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Prophesy And Omniscience

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Everybody understands that knowledge is the solution to any problem and the key to all happiness. So i wish to start this thread to collect all mantras or other methods that give siddhi of knowing everything in past, present or future. First i submit the "tribhuvana swaami" mantra (it is Jaaina, not classical sanskrit):

OM arihante utpatti swaahaa

Also the Saawitrii mantra is for all purpose, so it may give the siddhi of Knowledge.

When i find anything else useful for that purpose, i shall add it here.

Please contribute to this thread all mantras or other methods you know for getting the siddhi of knowing everything in past, present or future.

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  • 2 months later...

I Found This Yantra In A Book:

Make A Square Divided In Nine Squares. Here Are The Numbers You Write In The Squares:


42 7 56

49 35 21

14 63 28


You Write This Yantra With Various Aromatic Substances, In Devanaagari, And Worship Everyday, Your Knowledge Will Increase Day By Day. OF COURSE, YOU WRITE FIRST 7, THEN 14, THEN 21, ETC., THAT IS NOT AS THE NUMBERS APPEAR, BUT IN DUE ORDER FROM SMALLER TO BIGGER NUMBER. THIS IS HOW YANTRAS ARE WRITTEN. Be Open To Knowledge, Ready To Change Your Beliefs When They Prove Wrong. I Hope This Gives You The Siddhi Of Knowledge.

Good Luck!

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