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neglected prayers of Prahlada Maharaja as they are to truthfull

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SB 5.18.7: Œukadeva Gosv•m• continued: My dear King, Lord Nr•sim•hadeva

resides in the tract of land known as Hari-vars•a. In the Seventh Canto of Œr•

mad-Bh•gavatam, I shall describe to you how Prahl•da Mah•r•ja caused the Lord

to assume the form of Nr•sim•hadeva. Prahl•da Mah•r•ja, the topmost devotee

of the Lord, is a reservoir of all the good qualities of great personalities.

His character and activities have delivered all the fallen members of his

demoniac family. Lord Nr•sim•hadeva is very dear to this exalted personality.

Thus Prahl•da Mah•r•ja, along with his servants and all the denizens of


•a, worships Lord Nr•sim•hadeva by chanting the following mantra.

SB 5.18.8: I offer my respectful obeisances unto Lord Nr•sim•hadeva, the

source of all power. O my Lord who possesses nails and teeth just like

thunderbolts, kindly vanquish our demonlike desires for fruitive activity in


material world. Please appear in our hearts and drive away our ignorance so

that by

Your mercy we may become fearless in the struggle for existence in this

material world.

SB 5.18.9: May there be good fortune throughout the universe, and may all

envious persons be pacified. May all living entities become calm by practicing

bhakti-yoga, for by accepting devotional service they will think of each


welfare. Therefore let us all engage in the service of the supreme

transcendence, Lord Œr• Kr•s•n•a, and always remain absorbed in thought of Him.

SB 5.18.10: My dear Lord, we pray that we may never feel attraction for the

prison of family life, consisting of home, wife, children, friends, bank

balance, relatives and so on. If we do have some attachment, let it be for


whose only dear friend is Kr•s•n•a. A person who is actually self-realized

and who has controlled his mind is perfectly satisfied with the bare

necessities of life. He does not try to gratify his senses. Such a person


advances in Kr•s•n•a consciousness, whereas others, who are too attached to

material things, find advancement very difficult.

SB 5.18.11: By associating with persons for whom the Supreme Personality of

Godhead, Mukunda, is the all in all, one can hear of His powerful activities

and soon come to understand them. The activities of Mukunda are so potent that

simply by hearing of them one immediately associates with the Lord. For a

person who constantly and very eagerly hears narrations of the Lord's powerful

activities, the Absolute Truth, the Personality of Godhead in the form of sound


vibrations, enters within his heart and cleanses it of all contamination. On


other hand, although bathing in the Ganges diminishes bodily contaminations

and infections, this process and the process of visiting holy places can

cleanse the heart only after a long time. Therefore who is the sane man who

will not

associate with devotees to quickly perfect his life?

SB 5.18.12: All the demigods and their exalted qualities, such as religion,

knowledge and renunciation, become manifest in the body of one who has

developed unalloyed devotion for the Supreme Personality of Godhead, V•sudeva.

On the

other hand, a person devoid of devotional service and engaged in material

activities has no good qualities. Even if he is adept at the practice of mystic


yoga or the honest endeavor of maintaining his family and relatives, he must be


driven by his own mental speculations and must engage in the service of the

Lord's external energy. How can there be any good qualities in such a man?

SB 5.18.13: Just as aquatics always desire to remain in the vast mass of

water, all conditioned living entities naturally desire to remain in the vast

existence of the Supreme Lord. Therefore if someone very great by material

calculations fails to take shelter of the Supreme Soul but instead becomes


to material household life, his greatness is like that of a young, low-class

couple. One who is too attached to material life loses all good spiritual


SB 5.18.14: Therefore, O demons, give up the so-called happiness of family

life and simply take shelter of the lotus feet of Lord Nr•sim•hadeva, which are


the actual shelter of fearlessness. Entanglement in family life is the root

cause of material attachment, indefatigable desires, moroseness, anger,

despair, fear and the desire for false prestige, all of which result in the

repetition of birth and death.

( He is addressing the asuras ,thus the word demon)

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