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Best wishes for Deepavali

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Greetings and Best wishes to all advaitins on this

joyous and auspicious occasion.


May Lord Rama's name bless everyones minds.


Hari OM




Shri Ram Chandra Charan


Shri Ram Chandra Charanau manasaa smaraami

Shri Ram Chandra Charanau vachasaa grinaami

Shri Ram Chandra Charanau Shirasaa namaami

Shri Ram Chandra Charanau Sharanam prapadye


I remember the two feet of Rama in my mind, I praise

them by my speech, I bow to them with my head, I take

resort in them!


Maataa Ramo Matpitaa. Ram Chandrah

Swaami Ramo matsakhaa Ram Chandrah

Sarvasvam may Ram Chandra Dayaalur

Naanyam jaane naive jaane na jaane


Rama is like my mother, father, master and friend,

indeed the kind-hearted Rama is all I have. I know of

no other like him, I really don't!


Dakshiney Lakshmano yasya vaame cha janakaatmajaa I

Purato marutir yasya tama vande Raghunandanam


I salute that Rama who has Lakshmana on his right and

Sita on the left and who has Hanuman in his front.


Lokaabhi Ramam rana rangdheeram

Rajeev netram Raghuvansh naatham

Kaarunya roopam karunaa karantam

Shri Ram Chandram Sharanam prapadye


I take refuge in that Rama who is quite pleasing to

the sight, the master of the stage of war, lotus-eyed,

lord of the Raghu race and compassion-personified.


Manojavam maarut tulya vegam

Jitendriyam buddhi mataam varishttham

Vaataatmjam vaanar youth mukhyam

Shri Ram dootam Sharanam prapadye


I take refuge in the Lord Hanuman who is as fast as

the mind, equals his father, the wind-God, in speed,

is the master of the senses, the foremost amongst the

learned, the leader of the Monkey forces and the great

messenger of Sri Rama.


Koojantam Ram raameti madhuram madhuraaksharam I

Aaruhya Kavitaa Shakhaam vande Vaalmikilokilam


I salute the great sage Valmiki who sings the glorious

name of Rama resorting to his Ramayana as sweetly as a

cuckoo will sing sitting atop a tree.


Aapdaampahar taaram daataaram sarvsampdaam I

Lokaabhiramam Shri Ramam bhooyo bhooyo namaamya hum

Bharjanam bhav beejaanaam arjanam sukh sampdaam I

Tarjanam yum dootaanaam Ram Rameti garjanam


I bow again and again to Rama who removes all

obstacles and grants all wealth and pleases all.The

roar of the name of Rama is the destruction of the

cause of rebirth (hence the cause of liberation),

generates wealth and scares Yama's (death's)



Ramo Rajmani sadaa vijayate Ramam Ramesham bhaje

Ramenaa bhihtaa nishaacharchamoo Ramaay tasmai namah

Ramannaasti paraayanam partaram Ramasya daasosmyaham

Rame Chittalayah sadaa bhavtu me bho Ram maamudhhar


I worship Rama, the jewel among the kings, through

whom the hordes of demons have been destroyed. Beyond

Him there is nothing to be worshipped. I am His

servant, my mind is totally absorbed in Him. O Rama,

please lift me up. {This verse gives all the seven

declensions of the singular word Rama and gives one

way of remembering them! }


Ram Rameti Rameti Ramey Rame manoramey I

Sahastra naam tatulyam Ram naam varaananey


O fair-faced Parvati! I enjoy saying Rama Rama.

Uttering but once the name of 'Rama' is equal to the

uttering of any other name of God, a thousand times.



--- Ramesh Krishnamurthy <rkmurthy > wrote:


> Namaste,


> Greetings to all members on the joyous occasion of

> Deepavali.


> And to our Gujarati brethren, best wishes for a

> happy & prosperous new year


> svastirastu

> Ramesh








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Thank you Sri Shyamji for these delightful verses !


may i also share these words from Mata tripurasundari the follwing

words from Tripura Rahasya , a treatise on Sri vidya ?


"A lamp illumines all around but does not illumine itself or another

light. It shines of itself without other sources of light. Things

shine in sunlight without the necessity for any other kind of



Because lights do not require to be illumined, do we say

that they are not known or that they do not exist?


Therefore, as it is thus with lights and things made aware

by the conscious self, what doubt can you have

regarding abstract consciousness, namely the


Lights and things being insentient, cannot be self-aware. Still,

their existence or manifestation is under no doubt. That means they

are self-luminous. Can you not similarly investigate with an inward

mind in order to find out if the all-comprehending Self is

conscious or not conscious?


That Consciousness is absolute and transcends the three states

(wakefulness, dream and slumber) and comprises all the universe

making it manifest. Nothing can be apprehended without

its light.


Will anything be apparent to you, if there be no consciousness? Even

to say that nothing is apparent to you (as in sleep) requires the

light of consciousness. Is not your awareness of your

unawareness (in sleep) due to consciousness?


If you infer its eternal light, then closely investigate

whether the light is of itself or not. Everybody falls in

this investigation however learned and proficient he

may be, because his mind is not bent inward but

restlessly moves outward. As long as thoughts crop up, so

long has the turning inward of the mind not been

accomplished. As long as the mind is not inward, so long the

Self cannot be realised. Turning inward means absence

of desire. How can the mind be fixed within if

desires are not given up?


Therefore become dispassionate and inhere as the Self. Such

inherence is spontaneous (no effort is needed to inhere as the

Self). It is realised after thoughts are eliminated and

investigation ceases. Recapitulate your state after you break

off from it, and then will know all and the significance of its

being knowable and unknowable at the same time. Thus realising the

unknowable, one abides in immortality for ever and ever."


Tripura Rahasya - a shakta treatise


This great work called Tripura Rahasya...the

secret lore of tripura is as valid in the sect of

tripura as the kalpa sutras itself....this also referred

to as haritayana samhita (sometimes),comes to us

through gurus like dattatreya...parashurama etc..This is

a classic text on advaita...it has two

parts...maahatmya khanda and jnana khanda...the latter was held in

high regard by the great ramana maharishi....

















-- In advaitin, Shyam <shyam_md wrote:


> Greetings and Best wishes to all advaitins on this

> joyous and auspicious occasion.


> May Lord Rama's name bless everyones minds.


> Hari OM

> Shyam




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Happy Diwali to all advaitins and prosperous new



Hari Om




--- Shyam <shyam_md > wrote:


> Greetings and Best wishes to all advaitins on this

> joyous and auspicious occasion.


> May Lord Rama's name bless everyones minds.

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On this sacred day of Deepavali and on the eve of 'eid' , i would

like to recall the words of the Father of the nation, Mahatma



Gandhiji said


"By Ram Raj, I do not mean Hindu Raj. I mean by Ram Raj, Divine Raj,

The Kingdom of God. For me, Ram and Rahim are one and the same

deity. "


This is the real 'advaita' - non-duality!


Here are the lyrics of Gandhiji's favortte Bhajan at his prayer



Raghupati Râghava Râjâ Râm,

Patita pâvana Sîtâ Râm.


Sîtâ Râm, Sîtâ Râm,

Bhaja pyârê tû Sîtâ Râm.


Raghupati Râghava Râjâ Râm,

Patita pâvana Sîtâ Râm.


Îshvara Allâh tere nâm,

Sabkô sanmati dê bhagavân.


Raghupati Râghava Râjâ Râm,

Patita pâvana Sîtâ Râm.


Râta kô niñdiyâ, dina tô kâm.

Kabhî bajôgê prabhu kâ nâm.


Raghupati Râghava Râjâ Râm,

Patita pâvana Sîtâ Râm.


Karatê rahiyê apanê kâm.

Lêtê rahiyê Hari kâ nâm.


Raghupati Râghava Râjâ Râm,

Patita pâvana Sîtâ Râm.




King Râghava Râm, Scion of Raghu,

Heir of holy Sitâ and Râm.


Sitâ and Râm, Sitâ and Râm,

Thou beautiful God, Sitâ and Râm.


King Râghava Râm, Scion of Raghu,

Heir of holy Sitâ and Râm.


God, the Lord thy name,

Give the right knowledge to all, O Lord.


King Râghava Râm, Scion of Raghu,

Heir of holy Sitâ and Râm.


Night to sleep, daytime to work,

Often to sound the name of the Lord.


King Râghava Râm, Scion of Raghu,

Heir of holy Sitâ and Râm.


Continue doing your own work,

Continue calling the name of Hari.


King Râghava Râm, Scion of Raghu,

Heir of holy Sitâ and Râm.



Yes! Gandhiji loved all Faiths and worked hard for the unity of

hindus and moslems . In a world now torn apart from Religious

fanaticism and extemism, it is good to remember Mahatamiji's message

for universal harmony and peace !


In this context i would also like to recall the words of Sant Kabir

das , a hindu-sufi mystic!


Kabir On Ram and Allah


If God be within the mosque, then to whom does this world belong?


If Ram be within the image which you find upon your pilgrimage,


then who is there to know what happens whithout?


Hari is in the East: Allah is in the West. Look within your heart,


for there you will find both Karim and Ram;


All the men and women of the world are His living forms.


Kabir is the child of Allah and of Ram: He is my Guru, He is my Pir.

Kabir on Oneness of Humanity


All Beings are Created


from the One Light,


Then how can we say


some are good and some bad.


Saint Kabir explains that all beings are created from the Light of

the same God. Irrespective of the superficial differences based on

religion, caste, gender, age, race, nationality, or other factors,

every Soul is equal before the Lord. It is wrong to say that one is

better than the other.



The Hindu says Ram is supreme


the Muslim, Rahim


both die fighting each other


neither knowing the Truth.



Remembering You ever


egoless, I have merged with You


no more the cycle of births and deaths


wherever the eye goes I see You.



Brimming with devotion to God I am


this world ties me no more


a pitcher once backed, says Kabir


needs no potter's wheel again.




ON this sacred day , let us resolve to kindle the 'Light' of love in


atmosphere of mutual love and understanding!




More light!

[Mehr Licht!]


(Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe (1749-1832), German poet, dramatist.

Attributed last words. According to Oxford Dictionary of Quotations,

ed. Angela Partington (1992), Goethe's actual last words were: "Open

the second shutter, so that more light can come in.")



dear ones! open your hearts and souls so 'more light' can enter! As

our beloved sufi poet says " THEY SAY THERE IS A WINDOW THAT OPENS




Love and Light !























advaitin, Shyam <shyam_md wrote:


> Greetings and Best wishes to all advaitins on this

> joyous and auspicious occasion.


> May Lord Rama's name bless everyones minds.


> Hari OM

> Shyam



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