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Kali puja class: Day 6 Establishment

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Kali Puja class-Day 6 Establishment of the pot

(Kailasha Stapana)


Dear All,


First a few notes:

To Kalachandra: Please read through day 6 and see if

your questions are answered.

To Muktimaa: Thanks for the inspiring photo of your

first Kali pot. Hopefully others will also share their

first pot.

To Kumari: Thanks so much for that awe inspiring post

of Sri Ramakrishna's vision of Mother Kali.It reminded

me that it was through Sri Ramakrishna's out of this

world love and devotion to Mother Kali that I first

came to know of Kali. Does anyone else out there want to share how they first came to know of Kali?

Jai Sri Ramakrishna!!!!!!!!!!(10 exclamations for the 10 heads of Kali. She sees in all 10 directions. She is everywhere.)


Now, the moment you have all been waiting for:

THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE POT!!!! (Drum roll please,



We will focus on pages 45-61 in the Kali puja book by

Swami Satyananda


The goal is that you will be able to do Kali puja and

establish your own coconut at home on Kali Puja night.

You will also be able to establish any pot for any

deity as well by changing a few bij mantras depending

on the deity you are worshipping.


Page: 45

Recite Kali Gayatri.

Remember each deity has it's own gayatri mantra. The

cosmic puja contains the gayatri for many deities.


Page 45-48

Recite Kali's dhyanam or meditation.

Each deity also has its own meditation. (See Cosmic Puja book,)


Pages 48-61

The establishment of the pot is called Kailasha


Swamiji recently completed an excellent video on

establishing the pot. Please watch this video if you

are able to:


It is the Cosmic puja class pages 64-88, class#6


The following notes are taken from Swamiji's puja




The Kailash is a container of all qualities of

existence. It contains all the qualities of

consciousness. It is a container of consciousness.

When we establish a pot we watch the Goddess come

alive right before our eyes. We make the Goddess

manifest and give a form to the formless so we can

enter into a relationship with Her.


NOTE: You will recite the mantra for each action you

perform. You can recite it before or after. Of course

it is ideal to have it memorized.


Page 48

(TOUCH EARTH) with tattwa mudra

You will touch the spot on your altar where you will

establish the pot using the tattwa mudra.

The tattwa mudra: touch your thumb of your right

hand to the base of your ring finger.



You will give some grains of uncooked rice on the

same spot you just touched


Page 49


Place your empty container(pot) on top of the rice


The mantra says: We are going to fill the pot up with

our energy and consciousness. We are going to worship

Her and then take the prasad form our offering and

sprinkle it over the heads of every devotee. We are

going to pray that Her abundant spotlessly pure

strength comes flowing into us in abundance.



Take another container which should already have

water in it, and pour it into the pot filling it

until it is almost full. Make sure you have enough

water before sitting down.


Page 50


In this country we use 5 quarters. In India Swamiji

use to use other kinds of coins.

So depending on where you live, give some coins into

the pot.


The idea is that all of our wealth goes into the pot.

We fill our pot of consciousness with all that we




Place your coconut on top of the pot. You want to

place the coconut so the flat side it on top. It will

be easier to place a flower on top. When we place the

coconut on top of the pot we have sealed consciousness

within and now we have nature and consciousness


The mantra says: ALL THIS IS GOD! SET US FREE! We want

to maintain this perception.


NOTE: The Meaning of the Coconut

The pure white of the coconut symbolizes the purity of

consciousness. It is covered by a hard shell which

symbolizes maya. When we crack open the coconut we

crack open maya and get the nourishment of the pure

nectar of consciousness. That is how the coconut

symbolizes the totality of existence. It is a very

holy fruit. It is also very useful. Each part of the

coconut can be used for something.


If you can't find a coconut then you can use a piece

of fruit. I have seen people establish pots with

apples, oranges, grapefruits, pomegranets, and dried



Page 50-51

RED POWDER (sindhu powder)

Now comes the really fun part because we get to put a

smiling face and a little nose on our coconut.


It is called chandra bindu. The smiling face is the

half moon or chandra and the nose is the bindu. The

half moon stands for the infinity of manifested

creation and the bindu stands for that which is



When we recite "om sindhoriva praadhvane.........

We put some sindhu powder and draw her smile. This is

the half moon(chandra)


When we recite "om sinduuramarunaabhaasam......

We put a dot(bindu) above the chandra


See how happy the coconut becomes with the half moon

and bindu. Swamiji says this is kind of like the

yantra we are supposed to be wearing as sadhus.


Page 51


Put some kumkum in her hair. This will go on top of

the coconut. If you don't have kumkum you can use

sindhu powder.


Page 52


Put some sandle paste on top of the coconut


Page 52


Put some tumeric powder on top of the coconut


The mantra says that if we offer tumeric to her, she

has to give us the greatest peace.


Now we will wash the lotus feet of the Goddess:

The following five offerings will be collected in a

small bowl and placed on the altar when done.


Page 53

MILK BATH (pure consciousness)

We use condensed milk but you can use regular milk as



Pour a little milk into a bowl


YOGURT BATH(manifested consciousness)


Put a couple of spoons of yogurt into the bowl with

the milk



Page 54

GHEE BATH(illuminated consciousness)

Put a tiny drop of ghee into the bowl.


HONEY BATH(nourishment)

Put some honey into the bowl


Page 55

SUGAR BATH(sweetness, goodness)

Put some sugar into the bowl.



Recite the mantra and mix all five ingredients

together with a spoon.


NOTE: Please add a spoon to the preparation list. You

will need this item before you sit down.


Page 56


Add a drop of rose water.



Dab a few drops of perfume on the coconut. Swamiji

says he likes to put a little perfume behind her ears.


Page 57


Sprinkle a little water over the top of the coconut.

You can use a flower and dip it into your samanyarghya

water which has already been purified.


Now that the Goddess is all fresh, pretty and

comfortable, it is time to get her dressed.



Place a cloth over the top of the coconut.

We use a piece of red cotton cloth.


Page 58


You can place the thread on top of the coconut.


The sacred thread is a reminder of our true nature.

(peacefulness, self-control, austerity, purity of mind

and body, patience and forgiveness, sincerity and

honesty, wisdom, knowledge an self realization)


Page 59


One rudraksha is offered here. If you put it on a

string you can hang it around her neck.



Offer a rudraksha maala, crystal maala, or any other

kind of maala, or a necklace.

She is your deity so you will decide how you want to

dress her up.


Page 60


Offer a few grains of uncooked rice on her head.

We pray for a spotlessly pure mind.



Offer a flower garland around the coconut.

NOTE: please add this item to the preparation list as

you will need to have one flower garland ready to go

before you sit down.


Page 61


Place a flower on top of her head.

If you have any nice, big special flowers you can place this

flower on top of the coconut.



Now we have called her from the unmanifest and

established Her form on our altar. We have offered her

all of our love, and devotion. Next we will establish

our life force in her and make her dance. Stay tuned.

We will discuss pages 61-71 prana pratishta next.


If there are any questions, ask away.


For those of you who are planning to do Kali puja and

establish the pot, I hope you enjoy the process of

preparing for Mother Kali as much as you do doing the

puja and pot.


Om kring kalyai namah!



sara swati <parv108 > wrote:


> Dear All,


> In preparation for the establishment of the pot here

> is a list of items that are needed:


> 1. one small pot for the coconut to sit on top of

> 2. one coconut

> 3. one container of water

> 4. 5 quarters

> 5. sindhu powder

> 6. kum kum powder

> 7.sandlewood powder

> 8. tumeric powder

> 9. milk(we used condensed milk)

> 10. yogurt

> 11. ghee

> 12. honey

> 13. sugar

> 14. rose water

> 15. perfume

> 16. small piece of red cloth

> 17. sacred thread -this is 9 threads tied together.

> you can get this at an Indian store or you can make

> your own. See the following link on how to tie the

> knots on the sacred thread.

> (http://www.shreemaa.org/thread.htm)

> 18. one rudraksha

> 19. maala(rudraksha, crystal, or other necklace)

> 20. uncooked rice grains

> 21.flower garland

> 22. flowers


> For a good view of an established coconut and pot

> click on this




> If you have any problems getting hold of these items

> you can substitute. Remember your Bhav is number one

> ingredient and offering!


> Other items are also needed for the puja but we will

> discuss that later.



> --- sara swati <parv108 > wrote:


> > Dear All,

> >

> > Today we will focus on Kali Puja book pages 30-44.

> >

> > There is one clarification from Day 3. The word

> > Kashkandika should be Kushandika.

> >

> > Thanks to all of you who have been posting about

> > Kali

> > and following along the class. I hope this study

> > will

> > be fruitful and beneficial as Karen said it is

> > helping

> > her with doing other pujas as well. Please don't

> be

> > shy. Questions are encouraged.

> >

> > Quick Review:

> > 5 parts of puja:

> > 1. preparation

> > 2. purification

> > 3. invitation

> > 4. union

> > 5. offering

> >

> > Meaning of puja:

> > PU means punya or merit

> > JA means to give birth

> > PUJA is that which gives birth to merit.

> >

> > Page 30-32-Ganesh Puja

> > If you have a murti of Lord Ganesha or a picture

> of

> > Lord Ganesha on your altar you can offer a flower

> > after reciting the Ganesh Gayatri.

> > Next is the recitation of 12 names of Lord

> Ganesha.

> > After this there is one more flower offering to

> Lord

> > Ganesha.

> >

> > pages 33-41-proclamation of merits and eternal

> > blessings

> > You can offer a flower or petal for each of the

> > mantras starting with "om santirastu and ending

> with

> > om yatpapam rogamashubhamakalyanam taddure

> > pratihatamastu"

> >

> > Pages 35-41

> > proclamation of merits and welfare

> >

> > We pray to the Brahmins(Bho Brahmanah) knowers of

> > divinity, to come and give us their divine energy.

> > We

> > pray that our act of doing puja will bring merit,

> > welfare, and prosperity to us, our family and the

> > earth. We pray for eternal blessings.

> >

> >

> > pages 41-44 purification of the

> water(samanyarghya)

> >

> > We purify our water that we will use throughout

> the

> > puja. Follow the directions for drawing the yantra

> > in

> > the book on page 41.

> >

> > This yantra will be drawn on your altar. You will

> > need

> > a small container like a small bowl to pour the

> > water

> > into. Your container must be one that is used only

> > for

> > puja purposes and not one that you eat out of.

> >

> > Both ShreeMaa and Swamiji establish this water pot

> > on

> > the right side of their puja. So is you are

> > establishing a pot then you may want to keep the

> > center for the pot and place your water pot to the

> > right of where your pot will be set up.

> >

> > You will also need a small container to keep water

> > in

> > so you can pour water into your small bowl on your

> > altar.

> >

> > On page 42 the Tulsi leaves can be fresh basil

> > leaves

> > or dried basil leaves.

> > Offer 3 flowers into the water pot: This can be

> > whole

> > flowers or petals.

> >

> > Matsya mudra, dhenu mudra, and ankush mudra are

> used

> > to help purify the water. There are pictures of

> > these

> > mudras on pages 258-259 of the Kali puja book.

> >

> > Page 44

> > "Amritaam kuru swaahaa." Repeat this mantra and

> > srpinkle water from your purified water pot

> around

> > you and behind you and on all of your offerings as

> > well.

> >

> > kara shuddhi-hand purification

> >

> > Wipe hands with damp flower: You can dip a flower

> > into

> > the water pot and sprinkle your hands with a

> little

> > water.

> >

> > Recite the mantra: om aim astraya phat and put the

> > flower that you just sprinkled your hands with

> > somewhere on your altar.

> >

> > Thus ends the 4th day of Kali puja class.

> > Read through pages 30-44 and check to see if you

> > have

> > any questions.

> > On Saturday, October 14, we will start the

> > establishment of the pot.

> >

> > May Kali bless this universe with peace.

> >

> >

> >

> > --- sara swati <parv108 > wrote:

> >

> > > Kali puja class Day 3

> > >

> > > Kali Puja Book by Swami Satyananda Pages 9-29

> > >

> > > Pgs.9-10

> > > We will begin our puja by reciting the

> > introductory

> > > mantras called Kashkandika.

> > > Kashkandika is recited each time we sit down.

> Each

> > > time we are going to express our gratitude to

> the

> > > Gods

> > > and Goddesses for allowing us the priviledge of

> > > letting us sit down and meditate. Many of the

> > pujas

> > > begin with these same mantras.

> > >

> > > Pgs. 11-13

> > > The first description on pg. 11 describes Maha

> > > Kali.


=== message truncated ===







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