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Swami's Cosmic Puja Class- 1% of Tonight's Class

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Swami taught another wonderful lesson from the Cosmic Puja tonight.

On page 201 of the Cosmic Puja text, we discussed the "Anga Puja".


The desciption of the process is as follows: "Worship of the Divine

Mother's body using the tattwa mudra on both hands. We touch our

bodies, starting at our feet, and ankles, etc,{each part of the body}

rising up to the top of the head, and then gently sweep our hands over

our entire body."


Then after we touch all the parts of our physical body, we image

taking a shower, the blessings of the Divine raining down on every

part of our body, while reciting the mantra, "HRIM". The mantra

brings the blessings.


These are the simple words written in the book and the description

Swami spoke out. They provide simple "easy to follow instructions",

but, the words and instructions do not come alive until Swami infuses

the shaki, the divine energy, into the instructions.

He transmits the Totality of the words into us. This is the blessing

of being with a Master.


We all sat there, and suddenly we understood and felt the reality of

the words: "worship of the Divine Mother's Body"


These words cannot describe the joy I felt while performing this

simple act of worship and blessing.


Imagine that Swami has just told you that your body is not your own,

it is Divine Mother's body. Imagine He just filled the air with so

much shakti that you actually realized the totality of the words.


To really experience the Truth, close your eyes, and imagine Maa

living inside your body. Then, becoming more quiet inside, realize

She is the body. Use your imagination and change your context, your

paradigm, and think and feel: "I" live in Mother's Body, not my ego,

but my soul inhabits this Temple of the Divine Mother. This is Her

body, just as everthing in creation is Her, and "I", my immortal soul,

lives in this body. She brought me here, to worship Her, to adorn Her

Temple with mantras, the perfect manifestations of pure consciousness.

"I" am blessed to bless Her body, here and now, and by doing this, by

extension, "I" bless all creation, because "I", and "She" are one and

the same. There is no difference, only oneness.


"I" could not live without Her. So She brought me here, gave me a

body, a part of Herself, and taught me how to worship Her, to see Her

in me, and to experience She and I are one.


That is the just the beginning of the process, culminating in seeing

and experiencing Her in everything.


I ask all of you, if you love Divine Mother, for the sake of this

world, learn how to worship and adore Her with all your senses.

Realize the truth that She is our nearest and dearest. She is not far

away and a stranger, but right inside us, and we inside Her.


In order to live life as She intends, we must engage with Her, to

rekindle and remember our intimate relationship with Her.


She has never forgotten us, She has never left us. How could She?


When we experience this truth, even for a moment, life takes on a

whole new meaning, and every act becomes worship.


We cannot afford to wait. I say to myself, "Oh, a time will come when

I can take the time to worship. But now, I have to work for a living.

So silly and short sighted. Life is too precious.


When I taught Nand, my grandson how to say Om Namah Shivah, I knew his

chrakas and his entire consciousness were being ignited with the

divine flame. The flame was there, buring very low, and flickering,

but it was there.


It just needed to be ignited.


In the same way, the classes that Swami teaches at the Mandir every

night at 6:30 Pacific time, and the on-line chat class we will begin

this Saturday at 9am Pacific time, those classes will ignite us.

Will inspire and delight and challange us.


Please let me or Srini or Ramya know who will be joining us nightly

and this Saturday. We want a gathering of devottees to share in this

incredible adventure and together we will experience the bliss of

Divine Mother. TAke the sankalpa, make the committment, to join in the

classes. The group energy will be fed and ignited by Maa and Swami,

and we will have a Divine Time.


We await the pleasure of your company, RSVP


Jai Maa, Jai Swami




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