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[StephenKnappNewsList] Answering Questions of a Muslim for DefendingDharma

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This is a great response to questions by a Muslim that were made to

criticize Hindus and followers of Dharma. What follows is the questions by the


Muslim and then the extensive response made by Paramakaruna, one of the


of the Vedic Friends Association. Please read and use this if every you need

to help defend Dharma against those who wish to criticize it.

Hari Om and Hari bol,

Stephen Knapp




Questions for Hindus


1. If scientists have proven that the world will come to an end (Day of


what will happen to all the Vedas followers who believe they will be reborn

into another life form _on this earth_ ? If there is no more life forms on

this earth, what will happen to them ?


2. If the Ancient Egyptians believed that their souls will go to Heaven, and

the ancient Egyptians had Scripture centuries before the Vedas, then why do

vedas followers claim their scripture is the oldest and therefore

reincarnation is the right way ?

3. Low caste members (untouchables) are born into certain families, for

example, everyone born into the Juppy family, automatically becomes a untouch

able. The woman in the Juppy family, Mrs. Juppy is the aledged door way for


people in previous lives who did not follow the Vedas to be born through Mrs.

Juppy and hence be also a untouchable like the rest of Mrs. Juppy's family


If Mrs. Juppy converts to Islam or Budduism which thousands are doing daily

in India, what then will happen to the enterance gate for the non-Vedas

followers to be reborn into?

If there are no longer any untouchables becuase of either conversion or

finacial fortune, then the entire caste system would collapse (as it slowly is


doing thanks to the help of humanitary workers.) then there would no longer be


a earthly Hell as the Vedas followers imagine, and no longer a reward or

punishment, why then are the Vedas gods not maintaining there reward and

punishment systems?

Inconclusion, if there are Two doors, (door A) and (door B) the good go to

(door A) and the bad go to (door B), what will happen to the bad if (door B)

becomes sealed up or has disappeared ?

4. If the Vedas followers desire Unity, why is it that they enforce a system

where their own members are divided into 5 levels where certain levels are

not allowed to talk to, eat with, or even Touch Other Vedas followers ?

5. How do Vedas followers claim they desire love and harmony when they think

it is Absolute Justice that fellow Vedas followers includeing women and

children die daily in India under the current caste system?

6. How is it a punishment to become a animal or a insect or a _tree_

(http://debate.org.uk/weboard/debate/messages/5997.html) if some people can


this to be a reward rather than a punishment ? As said before, Insects are

born They Fly, they Run, They Mate and they die, is that so bad ?

For example, Ants have the about 200 times their own body weight strength,

is it so bad to be that strong and Unified as ants are?

7. How is it a reward to be born into the world as children are screaming

and crying and live years before having any comprehension, and then to grow


and to again loose comprehension, where is the reward to be reincarnated

into that over and over?

8. Why would God show us the Many stars and galaxsies if we are only

limmited to this world over and over?

Why would God Direct our Attension to Heaven if we are only limmited to

earth ? Why would God make Heaven so appealing and so Majestic if we are never


leave from being born as earthly creatures over and over?

9. Would it not be a better reward to come back as a dolphin who has a

higher mental capabilites than humans ?

10. What would happen if I smash up every one of the 400 different statues

of Vedas gods, can those gods on earth protect themselves? What will be the

worst thing that can happen to me, to be reborn as a Muslim :-) ?

Copyright © Mohamed Ghounem

The Authors give Full Permission to Use the Above Material As Your Own for

Non-Profit Purposes.

The Response



Dear Mohamed,

First of all I wish you peace in the name of God, the Great, the

All-Powerful, the All-Knowing, and the All-Merciful.

Peace is the greatest gift of God, and the greatest treasure by which one

can understand and serve God.


Some friends have forwarded me part of your article (which I paste at the

end of my mail) and suggested that I should answer your questions.


I am warmly inviting you to better study and understand the teachings of the

Vedas, so that you will become able to better appreciate God's greatness.

In fact from your questions and from your exposition of what you consider to

be the "doctrine of Hinduism", it appears evident that you have only a very

superficial and indirect knowledge of Hindu/Vedic philosophy and theology.

I consider such shortcomings of yours to be due to your gathering

information from unqualified, ignorant and confused people, and I warmly invite

you to

improve your understanding by first-hand knowledge, accompanied by the proper

spirit of respectful inquiry.


Whenever one wishes to learn something, he must approach a qualified teacher

and listen carefully and respectfully to the proper knowledge, then make

sure he has understood correctly before passing judgments or criticising the

genuine Knowledge.

Unfortunately such an intelligent and mature approach is quite rare, and

therefore many people are facing so many disasters at personal and collective


It happens in all groups, and especially in these days we are all called to

improve the situation for the sake of collective peace and cooperation among



For example, people who do not really know the true and wonderful philosophy

of Islam and the sublime qualities of Allah may tell you (and other people)

very dangerous and immoral things such as follows:


1. indiscriminately destroying resources, killing, wounding and maiming

innocent people, including women, children, and even Muslim brothers/sisters in


terroristic acts is not only acceptable but it even accrues the religious

merits of a Muslim and is a bona fide religious activity

2. all those who are not accepting Mohamed as the ONLY prophet are sub-human

and have no rights; they are compared to untouchable stool and they should

be killed without any hesitation, tortured, humiliated, enslaved, exploited

and cheated; besides, the word given to a kefir has no meaning and it can be

broken at any time without any bad consequence

3. a woman who does not wear the veil can rightfully be raped, in fact

religious merit is accrued to Muslims who rape "unworthy" women (sometimes as a


punishment, even for someone else's faults); women who do not wear the veil can


also rightfully be attacked, wounded, maimed, tortured, etc in the name of


4. a raped woman (this means a person forced to sexual contact against her

will) is automatically guilty of adultery (in virtue of the rape) and must

therefore be punished by stoning, severe flogging etc (while the real offender


almost invariably goes free, unless 4 male who have been direct witnesses to

the fact agree to accuse him in court)

5. all women (including Muslim women) are never intended to have any human

right but are no better than animals, so they are not entitled to any personal


property, inheritance, capacity of witness or plaintiff in courts, legal

rights in marriage/divorce/motherhood etc

6. black people (i.e. people who are not of Arabic race) always remain

"inferior slaves" even if they embrace and follow Islam

7. the very act of killing and eating innocent and harmless animals accrues

one's religious merits

8. the forms of human beings and animals created by God are impure and their

depiction should be destroyed

9. torturing and maiming children for minor offenses is a religious duty

10. God is so limited and powerless that he can only have one name and one

prophet, and since he is incapacitated to the point of being unable to take

care of his own creation, men need to take things into their hands and control


the entire world in his name – destroying according to their own foolish whim

what God has created in his immense wisdom


I am sure that you agree that the above propositions are totally

anti-Islamic (in fact, blasphemous) and the people who propagate them,

sometimes even

posing as Muslim religious leaders, are actually creating a very bad name for

Islam, which is instead a very civilised religion, worshiping a merciful God

and preaching affection and solidarity between all those who have faith in the


All-powerful God.

And I am also sure that, as a sincere, active, faithful and concerned

Muslim, you are already working very hard to purify your religious community


such wrong ideas wherever they appear and to challenge the false authority of

those who propagate them.


After expressing this important point, I wish to directly answer your



1. If scientists have proven that the world will come to an end (Day of


what will happen to all the Vedas followers who believe they will be reborn

into another life form _on this earth_ ? If there is no more life forms on

this earth, what will happen to them ?

I believe you are grossly confusing the concept of the Day of Judgement with

the scientific theory of the cyclic universe (intended as the expanding and

collapsing of the universe).

If I am not mistaken, the doctrine of the Day of Judgment shared by all

Abrahamic faiths (or if you prefer, by the "peoples of the Book") says that

within a very short span of time (calculated in a few thousands of years only)


created world will suddenly be destroyed by God and all people (including

those who have lived and died in previous ages) will be judged as being "good"


or "bad". I have also been told that always according to the Abrahamic faiths,

the "good" will then be admitted to "eternal paradise", and the "bad" will

be dumped into "eternal hell".


Now, no scientist has ever proven or even tried to prove that such things as

paradise or hell exist, where they are, or if they are actually eternal, if

there will be any Judgement, where and how, and so on. Some foolish people

even say that all the people who lived and died in previous ages will be

resurrected in their own old flesh (that had rotten away centuries ago) to be


in the Judgement Day, when science teaches that all bodies are composed by

the same atoms that have previously been part of other bodies!


Regarding the Vedic version, I need to inform you that nowhere in the Vedas

it is said/written/surmised that souls must necessarily be reborn on this

Earth forever, either during the existence of this universe or after the end of


this particular universe.

Actually the Vedas teach that the purpose of human life is not rebirth on

Earth (or on any other of the billions of planets existing in the universe),


LIBERATION from material conditioning (called moksha).

Liberation from the cycle of births and deaths is the purpose of all the

Vedas, and someone who is unaware of this point is utterly ignorant of Vedic

knowledge and totally unqualified to state "what the Vedas teach".


Secondly, it seems that your scientific knowledge stops short of knowing

that many universes and many galaxies exist, and that scientists do not exclude


the possibility of a cyclic pattern in manifestations and destructions of

universes. In other words, there is not one single creation, but an eternal

cycle of creations and destructions over immense spans of time, calculated


billions of years. This is precisely the Vedic version.

Furthermore, it is stated in the Vedas that several different cycles of

destruction are regularly scheduled even within the duration of the universe –


they are called "partial destructions", comparable for example, to the Deluge

described in the Bible.

In such partial destructions only some planets are destroyed – something

that also modern scientists agree on: in fact, stars and planets are destroyed


daily within the general life-span of the larger universe, and some are even

being created in this very moment.

The Vedas actually describe with great detail and mathematical precision

such cycles of creation and destruction, and teach that at the complete

destruction of the entire universe (which includes the regions that Abrahamic


call "hell"), the souls who have attained liberation continue to live

happily in the spiritual world (which is never destroyed) while those who have


attained liberation remain in a dormant state and "take rest" until the next

creation is manifested. Something like summer holidays at school...

At that time they get a new opportunity for rebirth if they need to.



2. If the Ancient Egyptians believed that their souls will go to Heaven, and

the ancient Egyptians had Scripture centuries before the Vedas, then why do

vedas followers claim their scripture is the oldest and therefore

reincarnation is the right way ?


It is quite unusual for me to hear a Muslim quoting the authority of the

religion and scriptures of ancient Egyptians – I have always had the impression


that Muslims despised them as idolaters and ignorant non-believers!

So I am very happy to see that you deeply appreciate and respect them, and

bring them as examples of wisdom and proper information.

>From your studies on the religion of ancient Egyptians you must have

certainly learned that their "Heaven" was quite an earthly paradise, where they


would become gods among the gods, and enjoy life with many material pleasures.

I am happy to inform you that the ancestors of the ancient Egyptians took

this idea from the original Vedic knowledge and civilisation that once

flourished all over the world, and whose traces can still be found in many



The Vedas, which have been historically proven to be THOUSANDS of years

older than the ancient Egyptian scriptures, teach that in fact there is a

"Heaven" such as described by the ancient Egyptians.

In the Vedas, such a heavenly paradise is called Svarga, and it is described

as a higher planetary system within this material universe, where people

have wonderful, beautiful bodies that are free from disease and old age,


much greater powers than the ordinary material bodies we have on Earth, and

are virtually immortal, as they continue to live in the same handsome and

strong form for thousands of years.

According to the Vedas, the good people who accrue genuine religious merits

(in any genuine religion) attain this Heaven where they can enjoy the

greatest pleasures of life. However, this Heaven is also temporary and it is

destroyed at the end of a complete cycle of the universe (which is a very long



However, the Vedas also describe an immense Spiritual World (called

Vaikuntha) where the liberated souls (see previous point) live eternally,


by the destruction of this insignificant universe. The difference between

Vaikuntha and Svarga ("Heaven") is that in Vaikuntha people are not interested


in material pleasures but only in the love of God and in pure spiritual

realisation. Something that unfortunately many people are even unable to begin


understand because they have no love for God whatsoever, and in their Heavens

they rather prefer to dedicate their attention on wine and prostitutes than

on loving service to God.


This variety of situations described in the Vedas for what may happen to a

person after death does not contradict in any way the fact of reincarnation.

Reincarnation is not so much a "reward" for good and religious people, but

rather a second (and third, fourth etc) chance, or a series of classes just

like in school – so that in each life we get the opportunity to learn lessons

that we did not learn previously, or to perform the good deeds that we were

unable to do in previous lifetimes.

Any civilised school allows a mediocre student who failed the exams to

attend the same class again and again sit for the exam at the end of the



Actually, the option of reincarnation is THE BEST proof of God's compassion

and justice, while negating the concept of reincarnation amounts to nothing

less than blasphemy – as it depicts a cruel, immoral, unjust, whimsical and

foolish God who gives only a few short years to people, often in very


and disadvantaged circumstances (lack of intelligence, lack of good training

in moral values and in education, lack of good opportunity, etc) and then

condemns them to ETERNAL TORTURE IN HELL for "failing the test".

Why is that unjust? Because God makes some other people take birth in very

educated and well trained families, wealthy enough to guarantee all

necessities of life and even extravagant pleasures without any effort (what to

speak of

illicit/sinful enterprises such as stealing).

So why the discrimination?

If everyone starts from the same point, and God is the compassionate and

just Father of all, why does one take birth as the healthy son of a pious

religionist in a wealthy and powerful family, and another takes birth as the

crippled and foolish child in a family of hardened criminals who never heard


God and religion?


After all, if we believe that God is All-powerful (as in fact he is),

negating reincarnation amounts to stating that God is the only one responsible


the shortcomings of his creatures and for the unfavorable conditions in which

such creatures are forced to live, thereby determining their actions and

causing them to commit even serious mistakes and sins without having a real

opportunity for choice (and hence responsibility).

It should be easy to understand that reincarnation explains the good or bad

"start" at birth of each individual with the results of his previous acts in

previous lifetimes, and that each subsequent birth is "a further chance" that

God is offering to everyone who didn't make it the first time, just like a

good father patiently waits for his child to try something difficult again and


again, offering guidance and opportunities until he has learned it properly.

What kind of good compassionate father would condemn his child to eternal

horrible torture (such as those described in hell) for having failed a


task on his first attempt, maybe even without providing a decent guidance?

If even a human being, that you suppose to less intelligent than a dolphin,

is able to understand this meaning of compassion and show this minimum level

of affection to his children, how can the Great, All-Merciful, All-Powerful

and Infallible God be less compassionate than a mere fallible human being, and


less successful and intelligent as a father?


Reincarnation also easily explains many phenomena that would be impossible

to explain otherwise – such as extraordinarily talented children who seem to

know things before anyone has taught them anything, or who actually remember

events of previous lifetimes, places, etc, that are verified by practical and

scientific investigation.

Negating reincarnation, on the other hand, not only fails to explain these

very real and proven cases, but is also unable to explain WHERE the souls of

the people who lived and died from the creation of the world until the Day of

Judgment are supposed to wait for the "final day". Is there a waiting hall

somewhere between Earth and Heaven?

Are these people going to heaven or hell immediately after death? And if so,

what is the purpose or necessity of the Day of Judgment anyway?

>From what some foolish people say, the Day of Judgement seems to be a

pointless and absurd "big meeting" (where? is there any place big enough to

accommodate at the same time all the billions of billions of people who lived


past ages?) where people who died long ago just get back an old and rotting

material body so they can take it with them to heaven or to hell.

And why should they need to do that? If their old material body is required

to enjoy in heaven or to suffer in hell, what is the point of being in heaven

or hell after death but before the Judgment Day, as you don't have a

material body (not any more and not yet)?

Usually, when asked these "difficult questions", foolish people hide behind

the convenient concept of "mystery" to avoid explaining what is totally

absurd, pointless and unscientific.



3. Low caste members (untouchables) are born into certain families, for

example, everyone born into the Juppy family, automatically becomes a untouch

able. The woman in the Juppy family, Mrs. Juppy is the aledged door way for


people in previous lives who did not follow the Vedas to be born through Mrs.

Juppy and hence be also a untouchable like the rest of Mrs. Juppy's family


If Mrs. Juppy converts to Islam or Budduism which thousands are doing daily

in India, what then will happen to the enterance gate for the non-Vedas

followers to be reborn into?

If there are no longer any untouchables becuase of either conversion or

finacial fortune, then the entire caste system would collapse (as it slowly is


doing thanks to the help of humanitary workers.) then there would no longer be


a earthly Hell as the Vedas followers imagine, and no longer a reward or

punishment, why then are the Vedas gods not maintaining there reward and

punishment systems?

Inconclusion, if there are Two doors, (door A) and (door B) the good go to

(door A) and the bad go to (door B), what will happen to the bad if (door B)

becomes sealed up or has disappeared ?

4. If the Vedas followers desire Unity, why is it that they enforce a system

where their own members are divided into 5 levels where certain levels are

not allowed to talk to, eat with, or even Touch Other Vedas followers ?


Vedic society is actually composed not by 5, but by 4 main groups:

1. intellectuals and teachers,

2. administrators and warriors,

3. merchants and entrepreneurs, and

4. unskilled laborers and manual workers who need to be maintained by others

by means of a regular salary.


These social classes are natural divisions and also exist in all societies,

and in any society there is a natural tendency by which the children are

encouraged and expected to follow their parents' way of life and ideals.


I don't know where you got the concept that a "low caste member" can become

a "high caste member in Vedic/Hindu society" by making money ("financial

fortune") or even by conversion to Islam!

I was also not aware that everyone outside the Hindu society, and especially

in Islam (as you make the case for conversion to Islam) is equally wealthy.

Are there not rich and poor people among Muslims or other "peoples of the

Book"? Are all Bangladeshi Muslims as wealthy as the Sheiks of Saudi Arabia

because they are regularly receiving equal shares of wealth from their Muslim


Or are wealthy Bangladeshi and Kashmiri Muslims acquiring wealth by

illegally appropriating the lands and houses of Hindus, as I have heard?

You will certainly know this better than me...


However, it is very important to understand that in Vedic society membership

to a particular social class has nothing to do with one's money.

Moving from a degraded level of life to a high position in society by

acquiring money (especially if such "financial fortune" is not acquired by


means) is never the proof that a person has become respectable, or that he

has developed the qualities and activities described in the Vedas for the

members of the higher classes of society.

In fact, the highest class in Vedic society – the brahmanas – are often

described as NOT wealthy, and actually living a very simple and renounced life.


And even in modern Indian society, there are plenty of people from higher

"castes" who are in very financially disadvantaged situations and face great

problems in life because of their lack of funds – yet they are denied

opportunities instead given to wealthy persons from "lower castes", such as


education, government jobs, housing etc.

This is due to the ignorant and foolish propaganda of "humanitary workers"

who propagate stupid prejudice as if it were undisputable facts, and make

blind discriminations based on caste without actually checking the financial

situation of the beneficiaries.


Apart from that, your definition of "untouchables" as "low caste members" is

very incorrect and based on the imagination of ignorant people.

It is much more proper to define "untouchables" as "outcaste", or people who

do not belong to any of the "castes" of Vedic society because they have

impure habits of life, not following any purificatory ritual.

Would YOU like to be touched by someone who never washes his hands or takes

bath (even after going to the toilet)? I wouldn't – it's a simple and

valuable hygienic consideration.


Again, it is important to understand that in Vedic society, "untouchables"

are those who do not follow the Vedic regulations of cleanliness and pure life


habits, either by "family tradition" or simply by personal choice.

Of course people who are born from parents/families who disregard the Vedic

regulations of cleanliness and pure life habits are initially disadvantaged

because they do not get the proper training/teachings and they may even be

emotionally attached to their unclean "traditions" as a cultural or family

heritage, but reform is always possible and in fact recommended by Vedic

scriptures, where many examples are presented.

Nowhere in Vedic scriptures you will find that belonging to a particular

caste (or better, varna – since "caste" is a Portuguese word introduced in


by Christians and is nowhere to be found in the Vedas) depends solely on


On the opposite, Bhagavad gita and many other Vedic texts clearly explains

that one's belonging to a particular social class is determined by GUNA and

KARMA, i.e. qualities and activities.


Besides, the Vedas teach that the different classes of human society are

like the different parts of a body – the brahmanas the head, the kshatriyas the


arms, the vaisyas the belly, the sudras the feet. Can we think of a more

radical example of unity, than the example of a single living organism?

However, the example graphically shows that different groups of people

perform different duties according to their qualities and skills – I don't


you eat by using your feet instead of your hands, or you walk on your head

instead of using your feet, do you?


It is obviously impossible to concentrate the immense and perfect system of

Vedic society in a few lines, therefore I invite you to take the proper time

and opportunity to adequately get the correct information, so that your

misconceptions can be cleared before you accuse poor Mrs. Juppy of being a bad


woman (maybe we could say an impure kefir comparable to stool?).

I believe that much of your misconceptions about the Vedic system are in

fact distorted projections of your own ideas or ideas of people from your own

community: it is a very frequent occurrence, and it has created much


suffering and confusion, also preventing a real solution to the problems.


5. How do Vedas followers claim they desire love and harmony when they think

it is Absolute Justice that fellow Vedas followers includeing women and

children die daily in India under the current caste system?

Where is this extravagant notion coming from, and why are you presenting it

as an established and indisputable fact? Do you have any concrete examples?

I rather tend to believe that in India people die out of poverty because for

the last many centuries India has been sucked dry of her immense resources

by leeches and vampires of human appearance (but much less than human nature),


who preferred to steal than to cultivate or produce by their own work, and

who had nothing in their vocabulary that included the notions of "love" and


These "conquerors" were actually aggressive, imperialistic, violent,

ruthless, cruel and immoral rogues, plunderers and invaders, who constantly

destroyed anything on their path (especially religious places), and raped,


enslaved millions including women an children (and by "enslaving" I do not

intend merely as a figure of speech), stole away gold, jewels and anything

valuable and even stones to build their own golden cities in distant lands.

Before such uncivilised and despicable pirates and bandits came to India,

Indian people were so wealthy and prosperous that all travelers marveled at


fabulous land where people were so happy and enjoyed beauty, love and

harmony in such a pacific and refined way.


Furthermore, on the other hand I have heard about lots of "people of the

Book" killing each other daily in the name of religion, in various parts of the


world, including Palestine, Irak, Afghanistan, Indonesia, Darfur, etc, and now

even in western countries. Often it is even Muslims killing Muslim brothers –

as in the case of Sunni and Shiites. How does that happen? It seems it's

not even due to poverty, but rather it happens out of pure hatred. Do you know


if this is true?

And if it is, is this what Hindus are going to get when they convert to

Islam (by the thousands daily?)


6. How is it a punishment to become a animal or a insect or a _tree_

(http://debate.org.uk/weboard/debate/messages/5997.html) if some people can


this to be a reward rather than a punishment ? As said before, Insects are

born They Fly, they Run, They Mate and they die, is that so bad ?

For example, Ants have the about 200 times their own body weight strength,

is it so bad to be that strong and Unified as ants are?

9. Would it not be a better reward to come back as a dolphin who has a

higher mental capabilites than humans ?

Rebirth in a material body is never a "reward" but an opportunity for

attaining wisdom – something many people fail to realise, because of their


intelligence and bad training (and refusal to actually get the proper

information from the proper source).


I don't know who told you that according to the Vedas it is a punishment to

become an animal or an insect (BTW insects are also animals, I believe,

according to Zoology) or a tree.

In fact the Vedas teach the utmost respect for all living beings, because

all living beings are equally souls (jivatma)and divine spiritual energy


However, both science and Vedic knowledge recognise that the human form of

life is more evolved and capable of greater intelligence and accomplishments

than ants or dolphins.

Granted, many people who appear to have a human form of life are in fact no

better than animals, and in some cases they are even worse than animals, even

if they demand the highest respect due to human beings (and they show no

respect to animals).

And if such respect is there as you say it should be, why are animals,

insects and trees destroyed by Muslims without any hesitation and often without


any need?


In general, the system of reincarnation allows a gradual evolution of each

individual soul according to the development of the sense of positive

responsibility and understanding of God's plan. However, there are exceptions

in the

sense that some individuals misuse their human form of life and therefore

lose the benefits offered by such opportunity.


Regarding your statement that dolphins have higher mental capabilities than

humans, I can only wonder what kind of human beings are you accustomed to

associate with, or you have been taught to respect and follow!

In any case, if you want to be reborn as a dolphin or an ant because you

believe that such form of life offers more advantages or is more respectable

than human life, you may do so without any problem from Hindus... not from me


any case: be my guest! :-)


And after all, what is it to me or you, what others say?

Let's say that you live in a village where people believe that eating stool

is a reward and eating strawberries is a punishment.

Will I be so stupid as to start eating smelly stool full of microbes, and

throw away clean, fresh and sweet strawberries full of vitamins? No thanks, not


even if I happen to visit your village for some reason.

I have no problem with you being happy in eating stool in relish. As long as

your beliefs do not become a nuisance for me, and stool-vending stalls don't

spring up all along the streets of my village and around my house.

You may keep your delicious stool and I will keep my disgusting

strawberries... :-)

No need for competition or disharmony! You just don't call me a sub-human

and I don't call you an idiot, so everybody can finally be happy, loving and

harmonious. Just don't kiss me after your meal... or better, don't kiss me at

all! :-)

We can even make separate villages where all those who like eating stool

choose to reside and gather together in pleasant Festivals of the Best

Excrements, celebrating their superior way of life!

Then one day, if someone of them gets tired of stool and comes to inquire

what is that I am eating and if it is good, I will be happy to explain them

about vitamins and natural sugars and enzymes, and about microbes and toxins

too. I may even offer them a taste of strawberries and whipped cream,


cake, or strawberry jam on bread and butter.

And if they like, I'll tell where they can buy these fruits and even how to

grow them.

This is the proper behavior that the Vedas teach (param drstva nivartate): a

civilised respect for the way of life of others and benevolent disposition

to offer one's best to others, without attachment to the results. Therefore

Hindus do not go around forcing others to convert to Hinduism either by force,


by lying or by material allurement.


7. How is it a reward to be born into the world as children are screaming

and crying and live years before having any comprehension, and then to grow


and to again loose comprehension, where is the reward to be reincarnated

into that over and over?

The "reward" (or better, the valuable opportunity) offered by birth in the

world as a human being is the possibility of learning how to appreciate and

love God and do something good for the world and for others. This is a good

reason to wish to be born again (i.e. take a fresh body) when the old body has


become incapacitated by old age (if not by senility and idiocy).

Getting old and senile is a problem that has nothing to do with

reincarnation – actually it is a much worse prospect if one does not believe in


reincarnation, because one is likely to perform the final (and most

important/definitive) actions of his life (which will determine his eternity in

heaven or hell)

in the incapacitated condition of old age where one "loses comprehension".


In fact your question very nicely illustrates the life and level of

intelligence and accomplishments of an individual soul who has attained a human


but is not living as a true human being – very likely, the kind of people you

bring as example as "less intelligent than dolphins".

In civilised societies elderly people are supposed to become wiser, not just

senile, and children are cared for, and not left screaming and crying.

Actually not even birth requires screaming and crying, unless the baby is

"delivered" without the proper medical knowledge, respect and consideration for


his/her needs and the needs of the mother.

I don't know in which type of society you live, but it doesn't look that

good to me...



8. Why would God show us the Many stars and galaxsies if we are only

limmited to this world over and over?

Why would God Direct our Attension to Heaven if we are only limmited to

earth ? Why would God make Heaven so appealing and so Majestic if we are never


leave from being born as earthly creatures over and over?

This question seems to imply a deep confusion between "Heaven" and "stars

and galaxies". Is the Heaven of Muslims situated on some star or galaxy that we


can see in the sky at night, and observe with telescopes or space probes?

I was not aware of that. Is there any NASA photo of Muslims in Heaven

sitting on some star?


10. What would happen if I smash up every one of the 400 different statues

of Vedas gods, can those gods on earth protect themselves? What will be the

worst thing that can happen to me, to be reborn as a Muslim :-) ?

I am surprised to see that you show such a limited understanding of the

all-Powerful and Great God.

The Vedas clearly teach that all the divine forms of God are one and the

same God, and they exist eternally, and independently from a particular

representation in the form of a statue or painting etc on this planet.

Can you really spit at the sky? How will you reach it with your spite and

hatred? At most your spit can travel a little distance up in the air (which is


also part of the sky, but cannot be stained by your excretions) and then just

come down splashing on your head.

Do you really think that God can be limited within a statue, a stone or a


Is this why are you worshiping the Black Stone at the Mecca, or the Quran?

Is this why Muslims get balistic and go on blind rampages when someone makes

a cartoon of prophet Mohamed?

And what would happen if Israel or USA obliterated the Qaaba and Mecca with

an atomic bomb? In which direction would Muslims offer their namaz? Where

would they go in pilgrimage for the Hajj?


To answer your question, of what would happen to you if you destroyed sacred

symbols of religion and worship to God, I can tell you that you would

demonstrate to yourself, to the world and to God himself that you have no


and understanding for religious things and your nature is violent,

destructive, intolerant and foolish, unfit to be allowed to exist in a

civilised world.

By such an act you would destroy your own peace and the peace of your house

and people, because one who becomes an enemy of God can never have peace.

So all the good wishes for peace would become void and meaningless, and your

family, country and society would be torn by constant war, violence and



On the more immediate level of the result of your activities, if you

arrogantly smashed every one of 400 statues of Hindu Deities, in the very least


should be severely punished by the Government because it is a crime, just

like anyone should be punished if he invaded your house and smashed every one


the books you cherish and value, and every one of the photos and tokens of

your loved ones, family, friends and ancestors.


And in the presence of genuine Hindus, I believe you would never get the

actual opportunity to be able to smash even one of the 400 (or the few

millions...) "statues of Hindu gods", just like in the presence of a qualified


owner you would never get the opportunity to be able to break and enter and

destroy anything in anyone's house.

Thank God for armed security guards and the laws against trespassing! :-)




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