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EGO ~ Amma (1st page)

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Ego is the only obstacle to Self~Realization.

Here are some of Amma's words on ego from DearAmma text;

there are a total of about 14 pages on ego;

first page:


0020."The 'I' ceases to exist when the mind attains perfect

concentration. The feelings of 'I' and 'mine' are due to the ego.

The ego is nothing but identification with the body and mind. The

mind is thoughts. When thoughts are present we remain a little

ego. There is no spontaneous expression. Everything is filtered

through the ego. ...When through our concentration, the little ego

is reduced to ashes, we become the Limitless and Impersonal and can

thus comprehend the Ocean of Bliss. The remains of what looks like

the ego will be there, but it is not real. It is not productive." -

Vol.4, p10


0046."'Eating the Guru up' means to merge in him completely. You

should dissolve. The 'I' or the ego should dissolve and disappear. …

The Guru is already flowing constantly, flowing and overflowing the

brim with love. And through love you flow into Him." - Vol.4, p38


0071."In spirituality, the seeker renounces all that he has to the

Supreme Principle, God. All that one can claim as one's own, all

the attachments and aversions one has are the product of one's ego.

They can also be referred to as vasanas or accumulated tendencies.

All these things which we claim as our own do not, in fact, belong

to us since we have no control over them. Reputation, fame,

position, our homes, wives, husbands, children - none of these can

stay with us permanently. We may have such things now, but who

knows what is going to happen the next moment? But this is not the

case with the accumulated tendencies, with the ego. The ego is our

own. It belongs to us. Nobody else can claim it. Therefore, real

self-surrender is surrendering or renouncing one's ego at the feet

of the Supreme Self." - Vol.4, p63

0075."Through created circumstances, he [the Guru] first attracts

and binds the disciple with his person. Once the Guru is fully

aware that the disciple is totally attached to him, the next step is

elimination of the ego. For that to happen, the Guru again creates

situations, working with both the gross and the subtle ego. Once

the ego is removed, your inside becomes empty. All the old stuff

has been removed, and you can now fill yourself with love. The

removal of the old and the filling with the new happens

simultaneously." - Vol.4, p64


0082."When your ego is there, you go away from God; the distance

between you and Him becomes greater and greater. But through

singing His glories, you become closer to Him, closer to your own

Self, by praising God, you become innocent and pure, because when

you glorify Him, you are not glorifying another person; you are

actually glorifying your own Real Self. There is no 'person' to be

glorified. He neither accepts nor rejects your praises because

there is nobody there to accept or reject them. The Absolute Self

alone is in that Nameless and Formless state. The form and the

praises are meant for your own benefit, thus when you chant or sing

the glories of God, you are glorifying the Self or the Atman which

is not different from your own Real Nature." - Vol.4, p69

0083."To forget 'doer-ship' and to go beyond the attitude of 'I do

the work and I want the fruit of it' one should lift one's mind to

that Supreme Principle. Do not talk while working. Talking will

neither help us think of God, nor will we be able to do our work

properly. Talking is an unnecessary waste of time and energy.

Replace talking with the singing of the Divine Name. In this way

you will be able to stop the inner babbling. Glorifying or praising

the Lord is, in fact, the process of awakening your own inner

Self." - Vol.4, p70


0114."A true disciple gives up his ego, his individuality. The

river of the Guru carries him wherever the Guru wills. He has

totally surrendered to the current of the Guru. He loses all rights

on his body; he becomes like a corpse. He simply lets the Guru or

God take him wherever God or the Guru wants. He doesn't judge the

Guru. Such a disciple sees the inner Guru, not just the outer

form. For him everything is the Guru. He himself has become

bankrupt; he has nothing of his own. He has nobody else to depend

on and nothing more to claim as his own." - Vol.4 p112

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A few years ago, either right before or after Amma gave a mantra to me, I recall standing near Amma, gazing at Her forearm, & wanting to eat it! I was embarrassed at having such a strange thought, but do want to merge in Her..


0046."'Eating the Guru up' means to merge in him completely. You should dissolve. The 'I' or the ego should dissolve and disappear. …The Guru is already flowing constantly, flowing and overflowing the brim with love. And through love you flow into Him." - Vol.4, p38










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Thanks Sweta for the laugh today.


As I get ready to eat some ratatouille stew, I will

have daydreams of Amma's yummy forearm!



--- Sweta Mitzel <swetabc > wrote:


> A few years ago, either right before or after Amma

> gave a mantra to me, I recall standing near Amma,

> gazing at Her forearm, & wanting to eat it! I was

> embarrassed at having such a strange thought, but do

> want to merge in Her.


> 0046."'Eating the Guru up' means to merge in him

> completely. You should dissolve. The 'I' or the

> ego should dissolve and disappear. …The Guru is

> already flowing constantly, flowing and overflowing

> the brim with love. And through love you flow into

> Him." - Vol.4, p38

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