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Ganesh Sloka

Shuklaambara Dharam Vishnum

Shashi Varnam Chatur Bhujam

Prasanna Vadanam Dhyaayet

Sarva Vighna Upashaanthaye



Meaning:We mediate on Lord Ganesha – who is clad in white

(representing purity), who is all pervading (present everywhere),

whose complexion is gray like that of ash (glowing with spiritual

splendor), who has four arms, who has bright countenance (depicting

inner calm and happiness) and who can destroy all obstacles (in our

spiritual and worldly path).


Saraswati Sloka

Sarasvathi Namastubhyam

Varade Kaamaroopini

Vidyaarambham Karishyaami

Siddhir Bhavatu Mey Sada


Meaning: Oh Goddess Sarasvathi, salutations to Thee. You are the

Giver of boons and You grant all our desires. As I begin in my

studies, please help me make it fruitful and make me successful in

all my efforts.


Guru Sloka

Guru Brahma Gurur Vishnu

Guru Devo Maheshwaraha

Guru Saakshat Para Brahma

Tasmai Sree Gurave Namaha



Meaning: Guru is verily the representative of Brahma, Vishnu and

Shiva. He creates, sustains knowledge and destroys the weeds of

ignorance. I salute such a Guru.

Morning Prayer (To be recited in the morning as soon as we get up

from the bed and has to be chanted looking at the palm of our hands)


Karaagre Vasate Lakshmi

Kara Madhye Saraswathi

Kara Moole Sthita Gauri

Prabahte Kara Darshanam



Meaning: On the tips of my fingers reside Lakshmi, the Goddess of

prosperity and wealth. In the middle of my hands is Saraswathi, the

Goddess of knowledge and learning. In the palm of my hands sits

Mother Gauri, the Goddess of protection. Visualizing in this manner,

I take darshan of my hands every morning.


Bed Time Prayer (To be recited before going to bed)

Kara Charana Kritham Vaak Kaayajam Karmajam Vaa

Sravana Nayanajam Vaa Maansam Vaa Aparadham

Vihitham Avihitham Vaa Sarvametat Kshamasva

Jaya Jaya Karunaabdhe (Sri Maha Deva Shambho) x3

Meaning: Oh Lord, please forgive me for all the wrong actions that I

have committed with my hands, feet, speech, body, ears, eyes and

mind. Please pardon me for all the wrong actions that I have done

knowingly or unknowingly. Victory to you, oh Lord of compassion and



Sarva Dharma Prayer (All religion prayer)


Om Tat Sat Sri Narayana Thoo, Purushotthama Guru Thoo

Siddha Buddha Thoo, Skanda Vinaayaka, Savitha Paavaka Thoo

Brahma Mazda Thoo, Yahva Shakthi Thoo, Esu Pitha Prabhu Thoo

Rudhra Vishnu Thoo, Ramakrishna Thoo, Rahim Tao Thoo

Vasudeva Go Viswaroopa Thoo, Chidaananda Hari Thoo

Advitheeya Thoo, Akaala Nirbhaya (Aatmalinga Shiva Thoo) x3


Meaning: Om Thou art that, Thou art Narayana, God in the form of

man; Thou art the Embodiment of perfection and the perfect master.

Thou art enlightened Buddha; Thou art Subramanya and Ganesha, the

remover of obstacles; Thou art the Sun-fire Thou art Brahma, the

Creator; Mazda, the Great One; Thou art Jehovah and the Divine

Mother, the creative Energy. O Lord! Thou art the Father of Jesus.

Thou art Rudhra, the Transformer, and Vishnu, the Preserver; Thou

art Rama and Krishna; Thou art Rahim, all kindness, always giving

and expanding; Thou art the Tao. Thou art Vasudeva, the Sustenance

of all, omnipotent and omnipresent; Thou art Hari, Destroyer of

illusion, the blissful Spirit. Thou art unparallelled, beyond time

and fearless of adversities; Thou art Shiva, Creator of the lingam,

Symbol of the formless Absolute.

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