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Is Speech BraHman?

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Dear ALL :


may i share with you the following dialogue between sage NARADA and

Sanatkumara from Chandogya Upanishads ?


Speech as Brahman


Sanatkumar said: Speech makes one understand the Rig-Veda, the

Yajur-Veda, the Sama-Veda, the Atharva-Veda as the fourth, the epics…

the science of serpents, and the fine arts, as well as heaven,

earth, air, space, water, fire, gods, men, cattle, birds, herbs,

trees, animals, together with worms, flies and ants as also

righteousness and unrighteousness, the true and the false, the good

and the bad, the pleasant and the unpleasant.


Verily, if there were no speech, neither righteousness nor

unrighteousness would be known, neither the true nor the false,

neither the pleasant nor the unpleasant.


Speech, verily, makes us know all these. Meditate upon speech. He

who meditates on speech as Brahman can, of his own free will, reach

as far as speech reaches- he who meditates on speech as Brahman."




satsanghis! This is true ! When Sri HANUMAN spoke before Sri Rama aS

an envoy of Sugriva, this is what Sri Rama had to say :


"Sri Rama said:


He who has arrived here in my presence is a minister of Sugriva, the

high-minded chief of monkeys, whom alone (Sugriva) I was seeking.

Answering in sweet words with affection the aforesaid monkey

(Hanuman), who is a minister of Sugriva, knows how to speak and is a

true tamer of foes, O Lakshmana!


To speak in the way he has done is not possible for one who has not

studied Rgveda with an eye to its meaning, (who has) not memorized

Yajurveda and has no knowledge of Samveda either. Surely the entire

range of (Sanskrit) grammar has been studied by him in many ways, as

is clear from the fact that nothing has been wrongly worded by him

(even) though speaking a good deal. No fault of expression was

noticed anywhere in his face nor even in his eyes, nor again in his

forehead nor in his eyebrows nor in any one of his other limbs.


The speech from his bosom and articulated by his throat is marked by

absence of prolixity (too great length; tedious length of speech),

is unambiguous and unfaltering and does not make a grating

impression (on one's ears), uttered as it is in a modulated tone. He

utters a wholesome, distinct and remarkable speech, that is

grammatically correct, fluent and delightful to the mind.


Whose mind will not be rendered favourable by this wonderful speech,

which has its seat in the three articulating organs (viz., the

bosom, throat and head)? (To say nothing of others) the mind even of

an enemy with his sword uplifted will be made friendly thereby. How

can the progress of undertakings of a king in whose service no such

envoy exists actually meet with success, O sinless brother? By the

very pleading of an envoy, all the objects of a sovereign in whose

service there happen to be agents adorned with hosts of such virtues

are (surely) accomplished."




YeS! Dear All ! Time to come out of this collective 'mauna' tapas

and time to start speaking up on Veantic teachings ! True , in the

last few weeks, i guess members got tired of all the arguments and

conuter arguments on 'Samadhi', 'Siddhis' etc etc and decided to go

into a mode of 'resting in silence' ! Well, it is always good to

avoid pointless discourse and meaningless chatter as Tirukural says

but in a holy Satsangha like this if everyone is 'quiet' who is to

teach whom and who is to learn from whom?


in any case , i have always regretted my speech ( unsavory remarks)

but never my silence !



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