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Kali puja class: Day 4 (pgs.30-44)

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Dear All,


Today we will focus on Kali Puja book pages 30-44.


There is one clarification from Day 3. The word

Kashkandika should be Kushandika.


Thanks to all of you who have been posting about Kali

and following along the class. I hope this study will

be fruitful and beneficial as Karen said it is helping

her with doing other pujas as well. Please don't be

shy. Questions are encouraged.


Quick Review:

5 parts of puja:

1. preparation

2. purification

3. invitation

4. union

5. offering


Meaning of puja:

PU means punya or merit

JA means to give birth

PUJA is that which gives birth to merit.


Page 30-32-Ganesh Puja

If you have a murti of Lord Ganesha or a picture of

Lord Ganesha on your altar you can offer a flower

after reciting the Ganesh Gayatri.

Next is the recitation of 12 names of Lord Ganesha.

After this there is one more flower offering to Lord



pages 33-41-proclamation of merits and eternal


You can offer a flower or petal for each of the

mantras starting with "om santirastu and ending with

om yatpapam rogamashubhamakalyanam taddure



Pages 35-41

proclamation of merits and welfare


We pray to the Brahmins(Bho Brahmanah) knowers of

divinity, to come and give us their divine energy. We

pray that our act of doing puja will bring merit,

welfare, and prosperity to us, our family and the

earth. We pray for eternal blessings.



pages 41-44 purification of the water(samanyarghya)


We purify our water that we will use throughout the

puja. Follow the directions for drawing the yantra in

the book on page 41.


This yantra will be drawn on your altar. You will need

a small container like a small bowl to pour the water

into. Your container must be one that is used only for

puja purposes and not one that you eat out of.


Both ShreeMaa and Swamiji establish this water pot on

the right side of their puja. So is you are

establishing a pot then you may want to keep the

center for the pot and place your water pot to the

right of where your pot will be set up.


You will also need a small container to keep water in

so you can pour water into your small bowl on your



On page 42 the Tulsi leaves can be fresh basil leaves

or dried basil leaves.

Offer 3 flowers into the water pot: This can be whole

flowers or petals.


Matsya mudra, dhenu mudra, and ankush mudra are used

to help purify the water. There are pictures of these

mudras on pages 258-259 of the Kali puja book.


Page 44

"Amritaam kuru swaahaa." Repeat this mantra and

srpinkle water from your purified water pot around

you and behind you and on all of your offerings as



kara shuddhi-hand purification


Wipe hands with damp flower: You can dip a flower into

the water pot and sprinkle your hands with a little



Recite the mantra: om aim astraya phat and put the

flower that you just sprinkled your hands with

somewhere on your altar.


Thus ends the 4th day of Kali puja class.

Read through pages 30-44 and check to see if you have

any questions.

On Saturday, October 14, we will start the

establishment of the pot.


May Kali bless this universe with peace.




--- sara swati <parv108 > wrote:


> Kali puja class Day 3


> Kali Puja Book by Swami Satyananda Pages 9-29


> Pgs.9-10

> We will begin our puja by reciting the introductory

> mantras called Kashkandika.

> Kashkandika is recited each time we sit down. Each

> time we are going to express our gratitude to the

> Gods

> and Goddesses for allowing us the priviledge of

> letting us sit down and meditate. Many of the pujas

> begin with these same mantras.


> Pgs. 11-13

> The first description on pg. 11 describes Maha

> Kali.

> All of her weapons allow her to take the head of

> egotism to her self and as long as the head of

> egotism

> stays with her, we remain free. That is why Shri

> Ramakrishna recommended us to keep our minds at the

> feet of Kali.


> The second description is of Maha Lakshmi, the

> destroyer of the great Ego. She is also called

> Mahishasura Mardini, the great ruler of duality. She

> holds the rosary of alphabets which signify the 54

> letters of the Sanskrit alphabet. All of the letters

> of the Sanskrit alphabet stand for all of the

> vibrations that can possibly come into existence and

> go out as well. This is the japa of MahaLakshmi.


> Pg. 12-The third description is of Maha Saraswati,

> the

> slayer of self conceit and self deprecation. In her

> hands she holds the bell of continuous tone. All of

> the asuras grab their ears and run away when they

> hear

> the sound of the bell. Therefore, when we do

> puja, it is a good idea to ring a bell!


> Pg. 13- The fourth description is of Chandi and all

> of her many forms.


> Pg.13-14 Offering of light/incense

> Here we will wave a candle in a clockwise circle in

> front of our deity or picture and recite the

> offering

> of light mantra.


> You can use a tea light or ghee light made out of

> cotton and dipped in ghee.


> Note: Please be extra careful whenever offering an

> open flame like a candle. Keep it away from any kind

> of cloth. It is best to try and keep it in some kind

> of contained holder.


> Offer one stick of your favorite incense as well.

> (Make sure you have an incense holder nearby to put

> it

> in.)


> You can also ring a bell during these offerings. It

> helps create a nice bhav.


> Pg. 15

> We recite the following mantras and offer respect to

> the earth, atmosphere and other Gods.


> The meaning of these mantras are very beautiful.

> Here

> is one example:


> "Om Earth is a reservoir of nectar, all vegetation

> is

> a reservoir of nectar, the divine atmosphere is a

> reservoir of nectar, and also above. May all

> perceptions shine forth with the sweet taste of

> nectar

> for us."


> Pg. 15 bottom (folded hands)

> recite the Gayatri mantra with hands in prayer

> position.


> pg. 17 (touch rosary)

> This is the purification of our maala. We pray to

> our

> maala too "illuminate the meanings of all mantras

> and

> to grant us the highest perfection."


> pgs. 18-19 offer flowers


> This will be our first flower offerings on the

> altar.

> You can place them wherever you like on your altar.

> You can use whole flowers or petals.


> Pg. 19 (tie a piece of string around right middle

> finger or wrist)

> Recite this mantra only.


> We do not do tie the string around our own finger or

> wrist unless we are doing puja for another person.

> Then we wrap a string around their wrist and recite

> this mantra. This is the mantra which reminds us

> that

> we are bound with God.


> Pg. 20 (acaman) Purification of mouth


> We will take a little water from our puja pot, pour

> it

> into our right palm and take a sip of water with

> each

> mantra saying it out loud.


> Om vishnu(3x) take 3 sips.

> After the 3rd sip, pour a little water into your

> right

> palm then dry it off.

> (You will need to keep one towel or paper towels

> nearby for this purpose. Swamiji alsways keeps one

> roll of paper towels on his right side and a towel

> across his lap when he does puja.)


> Pg. 20-21 (purification of mouth con't)

> Recite the purification mantra. This mantra reminds

> us

> that the Impure and the Pure reside within all

> objects.


> Pg. 22 Asan shuddi(purification of the asan.)

> Every deity sits on a yantra so we are also going to

> sit on a yantra.

> Follow the instructions in the book of how to draw

> the

> asan yantra,

> The bindu signifies the origin of creation. the

> equilateral triangle signifies that all of the

> threes

> are in perfect balance or harmony. We have the 3

> gunas, the 3 qualities of creation, preservation, an

> preservation, Maha Kali, Maha Lakshmi, Maha

> Saraswati,

> A U M, etc,. All of the threes are in harmony. This

> is

> where we sit.


> Pg. 22 Bottom (touch seat)

> We touch both sides of our asan. Hands touching the

> earth or ground.


> Pg. 23

> Recite the following mantras offering respect to the

> Guru and his/her lineage all the way to Lord Shiva.


> Page. 23-29 Sankalpa


> Before the sankalpa we are going to clap our hands 3

> times then snap our fingers in the 10 directions and

> say Kali's mantra as we snap our fingers. We are

> going

> to make pure all ten directions so that Kali's

> mantra

> is vibrating in every direction. Clapping dispels

> all

> negative or enimical energies.


> The sankalpa is a vow or promise. It is also a

> statement of our goal.


> When you recite the sankalpa you will substitute the

> name of the place you are in at the time. Ex: if

> you

> live in Chicago then you will say :


> Om adya jambudvipe(America) deshe, (Illinois)

> pradeshe, (Chicago) Nagare,

> (the name of your Mandir- you can give it a name or

> say Devi Mandire,

> (Ashwin) mase, (krishna) pakshe, (chaturdasi)

> tithau,

> (Satyananda Saraswati)Gotra (or use your own if you

> know it.) sri (recite your own name) kritaitat sri

> kali kamah puja karmaham sri kali pujam karishye.


> (Note: I have included the Sanskrit month, day,

> pakshe for those of you who will be doing Kali puja

> on Friday, October 20.)


> During the sankalpa you can offer any prayer you

> like to

> Mother.


> Before we take the sankalpa we take a flower in our

> left hand and sprinkle some water on it and

> say,"Vishnu om tat sat." Then we cover the flower

> with Then we cover the flower with

our right hand and recite the country, state, month, day, name, etc. Then

we offer our flower on the altar and recite the rest of the

sankalpa starting with "om yajjagrato

duramundetui...... and ending with om shanti.....


Pg. 29 middle

Right after the sankalpa there are 2 kali mantras on this page that are just a

straight recitation. Recite these mantras only.



Please read through these mantras. If you know how to

read Sanskrit then practice these mantras in sanskrit.

If not, read the transliteration and the English. Ask

questions and share your ideas and thoughts.


May Kali Maa bless us all!








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Dear Parvati

When you who started the class asking who is Kali I was thinking, thinking… Suddenly I felt me without will to make my daily puja, I looked at my altar… it seemed sad I did not feel will to make puja or to recite parts of the Chandi Then I cleaned the altar and I recited the Tantroktam Ratri Suktamasking for to the Mother who returned me the desire for practical the spirituals. In the next day I woke up and I was for the altar, I offered puja and I recited Kavacha, argala, kilaka and sidha kunjika. Now I returned to my altar and I am very happy . Now I can say who it is Kali, she is our mother , she gave definition to Darkness and know us how much we are happy when we have a life spiritual and how much the life without God is sad. Thanks Maa! Thanks Swamiji! Thanks dear family! I bow to your sacred lotus feet

Love Kalachandra :)


sara swati <parv108 > escreveu:

Dear All,


Today we will focus on Kali Puja book pages 30-44.


There is one clarification from Day 3. The word

Kashkandika should be Kushandika.


Thanks to all of you who have been posting about Kali

and following along the class. I hope this study will

be fruitful and beneficial as Karen said it is helping

her with doing other pujas as well. Please don't be

shy. Questions are encouraged.


Quick Review:

5 parts of puja:

1. preparation

2. purification

3. invitation

4. union

5. offering


Meaning of puja:

PU means punya or merit

JA means to give birth

PUJA is that which gives birth to merit.


Page 30-32-Ganesh Puja

If you have a murti of Lord Ganesha or a picture of

Lord Ganesha on your altar you can offer a flower

after reciting the Ganesh Gayatri.

Next is the recitation of 12 names of Lord Ganesha.

After this there is one more flower offering to Lord



pages 33-41-proclamation of merits and eternal


You can offer a flower or petal for each of the

mantras starting with "om santirastu and ending with

om yatpapam rogamashubhamakalyanam taddure



Pages 35-41

proclamation of merits and welfare


We pray to the Brahmins(Bho Brahmanah) knowers of

divinity, to come and give us their divine energy. We

pray that our act of doing puja will bring merit,

welfare, and prosperity to us, our family and the

earth. We pray for eternal blessings.


pages 41-44 purification of the water(samanyarghya)


We purify our water that we will use throughout the

puja. Follow the directions for drawing the yantra in

the book on page 41.


This yantra will be drawn on your altar. You will need

a small container like a small bowl to pour the water

into. Your container must be one that is used only for

puja purposes and not one that you eat out of.


Both ShreeMaa and Swamiji establish this water pot on

the right side of their puja. So is you are

establishing a pot then you may want to keep the

center for the pot and place your water pot to the

right of where your pot will be set up.


You will also need a small container to keep water in

so you can pour water into your small bowl on your



On page 42 the Tulsi leaves can be fresh basil leaves

or dried basil leaves.

Offer 3 flowers into the water pot: This can be whole

flowers or petals.


Matsya mudra, dhenu mudra, and ankush mudra are used

to help purify the water. There are pictures of these

mudras on pages 258-259 of the Kali puja book.


Page 44

"Amritaam kuru swaahaa." Repeat this mantra and

srpinkle water from your purified water pot around

you and behind you and on all of your offerings as



kara shuddhi-hand purification


Wipe hands with damp flower: You can dip a flower into

the water pot and sprinkle your hands with a little



Recite the mantra: om aim astraya phat and put the

flower that you just sprinkled your hands with

somewhere on your altar.


Thus ends the 4th day of Kali puja class.

Read through pages 30-44 and check to see if you have

any questions.

On Saturday, October 14, we will start the

establishment of the pot.


May Kali bless this universe with peace.


--- sara swati <parv108 > wrote:


> Kali puja class Day 3


> Kali Puja Book by Swami Satyananda Pages 9-29


> Pgs.9-10

> We will begin our puja by reciting the introductory

> mantras called Kashkandika.

> Kashkandika is recited each time we sit down. Each

> time we are going to express our gratitude to the

> Gods

> and Goddesses for allowing us the priviledge of

> letting us sit down and meditate. Many of the pujas

> begin with these same mantras.


> Pgs. 11-13

> The first description on pg. 11 describes Maha

> Kali.

> All of her weapons allow her to take the head of

> egotism to her self and as long as the head of

> egotism

> stays with her, we remain free. That is why Shri

> Ramakrishna recommended us to keep our minds at the

> feet of Kali.


> The second description is of Maha Lakshmi, the

> destroyer of the great Ego. She is also called

> Mahishasura Mardini, the great ruler of duality. She

> holds the rosary of alphabets which signify the 54

> letters of the Sanskrit alphabet. All of the letters

> of the Sanskrit alphabet stand for all of the

> vibrations that can possibly come into existence and

> go out as well. This is the japa of MahaLakshmi.


> Pg. 12-The third description is of Maha Saraswati,

> the

> slayer of self conceit and self deprecation. In her

> hands she holds the bell of continuous tone. All of

> the asuras grab their ears and run away when they

> hear

> the sound of the bell. Therefore, when we do

> puja, it is a good idea to ring a bell!


> Pg. 13- The fourth description is of Chandi and all

> of her many forms.


> Pg.13-14 Offering of light/incense

> Here we will wave a candle in a clockwise circle in

> front of our deity or picture and recite the

> offering

> of light mantra.


> You can use a tea light or ghee light made out of

> cotton and dipped in ghee.


> Note: Please be extra careful whenever offering an

> open flame like a candle. Keep it away from any kind

> of cloth. It is best to try and keep it in some kind

> of contained holder.


> Offer one stick of your favorite incense as well.

> (Make sure you have an incense holder nearby to put

> it

> in.)


> You can also ring a bell during these offerings. It

> helps create a nice bhav.


> Pg. 15

> We recite the following mantras and offer respect to

> the earth, atmosphere and other Gods.


> The meaning of these mantras are very beautiful.

> Here

> is one example:


> "Om Earth is a reservoir of nectar, all vegetation

> is

> a reservoir of nectar, the divine atmosphere is a

> reservoir of nectar, and also above. May all

> perceptions shine forth with the sweet taste of

> nectar

> for us."


> Pg. 15 bottom (folded hands)

> recite the Gayatri mantra with hands in prayer

> position.


> pg. 17 (touch rosary)

> This is the purification of our maala. We pray to

> our

> maala too "illuminate the meanings of all mantras

> and

> to grant us the highest perfection."


> pgs. 18-19 offer flowers


> This will be our first flower offerings on the

> altar.

> You can place them wherever you like on your altar.

> You can use whole flowers or petals.


> Pg. 19 (tie a piece of string around right middle

> finger or wrist)

> Recite this mantra only.


> We do not do tie the string around our own finger or

> wrist unless we are doing puja for another person.

> Then we wrap a string around their wrist and recite

> this mantra. This is the mantra which reminds us

> that

> we are bound with God.


> Pg. 20 (acaman) Purification of mouth


> We will take a little water from our puja pot, pour

> it

> into our right palm and take a sip of water with

> each

> mantra saying it out loud.


> Om vishnu(3x) take 3 sips.

> After the 3rd sip, pour a little water into your

> right

> palm then dry it off.

> (You will need to keep one towel or paper towels

> nearby for this purpose. Swamiji alsways keeps one

> roll of paper towels on his right side and a towel

> across his lap when he does puja.)


> Pg. 20-21 (purification of mouth con't)

> Recite the purification mantra. This mantra reminds

> us

> that the Impure and the Pure reside within all

> objects.


> Pg. 22 Asan shuddi(purification of the asan.)

> Every deity sits on a yantra so we are also going to

> sit on a yantra.

> Follow the instructions in the book of how to draw

> the

> asan yantra,

> The bindu signifies the origin of creation. the

> equilateral triangle signifies that all of the

> threes

> are in perfect balance or harmony. We have the 3

> gunas, the 3 qualities of creation, preservation, an

> preservation, Maha Kali, Maha Lakshmi, Maha

> Saraswati,

> A U M, etc,. All of the threes are in harmony. This

> is

> where we sit.


> Pg. 22 Bottom (touch seat)

> We touch both sides of our asan. Hands touching the

> earth or ground.


> Pg. 23

> Recite the following mantras offering respect to the

> Guru and his/her lineage all the way to Lord Shiva.


> Page. 23-29 Sankalpa


> Before the sankalpa we are going to clap our hands 3

> times then snap our fingers in the 10 directions and

> say Kali's mantra as we snap our fingers. We are

> going

> to make pure all ten directions so that Kali's

> mantra

> is vibrating in every direction. Clapping dispels

> all

> negative or enimical energies.


> The sankalpa is a vow or promise. It is also a

> statement of our goal.


> When you recite the sankalpa you will substitute the

> name of the place you are in at the time. Ex: if

> you

> live in Chicago then you will say :


> Om adya jambudvipe(America) deshe, (Illinois)

> pradeshe, (Chicago) Nagare,

> (the name of your Mandir- you can give it a name or

> say Devi Mandire,

> (Ashwin) mase, (krishna) pakshe, (chaturdasi)

> tithau,

> (Satyananda Saraswati)Gotra (or use your own if you

> know it.) sri (recite your own name) kritaitat sri

> kali kamah puja karmaham sri kali pujam karishye.


> (Note: I have included the Sanskrit month, day,

> pakshe for those of you who will be doing Kali puja

> on Friday, October 20.)


> During the sankalpa you can offer any prayer you

> like to

> Mother.


> Before we take the sankalpa we take a flower in our

> left hand and sprinkle some water on it and

> say,"Vishnu om tat sat." Then we cover the flower

> with Then we cover the flower with

our right hand and recite the country, state, month, day, name, etc. Then

we offer our flower on the altar and recite the rest of the

sankalpa starting with "om yajjagrato

duramundetui...... and ending with om shanti.....


Pg. 29 middle

Right after the sankalpa there are 2 kali mantras on this page that are just a

straight recitation. Recite these mantras only.



Please read through these mantras. If you know how to

read Sanskrit then practice these mantras in sanskrit.

If not, read the transliteration and the English. Ask

questions and share your ideas and thoughts.


May Kali Maa bless us all!















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