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Transits and Indian hc

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this is what i percieve about changes for India till end of 2008 taking the multiple transits into consideration.

women, housing, domestic goods, agriculture and forests, industries, schools and colleges, vehicles, transportation, coastal areas.


w1.women's issues will figure more prominantly than ever before. women will join the work force in larger numbers than ever before.

w2.they will go into business for themselves. many housewives will turn small entreprenuers and make huge success stories out of their abilities.

w3.those already working will contemplate giving up going out to work. instead think of working from home. big companies will encourage women to work from home by making necessary policy changes.

w4.many women will be emboldened to invest in the share markets. there will be lot of women multi-millionaires as a result of either entreprenuerial success or success at the stock markets.

w5.the women's bill which is still pending passage will come into force but only when saturn is almost about to leave simha in 2008. until then political parties will be dilly-dallying about the same.

w6.many political parties where the men have ruled the roost will give women opportunities to contest and win elections. the dmk for eg. will bring the family jewels out for the public good, meaning the women from the family will enter the public arena and these women will make a huge difference to state policies and decision-making, emerging as successful politicians in the future.

w7.many women will convert their hobbies into money making ventures. 4H is 2nd from the 3H.

w8.many young women will become first-time mothers from choice rather than force. there will be a baby boom of sorts. hospital procedures will become simpler and treatments which last days could last just a few hours. there will be advancement in medical techniques. but there will also be major hospital related scandals rocking our nation with regard to women and children.


h1.construction activities will take place at a frenzy all round not just in metro cities. suburbs will develop faster as infrastructure will get better attention in this transit.

h2.there will be breakthroughs and inventions in the materials used in construction. the day is not far when a special concrete mix or roofing material will be available in the market which can be fixed within a few hours instead of the conventional way of curing it for 40 to 50 days before proceeding to the next step in construction of buildings and homes. meaning houses will be constructed in a matter of weeks or months rather than a year or more as is the case now.

h3.there is likely that a good number of old buildings will collapse like a house of cards at the slightest of shakes. this may occur before

march 2007.

h4.many more flats/houses will come into public auction due to non-repayment of home-loans by owners.

domestic goods

d1.there will be multiple and unprecedented demand for almost all kinds of domestic goods from nails to swank furnitures and fixtures. anything to do with homes. there will be mind boggling choice ranging from small to really huge budgets. those owning one set will go in for the next set for the same house but in a different room! like a mini fridge or a tv in their bedrooms too.

d2.all other states will follow suit in giving away freebies like tv, etc, to poor families. tamil nadu has already set the trend in pre-election this time.


a1.this is one area which is waiting to hit big time with many simple and effective innovative tools and implements to help farmers save time, energy and money to produce more. i forsee intelligent use of natural resources due to positive government policies.

a2.the government will make sweeping changes in policy matters to help farmers by having better procurement channels to market their produce.

a3.retailing also will come in handy in giving that much-needed boost to farmers to sell their products directly to consumers.

a4.middlemen will be hit badly in the coming times as ultimately they will be done away with.

a5.newer methods will be found to grow more crops.

a6.forest areas will be cleared to make way for growing crops, fruits and vegetables. this could result in protests from the public.

a7.one can expect more than the usual share of forest fires in the coming 2 years. enounters and clashes with militants holed up in hilly regions creating disturbances for the public in those places will be common in this saturn transit.

a8.the hilly regions will not be able to handle vacation-going crowds in the coming years due to their fragile nature. it will be peak season all through the year in these hilly resorts. tourism will make the economies of the hilly regions more prosperous but at a heavy cost to its environment.

a9.many farmers will take to growing herbs, medicinal plants. horticulture will get a boost from government's active support and pro-farmer policies.

a10.many rare and exotic forest produce will be available to the public more freely than before for eg forest honey, rare herbs and regional vegetables, fruits and flowers as tribals will market the same to the public more freely than before. these rare products will be in great demand in our country.

a11.our tribal art forms and artisans will get due recognition both here and international levels.


i1.many new industries will come up and the sick/ old ones will be revived and remodelled.

i2.industries in the eastern region of the country will do well. the governments in these regions will offer attractive sops to industrialists both new and old.

i3.industries producing domestic goods, white goods, toys, travel accessories, children's products, learning tools and kits for schools, learning through the net - e-learning, automobile will all do well.

i4.industries will change the pay structure to attract workforce away from the IT and software segments to manufacturing and core industries in the near future.

schools and colleges.

s1.many new and specialised schools and colleges will be started to cater to special students in rare subjects or even hobbies. these schools and colleges will do very well making a great name for themselves and greater earnings in the process.

s2.the way an ordinary student learns is about to change from the conventional classroom learning with the help of massive internet and e-learning from the best availble teaching talents across the globe.

s3.many indian students will win laurels and prestigious prizes across the globe for simple to complex inventions for a range of products, innovative ideas, simplyfying proceedures in manufacturing. many students will make india and indians proud in this area of creativity combined with intelligence.

s4.teachers can expect better pay packets during this saturn transit in leo.

s5.a few undesirable and disturbing events in schools, colleges and connected mainly with students will shame the nation.


v1.newer models and designs will continue to come into the market but the boom will not be there among middle class families for medium size cars.

v2.smaller cars will be in demand.

v3.india will notch up a place for itself where exports of auto parts are concerned. indian brains will better the existing processes of manufacturing items connected to automobiles. one can expect many innovative cost-cutting processes in this area these coming two years.


t1.this is one area where much activity will be witnessed now. one-person-one-car is about to change. people will be willing to share a car with others and there will be innovative ways in doing it.

t2.a cross between the car and van will become more popular as a means of transport - a model which is slightly bigger than the sumo or safari. there will be changes in the now-conventional seating arrangement in a car. the seating in a car will undergo a change. the 'u' seating instead of the row seating could come into vogue anytime.

t3.there will be policies put in place for metro rails even in suburbs and small towns, not just in metro cities which will in any case go in for more of the metro rails in a huge and unprecedented way. this is clearly the future of public transport.


f1.all talks or ideas of finding renewable sources of energy will begin to be put into action. much research can be expected in this area. many types of fuel compressed in handy battery-like chips will be invented by indians both in the country and abroad.

f2.though nuclear energy is condemned, it will be a very huge source for our country's energy needs. as a result there will be many more smaller versions of nuclear plants set up in and around the country to solve the ever increasing demands on energy public outcry notwithstanding.

f3.last but not least, solar energy will be tapped in a very innovative way and the public at large will start using solar energy products for many different domestic purposes in households across our country. energy tablets will become common to run vehicles big and small.

coastal areas

our coastal areas will remain vulnerable. natural calamities like huge waves making inroads by lashing into coastal villages and towns will be common. even though it will be minor flooding of sorts from time to time, the public living in those areas will be affected by the unusual activity of the ocean and seas in india's peninsular regions.

i am not merely hinting at tsunamis here. it is just that waves will erode beaches from time to time and make lives of those living by the sea a worrisome affair. loss of properties will be common at such times. i am at sea where human lives' losses are concerned so i will refrain from making any comment about the same now.

these are but a few things which kept coming back time and again to my mind. i wanted to finish this peice before the major transits in the coming days. so here it is, most of it about positive trends. i doubt whether i might be able to write a sequel to this, dealing with just disasters or calamities as i am tied up with other more pressing business activities at the moment.





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