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Stiff knees

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I'm new to KY, have begun practicing the "clearing childhood anger" set that was explained on this group in August. So far it has been very interesting for me, very interesting to note the people and things that come to mind when I do it.


I received an instructional KY video from a friend and would like to try it, however I have very inflexible knees, and many of the poses shown include having the heels at or very near the butt. My knees don't bend anywhere near that far. For example I can't do even easy pose. Can anyone recommend some exercises to help increase the flexibility in my knees? I would very much like to be able to bend them fully once again. Thank you!


Teresa del Giudice, CH

P.O. Box 36197

Fayetteville, NC 28303



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In my experience knees have to do with relationships. It could be that the

exercise that would be most beneficial for you would be to practice

flexibility in relationships.




When you do yoga, use pillows to support your postures when they tax your

knees. Every day try to use smaller pillows and work your way until you need

no pillows at all. Work your way by experiencing what your knees need, but

also what emotions are being touched!




Blessings and best wishes,



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I just ordered the following book online: Somatics: Reawakening the Mind's

Control of Movement, Flexibility, and Health by Thomas Hannah. Here's a link-

_Amazon.com: Somatics: Reawakening the Mind's Control of Movement,

Flexibility, and Health: Books_



It sounds so good I ordered 2 copies- one for me and one for my mother. It

may be of value to you. If it is as helpful as it is promising I will write in


Sat Nam, Pritam

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Kundaliniyoga, <kundalini_yoga wrote:


Here is what will help in the form of a supplement- Jarrow Fromula

Max DHA 600 mg Omega 3 per gram with 420 mg DHA per gram


Just until you have flexible relationships (giggle) it helps with the

knees and with other joint and brain functions.


When the knees start getting creaky after a 6 hour meditation or yoga

I take these as directed. I am better within 2-3 days. But the other

is most likely a more permanent cure! (also may take a lifetime to

work on)




"Don't let anyone tell you that you are not the Bee's Knee's"



> Teresa:




> In my experience knees have to do with relationships. It could be

that the

> exercise that would be most beneficial for you would be to practice

> flexibility in relationships.




> When you do yoga, use pillows to support your postures when they

tax your

> knees. Every day try to use smaller pillows and work your way until

you need

> no pillows at all. Work your way by experiencing what your knees

need, but

> also what emotions are being touched!




> Blessings and best wishes,


> Awtar





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Dear Teresa, Primal Connection:




I did not mean to sound like one has to work on all relationships to see

improvements in the flexibility of one's knees or that it could take a





It suffices to start with the most difficult relationship and explore where

the lack of flexibility is taking place and as soon as one becomes aware

shift starts happening in the knees. You'd be amazed. It is the lack of

consciousness that gets stored in the body. Some meditation and exploration

and changes should be perceptible within a few days.


If it is both knees work on the most difficult relationship of each gender.




Once you've dealt with the most difficult relationships of each gender the

others are easier to deal with!




Best wishes!



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Hello Awtar, and thank you for your input


> I did not mean to sound like one has to work on all relationships to see

> improvements in the flexibility of one's knees or that it could take a

> lifetime!


I have been mulling your advice over and working on how it applies to me. I

do think that in my case it is about ALL relationships, as I do not

currently have any difficult relationships. Maybe my inflexibility is that

I have ended relationships that I found too dysfunctional! On the other

hand I have been much more tolerant in relationships than others have

understood. So I know something is broken in the way I relate.


You'd be amazed. It is the lack of

> consciousness that gets stored in the body. Some meditation and

> exploration

> and changes should be perceptible within a few days.


It really must be this; I am really working on it and I am not at all clear

on what I need to change. I have not tried sitting up on pillows yet,

however I suspect I still will not be able to do easy pose. I plan to try

it tonight with the pillows.


I really look forward to having some clarity about this. It's difficult for

me to connect with others in general. I have recently joined the fire

department and as such I must now share space with a group of people and

work together as a group, which I'm surprised to find is so difficult for

me. So this is very good food for thought, thank you for your insight.


Thanks again


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I have stiff knees and I´ve grown interested in the bound lotus practice. As a prep. for opening the hips, i do a double pigeon pose where you take your leftfoot and put it into the nook of your right elbow and the knee of left leg goes into nook of left elbow joining hands together and cradling your leg rocking it back and forth exploring the range of hip joint. Or sit on a chair rest left foot on right knee and lean forward until you feel a stretch. I did just this two days ago and i felt a shift in my consciosuness for the reset of the days more enrgy. Try these two technique to open hips. I did it and for the first time i was able to sit easy style without cushions. This with 8months of Sodarshan chakra kriya from 5-to 11mins. and burning out inner ager have kept me going through thick and thin. I want to learn bound lotus cause it is supposed to do the most for me in the shortest time. First prep for half lotus then I´ll see what happens. Or sit in easy on top of

telephone book and lean forward as far as you can feeling the stretch. Hope this helps. -Chris madrid, spain




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