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Boons and Curses in the first 3 yugas

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Hi all,


I am curious as to what boons and curses were like in the first 3 yugas, i understand tht people were a lot more spritual in that day hence had more powers. But if a boon was so easily given out by Shantanu to Bhisma to choose his death time, then why can't anyone and everyone give boons and curses so easily like that? Or did they have to accumulate them through penance etc? How would one accumulate a curse or be able to give a curse out?


For example if i cursed a enemy it is unlikely to come true, but how did they make it work so to speak? Why did it have an effect in the first 3 yugas but not now....and so why didnt they do it more often?



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In those days, people believe in Boons and Curse so a wise men who have accumulated enough merits could use it the same way people cast spells today, to cast curses onto others.


Nowadays, black magic is real in some part of the world while in other, so-called "Civilized" parts, Magic is considered as something supernatural.


In short, the mind of a person CAN BE USED to inflict damage to others if the mind is trained hard enough. Check Stigmata on the Net to know how the Mind can inflict wounds upon oneself.

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