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Calling Out to Lord Krsna

Translated by Kusakratha dasa

1 This book, Sri Govinda-virudavali, is very auspicious. When one reads it

Sri Govinda becomes pleased.

2 O lotus-eyed Lord, when You wish to enjoy pastimes in the material world

You appoint the demigod Brahma to create places for them and You also appoint

the demigod Siva to eventually remove those places . The Viraja river, which is


a moat surrounding the Vaikuntha worlds and which contains within its waters

many millions of places where You enjoy pastimes, is like a small handful of

water to You. O Lord, now that You have stopped enjoying pastimes in this


what prayers shall the saintly devotees recite to glorify You?

3 May Lord Krsna's (the numberless waves of whose transcendental pastimes

crushed the pride of the powerful demigod Indra) left hand, which lifted the


of mountains (Govardhana Hill) as if it were an umbrella, bring

transcendental happiness to this world.

4 O Lord whose footsteps crush the pride of the elephant Airavata, O Lord

whose charming bodily fragrance robs Your friends of their weariness, O Lord


crushes the strength and pride of the demons, O Lord who delights the hearts

of the saintly devotees, O Lord who enjoys transcendental amorous pastimes

without any check, O Lord whose arms are like two serpents, O Lord who wears

flower-bud earrings, O Lord whose transcendental form is anointed with splendid


sandal paste, O Playful and witty Lord, O Lord who defeated the Kaliya serpent,


Lord who gives the great favour (of liberation) to even the demons, O Lord

whose charming smile removed the fears of the astonished demigod Brahma, O Lord


whose affectionate (brother) Baladeva could guess (that you had expanded

Yourself as the boys and calves), O Lord who was for an entire year separated


Your friends and calves, O Lord whose splendid voice defeats the roaring of

thunder, O Lord who rebukes the envious demons, all glories to the sound of


flute, which is a splendid moon that brings great tidal waves to the ocean of

amorous desires of the beautiful girls in the heavenly planets, and which is

an Agastya Muni drinking the ocean of peaceful composure of the very sober,

responsible, and respectable girls of Gokula.

5 O lifter of Govardhana Hill, O protector of the surabhi cows, O friend of

the cowherd boys, O helper of the devotees, O Lord Mukunda (Krsna), I pray that


for You, who wear a great and splendid crown of peacock feathers, whose

restless sidelong glances stun the wandering bumblebees, and who enjoys

transcendental pastimes in a cottage in the forest by the shore of the Yamuna

River, I

may always feel the purest love.

6 O Lord whose garments are as splendid as lightning, O Lord whose broad arms

are like slithering serpents, O Lord glorified by beautiful demigoddess

maidens travelling in the sky, O Lord followed by a host of intelligent and


friends intent on Your protection, O Lord who delights the charming and

affectionate people of Vraja, O Lord from whose mouth come ever-new sounds that


great happiness to the ear, O Lord who holds a beautiful blossomed lotus

flower in Your hand, O Lord who removed the pride of the angrily bellowing

bull-demon, O Lord who destroyed the angry demonic army in battle, O Lord


with golden tilaka, O Lord who tastes the nectar of love for the sometimes


and sometimes satisfied young girls of Vraja, please reside in the loving

hearts of Your devotees.

O Lord, O killer of the Agha demon, may we find happiness in the deep ocean

of Your transcendental pastimes, where the great waves of Your smiles and

laughter rock the universes, where the centre is always crowded with the many

makharas of the surrendered souls, and where the swans of the great devotees


to their full satisfaction.

7 O youthful, merciful Lord, O tamala tree decorated with gunja, flowering

vines, and peacock feathers, O Lord decorating the gopas and delighting Rohini

and Yasoda, the moon of Your glory, born from the ocean of Your Gokula

pastimes, at one time illuminated this world.

8 O killer of Aristasura, O ornament of the devotees, O Lord decorated with

sandal paste, O delight of the surrendered souls, O jubilantly restless Lord, O


Lord who throws restless glances from the corners of Your glistening eyes, O

Lord who wears swinging kadamba flower earrings, O Lord who enters a charming

mountain cave, O Lord whose movements are more graceful than those of the most

elegant great elephant, O handsome Lord who pleases a host of friends and

relatives, please bring transcendental happiness now to the beautiful gopis in

the great forest of Vrndavana.

9 O Lord who kills the demons, O Lord who kisses the murali flute, O Lord who

bows down to offer respects to Your mother, O Lord who delights the gopis,

all glories to you!

All glories to that person who is eternally in love with the lotuslike gopis,

whose ever-fresh bodily fragrance attracts and intoxicates the bumblebees,

who holds a charming lotus flower, who knows the deepest secrets and who enjoys


pastimes like a regal elephant in the jungle by the Yamuna's shore.

10 O hero, all glories to You! All glories to You! O Hero of the mellows of

transcendental amorous pastimes, O hero whose teeth defeat the thunderbolt, O

hero who defeats the armies of the demons, O hero who enjoys pastimes with Your


garlanded friends, O hero who wears a necklace of transcendental jewels, O

enjoyer of the rasa dance, O hero with a blossoming smile, O hero splendidly

anointed with fragrant powder, O hero whose forest-flower garland is glorified


hosts of bumblebees, O protector of the people of Vraja, O affectionate

friend of the devotees, O hero whose glistening earrings swing on Your

shoulders, O

hero who attracts the swans with the musical sound of Your long flute, O hero

who extinguished the forest fire, O hero who shines with love for Your

affectionate friends, O hero whose voice is like thunder, O hero whose chest is


anointed with kunkuma from the full breasts of the gopis, O hero who stopped


indra-yajna, O hero who at once lifted Govardhana Hill, all glories to You!

In Vraja's hero, who is beyond the rules of the Vedas, whose power and

heroism is glorified in many beautiful songs, who is surrounded by His dear

devotees, whose chest is now yellow, anointed with kunkuma, who enjoys pastimes

in a

newly constructed forest cottage, who wears a splendid golden sash, and who is

a deep ocean of the nectar of love, may we place all our love.

11 O Lord whose curling locks of hair and whose splendid bimba-fruit lips are

kissed by Your mother, all glories to You.

O Lord Krsna, O killer of the Mura demon, when the god of love saw the great

flood of the splendour of Your toenails, a splendour far greater than the

shining of hundreds of full moons, he became despondent and, abandoning all


in his own handsomeness, became disembodied.

12 O Lord who punished a demon who made a great whirlwind of hard, sharp,

dancing dust, O crusher of the demons, O protector of the devotees, O Lord


unique transcendental qualities bring a great festival of happiness to Your

friends, O Lord who, by lifting a mountain with one of Your transcendental


protected Your friends troubled by harsh thunder, O Lord who rebuked the king

of heaven for his pride, O Lord to whom King Indra, his illusion now

dispelled, offered prayers, O Lord who celebrated a great festival, O hero , O


who plays in the Yamuna, all glories to the king of mantras: Your flute's fifth


note, which bewilders the intelligence, drives away shyness, subdues the

elephants of the fear of transgressing the rules of religion, and draws to it


transcendental forms of the beautiful-eyebrowed gopis.

13 O Lord who, with the sweet sound of Your flute, attracts the gopis to the

forest, O Lord who is very pleased by intelligent Radhika, O Lord expert at

delighting thousands of beautiful girls, O lover of a great multitude of

affectionate gopis, O Lord please protect me.

May the arrows of Lord Krsna's sidelong glances, which are shot from moving

eyebrow-bows more proud than the bow of the god of love, which pierce the hard

armour of the pride of the most virtuous girls, and which become thunderbolts

breaking the hearts of the most chaste young girls, bring transcendental

happiness to you.

14 O Lord decorated with swinging vicalika flower earrings, O supreme

ornament of all handsome men, O Lord who fought the king of the snakes, O Lord


removed the fear of the world, O Lord worshipped by Brahma and Siva, O Lord

pleased by the brief prayers of Your servant, O Lord glorified by jubilant King


Indra, O Lord expert at defeating the restless demons, O Lord whose motions

defeat the most graceful elephant, O Lord whose neck is anointed with fragrant

sandal paste, O Lord whose handsome arms are decorated with glistening armlets,


Lord who brings great happiness to Your friends, O Lord who wears jingling

jewelled bracelets, O Lord who wears rangana flowers in Your moving hair, O


whose garments are splendid with kunkuma, O Lord whose bodily fragrance is

very sweet, O Lord who brings transcendental auspiciousness to the home of King


Nanda, O Lord handsomely anointed with colourful ghusrna, O Lord whose lotus

soles are splendidly reddish, O Lord who increases the amorous desires of the

young girls of Vraja, O Lord anointed with musk, please grant auspiciousness to



I pray that upon Lord Krsna, who is colourfully decorated with mineral

pigments from Govardhana Hill, who is a spark to ignite the straw of the

demons, who

is a timingila fish sporting in the ocean of battling the demons, and who is

the auspiciousness of Vraja, I may repose my love.

15 O handsome Lord accompanied by beautiful girls decorated with splendid

necklaces, O ornament of the universe, O Lord whose splendour enchants the


O hero, all glories to You.

The full moon (Lord Krsna) of Vrndavana, which shatters the darkness,

delights the night blooming lotuses, and melts the candramani jewels of the


hearts, shines with great splendour.

16 O Lord who displays all good qualities, O killer of Sakatasura, O Lord who

carries a new stick, O Lord who wanders through the forest, O Lord who enjoys

pastimes of dancing, O charming Lord, O Lord who fills the forest with a

sweet fragrance, O Lord who protects the surabhi cows, O Lord who enchants the

entire world with the music of Your flute, O Lord who has red lips, O youthful

Lord, O Lord who has long arms, O Lord the slightest scent of whose mercy is as


great as an ocean , O Lord who, expanded as Balarama, became like a baby

elephant to squash the grasshopper (of Pralambasura), O Lord who holds a lotus

flower, O Lord who associates with the great devotees expert at relishing the

nectar of transcendental mellows, O thief of the yoghurt jar, O Lord who speaks


very sweetly, O devoted lover of a multitude of beautiful and playful young

girls, O hero, O Lord surrounded by beautiful doe-eyed girls, O Lord who enjoys


pastimes like those of a male elephant enjoying with his many wives, O beloved

of Tulasi, O Lord who made the demons' wives into widows and made them remove

the part in their hair, O Lord, please be compassionate to me.

17 O Lord anointed with sandal paste, O fragrant Lord, O Lord whose cheeks

are the dancing arena for swinging earrings, O Lord whose glistening neck is

decorated with a splendid garland of blossomed jasmine flowers, O Lord


decorated with asoka buds, O Lord whose handsome transcendental form is as

splendid as black kajjala, O Lord who glows with love for Maharaja Nanda, O

hero, all glories to the sweet sound of Your flute, the expert messenger that

arouses the amorous desires of Srimati Radharani, pulls Her from Her home and

takes Her into the forest.

18 O Lord, O auspiciousness of Nanda's wife Yasoda, O Lord who violently

killed the demoness Putana and made her body fall to the ground, O Lord who

harshly punishes the demons, O supremely powerful Lord, O Lord who becomes


in adolescence, O Lord who hides in the porches of Gokula, O Lord who pleases

the cows, land, and senses, O Lord who fills Srimati Radhika with intense

transcendental bliss, O Lord who, by glancing at the blossoming madhavi


in the grove of vetasi trees, becomes inflamed with amorous passion, O delight

of the doe-eyed gopis, O Lord who enjoys pastimes like a maddened elephant, O

Lord who embraces the unembarrassed and affectionate gopis, O Lord whose neck

is decorated with a flower garland that attracts a swarm of charming bees, O

Lord eager to enjoy transcendental pastimes, O Lord whose great crown is

decorated with many patali, kunda and madhavi flowers, O unlimited, Lord, O


please always protect me.

O Lord as handsome as a blossoming blue lotus flower, O root from which the

most intense transcendental bliss has sprouted, O Govinda, please delight me

with the fragrance of Your lotus feet.

19 O Lord whose teeth are like jasmine flowers, O Lord whose belt is

carefully tied, O Lord dressed in golden garments, O Lord whose smiles and


are supremely charming, O husband of the goddess of fortune, may Your smile's

transcendental splendour, which mocks the ocean of nectar, which is the most

powerful aphrodisiac for the gopis, and which, to the eyes of the people of

Vraja, is autumn moonlight that dispels the darkness of ignorance, give

transcendental happiness to us.

20 O Lord who eclipses the splendour of the lustrous blue lotus flowers, O

Lord whose expert dancing has removed the pride of the king of peacocks, O Lord


more handsome than the newly blossoming blue lotus flowers, O Lord whose

handsome yellow garments make You look like a dark monsoon cloud and a flash of


lightning, O Lord who gracefully dances on the Yamuna's shore, O Lord whose

dancing eyes have defeated a host of khanjana birds, O Lord whose arms are


with haricandana, O Lord expert at pleasing the young gopis, O Lord whose

playful sidelong glances are very sweet and filled with ever-new happiness, O

Lord whose face is so fragrant that it attracts a swarm of restless bumblebees,


Lord whose handsome face is as splendid as an autumn moon, O Lord who wears

charming, golden, shark-shaped earrings, O Lord whose arms are a cage to hold

the parrot of the hearts of young girls, O Lord whose hair is gracefully

decorated with many vicalika flowers, O Lord expert at kissing the moonlike

faces of

the beautiful and slender gopis, O Lord who violently crushes the pride of

the demons in battle, O hero, O Lord Krsna, when You play Your flute the gopis

tremble in ecstasy, disengage their hands from decorating their hair and,

forgetting their husbands, at once run to the forest. When the demons hear the

sound of Your flute they tremble in fear, throw away their swords and,


their wives, flee into the forest.

21 O Lord who wears tilaka markings drawn in red kunkuma, O Lord who wears a

garland of madhavi flowers, O Lord who wears many ornaments, O Lord whose neck

is anointed with colour, O handsome golden drinking vessel where the

bumblebees of the eyes of the doe-eyed gopis drink, O monarch of the pastimes


transcendental love, I glorify You, who are decorated with a host of auspicious



22 O fearless Lord, O abode of pure transcendental love, O Lord who is

inclined to Your dear friends, O Lord whose smile has defeated the conchshell,


musician who jubilantly plays clear, high notes, O Lord who happily dances, O

Lord who stays with the affectionate deer, O Lord who wears swinging earrings


many red lavanga flowers strung together, O Lord who wounded a serpent with

the waves of Your dancing, O Lord who becomes filled with transcendental


desire by the sight and sound of the waves of buzzing bees wandering among

the blossoming flowers on the topmost branches of the tall trees, O Lord who


become the audience for the singing and dancing of the swarms of wandering

bumblebees and the graceful waves of restless glances from the eyes of the


does, O Lord who quickly glances from the corner of Your eye, O Lord who sits

on the lap of Your gopi friend at Your secret rendezvous, O Lord whose face

is glorified by the splendid moon, O Lord whose feet are like the lotus, all

glories to You! O Lord, please be merciful to me, who am very poor and sinful.

O Lord whose garments are as splendid as the sunrise, O Lord expert in the

arts of amorous battle, O Lord who, with the waves of Your restless sidelong

glances, devours the thoughts of the gopis, O best of the gopas, please bring

transcendental happiness to my eyes.

23 O Lord whose glistening forehead is decorated with fragrant kunkuma, O

Lord who wears a softly jingling bell, O Lord whose complexion is more splendid


then a mass of new monsoon clouds, O Lord whose flute produces waves of the

most intense sweetness!

I pray that I may love the best of the gopas, who wears charming

flower-blossom earrings, who is a cage where the cakora birds of the young

gopis' eyes lie

captive, and who, anointed with an abundance of fresh kunkuma, now displays a

fair complexion.

24 O Lord whose hair moves in the wind, O splendid Lord, O Lord decorated

with peacock feathers and five kinds of charming flowers, O Lord glorified by


demigod Brahma, O Lord whose sweet flute-music attracts the buzzing bees from

the nearby hills and forests, O Lord who defeated a hostile serpent, O Lord

made yellow by the fresh pollen carried by the breeze limping among the

flowering vines, O Lord who extinguished the fire burning among the munja

grasses, O

Lord who is fond of gunja, O Lord who stays in the forest groves and on the

hills, O Lord eager to enjoy transcendental amorous pastimes, O Lord whose


are more splendid than a newly blossomed red lotus, O Lord who stopped

torrential rains and great winds, O Lord who, with the tinkling sounds of Your


bells and the sweet fragrance of Your transcendental body, has brought to

life a new god of love, O Lord who conquered the pride of the demigod Siva, all


glories to You.

25 O Lord who enjoys the nectar mellows of transcendental amorous pastimes, O

fragrant Lord, O Lord who enjoys the company of the young gopis, O Lord who

has handsome long hair, O Lord decorated with flowers, O Lord who enjoys

pastimes on Govardhana Hill!

O Lord whose dancing eyebrows are more wonderful than the bow of flowers held

by the god of love, O lotus-eyed Lord, please decorate the lotus flower of my


26 O Lord fond of carrying a stick, O Lord whose hair is decorated with

peacock feathers, O Lord within whose cheeks is a smile that is the son of the

crescent moon, O beehive filled with the honey of pure transcendental love, O

moon-faced Lord, O lake filled with the nectar of transcendental amorous


O Lord who crushed the heads of a serpent, O Lord whose abdomen contains all

the universes, O Lord whose anklebells tinkle melodiously, O Lord who fights

very heroically in battle, O Lord whose arms are like two great elephant

trunks, O Lord who kills all the violent and sinful demons, O Lord who with


learning defeats Your friends in a mock battle, O Lord fond of the bhandira

tree, O Lord who broke the pots filled with yoghurt as white as new sea-foam, O


Lord whose sweet flute-music stuns the cuckoos, O lover of the gopis whose

beautiful necks are decorated with jewel necklaces, O hero who is like a


lion in battle, all glories to You! All glories to You!

O Lord whose very powerful arms are like the coils of great snakes, O Lord

whose sandal tilaka marking is very glorious, O lotus-eyed Lord, please


my heart with the splendour of Your face, which eclipses a great host of

rising moons.

27 O archer who moves the bows of Your eyebrows, which eclipse the pride of

the bow carried by the god of love, O Lord who stays under the bhandira tree, O


maddened elephant who stays by the shore of the Yamuna, O Lord surrounded by

splendid lotuslike friends, all glories to You!

28 All glories to You! All glories to You! O slayer of the demons, O Lord who

pleases the entire world with Your transcendental sweetness, O gentle hearted

Lord, O Lord who is fond of Springtime, O Lord who has handsome white teeth,

O Lord who casts restless glances from the corners of Your eyes, O Lord who is

a continual flood of transcendental glory, O powerful companion of numberless

friends, all the great liberated devotees are full of love for You. O Supreme

Personality of Godhead, O son of Nanda, O source of all good qualities, O

Lord whose transcendental form is as splendid as a dark monsoon cloud, O Lord

whose teeth are like splendid jasmine flowers, O Lord whose abdomen contains

numberless universes, O Lord whose hair is decorated with fresh mandara flowers


that fill the forest of Vrndavana with a very sweet fragrance, O Lord


by all the great demigods, O Lord glorified by the most eloquent poets, O

Lord whose two feet rebuke the splendid lotus flowers and the glistening moon,


Lord whose pastimes delight the king of Nandisvara (Maharaja Nanda), all

glories to You!

O Mukunda (Krsna), I pray that the lotus flower of Your face, which is filled

with the flowing nectar of Your splendid smile and the sweet fragrance tasted

by the great swanlike devotees, and which delights the bumblebees of the

gopis' eyes may grow in the lake of my heart.

29 O Lord worshipped by the demigods flying in the sky, O Lord whose flute

music defeats the gandharva musician Tumburu, O Lord surrounded by

handsome-faced deer, O Lord dressed in yellow garments, please enjoy


pastimes with the beautiful gopis on the charming kadamba flower filled shore

of the


30 O Lord who dives into the nectar of transcendental mellows, all glories to

You! O Lord who trembles with love, O Lord who brings auspiciousness to Your

friends, O Lord who is very compassionate to those who bow before You with awe

and trembling, O Lord whose hair is decorated with garlands of blossomed

campa flowers that eclipse the splendour of lightning, O Lord whose face is

glorified by earrings of blossomed kadamba flowers, O dear friend of the


boys, O Lord whose face is like a splendid lotus flower blossoming wide with


rising of the sun, O Lord whose arms are very long and powerful, O Lord who is

very bold in kissing the young gopis, whose lips are like bimba fruits and

whose breasts like the bulging forehead of Ganesa, O Lord who is very eager to

embrace the gopis, O Lord, please give auspiciousness to Your devotees. O Lord

whose appearance mocks the splendour of a dark cloud and glistening lightning,

O Lord to whom the demigod Siva bows down, O Lord who defeats the pride of

Indra, who holds the powerful thunderbolt in his hand, O Lord, even though I am


a debauchee at heart, please give to me a drop of Your perfect transcendental


O Lord who is like a maddened elephant in the blossoming forests and cottages

of flowering vines by the shores of the Yamuna, O Lord whose splendid dark

limbs condemn the glory of black anjana, please make me happy by splashing me

with the waves of Your playful sidelong glance.

31 O Lord whose complexion mocks the splendour of blue lotus flowers, O Lord

whose eyes are like two restless khanjana birds, O Lord who kisses the young

gopis, O Lord who wears a kadamba flower in Your moving locks of hair, O Lord

who, surrounded in the auspicious place of flowering vines by beautiful gopis

restless wit love as they play love songs on vinas, jokingly plays the notes of


mullara raga on Your flute, please make my eyes blossom wide open with the

charming lightning flash of Your pastimes.

32 O Lord who, past the border of the great city of Vraja enters the grove of

flowering vines filled with many small ponds and lakes, many crickets,and

many beautiful malli, sivamalli and kumuda flowers, O Lord who enjoys the

hallisaka dance, O Lord whose restless eyebrows have defeated the god of love,

O Lord

gracefully decorated with tilaka, O Lord as handsome as hundreds of demigods

of love, O Lord who splashes in the lake of playful mock battles, O Lord whose

transcendental pastimes are supremely auspicious, please protect us,

O Lord who, by moving the wonderful flowering vine bows of Your eyebrows

makes the gopis tremble, O dear son of Yasoda, O Lord surrounded by the


surabhi cows and calves, please gloriously appear before us.

33 O perfect friend to play with the gopas, O Lord whose reddish lips are

like newly blossomed sprouts, O Lord who is very submissive to Your beloved

gopis, O Lord even a small drop of the intense sweetness of whose


pastimes remains remote and difficult to attain for the great sages fixed in

santa-rasa, O Lord who displays wonderful youthful prowess in pastimes of

wrestling, O Lord surrounded by doe-eyed girls blossoming with happiness, O

Lord the

playful movements of whose eyebrows arouse their amorous passions, O Lord who

bears the sweet fragrance of many jasmine flowers, O Lord whose sweet music

enchants the deer, O Lord whose hair is circled by a garland of red hallaka

flowers, O hero!

With great happiness I worship the Sri Krsna asoka tree, which, its shoulders

embraced by the tendril hands of gopi vines, is now blossoming with

transcendental bliss.

34 O Lord whose restless, reddish, merciful, handsome eyes have entered the

hearts of the young gopis, O Lord who sometimes rests in a mountain cave, O

shelter of the gopas, O Lord whose feet are like blossoming flowers, O Lord

handsomely reddened with auspicious kunkuma, O Lord decorated with sandal

paste, O

Lord whose words are gladdening, O Lord who broke the cart demon, O Lord who

punishes the fearful and arrogant demons, O Lord who is a festival of happiness


for human society, O Lord who protects the surabhi cows, O Lord who carries a

buffalo horn bugle, O Lord who defeated the Kaliya serpent, O Lord who lifted

transcendental Govardhana Hill, O Lord whose eyes are very handsome, O Lord

who walks as a graceful elephant, O abode of eloquent words that arouse the

amorous desires of the gopis, O Lord who wears an elegant crown, O Lord who

carries an asoka staff, O Lord whose hands are reddish, O Lord as powerful as a


great horde of ferocious, roaring, eight-headed sarabha monsters, O Lord whose

face is decorated with swinging earrings, O Lord whose complexion is as


as the dark waters of the jubilant Yamuna River, O Lord who wears a crown of

forest flowers, O shelter of the gopas crying (in fear of the forest fire), O

Lord surrounded by the surabhi calves, O Lord handsomely decorated with sandal

paste, aguru, musk and kunkuma, O Lord decorated with splendid bracelets, O

Lord whose pastimes are famous everywhere, O Lord, please grant auspiciousness

to us.

I pray that in Sri Krsna, who is a scythe to cut down the demons, who is

decorated with colourful mineral pigment, who fills the world with wonder,


transcendental pastimes bring great bliss to the heart, and who is the gopis

friend, I may place my love.

35 O Lord who, on the tall hilltop filled with wandering bumblebees,

playfully makes waves of sound flow from Your buffalo-horn bugle, O hero, after


turning the wives of the violent demons into widows, You filled the pundraka


groves of Vrndavana forest with the beautiful girls of Vraja.

36 All glories to You! All glories to You! O Lord whose smile is handsome and

charming, O Lord who used a great hill to defeat King Indra, O Lord who

enjoys the nectar of transcendental amorous pastimes in the caves of Your own


O Lord who wears a jewel necklace, O Lord who is a grand palace of the jewels

of transcendental virtues and talents, O Lord on whose chest the goddess of

fortune rests, O Lord whose motions defeat the most graceful elephants, O Lord

who is very affectionate to Your friends, O Lord who brings happiness to the

demigod Siva, O Lord who wears tilaka drawn in sandal paste, O Lord worshipped

by the demigod Brahma, O Lord whose forest of Madhuvana rebukes the charming

sweetness of the celestial Nandana gardens filled with haricandana trees, O

Lord pleased by the transcendental forest fragrant with many flowers, O Lord

conquered by love, O Lord who wears earrings made of peacock feathers and


flowers, O Lord whose splendid teeth defeat new white rice grains, O Lord

expert in amorous battle, O Lord who plays jokes on the beautiful gopis, O Lord


decorated with the gopis' nail scratches, O Lord bitten by the gopis' teeth, O

hero, O handsome king of Vraja, we offer our respectful obeisances to You, who

are delighted by the splendid gopis, whose virtues and talents embarrass

Goddess Parvati and whose beauty makes goddess Laksmi revile the beauty of her


transcendental form.

37 O Lord who enjoys the different mellows of transcendental love, O Lord who

is fond of the forest full of blossoming flowers, O Lord who enjoys amorous

pastimes of dancing with the gopis, O Lord who stole the gopis' garments, O

hero, O Krsna, may the sweet sound of Your flute, to which the Vedas and the


Vedangas respectfully bow down, which the demigoddesses of the Upanisads

respectfully place upon their parted hair, and which the sacred syllable om

respectfully glorifies with a happy heart, bring transcendental happiness to us


38 O moon shining in the family of Maharaja Nanda, O Lord who breaks the

sleep of repeated birth and death, O Lord whose splendid teeth defeat the


flowers, O Lord who kills the demons, O Lord who breaks the festival of the

god of love, O Lord the narration of whose pastimes is as sweet as nectar, O

Lord who enjoys transcendental amorous pastimes in the charming forest groves

filled with blossoming jasmine flowers, flowering vines and humming bees, O


who stays in the company of Your charming friends, O Lord whose transcendental

limbs glisten with happiness, O Lord who delights in transcendental amorous

pastimes, O Lord whose sweet music is as charming as the singing of a maddened

cuckoo, O fragrant Lord, O Lord delighted by the forest flowers, O Lord who

tore apart the demon yaksa Sankhacuda, O Lord expert in battle, O Lord whose

hair is handsomely decorated with a peacock feather, O Lord who crushes into

powder the material desires of Your surrendered devotees, O hero, O Lord Krsna,


please stand in my heart.

O Lord Krsna, Your flute overwhelms both friends and enemy alike. The one it

charms with friendly waves of nectar, and the other it poisons with the most

dangerous sound.

39 O Lord who leads the demons to liberation, O Lord who possesses limitless

auspicious mercy, O Lord whose ankle-bells jingle like the twang of the bow

held by the god of love, who shoots arrows of flowers, O hero.

May Lord Krsna, who tore apart the ferocious enemy (Kuvalayapida) sent by

Kamsa, and who, by violently dancing in the arena, killed the tigerlike

wrestlers, stay in the white lotus of your heart.

40 All glories, all glories to You, O Lord expert at playing the flute, O

Lord whose restless, love filled eyes defeat the autumn lotus flowers, O Lord


steals away the peaceful composure of the wives of the Siddhas and Caranas, O

Lord decorated with splendid jewel necklaces and earrings, O Lord who stays

on splendid Govardhana Hill, which glistens with many pleasant lakes, O Lord

whose transcendental form decorates Your decorations, O Lord who found and

killed the bull-demon Aristasura, O Lord who wears a peacock feather in Your

splendid, curling hair, O Lord whose face is more splendid than a host of

moons, O

Lord who enjoys amorous battle in a cottage in the forest grove, O Lord whose

arms are two bold snakes eager to enjoy the nectar happiness of embraces, O

Lord who is like a moving young tamala tree, O Lord who sincerely and expertly

fulfils all the desires of the cowherd people, O Lord who holds a staff in Your


right hand, O Lord whose splendour eclipses millions of suns and moons, O Lord

who is decorated with handsome tilaka drawn with the yellow pigment gorocana,

O Lord whose transcendental qualities delight Ananta Sesa, Brahma, Sanaka

Kumara, and Sanandana Kumara, O handsome hero, please fill me with



O Lord, when the reddened, expanded sun of Your glory rises, the darkness of

the demons flees to hide in caves.

41 O Lord who enjoys embracing the young gopis by the shore of the Yamuna, O

Lord whose limbs glisten with the great waves of the nectar mellows of Your

transcendental amorous pastimes, O hero, when the frightened demons headed by

Arista, Vatsa and Kesi, saw Your kindness to the cows and other animals, they

abandoned all pride and assumed the forms of animals.

42 O Lord with handsome hair, O Lord prayed to by Brahma, Siva, and Ananta

Sesa, O Lord who has no material qualities, O Lord who has countless

transcendental qualities, O hero of transcendental pastimes, O Lord who


fought with the Kaliya serpent, O joy of Gokula, O Lord who dutifully bows down


before Nanda Maharaja, O giver of intense transcendental bliss, O enchanter of

the god of love, O Lord who drove away the pride of the young girls proud of

their exquisite beauty, O graceful artist in the rasa dance, O Lord surrounded


fair-complexioned, buxom, beautiful girls, O Lord who stays with them in a

hundred forest groves, O Lord who pleases the young gopis, O Lord worshipped by


exquisitely beautiful Sri Radhika, O Lord who dallies with the shy gopis, O

Lord whose crown is tilted, O Lord exhausted by enjoying many pastimes, O Lord

whose eyes are filled with transcendental desire, O Lord whose eyes are red

with anger, O Lord who grants liberation to the demons, O Lord to whom the


world bows down, O protector of the gopas, O happiness of the poets, O abode

of mercy, O hero, please protect me.

O Lord who wears a peacock feather crown, even though You defeat them, make

them foam at the mouth with exhaustion, bind them, frighten them, and kill

them, You still grant liberation to Your enemies.

43 O Lord whose sweet pastimes are filled with love, O Lord who is worshipped

and served by the gopas, O Krsna, Your hair, decorated with a new peacock

feather, and appearing as a wonderful sharp dagger carried by the god of love,

who holds a bow of flowers, now agitates the doe-eyed gopis.

44 O Lord, seeing Your power in battle, the frightened demons pierced the

coverings of the material universe and fled far away.

45 O Lord whose glance removes the pride of the proud girls, O sun that

torments the owls of the demons, O Lord worshipped by the dindima playing


O Lord who has two splendid bolts that are Your powerful arms, O Lord whose

glance charmed the hearts of the young girls initiated for the sacrifice, O

Lord who has a very gentle and splendid smile, O Lord who, by lifting the hill,


destroyed the darkness of pride that had swallowed up King Indra, O Lord

dressed in charming, splendid, colourful garments, O Lord who defeated the


power of the Kesi demon, O Lord who speaks very sweetly, O Lord who brings a

great festival of happiness to the demigod Siva, O Lord whose flute is praised


the prayers of Brahma, O Lord who removed the earrings from Kamsa's wives, O

Lord whose restless handsome eyes were tossed by waves of happiness in the

dancing arena, O Lord made restless by the appearance of the god of love, O


who stole the gopis' garments, O Lord whose great festival in the dancing arena


is glorified in the dramas of great poets, O slayer of repeated birth and

death, please deliver me. O eternal hero, please glance upon me.

May Lord Krsna's armlet-decorated left arm, which is a thunderbolt chisel

that broke the great stone of the horse-demon Kesi, and made its dreadful teeth


fall out, make us expert in pure devotional service.

46 O Krsna, O Lord who is harsh to the demons, O Lord pleased by the young

gopis, O Lord conquered by their charming fragrance, please appear before me.

O Lord even, though I have now come to the time of life that brings blindness

and old-age, Your auspicious mercy has not yet come to me.

47 All glories to You, O Lord as splendid and handsome as a host of monsoon

clouds, O Lord whose handsome and gentle smiles and laughter are like splendid

and pure moonlight, O Lord who kisses the moon faces of the doe-eyed gopis, O

Lord whose glistening eyes play like restless khanjana birds, O most expert

tactician in the arts of amorous battle, O Lord who has been made into a jester


by the great cleverness of affectionate Srimati Radhika, O Lord whose peerless

flute music charms the young gopis, O Lord whose eternal sweetness delights

the demigods, O Lord who wears a garland of peacock feathers in Your curling

hair, O Lord whose jewelled, swinging, shark-shaped earrings dance about Your

ears, O Lord who dances with great energy and enthusiasm, O Lord the splendour

of whose teeth has conquered the white rice grains, O Lord who wears a

beautiful dadimi flower in Your ear, O Lord whose leaf-flute has enchanted the

restless calves with its sweet, soft sound!

May Lord Krsna, whose disarrayed hair is decorated with bunches of punnaga

flowers and a crown of peacock feathers, whose complexion is as splendid as

sapphires and who stands like a god of love in the forest by the Yamuna's


protect me.

48 All glories to You, O Lord who is dear to Garga Muni, O Lord glorified by

the demigod Siva, O hero, O Lord who is submissive to the devotees who taste

the nectar of eternal love for You!

O Lord Krsna, all glories to Your horn's sound, which can be heard from very

far away, and which has become the initiating and instructing spiritual master

of the demons' wives, teaching them how to follow the vows of widowhood.

49 O Lord whose hair is decorated with a multitude of flowers, O Lord whose

nails have defeated the diamond mirrors, O Lord whose soldiers delighted the

people with their prowess in battle, O Lord whose ferocious fighting is like


most graceful dance, O Lord whose feet crushed the angry Kaliya serpent, O

shelter of all the cowherd people, O Lord whose happy eyes are charming and

gladdening, O Lord who rests in the cave of a hill, O Lord who delights the


gopis, O Lord expert at fighting lovers' quarrels, O Lord who kills the

troublesome demons, O Lord whose pure words full the world with nectar, O Lord


soft, splendid, pure smile is a kumuda flower, O Lord whose charming face is

a kamala flower, O Lord whose moving locks of hair are like black bees, O Lord

who wears tilaka drawn in splendid kunkuma, O Lord who stole the hidden jar

of yoghurt, O unconquerable Lord, O hero, please always splendidly display Your


pastimes in my heart.

O Krsna, all glories to Your horn's thunder, which is the life and soul of

Your cataka bird friends, the delight of the demigod peacocks, and the source


fear for the demon swans.

50 O Supreme Person, O hero, O Lord who stands on the wonderful shore of the

Yamuna, O Lord whose flute-music floods the world, O Lord who likes to hear

the lowing of the surabhi cows, O hero, all glories to Your powerful arms,


are the shelter of all the worlds, and which tore the demons apart with such

ferocious violence that everyone thought all powerful Lord Nrsimhadeva had

suddenly appeared.

51 O Murari (Krsna)! How wonderful it is that although the demons, who are

always envious of the demigods, have failed to penetrate Your military phalanx,


they have penetrated the region of mitra, the sun-globe.

Note: This translation is taken from Nectar of Devotion (page 195), where

Srila Prabhupada explains: "The word mitra is used metaphorically. Mitra means

the sun-globe, and mitra also means friend. The demons who opposed Krsna as

enemies wanted to penetrate His military phalanx; but instead of doing this,


died in battle, and the result was that they penetrated the planet mitra, or

the sun-planet. In other words, they entered into the Brahman effulgence. The

example of the sun-planet is given here because the sun is ever-illuminating,

like the spiritual sky, where there are innumerable illuminating Vaikuntha

planets, the enemies of Krsna were killed, and instead of penetrating Krsna's

phalanx, they entered into the friendly atmosphere of the spiritual effulgence.


That is the mercy of Krsna, and therefore He is known as the deliverer of His


emies also."

52 O boat that carries the living entities across the ocean of sin, O Lord

who enjoys wonderful transcendental pastimes, O protector of the innocent, O

Lord who protected the Vidyadhara who had taken the body of a serpent, O

protector in battle, O supremely purifying Lord, O scythe that cuts down the

sufferings of material bondage, O Lord unlimitedly famous in all the worlds, O

supremely intelligent Lord, O supremely strong Lord, O original spiritual

master, O

best of all, O gentle Lord, O Lord who never falls down, O Lord who is very far


from the material mind, O Lord who in every pastime is always handsome and

charming, O Lord who stays with Balarama, O splendid Lord, O Lord free from

anger, O ornament of the universe, O glorious Lord, O killer of the Madhu

demon, O

Lord Hari, O enemy of the Mura demon, O limitless Lord who cannot be perfectly

understood even by the demigod Siva, O eternal Lord, O playful Lord, O Lord

who kills the enemies of the demigods, O Lord who plays in the waves of the

Yamuna, O Lord who brought transcendental happiness to Garuda by exiling the

Kaliya serpent to the ocean, O Lord who stays in the caves of the best hills, O


Lord who goes to the rendezvous, O Lord who stays with Your beloved, O splendid


Lord, O very handsome Lord, O peaceful Lord, O end of Your enemies, O killer

of the demons, O unlimited Lord, O Lord who has very handsome teeth, O Lord who


smiles and laughs from the corners of Your eyes, O king of spring, O Lord

eternally worshipped and served by the devotees, O hero, I continually worship

and serve You.

O Mukunka (Krsna), by drinking even a fraction of a drop of the ocean of Your

transcendental handsomeness what pious girls will not become enchanted and

filled with desire? May Your handsome smiles, the vigorous dancing of the

flowering vines of Your eyebrows, the waves of Your playful sidelong glances,


all Your enchanting quality extend Your kingdom very far.

53 O Lord who enjoys the rasa dance on the charming shore of the river bank,

O Lord who plays "soldiers" with the cowherd boys, O Lord dressed in yellow

garments, O Lord who holds a lotus in Your hand, O killer of the demons, O Lord


who enjoys transcendental pastimes in the forest, O best of heroes, O playful

joking Lord, O Lord Krsna, all glories to You!

The elephant of my mind is drowning in the insurmountable waves of material

illusion. Strongly held by the ferocious crocodile of the threefold miseries,

it anxiously cries with fear in its heart. O Lord Hari (Krsna), please rescue

it with Your glowing Sudarsana cakra, which cuts the sufferings of the demigods


to pieces.

54 O Lord to whom the demigod Siva bows down, O Lord who angrily turned the

wives of the demons into widows, O cowherd boy, O Lord dressed in elegant silk

garments, O killer of Bakasura, O Lord decorated by the most expert artists, O

Lord who pleases Nanda Maharaja with Your transcendental pastimes, O Lord who

is an ocean of the nectar of intense transcendental love, O hero, O Lord who

happily accepts the prayers, singing, music, and dancing offered for Your

pleasure, O Lord a drop of the great waves of whose handsomeness captivates

everyone, O Lord who delights the earth, O Lord who cripples the demons, O


that crushed the pride of the Kaliya snake, O benefactor of the surabhi cows,

O Lord who is merciful to Your kinsmen, O Lord who lifted the king of hills, O

Lord who enchants everyone with Your handsomeness, O Lord who stole the

garments and left the young girls to stand in the water, O thief who stole the

jewel of the most fortunate gopi's heart, O Lord who enjoys transcendental

pastimes in the heart of that most fortunate gopi, O Lord whose garments are as


splendid as lightning, O Lord who protects the devotees trembling in fear of


cycle of repeated birth and death, O Lord blossoming with happiness, O


Lord, O hero.

May Sri Krsna, the king of the forest and the merciful physician who, in the

mortar and pestle of single combat, crushed the demons causing pain to the

cows and cowherd boys, and rolled them into a pill to cure the forest of

Vrndavana, give transcendental happiness to you all.

55 O Lord whose glistening black hair is decorated with a peacock feather, O

Lord whose handsome form is anointed with sandal paste, O Lord who broke the

mystic powers of the demons, O Lord whose splendidly handsome form is decorated


with ornaments, O Hero, O Lord who enlivens all the demigods , O Lord who

liberates the demons, O Lord who brings a continual festival of transcendental

bliss to the land of Vraja, O killer of the demon Mura, I glorify You.

56 O Mukunda (Krsna), may the moon of Your face, which is flooded with waves

of nectar from Your very charming smiles, which brings violent waves to the

ocean of the beautiful gopis' conjugal bliss, and which turns the candramani

jewels of Your devotees' eyes into gushing mountain streams, bring


happiness to us.

57 O eight-legged sarabha monster who playfully broke the neck of the

arrogant Arista demon lion, O Lord dressed in exquisite silk garments that

rival the

splendour of new gold, O Lord whose stone chest is the kinsman of the mountain

boulder, O Lord who expertly punished the Kaliya serpent, O Lord who

charmingly plays with a toy ball, O Lord decorated with bhandila and vicalika


O learned scholar in the science of fighting, O Lord who brings anguish to

the fanged demons, O Lord who weakens the crooked and dishonest, O Lord whose

handsome cheeks are decorated with glittering sapphire shark-shaped earrings, O


Lord who delights Your friends with graceful and enthusiastic dancing in the

great Bhandiravana forest, O Lord kissed by Nanda Maharaja, O Lord whose smile

is like a jasmine flower, O fragrant Lord, O auspicious Lord, O Lord from

whose abdomen a host of universes has come, O great garden tool that uprooted


thorn tree of Kamsa, the demonic king of the Bhojas, O Lord whose merciful

sidelong glance is like a great sun that drives away the dense darkness of any

misfortune that may afflict Your surrendered devotees, O Lord whose handsome

face mocks the sweetness of the gentle and cooling autumn moon, O Lord who is


worshipable Deity of the great sages who consider great treasuries of

precious jewels equal to a pile of dust, O beloved of the gopis, whose lips are


sweet and charming, O Lord worshipped by the demigod Brahma, O Lord who has

given Brahma his post, O hero!

I pray that the monsoon clouds of Lord Krsna's transcendental handsomeness,

which please the cataka birds of the gopis eyes, which continually wash the

world with a flood of the nectar of liberation, which cover both sun and moon,

and which are decorated with a charming peacock feather, may give


happiness to us.

58 O Lord Krsna, O Lord who is always merciful, who scolded the demigod

Varuna, who delighted Your father, whom the saintly devotees proclaim rescues


surrendered devotees from the illusory potency maya and has an eternal

transcendental form as splendid as a dark monsoon cloud, who, Your


glories described by the pious, and fearlessly killing the powerful demons,


transcendental pastimes with Your loving devotees, whom, garlanded with

flowers, enjoying transcendental pastimes, and enjoying a festival of

transcendental amorous pastimes, celestials demigoddesses desire to attain, of


because You are a flood of transcendental prowess, because Your bodily


eclipses the sun, and because You are a powerful warrior, Your enemy is afraid,


even when You are far away, who, splendidly handsome, the crown jewel of all

existence, Your transcendental limbs effulgent, and Your restless eyes filled

with sidelong glances, holds a flute in Your hand, and who, effulgent,

splendidly smiling, charming, and playful, is the object of the auspicious love

of the

beautiful-eyed gopis, O fear of the demons, O Lord who is very kind and

compassionate to whomever remains always steady in Your devotional service, O


who steals away all the fears of Vraja, O hero, all glories to You! All glories


to You!

All glories to the auspicious, wave-filled river of Lord Krsna's mercy, a

river the great swans of advanced spiritualists yearn to attain, a river where

the cakravaka birds of the devotees splash and play.

59 O Lord delighted by the joking words of Your friends, O affectionate lover

of Srimati Radharani, O blissful Lord, O hero, O Lord of Mathura, O sweet

Lord, O husband of the goddess of fortune, O charming flutist, O enchanter of


god of love, please cheerfully crush the great illusion of my heart.

60 O infallible Lord, all glories to You! All glories to You, O Lord who is

compassionate to the suffering, O Lord who stopped the sacrifice to Indra, O

Lord who stopped the torrential rains, O splendidly handsome and playful Lord,


powerful and heroic Lord, O supremely opulent Lord, O Lord who is very

merciful to the demigods, O Lord whose mercy is sometimes seen, just as the

letter l

is only rarely seen in the Sanskrit language, O Lord who remains invisible to

those who have not received Your mercy, just as the letter l exists only

theoretically and is never actually seen in the Sanskrit language, O Lord who

makes the cowherd people prosper, O Lord as splendid as a host of moons, O

splendidly powerful Lord, O Lord always free of anger, O Lord who has handsome


shoulders, O Lord who has handsome broad shoulders, O Lord dressed in golden

garments, O Lord who has bracelets on His hands, O Lord who broke the greatest

demons, O Lord whose walking has defeated the most graceful elephant, O Lord

whose turban and upper garment are anointed with kunkuma, O Lord fond of

playing the flute, O Lord with restlessly moving flowering vine eyebrows, O

Lord who

cheated hundreds of pious gopis, O Lord prayed to by the demigod Brahma, O

Lord decorated with shark-shaped earrings, O Lord who plays a leaf flute, O


who binds the earth to His instructions, O Lord whose moonlike face dispels

the darkness of a host of clouds, O Lord who plays a large dhakka drum with the


palm of Your hand, O Lord who lifted up the great hill with the small finger

of Your left hand, O Lord whose restless eyes condemn the khanjana birds, O

Lord who crushes the demons, O Lord who brings prosperity to the surabhi cows,


abode of happiness for Nanda Maharaja, O Lord whose feet are like lotus

flowers, O Lord who was pleased by the prayers of the Kaliya serpent, O Lord


enjoys playing with Your friends, O lord with handsome curling locks of hair, O


Lord decorated with a handsome garland, O Lord who carries a stick under His

splendid arm, O Lord whose handsome face is like a lotus flower, O Lord who

pleases the cowherd people with Your charming playfulness and expert

intelligence, O Lord whose activities are the source of transcendental bliss, O


surrounded by bumblebees, O Lord who holds a lotus flower, O brother of

Balarama, O

Lord who possesses a great multitude of blissful transcendental qualities, O


I pray that Lord Krsna, who wears a flower-bud on His ear, who is as handsome

as the god of love, who makes the kila-kincita ecstasy sprout and bloom in

His beloved gopis, who is an ocean of transcendental fame, and who in His


His anger multiplied millions of times, playfully leaped like a lion and

brought great suffering to Kamsa, the king of the Kukuras, may grant our


61 O Lord who walks by the shore of the Yamuna, O Lord who stole the garments

of the fair-complexioned gopis, who had faithfully observed a vow to worship

goddess Gauri, O Lord whose hands became two thieves, O hero, O Lord who moves

in the marketplace of love, O Lord who cuts the throats of the harsh demon

kings and soldiers, O Lord whose garment is anointed with kunkuma, please dance


within my heart.

62 O Lord who with Your moving feet killed the Kakatasura demon, O Lord who

killed the washerman (of Kamsa), O Lord who brought the enemy's army under

submission, O Lord who dances on the splendid hill, O Lord who wears a new

bracelet made of gold and emeralds, O Lord who pretended to cry, O Lord who

with the

soft soles of Your dancing feet broke the yoghurt pot, O Lord who made the

Sakatasura demon become very heavy, O Lord whose broad hips are covered by a

garment as splendid as a great mass of gold, O Lord who has curling hair, O


who gracefully dances in a banyan tree overspread with many branches and tender


new shoots moving to and fro by the shore of the Yamuna, O Lord who cheats

the young gopis, O hero, all glories to You!

O Lord who, with the tender new sprout of Your dancing, punished the

formidable serpent demon Kaliya, O Lord surrounded by Your kinsmen in Vraja, O


who killed the demons who brought chaos to the earth, all glories to You!

63 O Lord whose anklebells jingle, O Lord whose nails are sharp, O Lord whose

teeth have defeated the splendid sikhara jewels, I am drowning in the

painful, fathomless whirlpool of repeated birth and death. O Lord, O friend of


shelterless, O effulgent moon of mercy, please, this one time, quickly extend

Your hand to save me.

64 Now that we have become Your devotees, Your holy names have created a

jubilant festival in out mouths. Your bodily splendour, like a dark rain cloud,


has now become the black ointment of our eyes, and the music of Your flute has

become the ornament of our ears. We no longer take pleasure in material

desires. O Almighty Lord, material desires no longer appear beautiful to us.

65 May he who reads this Govinda-virudavali, vibrating it within his throat,

become a perfect, faultless and staunch devotee of Lord Krsna.

66 Lord Vasudeva (Krsna) becomes very pleased when He is glorified by the

recitation of this beautiful and delightful Govinda-virudavali, which is filled


with the description of His transcendental qualities.

67 Lord Hari (Krsna) becomes very quickly pleased with a person who, residing

in the district of Mathura, glorifies Him with this beautiful and delightful


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