE MEANT.



prakashjahuja <prakashjahuja (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: Prashant ji

thanks, first check my first mail .i am learner of

astrology & my friend is a astrologer and he give free services to

clients he give me this boy birth detail and say do work on this

horoscope because he was unable to give final predictions . again

thanks for your great reply . i give you feedback end of this

month .


prakash ahuja


, Prashant Kumar G B

<gbp_kumar wrote:


> Prakash


> I want to know how is the child related to u

> is this of any clinet of urs as it appears from my gathering the

groups do smell astrologers seeking cases for their own benifit and

keep the client in dark that they sought help and got it from the

group, I will pref a reference to this in due course of time



is up to theperson using it to use it for the glory of astrology and

no gains if he doenst chare any credit for anyone here I am included

if I fail anytime



> KartHavErArjuna Stothrah


> KarthvErakhiladWeshi

kruthvEryA suthObaLhi

> SahAsrabaHU shatrugnO

rakthavasO dhanurdharaHa

> Rakthagandho raktha mAlo

ragNYamisrU phalapradhaHa

> DWadasAithani nAmanI

karthavErasya YehpatEth

> SampadhaTHasya jAyanthaE

janaHa sarVasamgathaH

> RAjAnam dAsayOYathi

sthrEEyam api vasaGasthadhA


> The above stotra when recited 12 times -

> gives you a clue if not the lost article, valuable

itself, which can be a recollection of the object [if

misplaced] or the clue to who would have stolen the

article [object].


> The above stotra when

recited 21 times -> Gives one the strength to overcome

adversities, espionage, sabotage, ill-will of rivals,

enemies, competitors. Karthaveerjuna was a Kshatriya [a warrior]

who had the strength of a thousand elephants so had no

rivals in his lifetime but for his ego, was a ardent

devotee of Vishnu, only his ego that he had a right

over all his kingdom had, he was fascinated over a cow

that could deliver anything one wanted, be it food

army, wealth, the rishis used it for their own nominal

needs and treating the occosinal Royal guests, but

Karthaveerjuna wanted it for himself as it was also

part of his kingdom, his persuation and threats failed

so he used force, killed the inmates etc.


> This led to his downfall

when he tried to use force on Parashurama's father

Jamadagni and subjected the Rishis to humiliation,

atrocities, so finally he is killed by Parashurama

himself an avatar of Vishnu. He also destroyed over 21

generations of the ruler, warrior class to rid the

world of the atrocities of such rulers.










> prakashjahuja <prakashjahuja

wrote: prashant ji i face

difficulty to find this stotram please paste it .

> regards

> prakash ahuja


> -- In , Prashant Kumar G B

> <gbp_kumar@> wrote:

> >

> > Prakash

> > tere is a prayer called Kartha veera arjuna stotram

> > its recital gives u the needed clues at times the object itself

> here the child.

> >

> > pl go to the link as said ifu have any difficulty let me know


> paste it here

> >

> > read all CAPS or upper case with a Maatra or accent.

> > like say kArtha must sound like kaartha vEra must sound as


> and so on.

> > very handy mantra.

> >

> > good luck

> >

> > prakashjahuja <prakashjahuja@>

> wrote:

> > Prashant ji

> > your confidence is great . i send this message to


> > vedic astrology groups but no so called astrologer responded .

> Again

> > i salute your confidence .

> > can you tell me where is kidnap boy mean directions ?

> > you say female is most likely behind this , our observation


> also

> > same bad charactor female is behind this .

> > can you see any political involvement ?

> >

> > also i cant understand this please explain

> > Pray to Kartha veerajuna some clue or result will come asap 12

> times

> > for lost articles, people works wonderfully.

> > boy kidnap date 5-oct-2006 ,time 19.00 kanpur

> > regards

> > prakash ahuja

> >

> > -- In , Prashant Kumar G B

> > <gbp_kumar@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Prakashn

> > >

> > > the boy will come back between 20-10 to 31-10-06, a employee

> > female is mostt likely behind it, may e close to a temple say

> shridi

> > sai or some new age deities near a water front, iSOME RANSOM

> demand

> > will come soon. and the issue settled too.

> > >

> > > Pray to Kartha veerajuna some clue or result will come asap


> > times for lost articles, people works wonderfully. and pl give


> > feed back by Oct 31st by when he is back home.the culprit


> > bars too.

> > >

> > > here look at the end for it

> > > go to resources then stotras and select nitya

> > >

> > > if page doesnt open.

> > >

> > >

> > > prakashjahuja <prakashjahuja@>

> > wrote: Respected Astrologers

> > > Previoius day my astrologer friend give me

> birth

> > > detail of boy who is kidnaped from last two weaks . and no

> > information

> > > of this boy where he is ? we cant reach on final prediction

> thats

> > why

> > > i send you detail of kidnaped boy , kindly throw some light


> > this

> > > horoscope and give predcition about this boy he is all


> or

> > not ?

> > > and which time and date he come back to home .

> > > Boy birth detail is

> > > 6-November-1997 , Birth time 5.15 AM , Birth Place Kanpur

> > >

> > > This time my friend give me detail of this boy and ask

> question .


> > > 8-OCT-2006

> > > 21.30

> > > DELHI

> > > waiting for reply

> > > regards

> > > prakash ahuja








> Prashantkumar G B


> -*- The services of this astrologer are free on

group but

> off the group consultations are chargeable by chat, mail or phone.

> Please fix times for this in advance -*- and Pay Pal ID also


> Personal ID astro.prashantkumar

> 09840051861






> Get your email and more, right on the new .com



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