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Trying for Boy

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Apart from other things, one is Punsavan Sanskar. Its details and process and timings are available in the Sanskar-Vidhi book published by Arya Samaj. The herbal decoction has to be given in the right nostril of the pregnant wife -for boy. And in left nostril for girl.

And I think u should select a proper Muhurta for conception ( & Garbhadhan Sanskar). This muhurta can be best found in the Hrishikesh Panchang, published from Varanasi and available in all cities. Secondly, there is science of 'yugm' and 'Ayugm' days, calculated from the day of last menses. Check for details.

As far as the Garbhadhan Sanskar is concerned, the details can be found in the same, aforementioned, book.




we already have a girl & we like to balance the family, can anyone let

us know how to conceive boy



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Interesting question indeed. Yashendra has already posted some

information for you.


Swami Sivananda of Divine life society Rishikesh writes that union on

odd days of the cycle gives rise to a boy baby. Why this happens you

can find explained in message 7815, where a link takes you to an

article by a professional.


This author thinks that polarities of ovum can be changed by following

swar yoga too, as recommended by Swami Sivananda. When man sleeps on

his left side, his right nostril operates. if prospective mother sleeps

on right side, her left nostril operates. These cause activation of

Pingla and Ida nadis respectively. How long one should sleep in this

manner, a scientific study needs to be carried out. More knowledge

about swara can be obtained by visiting


you can combine all the techniques. YOu will need an astrologers

service to tell you when a certain swara is operating. If you combine

what yashendra says regarding Muhurtam (which is also suported by swami

shivananda), knowledge of swara by way of lunar and solar positions,

calendar and also operating proper swara, the calculations are likely

to become more complex than those carried out by NASA to find flight

schedule for an interplanetary spacecraft flight!



> we already have a girl & we like to balance the family, can anyone


> us know how to conceive boy


> thanks


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Dear Members

On this topic lot has been discussed, but I want to add something as below:

What are the outcomes of 16 nights after period

1. if contact with partner on 4th day after M.C. , Son will be born who will Alpaushi & money spender(not earner) .

2. On fifth day it will gives a girl.

3. On sixth day it will give normal son

4. on seventh day: no any child.

5. On 8thday : it will give the son who will be Ishwarbhakta.(God lover)

6. On 9th day: Soubhagyavardhi.

7. on 10th day: son who will be smart & intelligent.

8. on 11th day: Adharmic son.

9.on 12th day : a good son.

10. on 13th day: a girl will be Papkarma & shilbhrasta

11.on 14 th day: Dharmveer, Dayawan son

12. on 15th day: a girl

13 on 16 th day: A smart & social worker son.

Muhurt for Gharbhadhana

1. Monday,Thursday,Wednesday, friday & rohini , Shravan,Hasta, Anuradha,Swati,Rewati,Shatataraka, Uttara(all three) Nakshatra.

2. according to Tithi

Pratipada,Dvitiya,Trutiya,Panchami,Saptmi,Navami,dashami,Ekadashi,Dwadashi,& Trayodishi .

(All above Reference: Sahadev Bhadhali Jyotish page no 64)

Nashyakarma :

After 40 days of Gharbhdharana , do 12 days continuous nashya karma . take a new (not hard) Kompal of Bargad (Vad) tree & pest wit cow milk & nasya 4 drops of it

right nostril : for boy

Left nostil : for girl

(Ref: Nirogsukha magazine June 2003,page no.99)


As In above calculation of days is very important, it is good to do such experiments under experienced person & using proper panchang for muhurth (as Yashenra prasad said).

As i provided material all above, that is available in the given references & i didnt modify a single line..

Wish You Best of Luck.

Interesting question indeed. Yashendra has already posted some

information for you.

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Try Hari Vansha Purana or Santana Gopala Stotra. The male should have his right nosestril active while the female her left.A cotton wool dab will help, also if the male is on the right side or the female and female on the left.if the right nosestril is on the top with the left side of body on the bed the right nosestril will run( air) say after 15 minutes or so. better check a free flow before going the family way. Keep chanting the Lords name and let not Bad feelings get into the mind. If you have A Guru Mantra Mental Chanting will be the best.Also date( days) from menstrutation also is a major deciding factor. The main still remains Prarabdha or past life Karma.To counter it Chanting of Hari Vansha Purana and others are required with a mental resolve or prayer before Chanting for your desired outcome. There are medicines also avaiable, like Palash leaves with milk after conception etc.

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