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prayers to Sri Radha Govinda and Radha Gopinath by VisvanathChakravati Thakura

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Sri Govindadevastaka

Eight Verses Glorifying Sri Govindadeva

1 jambunadosnisa-viraji-mukta-


bhangya nrnam lolupayan drsah sri-

govindadevah saranam mamastu

May Sri Govindadeva, who enchants the eyes of all living entities with the

graceful tilt of the peacock feather in His golden crown shining with pearls


jewels, be my shelter.

2 kapolayoh kundala-lasya-hasya

cchavi-cchata-cumbitayor yugena

sammohayan sambhajatam dhiyah sri-

govindadevah saranam mamastu

May Sri Govindadeva, who enchants the devotees’ hearts with His cheeks kissed

by the splendour of His smile and the dancing of His earrings, be my shelter.

3 sva-preyasi-locana-kona-sidhu-

praptyai puro-varti-janeksanena

bhavam kam api udgamayan budhanam

govindadevah saranam mamastu

May Sri Govindadeva who, by glancing at His beloved to attain the nectar of

Her sidelong glance, arouses the love of all the demigoddesses, be my shelter.

4 vama-pragandarpita-ganga-bhasvat-


bhru-valganair unmadayan kula-strir

govindadevah saranam mamastu

May Sri Govindadeva, who maddens the pious gopis with the graceful movements

of His eyebrows, which are sprinkled by the beauty of His moving locks of

hair, splendid earrings, and His cheek placed on His left shoulder, be my


5 dure sthitas ta murali-ninadaih

sva-saurabhair mudrita-karna-palih

nasarudho hrd-gata eva karsan

govindadevah saranam mamastu

>From far away blocking their ears with the music of His flute and their noses

with the sweet fragrance of His body, He enters the gopis hearts and pulls

them to Him. May Sri Govindadeva be my shelter.

6 navina-lavanya-bharaih ksitau sri-


satas camatkara-vatah prakurvan

govindadevah saranam mamastu

With the weight of His youthful handsomeness and the flooding ocean of His

spiritual love, He fills the devotees on earth with wonder. May Sri Govindadeva


be my shelter.

7 kalpa-drumadho-mani-mandirantah

sri-yoga-pithamburuhasyaya svam

upasayams tantra-vido pi mantrair

govindadevah saranam mamastu

Chanting mantras, the great devotees learned in the scriptures worship Him as

He sits on a spiritual lotus flower in a jewel palace beneath a grove of

desire trees. May Sri Govindadeva be my shelter.

8 mahabhiseka-ksana-sarva-vaso


sarvanga-bhasakulayams tri-lokim

govindadevah saranam mamastu

Handsome as Kamadeva and dressed and ornamented as if for a coronation, he

enchants the inhabitants of the three worlds with the splendour of His body.


Sri Govindadeva be my shelter.

9 govindadevastakam etad uccaih

pathet tadiyanghri-nivista-dhir yah

tam majjayann eva krpa-prvahair

govindadevah saranam mamastu

Sri Govindadeva plunges in the flowing river of His mercy one who reads aloud

this Govindadevastaka, his mind meditating on the Lord’s lotus feet. May Sri

Govindadeva be my shelter.


Sri Gopinathadevastaka

Eight Prayers Glorifying Sri Gopinatha

1 asye hasyam tatra madhvikam asmin

vamsi tasyam nada-piyusa-sindhuh

tad-vicibhir majjayan bhati gopir

gopinathah pina-vaksa gatir nah

On His mouth is a smile. In that smile is nectar. In that nectar is a flute,

and in that flute is a nectar ocean of music. Gopinatha plunges the gopis in

the waves of that ocean. Broad chested Gopinatha is the goal of our lives.

2 sonosnisa-bhraji-mukta-srajodyat-

pinchottamsa-spandanenapi nunam

hrn-netrali vrtti-ratnani muncan

gopinathah pina-vaksa gatir nah

With the movement of the peacock feather in His red crown splendid with

pearls and peacock feathers, He robs the jewels of the activities of our hearts


eyes. Broad-chested Gopinatha is the goal of our lives.

3 bibhrad-vasah pitam ururu-kantya

slistam bhasvat-kinkinikam nitambe


gopinathah pina-vaksa gatir nah

The splendour of His broad thighs embraces His yellow dhoti. Glistening bells

decorate His hips. A gopi kisses His left shoulder. Broad-chested Gopinatha

is the goal of our lives.

4 gunja-mukta-ratna-gangeya-harair

malyaih kanthe lambamanaih kramena

pitodancat-kancukenancitah sri-

gopinatha pina-vaksa gatir nah

He wears yellow garments. Necklaces of flowers, gold, jewels, pearls, and

gunja decorate His neck. Broad-chested Gopinatha is the goal of our lives.

5 svetosnisah sveta-susloka-dhautah


cumban sarya-mangalaratrike hrd

gopinathah pina-vaksa gatir nah

He wears a white crown, white ornaments, and two or three splendid white

garlands. His fame and purity are splendid and white. At the auspicious morning


and evening aratis He kisses our heart. Broad-chested Gopinatha is the goal of

our lives.

6 srivatsa-sri-kaustubhodbhinna-romnam

varnaih sriman yas caturbhih sadestah

drstah premnaivati-dhanyair ananyair

gopinathah pina-vaksa gatir nah

He is handsome. He is decorated with the four marks of srivatsa, sri,

kaustubha, and hairs standing erect in ecstasy. The fortunate devotees gaze on


with pure love. Broad-chested Gopinatha is the goal of our lives.

7 tapinchah kim hema-valli-yugantah

parsva-dvandvoddyoti-vidyud-ghanah kim

kim va madhye radhayoh syamalendur

gopinatha pina-vaksa gatir nah

Is He a dark tamala tree surrounded by a golden vine? Is He a dark cloud with

blazing lightning at both His sides, or is He a dark moon in the midst of two

radha-stars? Broad-chested Gopinatha is the goal of our lives.

Note: One of the 27 celebrated stars is named radha.

8 sri-jahnavya murtiman prema-punjo

dinanathan darsayan svam prasidan

pusnan devalabhya-phela-sudhabhir

gopinatha pina-vaksa gatir nah

He is a personified Ganges of pure love. He shows mercy to the poor and the

shelterless and nourishes them with the nectar remnants of His meals, which

cannot be attained even by the demigods. Broad-chested Gopinatha is the goal of


our lives.

9 gopinathasyastakam tusta-cestas


yo ‘dhite tan-mantu-kotir apasyan

gopinathah pina-vaksa gatir nah

Gopinatha does not see millions of sins of one who, carefully nourishing love

for His lotus feet, reads this Gopinathastaka with a happy heart.

Broad-chested Gopinatha is the goal of our lives.

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