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benific or melific

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how can we know that the planet in benific or malific in a paritcular

house. i know planet in rashis possesses strength but in houses it

become benific or malific.

can some provide me the list of banific and malific planets with

respect to houses. also what happens to the quality of planet when the

combination of planets are their in a house.



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Jaswinder ji,


To add to your consideration:

There are natural benefics and natural malefics

Certain house lords despite their natural qualities can become malefics

, "jaswinder" <zzepro wrote:


> sir,


> how can we know that the planet in benific or malific in a paritcular

> house. i know planet in rashis possesses strength but in houses it

> become benific or malific.

> can some provide me the list of banific and malific planets with

> respect to houses. also what happens to the quality of planet when


> combination of planets are their in a house.


> thanks


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By nature the planets like Moon, Venus, Jupiter, Mercury are considered

benefic. Similarly the natural malefics are Sun, Saturn, Mars, Rahu/Ketu.

There is a natural affinity exists between them briefly categorised into

Friends, Enemy, Neutral. This is a natural relationship. However, when

this same planets when gets placed in a horoscope, there, a new

relationship comes into picture i.e. keep your finger on any house of

interest then count see the in 2H, 3H, 4H & 12H, 11H, 10H becomes their

friends and rest all enemies. Now combine the natural relaship + this

horoscope positional relationship ( temporal relationship ) = You get what

we call in astrology PANCHADA MAITRI........a natural friend + temporal

friend = becomes close & intimate friends, a natural friend + temporal

enemy = a neutral, a natural enemy + temporal enemy = bitter enemy,....so

& so forth.


Kindly read proper astrology basic books including that of Sri B.V. Raman or

Sri K.N. Rao ( Learn Astrology without tears or easily...book of Sri K.N.

Rao), understand the written words, then try to assimilate the unwritten

meanings or derived meanings......


This forum is NOT for teaching lessons amatuer astros.......but for

discussing amongst those who already have gone beyond certain basics and

have some personal experiences.....achieved some status ( on individual self

assessement basis ) ..as an astros...... As an aspiring astro.....go

through the old emails of certain qualified people on the list and make

notes of their email content as understood by you.......that is way to use

the list..or learn.......it should atleast 5 years for you to know where

your feet is into subject of astrology.......( should you go by systematic

study without jumping into professional bandwagon - later to get branded



This is written to encourage your interest, but be ready to get used to

such detailed replies in near future,.....for the reasons stated above.


with regards,

sreeram srinivas





[] On Behalf Of jaswinder

Friday, October 27, 2006 1:00 PM


benific or melific






how can we know that the planet in benific or malific in a paritcular

house. i know planet in rashis possesses strength but in houses it

become benific or malific.

can some provide me the list of banific and malific planets with

respect to houses. also what happens to the quality of planet when the

combination of planets are their in a house.








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