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My stone hearted lord Krsna

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It seems that you seem to be more attracted to the brahmajyoti part of the Supreme Lord. I do not wish to hinder your faith in any way but first let me explain something. Do you know when you see a picture of Lord Krishna or Lord Visnu, there is a circle of light at the back of the head? This is brahmajyoti. If you want to merge in the brahmajyoti, you lose your independence. You are simply merged. It is not a very sweet experience. Besides, you can fall to the material world from the brahmajyoti. The soul's natural propensity is to enjoy. But in the brahmajyoti, what will you really enjoy? To enjoy you need two people and begin a relationship. Only if you have a relationship will you be able to enjoy. But in the brahmajyoti, there is no one to strike up a relationship with. So many times, people desire to enjoy within the brahmajyoti and they fall down to the material world to fulfill their desire. Do you still wish to merge in the Brahmajyoti? Yes, it is a type of liberation but there is no taste in it. If you want to be liberated then it is my humble opinion that you should choose something in which you will have a sweet and interesting relationship with the Lord in the spiritual world. What I mean by the spiritual world should not be very hard to understand. Let me explain. Beyond this world (called Bhu loka, or earth), there are heavenly planets. Bhuva loka, Swarga loka (who's ruler is Indra), Mahar loka (abode of celestial rishis), Jana loka (place for tapasya), Tapa loka (place for vigorous tapasya and Satya loka (abode of Lord Brahma). There is also Rudra loka (the place of residence of Rudra, an expansion of Lord Siva) and Dhruva loka (polestar). Above all this is the Viraja River which separates the material world from the spiritual world. Meaning that below the Viraja river birth, death, old age and disease WILL occur. Above the Viraja starts the spiritual world. First comes Mahesh Dham, the abode of Lord Sadasiva, the purest form, original form of Lord Siva. Above that is Vaikuntha, the abode of Lord Narayana and his incarnations such as Vamana, Nrsmha, Kalki, Matsya, Kurma etc. Above even Vaikuntha is Ayodhya, the abode of Lord Rama and his associates. Above Ayodhya is Dwarika, the abode of Krishna in total opulence. Above Dwarika is Mathura, where Krishna is but not in so much opulence. And above all this is Goloka dham where Krishna resides with the gopis, his cowherd boy friends, and his mother and father Yashoda and Nanda Baba. If you take a look at the formation of the spiritual world - Vaikuntha and onwards- you will see that the progression is due to more sweetness in the loving relationships between the Lord and his devotees. In Vaikuntha there is simply awe and reverence. In Ayodhya there is a lot of awe and reverence but there is some sweetness also, like the love of Lakshman, or Mother Kaushalya etc. Dwarika has an even higher degree of sweetness. Krishna has such intimate relationships with friends like Arjuna, Uddhava etc. But Mathura has even a higher level. There is so much opulence in Dwarika. But in Mathura Krishna is not yet very king-like and therefore opulence is no hindrance in the people's love. In Goloka this love reaches it's peak. There is not a tinge of awe and reverence. Krishna's friends will climb Krishna's back and give much pleasure to Krishna, something that would not be even thought of in Dwarika. So this is called the spiritual world. I told you before that is my humble opinion that you choose something like this. Let me explain me statement. It is not that you will be actually able to choose, but you can shape your life so that you pretty much know in which direction you will go. If you wish to go to Ayodhya of the spiritual world, then you can devote this life to Lord Rama so that you will be able to go there. And when it is time to leave the world, you can think of Lord Rama, and you will definitely go there. In this way, you can live in the spiritual world and have a loving relationship with the Lord and be free from the worry of falling down, because falling down from the spiritual world is impossible. I hope I have helped you out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh sorry, I read your post again. It seems that you know that there is something beyond the brahmajyoti, and of course you are right. With all due respect to Vivekananda, he is a staunch impersonalist and impersonlists and Vaishnavas do not get along. The impersonists goal is to merge into the brahmajyoti when they leave their present body. They say when you are meditating on the word OM, you leave your present body and meet with the supreme and then return to the same body again. And their final theory (which I believe is rediculous) is that we are all God and right now we are in maya, so we have forgot that we are God. After chanting OM for a long time, we will get rid of our maya and we will realize that we are the Supreme Lord Himself. Now my question is- Is God capable of getting entagled into maya? Maya is the Lord's own servant and she works to entrap the jivas in her net of illusion on the Lord's order only. It is not possible for the Supreme Lord to get entagled in maya. Only the jivas can, from Brahmaji down to the lowly ant. The mayavadis have some good explaining to do. Their theories are mostly baseless, and therefore are very speculative. I am not a harsh person as it seems it my speech, however I am very strong about defeating the mayavadis. I am a humble servant in the Gaudiya Vaishnava line and I should take some burden in continuing to preach what the Supreme Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu did. And trust me, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu didn't let the Mayavadis preach at their will and mislead people. Lord Chaitanya was so merciful and he converted the staunch Mayavadi Prakasananda Saraswati and all of his mayavadi followers and brought them to the lotus feet of Lord Krishna.


Hare Krishna. Nitai Gaura Premanande Hari Hari Bol.

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  • 2 weeks later...


  riih.qarojamahoamaan said:
i have asked this question several times before but no one has answered. every religion has a form of devil, the chief of all evil powers and the chief of darkness. in persian religion it is ahriman, in islam it is seytan, and so on.

the question is timely, because we said that happiness depends on obeying god's law. then my clever friend will ask why people who disobey god's law are more happy. the obvious answer is that those who disobey god's law obey devil's law and get their reward for it. while god is hardly worshipped in deed in this era, they say they worship god but in practice they worship devil. SO THE QUESTION IS CRITICAL, PLEASE ALL WISE DEVOTEES ANSWER: WHAT IS THE HINDU FORM OF DEVIL?


Well... the Hindu name for evil is "Mara" if that helps... there are demons and such within Hinduism, but none of them are given the... importance (?)... that the devil is given within Judeo-Christianity, God is all powerful, so any foe (e.g., Mahishasura) is annihilated immediately by God or one of God's devotees (e.g., Mother Durga) and subsequently either: a) reincarnated, or b) liberated by God's mercy... the "devil" isn't really a problem for Hindus :D

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  • 1 month later...

THe devil is within you in the form of your vasanas. This is the devil. I read an excerpt once on how we have the manifestations of both Ravana and Rama within us and it clearly explained that Ravana was a demon with 10 heads. He stood for all the ten vasanas associated with man. kama, kridh, lob , moha, etc. When Rama comes out of us through service and prayer our demons/devils whatever you want to call them are destroyed. Isn't that what the devil does in other religions: cause the human mind to wander and be immoral. Every Ayodhya has a manthra and every Lanka has a Vibhishan so in short our devil is right inside us and you have the power to kill it too. This is the most sensible definition of the devil I have for you.


Jai Shri Krishna

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Yes, what you say makes good sense.

It's a pity that the person who started this thread has not appeared again.

If possible, give me a list of all the 10 vasanas.

In case you forgot, this is the darkest part of Kaliyuga, so Kali is impersonating all evil, and prevails everywhere (even in this forum).

The 4 regulative principles are meant for avoiding strengthening Kali.

When people strengthen Kali, Kr,s,na cannot weaken it.

To pray to Raama, Kr,s,na, that is prayer with selfishness, we pray to live well or go to the spiritual abode. So i m thinking that the Saawitrii Gaayatrii is best of all, because it prays for US, not for MYSELF. It is a prayer for all creatures, and they say it brings the end of Kaliyuga.

Remember what Shiva says to Kr,s,na:

"Dharma is your heart".

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So here are the ten shortcomings in humans:











On this I would also like to make the note that no one is free from these but you can always try to do a self study and try to rid yourselves of these demons. Pray for humanity and judge yourself before others.

I have so much to say about Kaliyug but I'll leave that to another thread.

I appreciate the feedback thank you for excepting my work and please correct me if I may have posted something incorrect.


Jai Shri Krishna

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sopatel, i cannot correct you, for i could not find a mistake in what you say. I would add that the 10 commandments of the Jewish Bible are meant for amending the 10 human shortcomings. Those 10 commandments are based on 2 basic principles emphasized by Jesus: Love God, love your nearby person.

Of course you know the song for Kalki

"kharatara warashara dasha-bala-damana". Why is He called dashabaladamana? obviously because he defeats the 10 evil powers, each symbolised by a head of Raavana. Evil has got powerful weapons, but God has better weapons, that is why he is called wara-shara, and kharatara (stronger than everyone).

We can talk endlessly about Kaliyuga. The important point is that Vaisnavas want to fit confortably in it, instead of working and fighting to change it into Krtayuga. It is more honest to openly worship Kali than saying you r a Vaisnava but not fighting for the all round prevalence of dharma. If i m sincere i must say: no, we do not fit! God's will must be done ON EARTH, AS IT IS IN HEAVEN. Have you ever heard that "THY WILL BE DONE ON EARTH TOO, AS IT IS IN HEAVEN".

i apologise if there is some aggressiveness in what i said.

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Everyone has a different approach, but for me its self study with neutrality. When I look at my actions and behaviour I think, if I behave this way, what to except of others. Kaliyug is in us like it was in the crown of the great Pariksit. No one if perfect, but Krishna's in us so we can't all be bad either. If we take on the whole world we are no different than missionaries but take on the task of improving yourself then you are a real vaishnav. Its not selfish, you will notice that when your attitude is one of peace and love for the supreme than even non-believer around you want your company because they feel at peace with someone who Loves Krishna.

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  riih.qarojamahoamaan said:
Yes, what you say makes good sense.

It's a pity that the person who started this thread has not appeared again.

If possible, give me a list of all the 10 vasanas.

In case you forgot, this is the darkest part of Kaliyuga, so Kali is impersonating all evil, and prevails everywhere (even in this forum).

The 4 regulative principles are meant for avoiding strengthening Kali.

When people strengthen Kali, Kr,s,na cannot weaken it.

To pray to Raama, Kr,s,na, that is prayer with selfishness, we pray to live well or go to the spiritual abode. So i m thinking that the Saawitrii Gaayatrii is best of all, because it prays for US, not for MYSELF. It is a prayer for all creatures, and they say it brings the end of Kaliyuga.

Remember what Shiva says to Kr,s,na:

"Dharma is your heart".


If we pray to Krishna or Rama to deliver all creatures in the world that would not be selfishness. Actually Vaishnavas should not pray to go to the spiritual world. We pray that in whatever womb we may be born in in our next life, we should not forget the lotus feet of Rama or Krishna and we should engage in serving the Vaishnavas.

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  indulekhadasi said:
If we pray to Krishna or Rama to deliver all creatures in the world that would not be selfishness. Actually Vaishnavas should not pray to go to the spiritual world. We pray that in whatever womb we may be born in in our next life, we should not forget the lotus feet of Rama or Krishna and we should engage in serving the Vaishnavas.

Very well said. That was indeed the prayer of one of the 12 Mahajans - Prahlada Maharaja, when he said:


Naivodvije Para Duratyaya Vaitaranyas

Tvad Virya Gaayana Mahaamrta Magna Chittah

Shoche Tato Vimukha Chetasa Indriyaartha

Maayaa Sukhaaya Bharam Udvahato Vimudhaan


"O best of the great personalities, I am not at all afraid of material

existence, for wherever I stay I am fully absorbed in thoughts of Your

glories and activities. My concern is only for the fools and rascals

who are making elaborate plans for material happiness and maintaining

their families, societies and countries. I am simply concerned with

love for them." - SB 7.9.43

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  skp said:
Very well said. That was indeed the prayer of one of the 12 Mahajans - Prahlada Maharaja, when he said:


Naivodvije Para Duratyaya Vaitaranyas

Tvad Virya Gaayana Mahaamrta Magna Chittah

Shoche Tato Vimukha Chetasa Indriyaartha

Maayaa Sukhaaya Bharam Udvahato Vimudhaan


"O best of the great personalities, I am not at all afraid of material

existence, for wherever I stay I am fully absorbed in thoughts of Your

glories and activities. My concern is only for the fools and rascals

who are making elaborate plans for material happiness and maintaining

their families, societies and countries. I am simply concerned with

love for them." - SB 7.9.43


Wow that was exactly in my mind when I wrote my post!

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  indulekhadasi said:
Wow that was exactly in my mind when I wrote my post!

Krishna is present in the form of Paramaatma inside each one of us and He is surely connecting each and every one of us.


As spoken by Krishna:


Mattah Parataram Naanyat Kinchid Asti Dhananjaya

Mayi Sarvam Idam Proktam Sutre Mani Gana Iva


"O conqueror of wealth [Arjuna], there is no Truth superior to Me.

Everything rests upon Me, as pearls are strung on a thread."

- BG 7.7

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God (Krsna) is perfect; it is we who are imperfect.

When we suffer, it is because we are reaping the effects of karmic seeds sown in the past life.


God creates this world for those who want to rebel against His laws.

We come here because we want to enjoy heaven without God.

This is a criminal mentality.

So should we wonder why the world is so corrupt when it is full of criminals?


The way out is to worship His Holy Name with love and devotion.

Performing pious activities according to the directions of the scriptures will bring all kinds of happiness.

But rejecting all material benedictions, we should continue our one-pointed devotional service until He appears, accepting our service and recognizing us as His devotee.


That is the solution to all problems and the ultimate goal of human life.

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  • 3 weeks later...


  sopatel said:
So here are the ten shortcomings in humans:











On this I would also like to make the note that no one is free from these but you can always try to do a self study and try to rid yourselves of these demons. Pray for humanity and judge yourself before others.

I have so much to say about Kaliyug but I'll leave that to another thread.

I appreciate the feedback thank you for excepting my work and please correct me if I may have posted something incorrect.


Jai Shri Krishna


Krishna killed these wicked qualities who were in forms of demons such as Kesi, Aghasura, Trnavarta, Putana etc.


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  • 2 months later...

He was always there when you needed him, it is you who didnt realise and believe in his blessings. A medicine is bitter to taste at first but it is what cures disease. The person who sits in exam studies while others play.Lord always helps he will never give you junk food to harm you, but bitter medicine to cure you of worldiness.

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  tackleberry said:
Krishna is busy having fun with the gopis. He doesn't have time to listen to your sad story.

Time, space and natural law are limitations for creatures, but not for the creator of the universe.

Remember what Jesus said: "nobody has more love than to give his own life for his friends, as i m now doing for you".

If Jesus has such love, do you think Krsna has less?

Who are the gopis? If you love Krsna as much as the gopis, you r a gopi. If you love him as his friends do, you r his friend. A man can love Krsna as much as a woman can, because Krsna is in women too. The beloved element in everything loved, is Krsna.

He said "i m the servant of my devotees", and this is fun for him too, because Krsna is love is the source of all that exists and of all ability.

I myself resented Krsna and found many faults with him. Now i realise that those who are supposed to worship him are too often fakes, faults are with them but not with Krsna.

Too many people pretend to be his devotees, and they are to blame, but Krsna is not to be blamed for anything, so he is called Anagha.

I can give arguments for what i say, but first i must know how you came to your own ideas about Krsna, so as to see where the mistake is.

If you read this, you who started the thread, please say something. Or send a personal message. Nobody can help you as long as you don't explain what your problem is. This thread is for you, not for everybody other to present his / her theory.

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  pranay2 said:
He was always there when you needed him, it is you who didnt realise and believe in his blessings. A medicine is bitter to taste at first but it is what cures disease. The person who sits in exam studies while others play.Lord always helps he will never give you junk food to harm you, but bitter medicine to cure you of worldiness.



He is giving you a chance to be more dependent on Him and to strengthen your faith in Him. This is wonderful opportunity.


If you take things in this light, then you won't be so depressed.

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