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Business and Family problems Chart

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Respected Guruji's,

Like to understand how can we judge Foriegn trips

being fruitful or disasterous from the below chart? Also how to judge

the maternal family probs which includes all family members like

mother, brother, sister-in-law etc

DOB 10 Dec. 1971

12.10 pm (Afternoon)


Native's Father expired, who had separated from

mother long back, and now mother and brother separated from the

native. Lot of internal family Probs since Jan 2005 with brother,

sister in law, mother and recently separated (June 2006). Native got

registered marrige to a foriegner in June 2004 in Hyd, which is not

appreciated by the family and mother expecting big financial

settlement from the native.

Native Started Business almost 3.5 yrs back,

investing huge amounts through the help of partners, still no returns

earned yet. Lot of abroad trips pertaining to education, which was

somehow discontinued (1991-92/ 1995- 2001) and abroad business trips

to variuos countries since 2005, which has not earned any returns yet

out of the investments made.


1Q. Like to understand what combinations in the chart show probs with

all maternal family members??? And also is there any chance for the

family to re-unite??


2Q. Would Rahu in 12th house indicate long journeys?? How can we check

successful or disastrous journeys?? When can the native expect the

returns from the business??


3Q. There's a Raja yoga with the combination of 4&5th lords whose Maha

Dasa is very far. Should the Maha Dasas of those perticular lords be

running for any Yogas to get completely activated?? Pls answer.

Native, as a person is kind, soft spoken lady, hard

working, professional dancer, spiritual and traveller.




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You have mixed up many questions and data. Let me rephrase them as I

analyze with my limited knowledge of astrology....



Lot of abroad trips pertaining to education, which was somehow discontinued

(1991-92/ 1995- 2001) and abroad business trips to variuos countries since

2005, which has not earned any returns yet out of the investments made


First, Should we take the mentioned periods as the discontinued or breaks

in foreing journeys ?? If we consider them as breaks it fits well with

astrology i.e. Mars-Venus period. Cannot be said of Mars-Sun & Mars - Moon

periods for they indicate travel.

Conclusion : -

Mars as 3HL & 10HL placed in Lagna, indicates travel on "work", being 3HL

- short travels, hobbies..etc.


Quote :

Native's Father expired, who had separated from mother long back, and now

mother and brother separated from the native.


Second - Summary- Parents had a disturbed married life. here the 4HL & 9HL

are same i.e. Venus and is placed in 11H (Sagattarius) conjunct with

retrograde Mercury 8HL. Mercury happens to be 12H from 9H. The natural

Karka for mother Moon is placed in 8H(Virgo sign). Natural karaka for

father Sun is placed in 10H ( Scorpio Sign). between Sun & Moon 3-11

relationship. Further, placement of 12HL Saturn in 4H(Taurus Sign), which

is also retrograde.

Conclusion :-

The mother of native is at fault for the strained relationship. ( see

isolated Moon in 8H). As we analysing the 4H, it also indicates that the

native is NOT likely to have a "happy home". Further, 4HL Venus is placed

in 11H - the mother is working or having her sources of income.


Now to second part of the questions - brother separated from the native.

Here it is NOT mentioned elder or younger brother. From the information

shared, I inferred it to be elder brother. However, as an astrologer we

need to verify that. If we make the 11H as the Lagna i.e. Sagattarius as

Lagna, then the 3HL Saturn is seen to be in 6H. Saturn is also retrograde.

5HL & 12HL Mars(natural karaka for brothers) aspects 2HL & 3HL Saturn

Hence, to an extent it satisfies. Further, 7HL Mercury is conjunct Venus.

It is evident from this that her sister-in-law is intelligent and probably

also a contributing factor to the separation as her elder brother's Lagna is

in 12H does NOT indicates to be a strong personality...i.e. playing to his

wife ( native's sister-in-law) tunes.....



Lot of internal family Probs since Jan 2005 with brother, sister in law,

mother and recently separated (June 2006).


Who is separating from whom is a great jigsaw puzzle......would leave it to

Mr. Soham to first clarify....before someone puts his valuable time in




.....abroad business trips to variuos countries since 2005, which has not

earned any returns yet out of the investments made.


Do you see any connection of Mahadasha Lord Rahu with 10H ?? either in D-1

or D-10 ???

Conclusion : There is no relation....hence, how do we expect gains ????

Further, native is further cautioned of financial loss in Rahu-Mars



The native may have Rajayoga combinations.....Very good & wishful thinking

!!! Does it indicate any quality yoga with Venus in Jupiter sign, Mercury

retrograde, in Kalpurush Kundali, Venus is 2HL & 7HL, Mercury 3HL & 6HL

- I see more of negative growth than positive yogas !!

Conclusion : We seem to jump at sight of Raja Yogas....or Dhan

Yogas.....tread cautiously.....



Native got registered marrige to a foriegner in June 2004 in Hyd, which is

not appreciated by the family and mother expecting big financial

settlement from the native.


See the D-9 Chart i.e. Navamsha. Navamsha is a zoom-in chart of 7H. The

intense combination of Ketu + Venus, Rahu + Mercury® does it not indicate

unconventional marriage i.e. Ketu - foreigner, Venus is 9HL of natal chart

again foreigner, Natal Mars is 3HL & 10HL. 3H indicates friends,

acquantances made during travel or journeys.....10H connection

indicates...while working.....placement of 7HL Sun & 11HL & 2HL Jupiter in

10 H indicates, the person is wealthy. 7H is also foreign. Still a healthy

relationship....the native's husband is good choice....made....


Trust the above analysis suffices the inquisitive mind of Mr. Soham

Omkar......else, kindly get in touch with Mr. Kishore Patnaik Mobile

9849270729 ( in Hyderabad for further learning or consultancy....

with regards,

sreeram srinivas

sreeram64 (AT) satyam (DOT) net.in





[] On Behalf Of soham_omkar

Wednesday, October 11, 2006 5:05 PM


Business and Family problems Chart




Respected Guruji's,

Like to understand how can we judge Foriegn trips being fruitful or

disasterous from the below chart? Also how to judge the maternal family

probs which includes all family members like

mother, brother, sister-in-law etc

DOB 10 Dec. 1971

12.10 pm (Afternoon) Chennai

Native's Father expired, who had separated from

mother long back, and now mother and brother separated from the



Lot of internal family Probs since Jan 2005 with brother,

sister in law, mother and recently separated (June 2006).


Native got registered marrige to a foriegner in June 2004 in Hyd, which is


appreciated by the family and mother expecting big financial

settlement from the native.



Native Started Business almost 3.5 yrs back,

investing huge amounts through the help of partners, still no returns

earned yet.


Lot of abroad trips pertaining to education, which was

somehow discontinued (1991-92/ 1995- 2001) and abroad business trips

to variuos countries since 2005, which has not earned any returns yet

out of the investments made.


1Q. Like to understand what combinations in the chart show probs with

all maternal family members??? And also is there any chance for the

family to re-unite??


2Q. Would Rahu in 12th house indicate long journeys?? How can we check

successful or disastrous journeys?? When can the native expect the

returns from the business??


3Q. There's a Raja yoga with the combination of 4&5th lords whose Maha

Dasa is very far. Should the Maha Dasas of those perticular lords be

running for any Yogas to get completely activated?? Pls answer.



Native, as a person is kind, soft spoken lady, hard

working, professional dancer, spiritual and traveller.









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