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Lord Krishna's instructions to women

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I guess it important to remember when thinking of Radha and Krsna's pastimes, that they are purely transcendental. With no mundane or material conception involved.


When we think of male/female relations we perceive generally from a mundane perspective. But Their pastimes are something very different. Mundane relations can be motivated by material lust to varying degrees. But Radha and Krsna's pastimes a purely based on the highest form of spiritual love.


The acarya's have taught to look deeply into the pastimes of Sr Caitanya. For he is merciful and kind, and through his worship, our path to understanding the mysteries of Sri Sri Radha Krsna will be clear and without misunderstanding or offence.


Sri Caitanya's message to undertand the highest form of spiritual love and to experience love of God was the simple process of sankirtana. Chanting of the holy names of Sri Krsna. Chanting of the holy names is a most pleasing spiritual endeavour, for sure.

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Dear Ayodhyaji,




Radha has two friends, Lalita and Vishaka. They didn't like Krsna doing typical teenaged adolescent behavior towards Radhika. Therefore, they cursed Him that "One day You will cry the same way that You made Radhika cry!"


So, according to Gaudiya katha or story-telling oral tradition, Krsna did NOT win, as Guruvani claims. Yah He married to some Divine SuperModels due to the cultural stylistic convention of astrology extant at that time in India. Sure. But that is not..the REST OF THE STORY!



You see, as you may know, human beings sometimes fall in love with a person totally wrong for them. Radha and Krsna really loved each other and wanted to be together 24/7/365! But the astrologer Granny in their village said, "No way Jose! The marriage will be a disaster astrologically." As you may know, in the Hindu astrology there are ten points of agreement and Their charts together sucked for marriage.




But that was not the end of the story. You can have a great chart for marriage with someone but pin away and be lovesick for your sweetie. And that is what happened in Dwarka: Krsna would toss and turn and cry every night missing Radhika so much. The queens were all royally dissed as Krsna would cry for Radhika even in His sleep [actually They were all expansions of Her anyway, so no worries mate].




And then [hello! reincarnation payback time!] He reincarnated as Lord Sri Krsna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Chaitanya means "consciousness". So like the Divine Dude's name was "Krsna Consciousness", how do you like that?! Then the crying really began: let the crying games begin!


And basically He began as an ordinary bloke...model citizen for His time and place...then one day the curse from Radhika's homegirlz set in. From chanting the name once of Krs-na, He became Divinely Intoxicated.




Then when He tried being normal, when He went back to his regular life and taught school, for example, the grammar was all in relation to Krsna. The grammar book still exists and it is a very interesting way to learn language arts! He started gradually more and more, every day in every way feeling whatever moods and emotions Radhika had felt back in Vrndavana: Divine Teenaged Lovesick Crush Big Time.


From there He went to thinking about Krsna all of the time, in the EXACT same way that Radhika had always thought about Him. And by the end of His life He was pretty much crying all of the time in separation from Krsna: just exactly what the gopis curse was to Him.




So what was the point of all of this Big Gigantic Divine Teenaged Love Spat and Transcendental Payback Time? The whole irony and beauty of the thing is that WE are the winners of the Divine Love Spat!


Cuz ever since the time of Sri Chaitanya, without a doubt: there has been a big paradigm shift in human consciousness.

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In this way, Krsna explained the duty of a woman. He also stressed the point of serving the husband:
Awe a flaw in interpretation of suggested belief or a blatant flaw in the character of the belief.


……"Even if he is not of very good character, or even if he is not very rich or fortunate or even if he is old or invalid on account of continued diseases, whatever her husband's condition, a woman should not divorce her husband if she actually desires to be elevated to the higher planetary systems after leaving this body.
The bond between a man and women is equal in every capacity of required responsibility to the other.

God does not set this tone. What is right is the commitment to each aware not to harm, disrespect, or otherwise cause pain to the other without regard to feelings or the most compassionate representation for the other.

There is no side. Some men are more dominant in personality and some women are more dominant; the commitment between the two is of their own accord and there is no influence or set rules other then compassion to govern the individuals responsibilities. If they walk funny and had still found Love then that is their gift but no other is to impose as to what is ‘normal.’ If they found Love so be it but it is the compassion and honesty that is the rule.


Besides that, it is considered abominable in society if a woman is unfaithful and goes searching for another man.
Same for a man ….. we (men) are recognized as continuously checking the menu but never ever think women do not have reproductive instincts as well.


Such habits will deter a woman from being elevated to the heavenly planets, and the results of such habits are very degrading.
What planets? Show it in reality or just dream because you’re reading truth. Remember equality, as women are ½ of our existence as every man or a woman born was born from women, period!


A married woman should not search for a paramour, for this is not sanctioned by the Vedic principles of life. If you think that you are very much attached to Me and you want My association, I advise you not to personally try to enjoy Me. It is better for you to go home, simply talk about Me, think of Me, and by this process of constantly remembering Me and chanting My names, you will surely be elevated to the spiritual platform. There is no need to stand near Me. Please go back home."


The instruction given herein by the Supreme Personality of Godhead to the gopis was not at all sarcastic.

Such instructions should be taken very seriously by all honest women.
This last line should read “Such instructions should NOT be taken seriously by all honest women.” And that would fix the rude assumption nicely! Honest women don’t believe the BS of ever being less then men!


The chastity of women is specifically stressed herein by the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
Right …. This is an incorrect interpretation~ If it was followed by all women; we would be extinct! The rules of existence are for all not just some.


Therefore this principle should be followed by any serious woman who wants to be elevated to a higher status of life. Krsna is the center of all affection for all living creatures.
“Krsna …. Is of all living creatures and without these creature copulating there would not be continued life for Krsna to observe this existence. Remember, Life is of Krsna in all cases whether of the instinctive critters or of us; that conscious ‘life’ that knows it exists.

Reproduction just offer us more of “Krsna” to Love.

The only reason for anything ‘chaste’ is because men and women both have a real tendency to enjoy sex, and the ills of selfish pursuits, have and do, damage others. These damages that we do for our own desires are the problem. Not God or Krsna not wanting us to procreate. That is ridiculous.

But to finish this on a biased side the purpose for putting so much on women is that men can over power women and take it, so the idea was ‘please refrain from stepping on a real weakness of man by flaunting!’

Then again watch today’s teenager’s they act just like adolescent critters of instinct. It’s natural and our instinct will take a big toll if we are not careful.

So please …. Let’s not ever think the almighty or Krsna, Vishnu or what ever would be telling us not to procreate! That is just silly!

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Namaste Ayodhyaji,


There is definitely siddhanta that can explain the esoterics of the Divine and you can look it up online, written by those much more scholarly than myself.


One of my areas of academic training and expertise is in the Expressive Arts, so my appreciation of Hinduism is colored through that lens filter.


My personal feeling is that if there is a God/dess, how much S/He must love us: how patient and kind. And if there is a God/dess, then how well S/He must understand us: the entire range of human nature, foibles and all.


And how sweet it is! that They would understand us so well and so intimately the full range of human nature, that they would gift us with these kathas.


I like the Gaudiyas' idea that if there is a God/dess then S/He must enjoy laughing, joking, singing, dancing, and telling stories as much as I do.


And I like the Gaudiyas' idea that if there really is a Supreme Personality of God/desshead : then as above, so below...the Chick is really the one in charge, and just lets the Guy act big and talk big and think that He is.


Classic! Gotta love it!

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Krsna is totally controlled by love, totally. And Sri Radha is the highest personification of that love.


You see, Gaudiya Vaisnava's express their devotion and service to Sri Radha. If Sri Radha is pleased with the devotees devotion and service, Sri Krsna is sure to be pleased.


Surely God is nothing but love, as seen so mercifully by the appearance of such beautiful scriptures. To wait upon the appearance of this love to manifest in the heart, must by the pinnacle of life for souls.


Just a humble opinion.

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Could you kindly explain to me who Sri Chaitanya is? I have never heard of him. :idea:




I don't understand this. Krishna makes no mention of Vrindavana and says that if a woman leaves her husband, she will not be able to attain the heavenly planets (Swarga). I have no qualms with this, however, why should chaste men be able to marry again after leaving their bad wives, but chaste women be punished for leaving bad men?



What did Krishna do to Radha besides leave her?



Have you read Srimad Bhagavatam? if not, no point in discussing anything about sri Krishna , so is the case with Lord Sri Krishnachaitanya....Gita is a nectar though, yet Bhagavath is the nectar of the nectar:)


Hari hari bol

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Krsna is totally controlled by love, totally. And Sri Radha is the highest personification of that love.


You see, Gaudiya Vaisnava's express their devotion and service to Sri Radha. If Sri Radha is pleased with the devotees devotion and service, Sri Krsna is sure to be pleased.


Surely God is nothing but love, as seen so mercifully by the appearance of such beautiful scriptures. To wait upon the appearance of this love to manifest in the heart, must by the pinnacle of life for souls.


Just a humble opinion.


About Krishan living Radha, a sincere devotee cannot question that to krishna. Krishna's position is very very subtle , difficult to understabd with the normal human mind. Which makes nothing other than the so called distinction with the lviving entity. The following verse from gita makes more sense of what I am trying to say in the above lines





janma karma ca me divyam

evam yo vetti tattvatah

tyaktva deham punar janma

naiti mam eti so 'rjuna








Lord's activities are transcendetal so are his activities involving leaving radha. You can question them then you are bringing krishna to the normal human being level






Hari hari bol


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There is definitely siddhanta that can explain the esoterics of the Divine and you can look it up online, written by those much more scholarly than myself.

One of my areas of academic training and expertise is in the Expressive Arts, so my appreciation of Hinduism is colored through that lens filter.

My personal feeling is that if there is a God/dess, how much S/He must love us: how patient and kind. And if there is a God/dess, then how well S/He must understand us: the entire range of human nature, foibles and all.

And how sweet it is! that They would understand us so well and so intimately the full range of human nature, that they would gift us with these kathas.

I like the Gaudiyas' idea that if there is a God/dess then S/He must enjoy laughing, joking, singing, dancing, and telling stories as much as I do.

And I like the Gaudiyas' idea that if there really is a Supreme Personality of God/desshead : then as above, so below...the Chick is really the one in charge, and just lets the Guy act big and talk big and think that He is.

Classic! Gotta love it!

Stunning and beautiful in expressing your point of view, how nice a talent to possess.


the Chick is really the one in charge, and just lets the Guy act big and talk big and think that He is
Watch most any critter in the globe; same thing but nice to see this wisdom shared.

Although there may be some difference of opinion on the perspective of God, who could interrupt this logic and care towards scholarly pursuits and understanding. Soon you will know ‘him/her’ as a local immediate presence once you see ‘him/her’ as of everything. To know this Love, tenderly, help a child know a butterfly, today and see into ‘his/her’ eyes. Kiss your parents on the cheek and tell them you are thankful and your whole body will immediately know the compassion and Love of God. Walk in these footsteps and be always of knowing.

I must say these are the kids who will be our future. Thank you and keep that sparkle. My name is Todd please if there is anything I can offer, I would be honored.

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The idea that Krishna's pastimes with Radha should be higher than the range of human intellect or something so subtle (that we cannot understand it) seem useless to me. Why would sages bother to write something that could not be understood by people? Are not people what make up a religion?


To me, the idea that Krishna did not love Radha any differently than you and I seems ultimately more beautiful than elevating their love to something different. Yes, Krishna is the source of all godly affection, but why couldn't he love? Didn't Rama do so? By your definitions, if he is everything, than surely he is the romantic love of every giggling couple in this world.


One of the many reasons people disagree with Krishna's base affections for Radha is that he wasn't married to her - and that He is God, afterall. What better way to identify with God than to realize that He too loved?

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About Krishan living Radha, a sincere devotee cannot question that to krishna. quote by Krsnadasa



You can question them then you are bringing krishna to the normal human being level. quote by Krsnadasa

janma karma ca me divyam

evam yo vetti tattvatah

tyaktva deham punar janma

naiti mam eti so 'rjuna bg 4.9

translation: One who knows the transcendental nature of My appearance and activities does not, upon leaving the body, take his birth again inthis material world, but attains My eternal abode, O Arjuna.

Dear Krsnadasa, could you please explain a little more to me what you mean by, question them? I can't quite get what you mean by the word question?

Could you kindly explain so that my understanding may develop and grow a little.


I think that knowing the transcendental nature of Krsna and the relationships he has with his associates in great depth, would be an amazing realisation. And a great grace.


Honestly I have not realised a speck of this knowledge. So I depend on what the acarya's and scriptures say about the transcendental nature of God.

But I do know in my heart, that Goloka and the love therein, must be working on a totally different principle than this material world based on gratification. Transcendental to this material world, untouched by this external energy. I know this by, faith.



Edited section: Now I think I know what you mean Krsnadasa: we should not query (question) Krsna why he left Radha. Is this what you mean?

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The Miracle of Mahaprabhu

by the Grace of Srila B.R. Sridhara Maharaj


Gaura lila is not only in a part of history occurring once, it is not like that. At a certain time in the day of Brahma the creator, in every kali-yuga there comes the yuga-avatara to preach the Name only. Then once in the day of Brahma in the 28th yuga, there is a selected time in Nabadwip for Gauranga to approach, and when in Vrndavan it is Swayam Bhagavan, Krsna coming. So what comes to us if we can enter with that particular part of our self, that can really appreciate and understand its affinity with His play, that is eternal lila. If we can enter into that we will find that grace of such infinite value. To appreciate the value of the treasure being given we must try to understand the environment of everything by qualitative reference. The standard of examining things that is very important for us. Some will say, "Oh this is just another story, Gaura lila, history, by some chance came once. There are many who belittle Gaura lila and there are some who are highly appreciative of His advent. So many sections are there in the Name of the Lord.

Chaitanya Mahaprabhu thought the people in general may take him as an ordinary man so He thought I have come to deliver the fallen souls, if they commit offence to Me there is no chance.” So He decided to take the dress of sannyas. Which is highly respected in India.

“A glass of water is valuable according to the degree of necessity.” Necessity is greater in separation, where there is hunger for a thing. From 7 years up to 12 years Krsna stayed in Vrndavan. He stayed in Dwaraka up to 125 years of age, so their whole life the gopis were in long standing separation. So the opposition side in the Vrndavan lila was coming from Mathura.

In Gaur-lila and Krsna-lila there is a similar parallel, Krsna’s life is similar to Mahaprabhu leaving Nabadwip. Mahaprabhu returned after 5 years conquering different scholars, the masses approached Him, crossing the Ganges the whole river was filled with human heads. And the whole jungle was cleared where they pushed forward to receive His dharsan, trodden down with their feet. First, eighteen years of scholarly life, then six years of sankirttan, He spent six years touring south India, six years in Puri with the devotees publicly, then twelve years retiring from public, tasting the separation from Radha- Krsna.


Eternal <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com><st1:City><?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns =<st1:place>Sunrise</st1:place></st1:City>

The sankirttan movement of Caitanya Mahaprabhu performed here over 500 years ago is still flowing and it may be possible to find somewhere in a corner of the solar system. That eternal sound is still flowing there with His figure and all His paraphernalia, the cause of all causes. This flow of vision that came here 500 years ago is also emanating, moving away. So with adjustment, greater speed, we can follow, we can find that Gaura-Nitya lila. Generally we cannot understand how the lila is nitya.

From this standpoint we can see the lila to be eternal. Just as the earth is moving everywhere there is morning. Here the sun is rising, then a mile off perhaps one minute after, the sun is still rising in another place, in this way the sun is always rising. If it were possible to catch a supersonic jet we could live in the constant rising of the sun, transforming our relative concept of the sun and time. So all the morning, <st1:time Minute="0" Hour="12">noon</st1:time> afternoon and evening, the sun is still rising here or somewhere else, so lila is also like that. It is coming here and passing away. That bhajan lila, finished here but in yet another place is beginning, and was previously extended from another quarter, simultaneously it is never ending in the Absolute sense. So everywhere, somewhere or other, every lila is eternally unfolding. Some are meditating on Krsna being born in <st1:City><st1:place>Mathura</st1:place></st1:City>, another devotee is worshipping Krsna with His mates keeping the cows in the jungle while others also have their relationships with Him in so many moods of devotion. If such thinking is possible in the heart of the devotee, it is all Krsna’s potency to reciprocate with all of his devotees eternally. So He is there in every moment at the centre of every atom, ever existent. His lila is of such infinite nature, He can express Himself everywhere in every mood in every possible aspect. It cannot be finalised, it cannot come under limitation. That is the characteristic of the infinite. Not only Krsna lila is nectar, but every part of Krsna lila is nectar.

The fundamental conception of the infinite is such, it is not static it is dynamic. It is flowing and time and space cannot limit it. We are under time and space, but time and space all come from Him. He is above time and space and forms everything in this way. So Krsna lila is eternally flowing not only wholesale, but every part of His lila also. That is difficult to understand,. His pastimes are eternal, we may understand it in that way. But every part of lila that is also eternal and co-existing. Janma lila here, another lila there, in this way everywhere at every time, every one can have conception of any part. So we are given to understand the unlimited in our limited position by the grace of those agents of divinity, it is very peculiar. Adhoksaja means transcendental and aprakrta is very similar to the mundane but not mundane. Very similar to the material conception of the world, but still that is eternal. Adhoksaja means a particular type of consciousness which pushes down all the knowledge of our previous experience, quite a new thing, transcendental, it’s super-subjective.

Out of His sweet will He can enter your consciousness and you may feel, "Oh some new experience I am having within my consciousness and when He withdraws it, "Oh where did that go? I cannot find it, but I liked it very much, it was very sweet and made me exceptionally happy." That is adhoksaja. It is Absolute good. Coming in His connection nothing can remain atheist.


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More and more research is coming out from neuroscience, about why we choose who we love and why we love, and the varieties of love. Specifically there's been alot of research into what part of the brain is activated when one is experiencing thinking of the beloved. A certain part of the brain is activated. And why?


Basically we are animals, mammals, and we are programmed to reproduce the species. It would certainly be easier if God had wanted us to all be naistika brahmacari/nis and sannyasi/nis if we could just do cell division or grow a bud like Spongebob Squarepants can do, eliminating Spongebob's need to do anything other than karate sparring with his female friend Sandy Cheeks.




But we aren't programmed to do cell division to reproduce or sprout a bud. One scientific reason for this is, viruses and bacteria are so much more resiliant than human beings are. If we reproduced by split ourselves in half every few hours, then the viruses and bacteria would immediately take over, as one bacteria can make 8 million more in 24 hours.


We are wired so that there will be greater genetic variety by reproducing with another organism of our same species. These genetic variations help to ensure the survival of the species.



So we humans are very complex animals and some of us are subjected to extremely intense urges that are biological in nature, especially when we are young. Why? Not because we are sinful and bad and born from sin, but so the species can reproduce. I like the idea that God/dess is so loving that S/He understands that and even and thought ahead about what a frightening experience this would be for any sane rational teen or adult.


For someone raised to be good and to follow all of the rules and then: O-MI-GOD omigod omigod omigod: I have to have you!!!!...and then just play any teenaged angst song like Brandy's "Have You Ever Loved Someone?" ["Have you ever loved someone so much you can't sleep at night..."] and *sigh*.


That is sooooo scary of a thing to have happen to you: the infatuations that can pop up when you are doing everything in your power to be good. So I like the idea that God/dess thought ahead and "Hmmm: Well, if We are going to give Our human children these incredibly strong reproductive urges, Let's also put some stories out there to purify that strong impulse which is going to pop up and maybe even scare them with all of its strength and intensity."



Cuz really: who would reproduce if you knew what really comes afterwards?

Nagging, kvetching, tons of bills to pay, get your kid into the right school, teenagers rebelling, too busy working to even have sex anymore: oy vey!




Also in some cultures, the story of Radha and Krsna is a cautionary tale. There is a similar story in China/ Japan/ Korea to the Radha and Krsna archetype. How those cultures express the story is: even if you have very strong feelings for another person, it can hurt you and hurt the society if you

act on it. So it is better if you can restrain yourself and think about the consequences, like what happened in the story of XX and XY.


When you think about it: the Radha and Krsna story could be viewed as a cautionary tale as well. Now that it is the ONLY way to look at it, it is one

level on which the story works. It makes sense that this story might be told

by the elders to the younger generation in that same way that it is used in China, Japan, and Korea: to instill the values that the society's stability and well-being is more important than the individual's preferences.




Even so, I like the Indian version of the story. Each variation of the archetype reflects the society in which the story is told. You can see the many unique aspects of any given culture by examining the details in the story when it is shared, what prominence the story has in the society, and what the final outcome or moral of the story is.


I like how the many Indian versions, from the birthplace of Yoga, infuses the story and makes it into more than a morality play by infusing it from beginning to end with spirituality, and it's interesting to me how elaborately the story is honored, respected, and revered in certain geographical pockets of that culture in a way that cuts across all socio-political-economic barriers.

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So we are given to understand the unlimited in our limited position by the grace of those agents of divinity, it is very peculiar. Adhoksaja means transcendental and aprakrta is very similar to the mundane but not mundane. Very similar to the material conception of the world, but still that is eternal. Adhoksaja means a particular type of consciousness which pushes down all the knowledge of our previous experience, quite a new thing, transcendental, it’s super-subjective. Srila Sridhara Maharaja quoted by Sridas


I find this very intriguing?


I know I say this to you all the time Sridas, but truly these writings are wonderful. Very present coming from such a realised teacher.


Definition of peculiar : of one's own, belonging exclusively (to).


The above quote in a sense seems to confirm very clearly the reality of an individual jiva soul. In reciprocation with the super-subjective reality. Of the very presence of this super-subjective reality. Immanent yet transcendent. Relationship. Descending.

Minimising greatly the desire to merge into oneness and lose one's individuality, but increasingly nurturing the sense of individuality and devotion and relationship. Bhakti.



Out of His sweet will He can enter your consciousness and you may feel, "Oh some new experience I am having within my consciousness and when He withdraws it, "Oh where did that go? I cannot find it, but I liked it very much, it was very sweet and made me exceptionally happy." That is adhoksaja. It is Absolute good. Coming in His connection nothing can remain atheist. Srila Sridhara Maharaja quoted by Sridas.
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You just can't help being honest Bij, so many feel the same thing when hearing divine revelation from such a God realized Mahatma, and who, at the same time can express this adhoksaja plane with such authority and sweetness for which he is renouned.

We have been advised to hear from such souls with open subservience so that transcendental reality... Absolute Truth will be happy to grow and play in our heart, to let the inconceivable become conceivable, via the vehicle of Sraddha, thereby purifying our consciouness and changing our hearts forever.



guru-mukha-padma-vakya, cittete koriya aikya,

ar na koriho mane asa

sri-guru-carane-rati, ei se uttama-gati,

je prasade pure sarva asa


It's obviously most valuable to follow the directions of these glorious souls.

Travelling where the saints have trod, as then we are not likely to tread on the myriad land mines that are scattered thruout this material world. What to speak of the nectar to be shared from service to their divine instructions.

If you are fortunate to get access to Srila Guru Maharaj's discoarses on Cd or DVD, there are so many revelations therein, where he describes this Adhoksaja plain in depth. Very enlightening, sharing some of his own personal experience in intimate company.

Dandavat pranams to your interest Prabhu

Yours in Guru vaisnava seva




I find this very intriguing?


I know I say this to you all the time Sridas, but truly these writings are wonderful. Very present coming from such a realised teacher.


Definition of peculiar : of one's own, belonging exclusively (to).


The above quote in a sense seems to confirm very clearly the reality of an individual jiva soul. In reciprocation with the super-subjective reality. Of the very presence of this super-subjective reality. Immanent yet transcendent. Relationship. Descending.

Minimising greatly the desire to merge into oneness and lose one's individuality, but increasingly nurturing the sense of individuality and devotion and relationship. Bhakti.

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Neuro science is off because the model still considers chemical reactions and ionized material movement versus energy exchanges; the model is wrong! In fact all associations of living things are incorrect and I have spent a lifetime to prove it and why this will be the unifying framework because once this is universally shared, all the walls of separation will be lowered so we can see each other.


But we aren't programmed to do cell division to reproduce or sprout a bud. One scientific reason for this is, viruses and bacteria are so much more resiliant than human beings are. If we reproduced by split ourselves in half every few hours, then the viruses and bacteria would immediately take over, as one bacteria can make 8 million more in 24 hours.

the human intestine alone sheds and replaces 100 billion cells daily (24 hours)

So we humans are very complex animals and some of us are subjected to extremely intense urges that are biological in nature, especially when we are young. Why?
Instinct. The same path of ‘life’ in all cases; purposed to continue.


Not because we are sinful and bad and born from sin, but so the species can reproduce. I like the idea that God/dess is so loving that S/He understands that and even and thought ahead about what a frightening experience this would be for any sane rational teen or adult.
Thought? Comes from brain matter, show me another physical case of thought, please.

For someone raised to be good and to follow all of the rules and then: O-MI-GOD omigod omigod omigod: I have to have you!!!!...and then just play any teenaged angst song like Brandy's "Have You Ever Loved Someone?" ["Have you ever loved someone so much you can't sleep at night..."] and *sigh*.
Chocolate has the same effect on some people but I will agree that urge to continue or reproduce is about as strong as any single operative anything alive will ever have. Just think the male black widow spider dies to reproduce but does it willingly. Not to mention protecting an offspring by most species.

That is sooooo scary of a thing to have happen to you: the infatuations that can pop up when you are doing everything in your power to be good.
And be happy a “pop’ occurred or you would not be here suggesting God does not want us to reproduce. Like I said before, rules apply to all, if it was not good then why would we enjoy it so much, (hard wired) if the rules are to be absolutely followed; then the next generation is doomed! The key to understand the old teaching is that this ‘effect’ must be moderated by our consciousness and compassion to not allow this to be over indulged because this pursuit will result in a rude abusive set of unbridled instinct.


So I like the idea that God/dess thought ahead and "Hmmm: Well, if We are going to give Our human children these incredibly strong reproductive urges, Let's also put some stories out there to purify that strong impulse which is going to pop up and maybe even scare them with all of its strength and intensity."
God is not on a separate thrown, ‘thinking’ about anything. It was men who saw that the reproductive “instinct” of this beast “man” can be quite cruel and violent. Look at most animal on the globe, reproduction ‘rights’ are what causes most all conflicts in nature, of course second to just eating.


Cuz really: who would reproduce if you knew what really comes afterwards?

Nagging, kvetching, tons of bills to pay, get your kid into the right school, teenagers rebelling, too busy working to even have sex anymore: oy vey!

selfish beasts aren’t we. Each of them listed are the selfish thoughts of a person. Oh poor me! Yet you would die for that off spring in such an immediate reaction, because to continue your existence is hard wired by the total, God 'himself.'

It makes sense that this story might be told

by the elders to the younger generation in that same way that it is used in China, Japan, and Korea: to instill the values that the society's stability and well-being is more important than the individual's preferences.

It is why reproduction is absolute lest there would be no society. The ills of men are the selfish afflictions we do to another for selfish purpose but as God is compassionate and we have this direct ability, we must be compassionate to others with care and consideration, but that does not mean abstain from a necessity to continue life.

How can such a beautiful thing be bad ever, if compassion is kept? All the other items are selfish whining; I don’t want kids, school, feeding them, responsibility to nurture and teach.

What if your parents thought this way, God would never reside within to see this beautiful existence from your eyes and you would not be here. Think! The truth is easy once you release the preconception previously imposed. Just another oppressive ideal theology has created, it’s basic common sense.

Because it must be known with absolution; God is not ignorant. The total is why we are here, man is ignorant to ‘think’ he knows what God’s ‘thoughts’ are just because man cannot understand.

I like being aware of my weaknesses and I deal with them but it is just stupid to think God is back tracking on the evolution. We are conscious, we know what is good and bad and when I need help I sit in humility and contemplate removing the self for understanding within compassion. If you want the truth, sit with the total and allow the truth to be known.


Out of His sweet will He can enter your consciousness and you may feel, "Oh some new experience I am having within my consciousness and when He withdraws it, "Oh where did that go? I cannot find it, but I liked it very much, it was very sweet and made me exceptionally happy." That is adhoksaja. It is Absolute good. Coming in His connection nothing can remain atheist.

Always there but I like this representation. I see it as in humility of just being, the total is known and never a lie but with true knowing of this being. We become a part of the total instead of a separate selfish thing.

And as time goes by and the ability to remove the self you can live with this always. Now this can be seen of every sect of God’s children.

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