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Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti's Govardhanastakam

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Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti's Govardhanastakam

1. krsna-prasadena samasta-saila-

samrajyam apnoti ca vairino 'pi

sakrasya yah prapa balim sa saksad

govardhano me disatam abhistam


krsna -- of Krsna; prasadena -- by the mercy; samasta -- of all; saila

--mountains; samrajyam -- sovereignty; apnoti -- attains; ca -- and;

vairinah -- from the enemy; api -- even; sakrasya -- Indra; yah -- who;

prapa -- attained; balim -- the respectful offering; sah -- he; saksad --

directly; govardhanah -- Govardhana Hill; me -- my; disatam -- may grant;



May Govardhana Hill, which by Krsna's mercy became the king of all mountains

and received the respectful tribute of its arch-enemy Indra, fulfull my



2. sva-prestha-hastambuja-saukumarya-

sukhanubhuter ati-bhumi-vrtteh

mahendra-vajrahatim apy ajanam

govardhano me disatam abhistam


sva -- own; prestha -- dear; hasta -- hand; ambuja -- lotus; saukumarya --

delicateness; sukha -- of transcendental bliss; anubhuteh -- from the

experience; ati -- abode; bhumi -- the earth; vrtteh -- because of the

activity; mahendra -- of Indra; vajra -- of the thunderbolts; ahatim --

the striking; api --even; ajanan -- unaware


As it was held above the earth it became so filled with happiness by

experiencing the softness of its beloved Krsna's lotus hand it did not even

know it was being struck by Indra's thunderbolt. May Govardhana Hill

fulfill my desire.


3. yatraiva krsno vrsabhanu-putrya

danam grhitum kalaham vitene

sruteh sprha yatra mahaty atah sri-

govardhano me disatam abhistam


yatra -- where; eva -- certainly; krsnah -- Krsna; vrsabhanu-putrya --

with Srimati Radharani, the daughter of King Vrsabhanu; danam -- the toll;

grhitum -- to collect; kalaham -- quarrel; vitene - instigated; sruteh - of

the Vedas; sprha -- desire; yatra -- where; mahati -- great; atah -- from

that; sri- govardhanah -- Govardhana Hill.


Trying to collect a toll, Krsna quarrelled there with King Vrsabhanu's

daughter. The personified Vedas yearn to listed to that quarrel. May

Govardhana his fulfill my desire.


4. snatva sarah svasu samira-hasti

yatraiva nipadi-paraga-dhulih

alolayan khelati caru sa sri-

govardhano me disatam abhistam


snatva – having bathed; sarah -- in the lake; svasu -- very quickly;

samira -- of the breese; hasti -- the elephant; yatra -- where; eva --

certainly; nipa -- of the kadamba; adi -- and the other flowers;

paraga-dhulih -- carrying the pollen; alolayan -- moving; khelati -- plays;

caru -- pleasantly; sah -- he; sri-govardhanah -- Govardhana Hill.


Bathing in a nearby lake, the elephant of a pleasant breeze, covered with

pollen of kadamba and other flowers, gracefully plays there. May Govardhana

Hill fulfill my desire.


5. kasturikabhih sayitam kim atrety

uham prabhoh svasya muhur vitanvan


govardhano me disatam abhistam


kasturikabhih -- with fragrant musk; sayitam -- sleeping; kim -- how is

it?; atra - here; iti -- thus; uham -- transformation; prabhoh -- of the

Supreme Lord; svasya -- own; muhur -- repeatedly; vitanvan -- spreading;

naisargika -- natural; sviya -- own; sila -- rocks; sugandhaih -- with



Does the sweet fragrance of Govardhana come from the musk deer who relax

there? From the Lord who plays there? Or is it Govardhana's own natural

scent? May Govardhana Hill fulfill my desire.


6. vamsa-pratidhvany-anusara-vartma

didrksavo yatra harim harinyah

yantyo labhante na hi vismitah sa

govardhano me disatam abhistam


vamsa -- of the flute; pratidhvani -- echo; anusara -- following; vartma --

path; didrksavah -- eager to see; yatra -- where; harim -- Lord Hari;

harinyah - the deer; yantyah -- going; labhante -- attain; na -- not; hi

-- indeed; vismitah -- astonished; sah - he.


Searching there for Lord Hari on the path of His flute music, the astonished

deer do not find Him. May Govardhana Hill fulfill my desire.


7. yatraiva gangam anu navi radham

arohya madhye tu nimagna-naukah

krsno hi radhanugalo babhau sa

govardhano me disatam abhistam


yatra -- where; eva --- certainly; gangam -- the river; anu -- following;

navi -- in the boat; radham --- Srimati Radharani; arohya -- invited to

enter; madhye -- in the middle; tu -- but; nimagna-naukah -- began to

sink; krsnah -- Lord Krsna; hi -- certainly; radha-anugalah -- with

Srimati Radharani fearfully clinging to Krsna's neck; babhau -- appeared

very splendid; sah -- He.


As the Divine Couple travelled on the Ganges there the boat began to sink in

the middle. Krsna was splendidly handsome as Radha clung to His neck. May

Govardhana Hill fulfill my desire.


8. vina bhavet kim hari-dasa-varya-

padasrayam bhaktir atah srayami

yam eva saprema nijesayoh sri-

govardhano me disatam abhistam


vina -- without; bhavet -- there may be; kim -- how?; hari -- of Lord

Hari; dasa -- of the servants; varya -- of the best; pada -- of the lotus

feet; asrayam -- the shelter; bhaktih -- pure devotional service; atah --

therefore; asrayami -- I take shelter; yam -- of whom; eva -- certainly;

sa - with; prema -- pure love of Godhead; nija-isayoh -- of my two masters;


WIthout taking shelter of the feet of the hill that is the best of Lord

Hari's servants and full of love for the divine king and queen, how is it

possible to attain pure devotional service? May Govardhana Hill fulfill my



9. etat pathed yo hari-dasa-varya-

mahanubhavastakam ardra-cetah

sri-radhika-madhavayoh padabja-

dasyam sa vinded acirena saksat


etat -- this; pathet -- may read; yah - who; hari-dasa-varya -- of the

best of Lord Hari's servants; maha -- with great; anubhava -- glories;

astakam -- eight verses; ardra -- moistened with love of Godhead; cetah --

whose mind; sri-radhika-madhavayoh -- of Sri Sri Radha-Madhava; pada --

feet; abja -- lotus; dasyam -- service; sah -- he; vindet -- may find;

acirena -- quickly; saksat -- directly.


May the reader of these eight verses glorifying Lord Hari's greatest

servant, his heart melting with pure love, quickly attain direct service to

the lotus feet of Sri Sri Radha-Madhava.











by Srila Raghunath das Goswami




O Govardhana! You became the umbrella which was held by the arm of your own

Lord Krsna! In this way Sri Krsna diminished Indra, the king of the

demigods, who was intoxicated by great pride. You are the incomparable king

of all the big mountains, please allow me to live close by you.




O Govardhana! The young Divine Couple, Sri Sri Radha-Krsna, play splendid

wild loving games in your every cave, so I became very eager to see Them

there. Please allow me to live close by you.




O Govardhana! In topmost joy Krsna plays together with Balarama and the

cowherd boys in your incomparable jeweled pavilions and thrones, in the

hollows of your trees, in your caves, and valleys. Please allow me to live

close by you!




O Govardhana! You are the witness of Radha and Krsna's tax game (In which

Krsna charges tax from the ghee the gopis carry on their heads) which is an

ocean of mellows. You increase the joy of the mellows of the devotees with

your display of bluish platforms that are full of splendour and fragrance.

Please allow me to live close by you!




O Govardhana! You affectionately and secretly embrace the neck of your own

dear friend, Sri Radha Kunda, the place which is very dear to you and Lord

Hari. Please allow me to live close by you and show me the intimate pastimes

of the Divine Young Couple there!





O Govardhana! You make your name, keeper of cows, successfully constantly

giving land, water, grass and the shade of your trees to the cows and thus

you are famous in the three worlds. Please allow me to live close by you!




O Govardhana! Your glories are increased by the enemy of Aghasura and

Bakasura, Sri Krsna, when He protected the Vrajavasis and vanquished Indra

by quickly using you as their new shelter from the rain. Please allow me to

live close by you.!




O Govardhana! King of mountains! Because the nectar of your name as Hari's

best servant emanated from Srimati Radharani's pearl-like mouth, which was

revealed by Vedic scriptures like Srimad Bhagavatam (10.21.18), you are

called the new tilaka (because of your long thin bluish shape at the edge

of Vraja) of Vraja. Please allow me to live close by you.




O Govardhana! You are the only giver of joy to Sri Sri Radha Krsna and Their

associates, that are always surrounded by the people, animals and birds of

Vraja in the mood of friendship. Please mercifully accept me and allow me to

live close by you.




O Govardhana! Although I am vile and deceitful, the causelessly merciful Sri

Sacinandana submitted me to you. Therefore, do not consider whether I am

qualified or unqualified and accept me. Allow me please to live close by





Anyone who carefully recites these ten verses praising the king of mountains

Srila Govardhana, that are the givers of divine mellows, will swiftly attain

a place to live close by Govardhana, the bestower of bliss, and he will

attain the precious jewel of the auspicious loving service of the Divine

Couple, Sri Sri Radha Krsna.


namaste girirajaya sri govardhana namine

ashesha klesha nashaya paramananda dayine

I offer my respectful obeisances unto the king of all hills, Govardhana Hill

(the source of enjoyment for the senses, land, and cows). He is a servant

of Krsna and is Krsna Himself. He puts an end to unlimited sufferings and

bestows the supreme bliss. (Preyo Bhakti Rasarnava)

hantayam adrir abala hari-dasa-varyo

yad rama-krsna-carana-sparasa-pramodah

manam tanoti saha-go-ganayos tayor yat


Of all the devotees, this Govardhana Hill is the best! O my friends, this

hill supplies Krsna and Balarama, along with Their calves, cows and cowherd

friends, with all kinds of necessities-water for drinking, very soft grass,

caves, fruits, flowers and vegetables. In this way the hill offers respects

to the Lord. Being touched by the lotus feet of Krsna and Balarama,

Govardhana Hill appears very jubilant. (SB 10.21.18)


These two verses are known as the sri-govardhana-pranama-mantra.



govardhano jayati saila-kulaadhi-raajo

yo gopikaabhirudito hari-daasa-varyah

krsnena sakra-makha-bhanga-krtaarcito yah

saptaaham asya kara-padma-tale 'py avatseet

saptaaham evaacyuta-hasta-pankaje

bhrngaayamaanam phala-moola-kandaraih

samsevyamaanam harim aatma-vindakair

govardhanaadrim sirasaa namaami



"Glorious is Sri Govardhana, the great King in the dynasty of hills, whom

the gopis praised as the best of Krsna's servants; who was resting for seven

days in Krsna's lotus hand and whom Krsna made worshipable by disrupting

Indra's sacrifice."


"I offer my prostrated obeisances to the Govardhana Hill, who was kept for

seven days in the lotus hand of the infallible Lord Krsna and who served Him

with his own paraphernalia—swarms of black bees and an abundance of

delicious fruits and roots."








Both verses are related to SB 10.21.18 and that is why I have translated

"gopikabhiruditah" as "praised" by the gopis. The word would normally mean

"bewailed by the gopis". It must have been used to refer to the special

state of mind in which the gopis were when they glorified Krsna's

flute.(Your servant, Ekanatha dasa)



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