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Wendy ji - Various thoughts

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Wendy ji,


///PS: So Sorry, I should have addressed this to

Krishna and Bhaskar :-(///


No probs! :-)


///For the novice astrologer there's no structured

curriculum and the proliferans of both right and WRONG

information available is such that it makes arriving

at the truth a long and arduous task.///


You can say that again! When I first started, I

thought that Badakadipati was a Parasara concept! I

also used Jaimini system of atma karakas. Fortunately,

I met you and you taught me what was true!


///Indeed Rahu pratyantar (in Saturn dasa) heralded

the beginning of my studies in Jyotish///


What a happy coincidence! I started taking a serious

interest in Jyotish around Oct 2003, when I was

running Bu-Ra-Sa. Budha is intellectual, Sani owns the

9th of higher knowledge, and so does Rahu as per "Sani

Vad Rahu."


BTW, Wendy ji, when we discussed my "Rahu's Advocate"

some time ago, I don't know if I mentioned the

personal effect of Rahu on me in terms of religion.

For example, one case is an accident on 30/Dec/1997

(Bu-Sk-Ra), which opened my eyes to God.


In my chart, Rahu occupies the star of 5th and 12th

lord Sukra. He is conjunct 11th lord Kuja [circle of

friends]. He also disposits (as per Sani Vad Rahu)

Budha, the lord of the 4th [close friends].


Two people who have had a strong impact upon me in

terms of religion are yourself and a friend, whom I

shall call Miss J.


Consider the common factors:


* Both are women [Rahu is feminine]

* Both are older than me [Rahu represents old age]

* Both are Roman Catholics [Rahu rules foreigners]


Wendy ji, we have in the past discussed the

possibility that Rahu was the Serpent of Eden, the

very devil himself. I'm pleased to note that, the

minor difficulties and obstacles I have suffered from

notwithstanding, the devil himself is leading me to

God! :-)




Balaji Narasimhan

Author & Editor







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Dear Balaji,


People call Saturn as bad or Mars as cruel or Rahu as devil.

These are temporary observations with regards to the individual


But for a Military commander strong Mars would be a boon,

for a Phd student strong Saturn would give him the patience

to withstand long hours of study.

And for a person wishing to go to a foreign country ,

a person with 12th Dasha Lord oncoming as Rahu, would prove

boon to him to take him overseas, same with film actors who

have to impress the masses (Rahu).

Rahu is considered as inimical to the Sun, but if in Leo ascendant

sitting with Yogkaraka Mars would take him to envious heights

unaattainable or thinkable for a normal man.


I would never consider Rahu as a devil, since it has taken some

Amrita, so would have properties of same after taking this amrit,

(what about Lehsun-Garlic ? signified by Rahu. does it not have

medicinal properties too ? What about serpents? Is not their poison

extracted and administered as many pain relieving measures

to patients with terminal illnesses ?)


We have seen may people in life with Rahu MahaDasha entering becoming

millionares or suddenly loosing everything. This depends on the

conjunctions of Rahu, aspects too, and the constellations too.


Actually all planets have dualism inherent in result giving (Not

talking about Dualism of Dual signs or Dual Lordship planets

like Mercury etc.)


For ex. Saturn may also give to a native if his previous Karma so

bestows, enough wealth which when coming through planet Saturn, no

one can take away from the native through any source,but if

coming through Jupiter may be wiped off, this same Saturn can also

put the man on the footpath(Pavement) if his poorva Karmas produce

these results.So Saturn can also Punish and also reward. In

Saturns case all would be slow punishment (Chronic longlasting

diseases) or slow rewarding ( Nobel award after many years of labour)

while in Rahus case the punishment and reward would be more quicker.


Balaji Sahab, I am not trying to advise, because You are a

knowledgable person I have seen from Your posts, am just putting

my observations as they came in heart and mind, to clear certain

matters,which I am sure would have been contextual and not

generalised.,because if not cleared the new lot entering astrology I

do not want them to form any biased oipinion for Rahu or so-called

cruel and tamasic planets which would then become a block for them

in future studies .


Hope to hear and learn from You more,






jyotish-vidya, Balaji Narasimhan

<sherlockbalaji wrote:


> Wendy ji,


> ///PS: So Sorry, I should have addressed this to

> Krishna and Bhaskar :-(///


> No probs! :-)


> ///For the novice astrologer there's no structured

> curriculum and the proliferans of both right and WRONG

> information available is such that it makes arriving

> at the truth a long and arduous task.///


> You can say that again! When I first started, I

> thought that Badakadipati was a Parasara concept! I

> also used Jaimini system of atma karakas. Fortunately,

> I met you and you taught me what was true!


> ///Indeed Rahu pratyantar (in Saturn dasa) heralded

> the beginning of my studies in Jyotish///


> What a happy coincidence! I started taking a serious

> interest in Jyotish around Oct 2003, when I was

> running Bu-Ra-Sa. Budha is intellectual, Sani owns the

> 9th of higher knowledge, and so does Rahu as per "Sani

> Vad Rahu."


> BTW, Wendy ji, when we discussed my "Rahu's Advocate"

> some time ago, I don't know if I mentioned the

> personal effect of Rahu on me in terms of religion.

> For example, one case is an accident on 30/Dec/1997

> (Bu-Sk-Ra), which opened my eyes to God.


> In my chart, Rahu occupies the star of 5th and 12th

> lord Sukra. He is conjunct 11th lord Kuja [circle of

> friends]. He also disposits (as per Sani Vad Rahu)

> Budha, the lord of the 4th [close friends].


> Two people who have had a strong impact upon me in

> terms of religion are yourself and a friend, whom I

> shall call Miss J.


> Consider the common factors:


> * Both are women [Rahu is feminine]

> * Both are older than me [Rahu represents old age]

> * Both are Roman Catholics [Rahu rules foreigners]


> Wendy ji, we have in the past discussed the

> possibility that Rahu was the Serpent of Eden, the

> very devil himself. I'm pleased to note that, the

> minor difficulties and obstacles I have suffered from

> notwithstanding, the devil himself is leading me to

> God! :-)



> ~~~~~~~~~

> Balaji Narasimhan

> Author & Editor

> http://www.balaji.ind.in/

> ~~~~~~~~~







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Dear Balaji,


///What a happy coincidence! I started taking a serious

interest in Jyotish around Oct 2003, when I was

running Bu-Ra-Sa. Budha is intellectual, Sani owns the

9th of higher knowledge, and so does Rahu as per "Sani

Vad Rahu."///


Yes, and here again we see an example of the dictum...

"the nodes, in spite of their malefic nature, become benefics by virtue of

their position in certain houses or association with certain planets."


For you, Rahu, in sign of Jupiter, occupies nakshatra of Venus (in sign of

Grt.Fr. in 9th)...


///Two people who have had a strong impact upon me in

terms of religion are yourself and a friend, whom I

shall call Miss J.


Consider the common factors:


* Both are women [Rahu is feminine]///


As far as I know the nodes are not assigned a gender? Can you quote a source

for this.


///* Both are older than me [Rahu represents old age]///


And don't forget the aspect of 9th lord Saturn on 9th (holding Rahu's star

lord Venus).


* Both are Roman Catholics [Rahu rules foreigners]


(again) 9th lord Saturn in 12th aspecting 9th...religious connections beyond

the boundaries of one's own religion. 12th house of loss denotes all losses

including loss of boundaries. We've discussed this before (I think ?).


///BTW, Wendy ji, when we discussed my "Rahu's Advocate"

some time ago, I don't know if I mentioned the

personal effect of Rahu on me in terms of religion.

For example, one case is an accident on 30/Dec/1997

(Bu-Sk-Ra), which opened my eyes to God.///


If my memory serves me there was another (long-standing) member who also had

a similar experience after an accident. This native has JU/RA conjunct. He

will recognise who I'm referring to I'm sure and (hopefully) might jog my

memory regarding the dasas at the time.


///Wendy ji, we have in the past discussed the

possibility that Rahu was the Serpent of Eden, the

very devil himself. I'm pleased to note that, the

minor difficulties and obstacles I have suffered from

notwithstanding, the devil himself is leading me to

God! :-)///


Yes, again pulling on my memory...gets a little more difficult every day :-(

I think we might have been talking about the story of Christ when he was

tempted by the devil. The devil showed him all the riches of the world and

said it all could be his if he (Christ) would bow down and worship him. I

likened this to Rahu's hedonistic (worldly) nature. As we know, under the

right circumstances, Rahu can bestow great worldly benefits...riches,

recognition, fame and so forth.


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy







"Balaji Narasimhan" <sherlockbalaji >


Saturday, October 28, 2006 7:18 PM

Wendy ji - Various thoughts



Wendy ji,


///PS: So Sorry, I should have addressed this to

Krishna and Bhaskar :-(///


No probs! :-)


///For the novice astrologer there's no structured

curriculum and the proliferans of both right and WRONG

information available is such that it makes arriving

at the truth a long and arduous task.///


You can say that again! When I first started, I

thought that Badakadipati was a Parasara concept! I

also used Jaimini system of atma karakas. Fortunately,

I met you and you taught me what was true!


///Indeed Rahu pratyantar (in Saturn dasa) heralded

the beginning of my studies in Jyotish///


What a happy coincidence! I started taking a serious

interest in Jyotish around Oct 2003, when I was

running Bu-Ra-Sa. Budha is intellectual, Sani owns the

9th of higher knowledge, and so does Rahu as per "Sani

Vad Rahu."


BTW, Wendy ji, when we discussed my "Rahu's Advocate"

some time ago, I don't know if I mentioned the

personal effect of Rahu on me in terms of religion.

For example, one case is an accident on 30/Dec/1997

(Bu-Sk-Ra), which opened my eyes to God.


In my chart, Rahu occupies the star of 5th and 12th

lord Sukra. He is conjunct 11th lord Kuja [circle of

friends]. He also disposits (as per Sani Vad Rahu)

Budha, the lord of the 4th [close friends].


Two people who have had a strong impact upon me in

terms of religion are yourself and a friend, whom I

shall call Miss J.


Consider the common factors:


* Both are women [Rahu is feminine]

* Both are older than me [Rahu represents old age]

* Both are Roman Catholics [Rahu rules foreigners]


Wendy ji, we have in the past discussed the

possibility that Rahu was the Serpent of Eden, the

very devil himself. I'm pleased to note that, the

minor difficulties and obstacles I have suffered from

notwithstanding, the devil himself is leading me to

God! :-)




Balaji Narasimhan

Author & Editor







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Dear Bhaskar,



You said:


>Rahu is considered as inimical to the Sun, but if in Leo ascendant

sitting with Yogkaraka Mars would take him to envious heights

unaattainable or thinkable for a normal man.



Can you give me the reference or charts?


Kishore patnaik

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Dear Kishoreji,


Instead of references which I can give immediately, I will on the

contrary give you more, ie.the quotation from the texts itself with

authenticity. Just give me some time.






jyotish-vidya, "kishore patnaik"

<kishorepatnaik09 wrote:


> Dear Bhaskar,



> You said:


> >Rahu is considered as inimical to the Sun, but if in Leo ascendant

> sitting with Yogkaraka Mars would take him to envious heights

> unaattainable or thinkable for a normal man.



> Can you give me the reference or charts?


> Kishore patnaik


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{Om Namo Narayanaya}


Dear Kishore ji and Bhaskarji,


Is it irrespective of the placement of house?

What if the placement is in the seventh house, Aquarius?

Lagnesh, Sun being in the 11th in Gemini.

I do know that we do have to take into account the other

planets/houses/aspects for a more realistic view, but an academic

point of view would help.




jyotish-vidya, "kishore patnaik"

<kishorepatnaik09 wrote:


> Dear Bhaskar,



> You said:


> >Rahu is considered as inimical to the Sun, but if in Leo ascendant

> sitting with Yogkaraka Mars would take him to envious heights

> unaattainable or thinkable for a normal man.



> Can you give me the reference or charts?


> Kishore patnaik


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[bhaskar ji]


///We have seen may people in life with Rahu MahaDasha

entering becoming millionares or suddenly loosing



This, I believe is connected to how Rahu was "born"

during the Kurma Avatara--he got the Amrit and got his

head cut off. So, in Rahu Mahadasa, what you get is

lost when the dasa gets over.


///Balaji Sahab, I am not trying to advise, because

You are a knowledgable person I have seen from Your

posts, am just putting my observations as they came in

heart and mind, to clear certain matters,which I am

sure would have been contextual and not



Please don't capitalize "you" I'm not God! :-)


BTW, I was not generalizing--I was talking about my

own chart!


Also, I'm sorry if you didn't get the context, which

referred to postings by myself and Wendy ji almost a

year back, when I wrote Rahu's Advocate. You can

download this from the Files section of JV. In this

story, I actually praised Rahu! :-)


[Wendy ji]


///Yes, and here again we see an example of the

dictum... "the nodes, in spite of their malefic

nature, become benefics by virtue of their position in

certain houses or association with certain



Yes! This is especially true if they are disposited by

natural/functional benefics.


///As far as I know the nodes are not assigned a

gender? Can you quote a source for this.///


Really? I thought I read somewhere that the genders of

the grahas was:


Male: Surya, Kuja, Guru

Female: Chandra, Sukra, Rahu

Hermaphrodite: Budha, Sani, Ketu


Don't remember where I read it, though.




Balaji Narasimhan

Author & Editor







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Dear Balaji,

I've also considered Rahu a female planet- read somewhere, don't remember where- but it somehow makes sense to me/?/


And you said

"So, in Rahu Mahadasa, what you get is

lost when the dasa gets over",

and it is commonly considered to be the truth,


does your own experience confirm this /you've been in Rahu period yourself/, or your impression based on charts you've studied?



/PS- I remember while I was studying Western astrology, Pluto had been frequently referred to with similar 'fatality',

remember one great astrologer said a propo Pl transit Moon- one who has everything loses everything, who has nothing gets everything...and sure enough, I've seen it bringing 'turmoil, painful regeneration etc..but not 'reversal of fortune' as stated.. tarot 'wheel of fortune' seems to be even more attuned to Rahu nature../

Balaji Narasimhan <sherlockbalaji > wrote:

[bhaskar ji]


///We have seen may people in life with Rahu MahaDasha

entering becoming millionares or suddenly loosing



This, I believe is connected to how Rahu was "born"

during the Kurma Avatara--he got the Amrit and got his

head cut off. So, in Rahu Mahadasa, what you get is

lost when the dasa gets over.


///Balaji Sahab, I am not trying to advise, because

You are a knowledgable person I have seen from Your

posts, am just putting my observations as they came in

heart and mind, to clear certain matters,which I am

sure would have been contextual and not



Please don't capitalize "you" I'm not God! :-)


BTW, I was not generalizing--I was talking about my

own chart!


Also, I'm sorry if you didn't get the context, which

referred to postings by myself and Wendy ji almost a

year back, when I wrote Rahu's Advocate. You can

download this from the Files section of JV. In this

story, I actually praised Rahu! :-)


[Wendy ji]


///Yes, and here again we see an example of the

dictum... "the nodes, in spite of their malefic

nature, become benefics by virtue of their position in

certain houses or association with certain



Yes! This is especially true if they are disposited by

natural/functional benefics.


///As far as I know the nodes are not assigned a

gender? Can you quote a source for this.///


Really? I thought I read somewhere that the genders of

the grahas was:


Male: Surya, Kuja, Guru

Female: Chandra, Sukra, Rahu

Hermaphrodite: Budha, Sani, Ketu


Don't remember where I read it, though.



Balaji Narasimhan

Author & Editor





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Dear Kishore,


//Secondly, you said the combination of Mars and Rahu in Leo gives a RY. I

am sorry that I am listening to this for the first time > I did not come

across this combination either in parampara knowledge or in the classics or

the modern writings of BV RAman or KN Rao etc. It is not that I will

remember all the dictums, but this seem to be something out of place so

there is less possibility of forgetting it.//


In this instance (Bhaskar's horoscope) the MA/RA combination does indeed

give rise to a RajaYoga.



Rahu is in a Kendra or Trikona, conjunct a Kendra lord or Trikona lord

(Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra 36/17).



Dear Bhaskar,

You are currently undergoing pratyantar of 6th lord Saturn (conjunct Jupiter

in 6th). Saturn has been, and still is, transiting 12th house in sign of

Cancer (an inimical sign for him). This transit can cause some problems for

you, some disputes with colleagues, co-workers and so forth. But, not to

worry, this will pass :-)


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy







"kishore patnaik" <kishorepatnaik09 >


Tuesday, October 31, 2006 12:08 AM

Re: Re: Wendy ji - Various thoughts



dear bhaskar,


When you put up your own understanding, i think you ought to be mentioning

the same

by saying something like " I notice that .." , "I feel that ..."


You can not write your own opinons,whether right or wrong,as if they

are gospel truths,which will certainly mislead others. I am not trying to

bully you, but i feel this is a basic rule of the discussionforums where

knowlege that is scattered over somany written and unwritten sources, is

being discussed.


Secondly, you said the combination of Mars and Rahu in Leo gives a RY. I am

sorry that I am listening to this for the first time > I did not come

across this combination either in parampara knowledge or in the classics or

the modern writings of BV RAman or KN Rao etc. It is not that I will

remember all the dictums, but this seem to be something out of place so

there is less possibility of forgetting it.


Please send me the reference.


Kishore patnaik

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Dear Wendyji,



Rahu is in a Kendra or Trikona, conjunct a Kendra lord or Trikona

lord (Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra 36/17).//



Not a day goes without marvelling at your knowledge.You seem to be

able to remember everything and pick out the sources too.

It is such a simple dictum which I tend to forgot. Yes

Rahu with any Yogkaraka (Lord of kendra and Trikona)in kendra

gets the power to give tremendous Rajyoga to the native.


//But, not to

worry, this will pass //


Thanks a lot.







jyotish-vidya, "Wendy Vasicek" <jyotish



> Dear Kishore,


> //Secondly, you said the combination of Mars and Rahu in Leo gives

a RY. I

> am sorry that I am listening to this for the first time > I did

not come

> across this combination either in parampara knowledge or in the

classics or

> the modern writings of BV RAman or KN Rao etc. It is not that I


> remember all the dictums, but this seem to be something out of

place so

> there is less possibility of forgetting it.//


> In this instance (Bhaskar's horoscope) the MA/RA combination does


> give rise to a RajaYoga.


> Note;

> Rahu is in a Kendra or Trikona, conjunct a Kendra lord or Trikona


> (Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra 36/17).

> _


> Dear Bhaskar,

> You are currently undergoing pratyantar of 6th lord Saturn

(conjunct Jupiter

> in 6th). Saturn has been, and still is, transiting 12th house in

sign of

> Cancer (an inimical sign for him). This transit can cause some

problems for

> you, some disputes with colleagues, co-workers and so forth. But,

not to

> worry, this will pass :-)


> Best Wishes,

> Mrs. Wendy

> http://JyotishVidya.com

> jyotish-vidya

> ___



> -

> "kishore patnaik" <kishorepatnaik09

> <jyotish-vidya>

> Tuesday, October 31, 2006 12:08 AM

> Re: Re: Wendy ji - Various thoughts



> dear bhaskar,


> When you put up your own understanding, i think you ought to be


> the same

> by saying something like " I notice that .." , "I feel that ..."


> You can not write your own opinons,whether right or wrong,as if they

> are gospel truths,which will certainly mislead others. I am not

trying to

> bully you, but i feel this is a basic rule of the discussionforums


> knowlege that is scattered over somany written and unwritten

sources, is

> being discussed.


> Secondly, you said the combination of Mars and Rahu in Leo gives a

RY. I am

> sorry that I am listening to this for the first time > I did not


> across this combination either in parampara knowledge or in the

classics or

> the modern writings of BV RAman or KN Rao etc. It is not that I


> remember all the dictums, but this seem to be something out of

place so

> there is less possibility of forgetting it.


> Please send me the reference.


> Kishore patnaik


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No Comments.





jyotish-vidya, "kishore patnaik"

<kishorepatnaik09 wrote:


> dear bhaskar,


> at the very outset, please stop talking emotionally. This is not my


> and even if it is,

> i would wish every one to be more productive and helpful to all

others. Of

> course, I am not saying

> that you should not vent your feelings but I think saying things

like ' I

> will stop writing ' , I will go away from this group' will not turn


> stones. Not in this age and certainly, not on the virtual world!


> Dont mistake me but I think such threats sound very childish.


> Now, coming to the crux of the problem- your dictum of rahu and

mars being

> in leo or wherever sending packets of rajayoga, on the face of

it , is out

> of place. It does not gel with the conventional way of thinking.

Hence, my

> question.


> I simply do not know any 'astrologers in the lanes' but certainly,

i have

> put this to many astrologers, who are worth their salt and alas,


> dictum seems to be known only to the astrologers in the lanes.


> Now coming to the so called confusion in my message on the Mercury


> Sun.Again, I have not asked you to quote the references whenever

you talk of

> the generally known dictums. I have only said when you are writing


> opinions, please say that ' this is my opinion' Otherwise, it can

be taken

> by others that it is quoted in some classic and will be erroneously


> Of course, you stand to lose to get credit if such opinion turns

out to be

> right, because they attribute to some classic since you have never

said that

> it is your opinion or observation. .


> In my message, what I have given is certainly, not my thinking but

what I

> have read in classics and modern writers. I do not think such

things need to

> be given supporting annotations (at the cost of repetions, i have

not asked

> you to give such annotations either , in general. I have asked you

so for

> only this dictum ie rahu and mars doling out some rajayoga since it


> odd!)


> Of course, there are other confusions in the message, which I

understood to

> be when other members including very senior members have approached

me off

> line and I was quite unhappy that they have not chosen to give

an opinion

> or supporting charts.


> Again, let me make it very clear that I have no wish to bulldoze

you and

> your opinions but i have asked for simple reference for something

you have

> said since I could not get the same myself.


> I think it will do good to you and me and others if you choose to


> your view with references, instead of prolonging the thread with


> non astro discussions.


> Hope Mrs Wendy and other members approve my line of thinking/

And I think

> the purpose of this long mail is well served if you muse over it

with the

> right spirit of thinking.


> Kishore patnaik



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Dear Kishore,


//at the very outset, please stop talking emotionally. This is not my group

and even if it is, i would wish every one to be more productive and helpful

to all others.//


This is not your call, Kishore.


//Now, coming to the crux of the problem- your dictum of rahu and mars being

in leo or wherever sending packets of rajayoga, on the face of it , is out

of place. It does not gel with the conventional way of thinking. Hence, my



I already gave the reference for this yoga (as it applied to Bhaskar's

chart)...why are you still argueing the point?


BPHS Ch.34:



**16. RAHU & KETU:

Rahu and Ketu give predominently the effects as due to their conjunction

with a house lord or as due to the house they occupy.


17. If a node is in an angle in aspect to or association with a trinal lord

or be in a trine in similar relation with an angular lord it will become



//Of course, there are other confusions in the message, which I understood


be when other members including very senior members have approached me off

line and I was quite unhappy that they have not chosen to give an opinion

or supporting charts.//


If other (very senior members?) have something to say let them say it on the

list...openly! Backbiting behind the scenes, a practice I find intollerable,

shows (only) the complete lack of integrity of those involved...this is

schoolboy mentality unbefitting astrologers.


//Again, let me make it very clear that I have no wish to bulldoze you and

your opinions but i have asked for simple reference for something you have

said since I could not get the same myself.//


I'm well aware that some members have had disputes on other lists...those

involved need to know that I will not tolerate this being carried over here.

If some members just can't get along (because of past history) then they

should simply not respond to each other's posts...it's as simple as that!


I want this bickering to stop, NOW!!


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy




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dear wendyji,


I think you have not read the mail properly. the approach of senior

members is with regard to my mail on Mercury and Sun and has got

nothing to do with the present thread or Jyotish-vidya. Frankly, I

hardly know any members on your forum!


I have asked for a simple reference and I think the thread is going

too ridiculous. I want you ( and whoever else ) to know that I am a

busy man and have no time to waste time on these silly things. I have

replied the mail because my name was dragged into other mails and I

needed to clear my name.


Now, for some astro stuff: the sloka you are referrring has several

connotations and I am sure it will make a very good discussion on

the various connotations.Please do post your opinion, especially

whether Rahu in Quadrants and Kendras of Cancer and Leo can give



Finally, I did not remember this when I have talked to Bhaskar and I

appreciate that you and Anna have highlighted the dictums.


guess this should put your fears to rest.


Kishore patnaik


On 11/1/06, Wendy Vasicek <jyotish (AT) optusnet (DOT) com.au> wrote:

> Dear Kishore,


> //at the very outset, please stop talking emotionally. This is not my group

> and even if it is, i would wish every one to be more productive and helpful

> to all others.//


> This is not your call, Kishore.


> //Now, coming to the crux of the problem- your dictum of rahu and mars being

> in leo or wherever sending packets of rajayoga, on the face of it , is out

> of place. It does not gel with the conventional way of thinking. Hence, my

> question.//


> I already gave the reference for this yoga (as it applied to Bhaskar's

> chart)...why are you still argueing the point?


> BPHS Ch.34:

> http://jyotishvidya.com/ch34.htm


> **16. RAHU & KETU:

> Rahu and Ketu give predominently the effects as due to their conjunction

> with a house lord or as due to the house they occupy.


> 17. If a node is in an angle in aspect to or association with a trinal lord

> or be in a trine in similar relation with an angular lord it will become

> Yogakaraka.**


> //Of course, there are other confusions in the message, which I understood

> to

> be when other members including very senior members have approached me off

> line and I was quite unhappy that they have not chosen to give an opinion

> or supporting charts.//


> If other (very senior members?) have something to say let them say it on the

> list...openly! Backbiting behind the scenes, a practice I find intollerable,

> shows (only) the complete lack of integrity of those involved...this is

> schoolboy mentality unbefitting astrologers.


> //Again, let me make it very clear that I have no wish to bulldoze you and

> your opinions but i have asked for simple reference for something you have

> said since I could not get the same myself.//


> I'm well aware that some members have had disputes on other lists...those

> involved need to know that I will not tolerate this being carried over here.

> If some members just can't get along (because of past history) then they

> should simply not respond to each other's posts...it's as simple as that!


> I want this bickering to stop, NOW!!


> Best Wishes,

> Mrs. Wendy

> http://JyotishVidya.com

> jyotish-vidya

> ___





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