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Vedmata, Devmata, Vishwamata Gayatri

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Datta pandya

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Gayatri is not any goddess. It is an adya shakti. It is a super conscious power.

Gayatri is known as Vedmata, Devmata, Vishvamata.


When lord Narayana felt like EKO HAM BAHUSHYAMI (I want to be more than one), one lotus came from his naval and first of all he created Lord Brahma on it and gave him a job to create such a universe where a lot like Him can flourish. The lord Brahma used God's TAMAS shakti and created five essential factors of life(earth, sky, fire, air and water). The the atoms of those combined with one another to form Prakriti, the physical bodies like human, bugs, mountains, rivers etc etc. Now Lord Brahmaji used God's SAT shakti to put fraction of God in each body and then we became alive! So we call we all have same fraction of God. This SAT shakti is called as Savitri by our scriptures. Now the sristi is created and everybody became alive, but there has to be the principles of how to live life. Lord Brahmaji gave those principles of how to live life in 24 letters of this mantra and since according to grammar it falls in to Gayatri chanda, it became known as Gayatri Mantra. Now as our seer sages heard the meaning of each letter in their meditation they elaborated them by writing more and more slokas. Finally when Rishi Krisna dvaipayan Vyas came he felt that this knowledge of Brahama is scattered everywhere. So he compiled all different slokas in to four different groups and since the knowledge is called Veda, they became known as Vedas and that rishi became popular as Ved Vyasa. So since Vedas are born from Gayatri mantra, Gayatri is called Vedmata. Later our rishi munies still felt the need to put Vedas in practical form so they wrote Puranas, smrities etc. and finally Ved Vyasa wrote Mahabharat and gave Bhagavat Geeta in it. So today whatever scriptures we have are all just the definition of Gayatri mantra only.

Devmata Gayatri:

Gayatri mantra is scientific. Recitation of Gayatri mantra awakens divinity in us. Each letter of this mantra affect a particular gland in our body which gives us a virtue. Please refer the attachment to know the gland and virtue related with each letter of this mahamantra.


Since the whole universe is created by this adya shakti, Gayatri is called Vishvamata.

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I fail to see what your point is. Please elucidate.



Gayatri is not any goddess. It is an adya shakti. It is a super conscious power.

Gayatri is known as Vedmata, Devmata, Vishvamata.


When lord Narayana felt like EKO HAM BAHUSHYAMI (I want to be more than one), one lotus came from his naval and first of all he created Lord Brahma on it and gave him a job to create such a universe where a lot like Him can flourish. The lord Brahma used God's TAMAS shakti and created five essential factors of life(earth, sky, fire, air and water). The the atoms of those combined with one another to form Prakriti, the physical bodies like human, bugs, mountains, rivers etc etc. Now Lord Brahmaji used God's SAT shakti to put fraction of God in each body and then we became alive! So we call we all have same fraction of God. This SAT shakti is called as Savitri by our scriptures. Now the sristi is created and everybody became alive, but there has to be the principles of how to live life. Lord Brahmaji gave those principles of how to live life in 24 letters of this mantra and since according to grammar it falls in to Gayatri chanda, it became known as Gayatri Mantra. Now as our seer sages heard the meaning of each letter in their meditation they elaborated them by writing more and more slokas. Finally when Rishi Krisna dvaipayan Vyas came he felt that this knowledge of Brahama is scattered everywhere. So he compiled all different slokas in to four different groups and since the knowledge is called Veda, they became known as Vedas and that rishi became popular as Ved Vyasa. So since Vedas are born from Gayatri mantra, Gayatri is called Vedmata. Later our rishi munies still felt the need to put Vedas in practical form so they wrote Puranas, smrities etc. and finally Ved Vyasa wrote Mahabharat and gave Bhagavat Geeta in it. So today whatever scriptures we have are all just the definition of Gayatri mantra only.

Devmata Gayatri:

Gayatri mantra is scientific. Recitation of Gayatri mantra awakens divinity in us. Each letter of this mantra affect a particular gland in our body which gives us a virtue. Please refer the attachment to know the gland and virtue related with each letter of this mahamantra.


Since the whole universe is created by this adya shakti, Gayatri is called Vishvamata.

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