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India will be leading the world by 2012

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Datta pandya

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Gayatri mantra-- spiritual awakening of India by 2012


In Ferbruary of 2006, there was a meeting between several great

saints of present times (Pujya Swami Dayananda ( www.avgsatsang.org,

www.arshavidya.org), Sri Sri Ravishankerji ( www.artofliving.org) and

Dr. Prananv Pandyaji ( www.awgp.org) at Dev Sanskritit Viswavidyalalya

( www.dsvv.org, http://video.google.com/videoplay?

docid=6167868907729603382- 15 min video on DSVV) . Ashok Singhalji

(president, VHP) also attended the meeting.



Yug Pravah vidoe magazine No 100 contains lecutres of these great

souls given during the meeting. Pujya Swami Dayananda explained the

meaning of Gayatri Mantra ( in English). Shri Shri Ravishankerji

shared some beautiful treasures of spirituality ( in Hindi) and

respected Ashok Singhalji spoke about awakening of India and role of

spiritual masters and Dr. Prananv Pandyaji talked about singinficance

of years 2011-2012 and 2020 in India becoming Jagat Guru. ( in Hindi)


I thought many of you may like to watch these online video lectures.

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7413263035106065208 ( 43



Hope you enjoy these lectures. Please pass the video link to other

spiritual seekers/communities if you like it.


Datta Pandya

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Gayatri mantra-- spiritual awakening of India by 2012


In Ferbruary of 2006, there was a meeting between several great

saints of present times (Pujya Swami Dayananda ( www.avgsatsang.org,

www.arshavidya.org), Sri Sri Ravishankerji ( www.artofliving.org) and

Dr. Prananv Pandyaji ( www.awgp.org) at Dev Sanskritit Viswavidyalalya

( www.dsvv.org, http://video.google.com/videoplay?

docid=6167868907729603382- 15 min video on DSVV) . Ashok Singhalji

(president, VHP) also attended the meeting.



Yug Pravah vidoe magazine No 100 contains lecutres of these great

souls given during the meeting. Pujya Swami Dayananda explained the

meaning of Gayatri Mantra ( in English). Shri Shri Ravishankerji

shared some beautiful treasures of spirituality ( in Hindi) and

respected Ashok Singhalji spoke about awakening of India and role of

spiritual masters and Dr. Prananv Pandyaji talked about singinficance

of years 2011-2012 and 2020 in India becoming Jagat Guru. ( in Hindi)


I thought many of you may like to watch these online video lectures.

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7413263035106065208 ( 43



Hope you enjoy these lectures. Please pass the video link to other

spiritual seekers/communities if you like it.


Datta Pandya


Pujya Swami Dayananda Saraswathi is blue color supreme person. Shri Shri Ravishankerji looks like bright sun. Wish all success in this spiritual awakening mission for entire world.

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India is a horrible nation with a terrible human rights record. Hindus regularly eat meat. Politicians, police, and judiciary are corrupt. the common man in India is ignorant, he has no idea about spirituality. The average Indian has no knowledge, is superstitous, and ignorant of the glories of Lord Vishnu.


How can such a race/nation ever amount to anything? India is a lost cause. The influence of Kali is highest in India, which is why Indians are so despicable.

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India is a horrible nation with a terrible human rights record. Hindus regularly eat meat. Politicians, police, and judiciary are corrupt. the common man in India is ignorant, he has no idea about spirituality. The average Indian has no knowledge, is superstitous, and ignorant of the glories of Lord Vishnu.


How can such a race/nation ever amount to anything? India is a lost cause. The influence of Kali is highest in India, which is why Indians are so despicable.


Wow, that's some pretty intense hatred and/or distaste for India you have there. Any personal reason for that? Have you ever been to India? I've been quite a few times and met many "average Indians" - all of them that i have met are very agreeable. Also I found a wealth of knowledge there that I could not find in the UK or US.


I do agree that there is plenty of corruption and a very bad human rights record. However i can't agree with your view - in the land where your coveted Vishnu roamed Himself more than once you decry it in the same sentence. I guess that's just the way of world - things go up and down.

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India is a horrible nation with a terrible human rights record. Hindus regularly eat meat. Politicians, police, and judiciary are corrupt. the common man in India is ignorant, he has no idea about spirituality. The average Indian has no knowledge, is superstitous, and ignorant of the glories of Lord Vishnu.


How can such a race/nation ever amount to anything? India is a lost cause. The influence of Kali is highest in India, which is why Indians are so despicable.



Wow. Someone has serious hate issues.

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India will lead the world in 2012 huh? Maybe, but I have no faith in post dated blank checks. Have to wait for 2012. But if India leads where will it lead us to. Cyber space maybe where everyone can have expanded facilties to get more and more entrapped in maya's illusions?


Western unbridled capitaism has lead everyone to thnk they need more and more materialism and India seems to be following suit.


Or will it lead even into more widespread mayavadi thought as a reaction to all the frustrating materialism now prevelant?


Whatever will be will be. But devotees need to not follow the world but instead to follow more advanced Vaisnavas back to Love for Krsna

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I have no respect for those who hate Lord Vishnu. And because Indians hate Lord Vishnu, I don't respect them. Simple, isn't it?


I havent met any Indians - at least Hindu Indians - that hate Vishnu. That;s a gross generalisation.


Also, I don't believe hating and loving Vishnu are very different. Enviable is the position of Kamsa, who hated Krsna so much but nevertheless thought about Him always. ;)

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India is a horrible nation with a terrible human rights record. Hindus regularly eat meat. Politicians, police, and judiciary are corrupt. the common man in India is ignorant, he has no idea about spirituality. The average Indian has no knowledge, is superstitous, and ignorant of the glories of Lord Vishnu.


How can such a race/nation ever amount to anything? India is a lost cause. The influence of Kali is highest in India, which is why Indians are so despicable.


Horrible? Your horrible. How can you call teh greatest nation on the planet horrible? It invented numbers, medicine, hospitals etc. You owe india a great deal. What you on about most hindus eat meat? I'm bloody 11 i hav the control to not eat meat. Bruv you need to do some research before you go calling my country horrible.

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The real treasure of India is the Vedic knowledge. A.C . Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada translated and explained the most essential Vedic texts: The Bhagavad Gita As It Is (for beginners), Sri Isopanishad, The Srimad Bhagavatam (graduate study), and Sri Caitanya Caritamrita and Nectar of Devotion Bhaktirasamrita-sindhu (both post graduate texts). He printed these by the millions and in most languages of the world. His followers still distribute these sacred books around the globe. These literatures have ignited a revolution in spiritual thought that will save humanity from it's present dark situation. If the Indians take up the mission of spreading this torchlight around the world they will become leaders. Or we can take up the task ourselves, right now.

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Horrible? Your horrible. How can you call teh greatest nation on the planet horrible? It invented numbers, medicine, hospitals etc. You owe india a great deal. What you on about most hindus eat meat? I'm bloody 11 i hav the control to not eat meat. Bruv you need to do some research before you go calling my country horrible.



Actually I agree with the views of my namesake. Simply because I have experienced it all. India is highly corrupt and I find most Indians highly irritating and immature .I reside here so I know how it is .


India WAS a great nation during Vedic times,sadly thats not the case now.

We gauge a nations greatness according to the way the country is governed and the way the nation is looked after by its people.


I do feel sad at this crass commercialisation of our values but there is nothing we can do about it now. The burgeoning incidences of various diseases are a sign of things to come.


Personally, I see no hope for India either materially or spiritually!!!!

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Actually I agree with the views of my namesake. Simply because I have experienced it all. India is highly corrupt and I find most Indians highly irritating and immature .I reside here so I know how it is .


India WAS a great nation during Vedic times,sadly thats not the case now.

We gauge a nations greatness according to the way the country is governed and the way the nation is looked after by its people.


I do feel sad at this crass commercialisation of our values but there is nothing we can do about it now. The burgeoning incidences of various diseases are a sign of things to come.


Personally, I see no hope for India either materially or spiritually!!!!


Unfortunately for you, my friend, you seem to have only met the bad apples. In my experience, it's been quite the opposite. Maybe I've met the minority. Or maybe you have.


I agree on the point of corruption tho. The government really needs to get its priorities straight. But i think that's little reason to hold the entire country accountable. If we were going by that logic, I dont think we would find a single country on the planet that is "good". Politics has always been dirty, its the nature of the game.

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Unfortunately for you, my friend, you seem to have only met the bad apples. In my experience, it's been quite the opposite. Maybe I've met the minority. Or maybe you have.


I agree on the point of corruption tho. The government really needs to get its priorities straight. But i think that's little reason to hold the entire country accountable. If we were going by that logic, I dont think we would find a single country on the planet that is "good". Politics has always been dirty, its the nature of the game.


I agree with you. You cant judge a book by its cover, he has met probably like two people, not many like my family and i have. (hes a lil wrong)

If you think india will become worse then your just negative, think positive!

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Karma bhumi is for karma ; and bhoga bhumi is for bhoga


hari hari bol


What say Krishnadasa? These people on the forum seem to equate progress

with economic growth and quote the National Income,per capita income etc etc

But I am talking about spiritual growth my frienfs and yes that does not mean going to temples and praying for materialistic things.....

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What say Krishnadasa? These people on the forum seem to equate progress

with economic growth and quote the National Income,per capita income etc etc


You siad:But I am talking about spiritual growth my frienfs and yes that does not mean going to temples and praying for materialistic things.....


Guest, take a proper username first , it takes only few minutes and takes away lots of confusion...


On the matter of sense enjoyment guesss Bharathiyas had had , for centuries , for ages when they ruled the world, now its the turn of kali and as u know he shows his effect more, where there is more devotion (kali is afraid of it). And i dun see any chance of Bharath leading the world atleast in the near future, or atleast until we get a devotee king like Parikshith Maharaj


Jai radhe

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Actually I agree with the views of my namesake. Simply because I have experienced it all. India is highly corrupt and I find most Indians highly irritating and immature .I reside here so I know how it is .


India WAS a great nation during Vedic times,sadly thats not the case now.

We gauge a nations greatness according to the way the country is governed and the way the nation is looked after by its people.


I do feel sad at this crass commercialisation of our values but there is nothing we can do about it now. The burgeoning incidences of various diseases are a sign of things to come.


Personally, I see no hope for India either materially or spiritually!!!!


I see these people are leading thier life just according to time, palce and the situation. As they change so does the life...

hari hari bol

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Check yourselves 1st. Are you qualified? I don't think it need to be discussed any more because I have heard too much big words from your mouth, & I know you'll say more & more & more.

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