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The places of Krsna's lila surrounding Govardhana

Bhakti Ratnakara by Sri Narahari Sakar dasa

Sri Raghava took Srinivasa and Narottama to see the places near Govardhan

where Krsna had performed his lilas and one by one he described them all. The

place known as Kusuka Saivor is famous for lilas of Radha Krsna. In another


called Narda Kunda, Narda Muni had fulfilled his desires by performing

tapasya. In the Puranas it is written that Narda performed his tapasya on the


of Virnda. In a place called Ratna Sinhasana, Radha used to sit on a throne.

That was the place where Krsna killed Sankha Chuda and that story has been

described in the Bhagavatam. Paliuivaran is a beautiufl garden where


used to stay. Sri Krsna also enjoyed himself with his friends in a holy place

called Alograma. In the place Indra Dhvajabedi, Nandaraj used to worship Indra.


It was there that Sri Krsna used to send his cows, calling each one by the

sound of his flute.

Rinmochana (Papmachana Akhyana) is famous for its holiness. If a person

bathes there he will be freed from all vices. This is Sankaishana Kunda and


wants to fulfil his desires should take a bath here.

In Parasavri village Radha and Krsna enacted their Yasuratra in this kirtana.

In Chandra Sarvar, Sri Krsna took rest after Yasuratra. Now we see the

beautiful Gandhava Kunda, where the Gandhavas became overwhelmed by the


songs of Krsna. No one can describe all the pastimes of Radha Krsna during the

time of Vasanta rasa in Govardhan.

In the Govardhan Ashrayadasaka of Stavavali it is given in an inscription:

this is Yasa Sthali where Radha, the lover of Krsna was worshipped by hundreds

of Lakshmis. It is surrounded by her beautiful sakhis, her neck decorated by

the loving hand of Krsna, danced in spring time enchantment. All fortunate

persons take shelter of the great Govardhan Yasa Sthali.

There is another village called Paitha where Krsna once hid his self from the

Gopis who began searching here and there for him. Krsna appeared before the

Gopis in his four handed Visnu form but upon arrival of Radha two other hands

disappeared. So strong was the love of Radha that Krsna could not retain his

four armed form. This has been written in the Nayika Prakara of Ujjamanilmani.

After showing all the holy places Sri Raghava returned to Gouai Tirtha with

Srinivasa and Narottama. This place is called Neepa Kunda because it is

surrounded by beautiful neepa (Kadamba) trees. Another holy place is called


It was here that by Krsna's order Nanda and the other Gopas stopped the worship


of Indra and started the worship of Govardhan by offering various kinds of

foods. The voice of Govardhan resounded in the sky, "Ani Aur Ani Aur" (Bring me


more water) and for that reason this place is called Aniyor. By visitiing

Annyakuta all desires will be fulfilled. In Stavavali is written Sri Krsna the

killer of Aga, took all the food which was offered to Govardhan by Sri Nanda by


transforming himself into a huge body and by depriving Radha of a boon. The

place Govinda Kunda has its own glory because it was here that Indra performed

the Abhsieak of Krsna. In the Ravivi vilas chapter of Stavavali it is said that


out of fear of Lord Krsna Indra performed the Abhisek ceremony of Krsna in

front of everyone by bringing the holy water of Mandakani from Sarbui. From


holy water Govinda Kunda was formed. In Adi Varaha Purana it is said that by

bathing or performing tapasya at Govinda Kunda one attains salvation on the

virtues of performing one hundred Yajnas.

There is a pond Govinda which is called Dana Nivinata kunda which is

surrounded by a dense forest. It was here that Gopala hid and performed his


pastimes. This place is not known by common people; only one who understands

the real meaning of Krsna's pastimes can visit here. Adi Varaha Purana has

stated the same fact. It was here that Gopala gave darshan to Madhavendra Puri


the pretext of bringing him milk. Gopala lived in Gothuli on the mountain. On

the far side of Govardhan is Apsara Kunda where fortunate people can take bath.


The holy place Shyama Dhak is a quiet area with a old palash.

While describing all these places, Sri Raghava Pandita took his two followers

to his own cave. He told them from that cave they daily enjoy the beauty and

glory of Govardhan.

In Saradi Kunda Indra was blessed by Lord Krsna. In Rudra Kunda Mahadeva sat

in meditation on Krsna. In Kadamkhandi Sri Krsna watched the path by which

Radha had gone. In Danghali Krsna used to taste Radha. Disguised as king Madana


Krsna took his share of the milk from Radha while his friends blocked her way.

In Vraja Vilasa the same story is given. When Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu visited

here and heard the pastimes from his followers, he danced in ecstasy in front

of everyone.

When people saw him dance they aid he must be the avatar of Hari. Who can

describe the lilas of Krsna in Govardhan? Some people call Danghali as KRsna

bedi. Sri Rupa has described the dana lila in his book Danakeli Kaulaudi. Brhna


Kunda is also situated near Govardhan and is surrounded by the lakes of Indra.





Various Slokas and Passages in Praise of Sri Govardhana

Sri Krsna-Sandarbha by Srila Jiva Goswami

Text 39-40

It may appear that the statement of our paribhasa-sutra and the statement of

the Bhuma-purusa contradict each other, but actually they do not. This may be

seen from the following explanation: Even though Sri Krsna is the Original

Personality of Personality, in order to bewilder the residents of Vrajabhumi

during the worship of Govardhana Hill, He manifested and expansion of His own

transcendental form and then along with the residents of Vraja, offered


obeisances to this expanded form of Himself. In this way, even though Krsna

is the Original Personality of Godhead, He offered respectful obeisances to His


own expansion, as a part of His transcendental pastimes. Offering obeisances

to His expansion during the worship of Govardhana Hill, Sri Krsna said ( S.B.

10.24.36): "Accompanied by the residents of Vrajabhumi, I offer my respectful

obeisances to Myself, the Supreme Person."

Anuccheda 92, Text 16

"O Lord Govinda, O beloved of the gopis, O Supreme Controller, O killer of

Kamsa, O supreme object of worship for the demigods, O Lord who expertly lifted


the great Govardhana Hill with one hand and protected all the cows, calves and

cowherds of Vraja, O best of the gopas, please cure the blindness in my


Anuccheda 94

That Sri Krsna is the eternal Personality of Godhead is also confirmed in the

following statement of the cowherd residents of Vrndavana (Srimad Bhagavatam


"Let Krsna, who is so kind, beautiful and merciful, protect us. When angry

Indra sent torrents of rain, accompanied by showers of ice blocks and high


He immediately took compassion upon us and saved us and out families, cows,

and valuable possessions by picking up the Govardhana Hill, just as a child

picks up a mushroom. He saved us so wonderfully. May He continue to mercifully

glance over us and our cows. May we live peacefully under the protection of

wonderful Krsna."*

Anuccheda 106, Text 69

....where is the beautiful and opulent hill named Govardhana, which is filled

with pleasant streams, waterfalls, and caves with many minerals and precious

jewels, and crowded with many handsome birds,...

Anuccheda 152, Text 6

The word 'sukhapah' may also be interpreted to mean 'easily understood'. When

Sri Krsna performs extraordinary feats (such as the lifting of Govardhana

Hill), the mental speculators and materialists immersed in the bodily concept


life become able to understand that Sri Krsna is the Supreme Personality of

Godhead. The intimate devotees and associates of the Lord, however, continue to


consider the Lord to be their friend or son, and thus, in one sense, it is

difficult for them to understand the true position of the Lord, because of


intimate friendship with Him.

Anuccheda 172, Text 2

Each different abode of the Lord has its own specific feature, and specific

pastimes are enjoyed in each abode. There is no overlapping of pastimes, where

the pastimes of one abode are performed in another. However, even in the

Lord's manifest pastimes within the material world, the Lord's abode manifests


wonderful features. For example, although the inner part of Dvaraka city is

only 12 yojanas (96 miles) in diameter, within that relatively small place

there are millions of palaces 2 krosas (4 miles) across, as well as many


lakes and so on, all very large. Another example is the valley Govardhana

Hill, which although very small in size, contains the infinitely large


realm of Gokula.

Sri Brihad-Bhagavatamirta, The Nectar of the Supreme Personality of Godhead

by Srila Sanatana Goswami

Text 7

Glory to Govardhana Hill, the king of mountains, the hill the gopis declared

was the best servant of Lord Hari, the hill personally worshipped by Lord

Krsna when He stopped the indra-yajna, the hill that for seven days rested on


Krsna's lotus hand.

Text 87

In the land of Vraja, in Vrndavana forest, or on Govardhana Hill, places

where there is no danger of their being killed or stolen, the cows, buffaloes,


other animals go in the morning, eat grass and drink water to their heart's

content, and then voluntarily return to their homes in the evening.

Sri Vraja-vilasa-stava: Prayers Glorifying the Lord's Pastimes in Vraja by

Srila Raghunatha dasa Gosvami

Text 51

Full of love for the residents of Vraja, and eager to protect Him, Lord Krsna

respectfully lifted Govardhana Hill for seven days with His graceful hand.

The caves of Govardhana Hill are splendidly decorated with kunkuma particles

left when Sri Sri Radha-Krsna enjoyed transcendental pastimes. May Govardhana

Hill, which is studded with many beautiful jewels, protect you all.

Text 53

The delightful forest of Vrndavana, beautiful Govardhana Hill and the

nectarean area of the rasa dance, what to speak of other places are not equal

to even

a single particle of Radha-kunda and Syama-kunda. Let me take shelter of

these two lakes, which are more dear to Lord Krsna than His own life's breath.

Text 64

The Manasa-ganga River flows so swiftly on the side of Govardhana Hill that

it's waves push the splendid rocks lining it's shores. I pray the Manasa-ganga

River, where Sri Sri Gandharvika-Muravimardana (Sri Sri Radha-Krsna) enjoy

jubilant boating pastimes, may give me shelter.

Text 75

When Vraja's king offered a great quantity of foodstuff to Govardhana Hill,

Krsna, the enemy of Aghasura, assumed a gigantic form, proclaimed that He was

actually Govardhana Hill, invited everyone to ask boons from Him, and, fooling

even Srimati Radharani, ate all the offered food. Let me take shelter of the

anna-kuta festival, when Lord Krsna enjoyed these pastimes.

Text 76

Charming and handsome Lord Krsna enjoys transcendental pastimes on the summit

of Govardhana Hill, the king of mountains. There He splendidly manifest,

eternally enjoying the pleasures of a transcendental king. With great love and

devotion I worship Govardhana Hill, where Lord Krsna enjoys transcendental


Text 79

Sri-sarovara, Brahma-sarovara, Kadambakhanda-sarovara, Sumanah-sarovara,

Rudra-sarovara, Apsarah-sarovara, Gaurika-sarovara, Jyotsnamoksana-sarovara,

Malyahara-sarovara, Vibudhari-sarovara, Indradhvaja-sarovara, and many other

beautiful lakes are splendidly manifested as so many beautiful jewels in a


around divine Govardhana Hill. Let me glorify these transcendental lakes.

Text 103

When, aimlessly wandering around Govardhana Hill, madly calling out "O Radha!

O Krsna!" again and again, and stumbling as I walk, will I sprinkle the

places of the Lord's pastimes with tears from my eyes?

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