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Change in career

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This native had a severe set back in career during May.2006 - a new

boss, carried away by office politics, transferred him to a position

which is three grades below. Facing humiliation & loss of face he

has been trying for a new job, with out much success.


My calculation has been that with Jupiter moving in to Scorpio and

Saturn in to Leo, the person should have (a) change of job and (b)

separation from family by going to a distant place / country some

time between Nov.06-Jan.07


Birth: 19-Nov-1955 at 22:55 hrs, Vijayawada


D-1: Cancer-Asndt; Leo-Jup; Libra-Mar, Merc; Scorp-Sun, Sat, Venus,

Rahu; Capri-Moon, Taurus-Ketu


D-9: Sagitt-Asndt; Capri-Moon; Acqari-Venus, Rahu; Tau-Merc; Gemini-

Jup; Cancer-Sat; Leo-Ketu, Sun; Libra-Mars


D-10: Virgo-Asndt, Moon, Ketu; Libra-Mar, Jup; Acqari-Venus; Pisc-

Rahu; Gemini-Merc; Cancer-Sat; Leo-Sun


May I request the learned seniors in the group to confirm my humble

analysis and also advise any remedial measures.


Best Regards



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Dear Mr Prashant Kumar,


Thank you very much for the offer to help. The particulars are as

under >>


(a) lowering of job: 6-May-2006

(b) born: 19-Nov-1955 [22:55 hrs at Vijayawada]

© marriage: 7-Apr-1983

(d) first child [female]: 22-Sep-2000 [quite late & with out medical


(e) qualified: Chartered Accountant Jul-1977;

(f) career start: Oct-1977

(g) changed jobs – all for growth: Feb-1980, Oct-1981, Jan-1984, Mar-

1989, Jun-1991, Sep-1996, Oct-2001


Your assessment is perfectly right Sir, since the lowering of job

occurred between 26-Mar to 6-Jul-2006.


Since my question on career prospects is equally out of professional

interest, shall be grateful for an analysis rather than simple




Thanks & Regards





vedic astrology, Me Shubha Vela

<pkgoteti wrote:


> when did it actually take place between 16-8- to 27-10-06 the

lowering job profile....? is inevitable. the wind must be know since

26-3 to 6-7-06 itself.


> G B Prashant Kumar


> Pl give personal data with some life events and dates, jobs,

marriage, family, kids.

> Services of this astrologer in the group are free, personal mail

and CHAT consultations ARE CHARGEABLE!





> kbvnarayan <kbvnarayan

> vedic astrology

> Wednesday, October 25, 2006 11:38:32 AM

> [vedic astrology] Change in career


> This native had a severe set back in career during May.2006 - a


> boss, carried away by office politics, transferred him to a


> which is three grades below. Facing humiliation & loss of face he

> has been trying for a new job, with out much success.


> My calculation has been that with Jupiter moving in to Scorpio and

> Saturn in to Leo, the person should have (a) change of job and (b)

> separation from family by going to a distant place / country some

> time between Nov.06-Jan.07


> Birth: 19-Nov-1955 at 22:55 hrs, Vijayawada


> D-1: Cancer-Asndt; Leo-Jup; Libra-Mar, Merc; Scorp-Sun, Sat,


> Rahu; Capri-Moon, Taurus-Ketu


> D-9: Sagitt-Asndt; Capri-Moon; Acqari-Venus, Rahu; Tau-Merc;


> Jup; Cancer-Sat; Leo-Ketu, Sun; Libra-Mars


> D-10: Virgo-Asndt, Moon, Ketu; Libra-Mar, Jup; Acqari-Venus; Pisc-

> Rahu; Gemini-Merc; Cancer-Sat; Leo-Sun


> May I request the learned seniors in the group to confirm my


> analysis and also advise any remedial measures.


> Best Regards

> Narayan

> Bangalore








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