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Devastating attack on the GBC

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Bhakta Harry

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Here is how I interpret how we show our love for SP:


I do not think that he expected me to show my love for him by cooperating with pedophiles, those who wish to create a homosexual's nest [a homosexual's nest is an atmosphere where it is easy to have easy pickins over who your next conquest is] to facillitate their own sex life, armed robbers, etc.


I do think that he expected me to become self-realized. Self-realized means that you realize that your Self is not the transitory anna-maya kosha, or food based body. You realize that you are the body of bliss, the ananda-maya kosha.


In my opinion practically any fool can realize this as you get older because any older person will tell you that they don't really feel inside that they are 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 years old. Therefore voila, how can we be the anna-maya kosha. C'est impossible!


Since Sri Guru is the representative of God, basically "You can show you love for me by how well you cooperate with each other" means:


If we realize the Self, which is not that difficult, considering that the mantra was given out approx 1966 and here it is 40 years later, then we realize that God is in the heart of everyone. Therefore God, in the form of Guru, is saying


"You will show your love for me...God..by how much you cooperate with the other jivas...your God-siblings: the sons and daughters of nectar."


Therefore to me this means: we become a good citizen of this planet and we cooperate with all of the other people on this planet of every race, creed, gender, and religion.


I am pretty sure he did not intend, after all of the beautiful things that he wrote, that I will please God by cooperating with sociopaths and psychopaths. If you are not sure what a sociopath is, please read any book such as, "The Sociopaths Among Us" or visit any website such as Mental-Health-Matters dot org.


Basically a sociopath is born with his brain wired as such that he feels no remorse. Usually it is a male, as men have way more documented learning disabilities and psychological disorders than women. A sociopath is now called

ASPD Anti-Social Personality Disorder. It is classified as a Conduct Disorder according to DSM-IV.


The continuum is: first a person, usually a male, develops Oppositional Defiant Disorder. This person always says "NO" even to reasonable things, never listens to the voice of prudent warnings, always delights on causing mischief. This disorder often is accompanied by ADHD, ADD, and other learning disabilities which if undiagnosed give the person low self-esteem so he looks for the negative attention by "acting out". ODD begins in the preschool and elementary school years.


If this ODD is not stopped in time in elementary school, then it can develop into CD or Conduct Disorder during the teen years. This is a person who lies to your face while speaking most charmingly. They also do things like cause destruction such as theft and vandalism, steal things, and they don't admit it.


If CD is not stopped in time during the teen to young adult years, then it turns into ASPD in the adult years. Many, many people have ASPD, it is estimated up to ten percent of the population and mostly men. ASPD is found in all professions such as lawyer, judge, salesman, and religious workers.


In fact this is how many people rise to the highest positions in the land, because they can play hardball and have no remorse. If they are well-connected then they turn into CEOs that later commit suicide for all of their infractions, get 24 years in prison, or attend a country club prison and then write a best-selling book while in the slammer.


If they are not well connected then they become mafia dons and pimps. For those in between the well-connected and the non, they become the hypocritical predators in the various religions of the world, scientists that create havoc, army generals and military leaders who break the Geneva Convention, Presidents who refuse to sign the Kyoto Accords, etc.


So you can either recognize this and then just peacefully go about your life doing the right things yourself and setting a good example yourself, cooperating with the 90% non-sociopaths on the planet, or you can spend your time trying to make a sociopath feel remorse.

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I found the following line in the article-


"So Prahladananda Maharaj, you have posited that we should all follow the GBC, however, have you been living on another planet and therefore have not noticed why the vast majority of Srila Prabhupada’s disciples and now the second generation want nothing at all to do with the GBC management of ISKCON? "


Many young devotees continue to seek initiation and shelter under many of the ISKCON gurus. Therefore with all due respect to the author of the article, I must say the above line is just pure speculation and false.

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devastating - to cause widespread ruin and desolation to, as by war. to overwhelm or overpower.


deva - Sanskrit, "god"

stating -To set forth in words; declare.


As others have pointed out, it has been said before, the message remains the same.

The solution is also the same - acceptance of Srila Prabhupada's approved systems. ie: Back to Prabhupada's instructions.

ISKCON's unauthorized trial & error guru systems will result in more calamities.



“”What we were trying to do now you have to understand had never been done. It had just never been done and to me it’s entirely natural that in this case when you’re doing something that had never been done; when you’re going to have a single institution with many different spiritual masters and there are many different disciples who are going to have to work together in a cooperative and unified way. Just hadn’t been done.


How to do it? And to me the only the way you can do it is to try this and if that doesn’t work try this….. until you finally find what works out. So I think it was very difficult for anyone to foresee, so it seems that the only way to do this is by trying to do it. And see what works and what doesn’t work and Prabhupada himself said that he used the trial and error method, so I’d don’t think it is not bona-fide.”

(Ravindra Svarupa Das, (ex-GCB chairman) Issues in ISKCON Reform lecture, June 29th-July 3rd, 1999)

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